Re: [Win32] Apache 2.0.40-dev error compiling latest snapshots (mod_perl)

2002-07-07 Thread jlwpc1

From: "Bill Stoddard"

::  Index: mod_win32.c
::  && (strncmp(elts[i].key, "HTTP_", 5) == 0
::|| strncmp(elts[i].key, "SERVER_", 7) == 0


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Re: Apache/Mingw Build Hackathon 19:00Z Jul 1 @ #apr

2002-06-25 Thread jlwpc1

: I was hoping to do it as "cleanly" as possible, with no MSYS or
: to be able to stay just with the  windows cmd shell. If not I'd be
: Cygwin.

Yes, you can compile Apache with
any Windows C compiler with the
help of only Windows OS files.

Use the Windows built-in script engine
that is, cscript.exe or ( Windows Script
Host - WSH ) as it is called, using plain
VBScript or JScript files for any script
type needed work.

Send the VC++ DSP make files into WSH
scripts to create GNU makefiles and etc.!

These above scripts can even "run" in a HTA

Introduction to HTML Applications (HTAs)

for text boxes, radio and combobox selections,
and whatever GUI type stuff needed to pick the
compiler - BCC or MingW or Watcom or VC++.

Then compile and adjust the Apache source
code as needed  ( and it will be needed ).

WSH Samples:

Online The System Administration Scripting Guide

Script Center

New System Administration Scripting Guide Series on
TechNet: "VBScript Primer"

You will most likely hear that only the
Unix type tools can be used.

Good luck to you,

Win95 fails the Apache 2.0 beta

2001-11-19 Thread jlwpc1


Windows 95 B (FAT32)

D:\ap20\Apache2\bin>start apache -k start
A device attached to the system is not functioning.

An error dialog pops up:
Error Starting Program

The LIBAPR.DLL file is linked to missing export

Seems GetFileAttributesExA OSes are:

 Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
 Windows: Requires Windows 98 or later.
 Windows CE: Unsupported.

Seems Windows 95 uses 
GetFileAttributes only:

Windows 95:
The lpFileName string must not 
exceed MAX_PATH characters.
Windows 95 does not support 
the "\\?\" prefix.

Guess no one on this list has a Windows 
95 close by - I don't know why not!  :)


Is 2.0 out?

2001-11-10 Thread jlwpc1

"Covalent Technologies decides version 
2.0 is ready for prime time and sets the 
release of the long-awaited server software 
ahead of software from the larger Apache 
project itself." 



2001-10-18 Thread jlwpc1

From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   3. 9x is gone.  

>We will finally be able
>  to tell users to got to XP (at least the home edition) - same cost as 
>  the old 9x, and at _LEAST_ be working on the NT archtecture.  Throwing 
>  substantial effort at 9x is an utterly bogus waste of time, as it is
>  not an adaquate server architecture (as poor, unexpecting embedded-aol 
>  "Browser" users discover.)

When will "ASF people" announce
no Win9x in Apache 2.0 to the rest
of the world?

Seen the newest Netcraft report
concerning Windows having the
largest count of servers on the 

Might be good times ahead for
you Windows programmers!


Re: [PATCH] Cleaning mod_cgi.c

2001-09-11 Thread jlwpc1

From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Why is the above "odd or bad'?
> Just the syntax - args trailing %* (known to unix folk as $*), quoted %1 command, 
> Quite different from the Unix #!script-cmd :)
> > Have you used cscript.exe for Apache CGI yet?
> Of course - the simplest way (if you don't trust the registry association for
> security - which I don't) 

Well you are definitely using the wrong OS then! :)

Why are people changing stuff on your system?

>is to create a .wsh file in order to embed the shebang,
> since #! would be an error to .vb or .js script files ...

No No No!   A little story below.

It is .vbs for Windows Script Host not .vb ( Visual Basic).

One wants to learn JScript, because JScript is a big part of .NET.  VBScript goes away 
- gone and there will only be VB in .NET.
But what the hell - VBScript.exe runs now and in Apache fine!
If it gets the job done!

Now remember when Windows Script Host ( WSH )
came out it was for browser side only.  Those 
days are gone now.  WSH today is in services,
web servers, programs, and command line usage
(and ??secrets?? ).

If you use your below .wsh file, then there will be
a lot of files stored on the server. For each file 
called this way MUST have a .wsh and .script file
both with the same name.  Example: 


Makes for a lot of extra files not needed.

Instead of using .wsh files ( unless needed for extra
info - stored in the .wsh file, maybe), just set the server's
default for Windows Script Host  (shown below).

Anyway .wsf ( TestOne.wsf ) replace the
TestOne.wsh file and the TestOne.js file 
and with FULL xml "ways", but is over kill
for most everyday Apache Windows users. 
But Apache developers should be a doing WSF
type files for them!

> -- script.wsh ---
> #!CScript.exe "%1"
> [ScriptFile]
> Path=c:\web\cgi-bin\script.vb
> [Options]
> Timeout=10
> DisplayLogo=0
> BatchMode=1
> -- end script.wsh ---
> So yes - shebangs work even with cscript ;)

It does? 

The .wsh file above is a text file for checking
on WSH usage in the file. Cost time to make 
and time to run, then the file named the same
is ran.

What runs if the so called shebangs line is removed
in your .wsh file?

Does the CScript.exe or the .wsh file pay any attention
to the so called shebangs line? 

What if you put Perl.exe or php.exe there in the so
called shebangs line in the .wsh file - what runs?

I think here is the only shebangs line that works
for Windows Script Host.
#!C:/whatever/CScript.exe TestOne.js

But this is not needed (but works without Perl)!

Changing the Windows Script Host default.

Since it is for a server the simplest is this story.

Windows Host Script defaults to WScript.exe
for those Windows windows.  So for command
line default (like server usage) set the default
to CScript.exe and the timeout and the batch
mode and no logo on the same line (only needs
to be done once).  

CScript.exe //Nologo //T:0 //H:CScript.exe //B //S

Later if you want those Windows windows to pop up
with Windows Script Host call WScript.exe instead
of CScript.exe on your server command line (not 
through the server though - for this use WinHTTP).
Or write a JS file to change defaults back and forth.

WinHTTP (usable in services) is the server version 
of xmlHTTTP (not service usable) which uses WinInet 
in browsers .  But WinHTTP was designed to be used 
in services, but only Windows 2000 and up!  Microsoft 
unlike Apache has stopped ALL Win9x Internet server 
usage ways but not internet clients - like increased Unicode 
access for Win9x programs (over 400 functions)!

So anyway then can the CScript %1  go away?

What happens now that the Windows Script Host
default as been changed to CScript.exe and using
ScriptInterpreterSource and you go to:






Or all the other .names that Windows Script Host runs?

How is the speed compared to PHP, PERL, JSP and etc?

My hint is learn xml and use .wsf files written in JScript.

Also try WinHttp (second beta) for Apache development 
tools or mods!  And yes, Windows Script Host 5.6 ( GA ) 
is now out, the betas are over and yes some bugs are 
still there to match the Window XP release (and you only
have to match Apache)!

Also the day you said you would not use IE because of 
headers "stuff" - I thought why not display them all or 
change them before being sent to the server. 

So I wrote a .hta file that reads IE headers/meta
sent to the server and those sent back and the file 
is displayed in text, html or unsigned bytes.  All 
written in JScript. 

I'm still having troubles with reading IE META types
sent or modified before I send them, ( I'm not a 
browser/http expert ) but I'm a researchin' it!

By the way, in the above Header/Meta reader,
my built in timer (most likely half assed ) says
that my JScript print env var file on the Apache
1.3.20 is four times 

Re: [PATCH] Cleaning mod_cgi.c

2001-09-11 Thread jlwpc1

From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PATCH] Cleaning mod_cgi.c

> This allows us (on win32) to rip all of that ScriptInterpreterSource cruft from
> the core, and deposit it on ourself.  It allows me to build a proper argv[],
> from the registry, even if the association is as odd as 
>   "%SystemRoot%\cscript.exe "%1" %* //nologo" which is how bad things can get 
> around here ;)

Now don't get mad! :)

Why is the above "odd or bad'?

Have you used cscript.exe for Apache CGI yet?


Re: Win32 compile breakage...

2001-08-24 Thread jlwpc1

> Is awk installed?

>Somehow managed 
>to get the wrong awk.exe wrapping the wrong

Try Windows Script Host ( WSH ),
(always there, always ready), since
Apache now fully supports Windows
OS (and IE) tools!  :)