Just FYI..  another datum on the 'AG are snobs' scale..
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
--- Begin Message ---
Thomas Eibner wrote:
> On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 01:21:59PM +0200, Anthony Howe wrote:
>>Are you using Apache 1.3? Are you using mod_proxy? I submitted a long 
>>time ago a patch to Apache to fix a bug in mod_proxy, which fails to 
>>update the bytes_sent field. Don't know if they ever included it, but I 
>>have it still if required.
> Why not check up on wheter it actually was included/fixed and then submit
> a patch if it is still broken? Otherwise it will never make it into the
> 1.3 branch (which btw is having it's last release very soon now.)

Well from what I can tell from just looking at 1.3.24, they STILL 
haven't included the patch.

I'm sure I already submitted the patch sometime ago, 14 Nov 2000, old 
bug database number 6841, and its STILL open.

I figure if they can't address a one line patch when it was submitted 
then, why should I keep pushing for something only to be ignored. 
Obviously someone doesn't think my input is worth anything or that my 
patch breaks something else. I figured I was doing my part by submitting 
the bug in the first place.

Oh hum.


Full text of PR number 6841:

Received: (qmail 3213 invoked by uid 501); 14 Nov 2000 14:17:09 -0000
Date: 14 Nov 2000 14:17:09 -0000
From: Anthony Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mod_proxy does not maintain the request_rec->bytes_sent field.
X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.110

 >Number:         6841
 >Category:       mod_proxy
 >Synopsis:       mod_proxy does not maintain the 
request_rec->bytes_sent field.
 >Confidential:   no
 >Severity:       non-critical
 >Priority:       medium
 >Responsible:    apache
 >State:          open
 >Class:          sw-bug
 >Submitter-Id:   apache
 >Arrival-Date:   Tue Nov 14 06:20:01 PST 2000
 >Originator:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >Release:        1.3.14
Linux mail.snert.net 2.0.34C52_SK #1 Tue Nov 30 18:14:40 PST 1999 mips 
A user reported a bug against mod_throttle claiming that mod_throttle 
failed to
record the number of bytes sent when the request passed through mod_proxy.
Apon debugging and examination of the mod_proxy source, I found that
ap_proxy_send_fb() tracked and returned the number of bytes received/sent,
but that NO ONE made use of the return value to update the request_rec's
bytes_sent field.

Find enclosed a one line change to src/modules/proxy/proxy_util.c that 
the request_rec.

By making the change in ap_proxy_send_fb(), http and ftp response from the
remote server or from the cache will all correctly update the request_rec
so that other modules can make use of this information in the logging phase.


*** proxy_util.c.orig   Tue Nov 14 14:34:42 2000
--- proxy_util.c        Tue Nov 14 14:49:25 2000
*** 618,623 ****
--- 618,626 ----

+       r->bytes_sent += total_bytes_rcvd;
       return total_bytes_rcvd;

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Anthony C Howe                            +33 6 11 89 73 78
http://www.snert.com/     ICQ: 7116561      AIM: Sir Wumpus
"Microsoft (cough, sputter, spit, !@#$%) ..."

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