Re: Comments on Authz_Provider implementation (was: Re: svn commit: r351547 - in /httpd/h)

2005-12-03 Thread Andreas Lindström
> Require directives in the form of:
> require user joe bob jane
> require ldap-user jmanager
> require ldap-group bigboys
> require valid-user

I might have misunderstood something here, but this sounds like you
are proposing to move all directives into the specific files for the
authproviders. (This sounds like a good idea btw, as it most likely
will make the auth system easier to follow since all provider specific
routines are in the providers own file.)

If this is indeed what is intended, then the thing that should be
needed in mod_auth_basic and mod_auth_digest is some kind of wrapper
function that determines which provider that is active and then calls
the functions that are provider specific. Or possibly a function that
retrieves the result from the provider and then applies it in an
authtype specific way. The last one is probably the way to go (if
possible) as it will mean less authtype specific code in the provider

However, if you want to run several auth providers you will probably
need some kind of Satisfy directive somewhere. An idea i previously
brought up was to place the directive in mod_authn_alias (that
probably should change name then, perhaps mod_authn_instance or
something) and use a syntax similar to "Satisfy ((instance1 &
instance2) | instance3) & !passwd " as this will add a great deal of
flexibility to the auth system.
If you leave mod_authn_alias to work as it does atm (as an optional
part) you could still declare the access checks directly in the
location that needs it, and you wouldnt need to use Satisfy for that
either if the design is made carefully to allow interswapping to occur
between the Satisfy directive in the alias module and the Require
directive from the provider files (or some check in basic, depending
on how you design it).

If the auth providers all handle their own verification of users based
on the require directives all this satisfy directive would need to do
is get the results from the auth providers own checks and run the
operations on it (if any). This would effectively make it possible to
use several different authproviders and declare them as instances
(pretty much the same syntax as mod_authn_alias uses now) and then use
the satisfy directive to just calculate the access rights.

Possibly these instances could be made specific to an authtype as
well, which would allow users of httpd to mix different auth types and
then only use the satisfy directive to check if the user has access or

This would also make the config file less complicated to read as all
instances could be declared in one place and then referenced from the
Virtual Hosts or wherever you want to use them. It would also make it
possible to add a specific file or other provider with users you DONT
want to be able to log in, for example the passwd file where all
system wide users and others are entered, or possibly just a new
provider where you enters all the users that has been banned or

Something like:

AuthBasicProvider ldap1 file1 sql1 passwd
AuthDigestProvider prov2
Satisfy ((ldap1 | file1 | sql1) | prov2) & !passwd


AuthProvider ldap1 file1 sql1 passwd prov2
Satisfy ((ldap1 | file1 | sql1) | prov2) & !passwd

would be all thats needed to exist in the folder/file/location that
the access rules apply for. (Depending on if the auth type is defined
in the instances or if the modules for auth_basic/auth_digest will
define which instances are of which type.)

> How could we fit IP restrictions into this?
> require ip !
> Possibly have deny/allow from semantics 'silently' convert into require
> directives?  Might be able to salvage backwards compat this way.

As for the ip access, it could be made into a pure bread auth module
if there was the will for it to happen as they would all handle their
own auth checks (or possibly a common auth function in some common lib
for all providers if theres alot of them that uses the same rules for
checking access. (this would make for less duplicate code, but
possibly make it less straightforward as well)

Another idea for ip access instances might be an idea to use Allow and
Deny, but in a different way:


or something like the above. This would allow one instance of the ip
access to include as many or as few of those directives as needed.
(And possibly also make it easier for users to understand the usage of
the ip access checker.)

The instances of providers would be handy here too as all provider
specific things would be gathered at one place, easier to get an
overlook over the auth rules and much less scrolling of potentially
(very!) long Virtual Host declarations (especially if you have some
rewrite rules in it). As for the ip access it would most likely need
the possibility of using several requires (or, see allow, deny above)
in one instance (shouldnt be a problem if the provider themselves
handle the authorization) or you could j

Re: Comments on Authz_Provider implementation (was: Re: svn commit: r351547 - in /httpd/h)

2005-12-02 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
--On December 2, 2005 9:39:46 AM -0700 Brad Nicholes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   As I mentioned in my last commit, it still needs some clean up.
Please, Please feel free to jump in and clean it up wherever you see the
need.  I don't have all of the answers to why things were done the way

Okay, there are a bunch of style nits that I'll go clean up if I get a free 

they were before and if we still need to do it that way now or is there
a better way.  In this branch I have been trying to maintain backward
API compatibility as much as it makes sense.  But there are questions I
have about the need of some APIs such as ap_requires() and
ap_some_auth_required(), etc.  These are points that I need feedback on
and if we can eliminate them, like as was discussed with AuthType, then
lets do it.

I have these exact same questions - so we're struggling with the same 
things.  Good.

Below are the unedited rambling notes I wrote last night as I was falling 
asleep.  Feel free to comment.  =)  -- justin



authentication: who is this user?
authorization: is this user authorized?

access: run before authn/authz; but really can be categorized in 



Want to run authorization hook even on anonymous read-only requests *and*
also when r->user is set.


Current behavior:

satisfy all / not spec
 if auth required
satisfy any
 if fails:
   if auth not required: bail
   if check_user_id fails: bail
   if auth_checker fails: bail


Some auth required is to prevent 'expensive' lookups from occurring.
Q: Is this really needed with a provider system?


Ideal behavior?

Restrict check_user_id hook for Digest/Basic/Auth mechanisms
 As needed, auth mech. runs through conf authn providers
   All configured authn providers are executed in specific order
 Will not execute authn providers unless credentials presented
run through all authz providers for the Location, respecting Limit
 All configured authz providers are executed in specific order

Remove hooks?
Move access checker to authz providers
 Only mod_authz_host was an access checker in our tree anyway

Can/should we purposely break backwards-compat for authz modules in
next revision?


Require directives in the form of:

require user joe bob jane
require ldap-user jmanager
require ldap-group bigboys
require valid-user


mod_authz_svn has both access and authz hooks
authz hook is RUN_FIRST - ugh
*NO* require directive

require svn-group ?


How could we fit IP restrictions into this?

require ip !

Possibly have deny/allow from semantics 'silently' convert into require 
directives?  Might be able to salvage backwards compat this way.
