On 7/27/2011 1:11 AM, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 July 2011, Daniel Ruggeri wrote:
>> That seems to have changed the error message, but no luck actually
>> making things stick. I also tried removing the local source tree,
>> pulling from https, applying the patch and trying again without
>> luck. Not sure if there are remote logs I'd be allow to view, but
>> I imagine I could self-diagnose if I had something more to go on.
>> Sending        docs/manual/developer/new_api_2_4.xml
>> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
>> svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in
>> response to CHECKOUT request for
>> '/repos/asf/!svn/ver/1137340/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/manual/develope
>> r/new_api_2_4.xml' #
> Maybe you are still missing some svn permissions (those are needed in 
> addition to the actual account). Wrowe, can you have a look, please?

Not sure why he wasn't there... fixed now.  Give it another try.

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