Okay, The last message was premature (typical for a newbie). And sorry for
the annoying questions...

I've stepped through more of the startup code and found that the service is
getting started and then

    if (!strcasecmp(signal_arg, "start")) {
        ap_listen_rec *lr;

        /* Close the listening sockets. */
        for (lr = ap_listeners; lr; lr = lr->next) {
            lr->active = 0;
        rv = mpm_service_start(ptemp, inst_argc, inst_argv);
        exit (rv);

where rv returns 0 and then exits. When I open the services window (win2k),
the service displays started. I guess I'm a little lost about how I can
debug my module, if I'm not running apache from within dev studio? Or am I
now that the service is started?

How do I step through a module's code?


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