Ok, so I'm running 2.0.47 with mod_ldap, mod_auth_ldap, and a bunch of other modules. I've already stumbled across the mod_ldap problems and I've disabled caching entirely (LDAPCacheEntries 0) and LDAP authentication seems to work generally.

However, when I ldap-protect a Location (as opposed to using the built-in htpasswd authentication) I get occasional (like 5% of the time) failures to load images and html documents. The access logs look normal (no 500's) and there is nothing in the error_log (no coredump or anything.)

My LDAP server is running OpenLDAP 2.0.27 and my web server is running OpenLDAP 2.1.22.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Is this a known problem? (Seems to be a fatal bug.)

Hints as to where to look? I can run gdb on the server as well as Ethereal.

Should I patch the mod_ldap stuff as well? (Does the latest CVS checkins contain the mod_ldap fixes?)

Relevant Location section:

<Location /xyz>
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName "Authentication Required"
 #AuthUserFile /usr/people/netmarkFTP/webdav/private/90.htpasswd
 require valid-user
 AuthLDAPEnabled on
 AuthLDAPURL "ldap://myserver:389/dc=nasa,dc=gov";
 AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
 AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=Manager,dc=nasa,dc=gov"
 ModMimeUsePathInfo on

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