Alex Polvi wrote:
Hi there,

I ran into a weird case where *I think* mod_cache should be caching a
request that it is not. Thought I would try to fix it myself, but
would like to seek your feedback as it is my first httpd patch (thanks
to pquerna for the help/encouragement).

Caching a 302 is generally not valid (RFC2616 13.4), unless the
response headers includes an Expires or Cache Control header (section
13.4, last paragraph). This makes the fix a matter of messing with the
cacheability logic. I optimized for least amount of code change, but
there are surely different ways to do this. Feedback on the best
approach would be greatly appreciated!



PS: I also filed a bug, if that is a better forum for this discussion:

Committed to trunk in r724093,



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