[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4483084] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master-nightly IgfsCachePerBlockLruEvictionPolicySelfTest.testFilePrimary https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8890685422557348790&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master-nightly IgfsCachePerBlockLruEvictionPolicySelfTest.testFileDualExclusion https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3724804704021179739&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - eduard shangareev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=889258 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 19:27:11 10-08-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4483209] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master-nightly DiskPageCompressionConfigValidationTest.testIncorrectStaticCacheConfiguration https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2692660105095122533&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master-nightly DiskPageCompressionConfigValidationTest.testIncorrectDynamicCacheStartRequest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1915110918646717850&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - eduard shangareev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=889258 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 07:57:11 10-08-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4480005] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteNodeStoppedDuringDisableWALTest.test[AFTER_DISABLE_WAL] https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4415134685125470652&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - dmitriy govorukhin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=889238 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 07:03:39 09-08-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4453375] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. *New Critical Failure in master Cache (Restarts) 1 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/buildConfiguration/IgniteTests24Java8_CacheRestarts1?branch=%3Cdefault%3E No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 14:03:36 07-08-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4401869] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. *New Critical Failure in master Platform C++ (Linux)* https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformCLinux&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 19:14:30 26-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4379865] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly cache.PartitionedTransactionalOptimisticCacheGetsDistributionTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7727280989402544651&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - tkalkir...@yandex.ru https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=888452 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 04:25:48 26-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4394336] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Trusted Suite failure in master [Check Code Style] https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_CheckCodeStyle&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - zaleslaw@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=888540 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 21:26:38 25-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4352919] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. *New Critical Failure in master-nightly PDS (Direct IO) 2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PdsDirectIo2&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 12:27:26 19-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4337855] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master-nightly IgniteWalFlushLogOnlyWithMmapBufferSelfTest.testFailAfterStart https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1669201947848381002&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master-nightly IgniteWalFlushBackgroundWithMmapBufferSelfTest.testFailAfterStart https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5185752390317183577&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - kaa@yandex.ru https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=887940 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 19:18:58 16-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4293729] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master IgniteConfigurationTest.TestSpringXml https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2423313125230633239&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - sergey.chugu...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=887407 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 07:18:47 09-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4293730] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master IgnitionStartTest.TestIgniteStartsFromSpringXml https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5370188720469073545&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - sergey.chugu...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=887407 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 06:03:38 09-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4258304] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Trusted Suite failure in master [Check Code Style] https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_CheckCodeStyle&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - vmalinovs...@gridgain.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=887168 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 14:56:13 04-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4255938] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master ContinuousQueryDeserializationErrorOnNodeJoinTest.testDeserializationErrorOnJoiningNode https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2327531993912363014&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - dchu...@gridgain.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=887157 - bessonov...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=887155 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 03:57:01 04-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4172317, 4172313, 4172278] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master LocalWalModeChangeDuringRebalancingSelfTest.testWithExchangesMerge https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6585115376754732686&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - alexey.scherbak...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886764 - ptupit...@apache.org https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886762 *New stable failure of a flaky test in master GridCacheRebalancingWithAsyncClearingMvccTest.testPartitionClearingNotBlockExchange https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7007912051428984819&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - alexey.scherbak...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886764 - ptupit...@apache.org https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886762 *New stable failure of a flaky test in master GridCacheRebalancingAsyncSelfTest.testComplexRebalancing https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8829809273565657995&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - alexey.scherbak...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886764 - ptupit...@apache.org https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886762 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 21:10:24 01-07-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4132121] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master-nightly PDS (Direct IO) 2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PdsDirectIo2&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 22:29:28 16-06-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4114651] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master-nightly PDS (Direct IO) 2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PdsDirectIo2&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 12:29:26 14-06-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4051276] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Platform .NET (Core Linux) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformNetCoreLinux&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - nizhi...@apache.org https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886045 - kaa@yandex.ru https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886056 - vane...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=885991 - vsi...@gridgain.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=886032 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 10:38:20 06-06-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4047322] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Platform .NET https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformNet&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - dmitriy.govoruk...@gmail.com https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=885984 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:23:20 06-06-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [4017978] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master MVCC PDS 4 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_MvccPds4&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 15:21:59 02-06-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3976192] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master-nightly PDS (Direct IO) 2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PdsDirectIo2&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 23:00:51 29-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3962076] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Platform .NET (Inspections)* https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformNetInspections&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 20:00:52 29-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3869813] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Cache (Restarts) 2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_CacheRestarts2&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 22:32:58 18-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3766470] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master testsuites.IgnitePdsMvccTestSuite4 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4185811053276895253&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - petrov mikhail <32207922+ololo3...@users.noreply.github.com> https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883101 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 10:43:04 13-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3669959] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master query.IgniteSqlCreateTableTemplateTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4768114965909205361&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 09:28:04 13-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3766444] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master Cache.CacheTestSsl https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7983529646724841532&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - petrov mikhail <32207922+ololo3...@users.noreply.github.com> https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883101 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 13:28:02 10-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3766443] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master testsuites.IgnitePdsTestSuite4 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1091642372715248754&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - petrov mikhail <32207922+ololo3...@users.noreply.github.com> https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883101 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 05:43:04 10-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3669949, 3669948] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master hibernate.HibernateL2CacheMultiJvmTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8411046523491291688&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master hibernate.CacheHibernateBlobStoreNodeRestartTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6098707857209474231&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master hibernate.HibernateL2CacheMultiJvmTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-478659191891960231&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master hibernate.CacheHibernateBlobStoreNodeRestartTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-292664805113176&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 17:13:03 09-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3670032] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master hibernate.HibernateL2CacheMultiJvmTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8366978486764891185&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master hibernate.CacheHibernateBlobStoreNodeRestartTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2596230028698303506&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 16:58:03 09-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3780252, 3776546, 3775779, 3775778, 3775266] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgfsNearOnlyMultiNodeSelfTest.testContentsConsistency https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2955812617523971583&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgniteWalFlushBackgroundSelfTest.testFailWhileStart https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5969920580800361275&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly CheckpointFreeListTest.testRestoreFreeListCorrectlyAfterRandomStop https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5828425958400232265&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgniteWalFlushLogOnlySelfTest.testFailWhileStart https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6825418515670752631&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgniteHadoopFileSystemClientBasedOpenTest.testIgniteClientWithIgfsMisconfigure https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3707280343859980540&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgniteHadoopFileSystemClientBasedOpenTest.testFsOpenMultithreaded https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5075930758396759348&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgniteHadoopFileSystemClientBasedOpenTest.testFsOpenMultithreadedSkipInProc https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-287446406444258&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - mstepachev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883133 *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgfsCachePerBlockLruEvictionPolicySelfTest.testBlockCountEviction https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5656156320404171709&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly IgfsCachePerBlockLruEvictionPolicySelfTest.testDataSizeEviction https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6703550021622960769&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - mstepachev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883133 *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly MvccCacheGroupMetricsMBeanTest.testCacheGroupMetrics https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8410532475647722188&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 23:35:04 08-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3780998, 3780979, 3780970, 3780370, 3780354, 3780325, 3780322] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master MvccCacheGroupMetricsMBeanTest.testCacheGroupMetrics https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8410532475647722188&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - eduard shangareev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883168 *Recently contributed test failed in master ClientConnectionTest.TestClientDisposeWhileOperationsAreInProgress https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=465290493930019&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - eduard shangareev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883168 *Recently contributed test failed in master PersistenceBasicCompatibilityTest.testNodeStartByOldVersionPersistenceData_2_2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3939634021807002320&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - eduard shangareev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=883168 *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteNodeStoppedDuringDisableWALTest.test https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1194594567102543889&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master GridEventConsumeSelfTest.testMasterNodeLeaveNoAutoUnsubscribe https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6146175959981849653&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master GridEventConsumeSelfTest.testNodeJoin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1967481699756289907&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master GridEventConsumeSelfTest.testMultithreadedWithNodeRestart https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4911099288413140059&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master cache.CacheExchangeMessageDuplicatedStateTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3753470377878799836&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master distributed.IgniteCacheGetRestartTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4856139810793874663&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 23:31:38 08-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3735353] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master ConsoleRedirectTest.TestMultipleDomains https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5435174673577554141&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 15:08:45 03-05-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3707580] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master ConsoleRedirectTest.TestMultipleDomains https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5435174673577554141&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 21:37:39 29-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3704547] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master GridEventConsumeSelfTest.testMultithreadedWithNodeRestart https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4911099288413140059&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - slava koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882094 - ilya kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882104 - ipavlukhin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882907 - denis garus https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882869 - edshanggg https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882213 - andrey v. mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882903 - slava koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882096 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 14:31:35 29-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3703685] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master-nightly GridVersionSelfTest.testVersions https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4054559991137027765&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - slava koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882094 - ilya kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882104 - ipavlukhin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882907 - denis garus https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882869 - edshanggg https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882213 - andrey v. mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882903 - slava koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882096 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 10:46:35 29-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3703709] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master-nightly TcpDiscoveryGoogleStorageIpFinderSelfTest.testIpFinder https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4872717234418930573&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - slava koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882094 - ilya kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882104 - ipavlukhin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882907 - denis garus https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882869 - edshanggg https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882213 - andrey v. mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882903 - slava koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882096 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 22:01:34 28-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3681058, 3680965] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master-nightly IgniteSqlNotNullConstraintTest.testReadThroughRestrictionAlterTable https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5548468340600994272&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master-nightly IgniteSqlNotNullConstraintTest.testReadThroughRestrictionCreateTable https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-382088580357428313&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - fedotov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882000 *New test failure in master-nightly IgniteSqlNotNullConstraintTest.testReadThroughRestrictionCreateTable https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4388210921121324153&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master-nightly IgniteSqlNotNullConstraintTest.testReadThroughRestrictionAlterTable https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5896795211740970480&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - fedotov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882000 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 02:05:36 24-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3680989] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master JDBC Driver https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_JdbcDriver&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - fedotov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=882000 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 01:35:36 24-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3577944, 3518054] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master dht.IgniteCachePutRetryTransactionalSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=9149452666895806649&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=880461 *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly split.IgfsNewLineDelimiterRecordResolverSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7998076114976337424&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly igfs.IgfsTaskSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6863306432887511830&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly split.IgfsStringDelimiterRecordResolverSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4329929698328239436&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly split.IgfsByteDelimiterRecordResolverSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3172461648229750827&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master-nightly split.IgfsFixedLengthRecordResolverSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1501733816789735735&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879631 - alexey.goncharuk https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879721 - verbalab https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879561 - aplatonovv https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879688 - alexey.goncharuk https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879712 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879651 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879618 - palmihal https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879709 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879705 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879611 - tledkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879610 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879671 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879574 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879665 - tledkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879601 - vsisko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879698 - verbalab https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879570 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 19:43:36 22-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3648714] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master cache.CacheExchangeMessageDuplicatedStateTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3753470377878799836&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 17:13:35 20-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3643968] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master CacheTestKeepBinary.TestGetAndPutIfAbsent https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2618866372235951635&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master LinqTest.TestBasicQueries https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3249818916312505341&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestGetAll https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=296781330844041896&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTestKeepBinary.TestPutGetEmptyObject https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3456290644468455239&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestExceptions https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2690612355442736470&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestClearKey https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=969514716069417718&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestPutGetPrimitives https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4146934726102386534&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CreateCacheTest.TestGetOrCreateFromConfiguration https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8937084725175859862&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTestKeepBinary.TestPutAll https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4568402968276635998&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestRemoveReys https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6394363395951899648&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestRemoveReys https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5087817116809947591&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTestSsl.TestPutGetDictionary(True) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1764568453640095027&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestAsyncCompletionOrder https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5814125566408948781&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestClearAll https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6847409230189534803&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestRemoveAll https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4867587642346728451&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTestSsl.TestPutGetUserObjects(False) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7530002978097133973&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestExceptions https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4282959227515971439&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestGetAndReplace https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4008500971287857851&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestPutGetPrimitives https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2726723507727167530&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master BinaryBuilderTest.TestEnumBuilder https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3825423431737326528&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestClear https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4208510466441828950&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTestKeepBinary.TestPutGetUserObjects(False) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5897157379801677507&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3643972] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master ExamplesTest.TestRemoteNodes(ThinClientQueryExample) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8957894947236394923&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestGetMultithreadedSingleClient https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5313456955543195369&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ClientConnectionTest.TestIdleTimeout https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6782614873219072744&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestGetMultithreadedMultiClient https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2009562377495871226&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestGetMultithreadedMultiClient https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4089682552013781477&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ExamplesTest.TestRemoteNodesClientMode(ThinClientPutGetExample) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1283356549620862833&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ExamplesTest.TestRemoteNodes(ThinClientSqlExample) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9112111623445348706&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ExamplesTest.TestRemoteNodesClientMode(ThinClientQueryExample) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2429070363399560984&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ExamplesTest.TestRemoteNodesClientMode(ThinClientSqlExample) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7569986828838546254&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ExamplesTest.TestRemoteNodes(ThinClientPutGetExample) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6195445348933050870&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ClientConnectionTest.TestOperationTimeout https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7609434317932260112&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master CacheTest.TestGetMultithreadedSingleClient https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1150965887968215251&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - alapin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881677 - yuriy gerzhedovich https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881613 - ilya kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881548 - igor sapego https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881672 - pavel kovalenko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881608 - denis-chudov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881611 - anton kalashnikov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881674 - pavel kovalenko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881669 - ibessonov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881665 - igor sapego https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881629 - igor sapego https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881685 - peter ivanov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881620 - igor sapego https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881750 - alapin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881680 - igor sapego https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881683 - andrey kalinin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881682 - ivan rakov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881642 - denis-chudov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881637 - andrey v. mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=881760 - sergey chugunov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3616767] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master GridP2PComputeWithNestedEntryProcessorTest.testContinuousMode https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-266239113081528&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master GridP2PComputeWithNestedEntryProcessorTest.testSharedMode https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=490604068578396435&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - vldpyatkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=880634 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 19:44:42 16-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3493640] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master tests.CassandraDirectPersistenceTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=668958014111408205&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:53:19 13-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3501904] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteWalSerializerVersionTest.testCheckDifferentSerializerVersionsAndLogTimestamp https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2723006680195182103&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 09:43:26 05-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3500232] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master DistributedMetaStoragePersistentTest.testOptimizedWriteTwice https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1994017253676952364&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master DistributedMetaStoragePersistentTest.testClientReconnect https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6328805566112123784&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master DistributedMetaStoragePersistentTest.testClient https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7821302333743064574&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - bessonov.ip https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879422 - kaa.dev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879428 - bessonov.ip https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879443 - aplatonovv https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879411 - zaleslaw.sin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879410 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 12:13:28 04-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3483478] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master JdbcThinConnectionSelfTest.testInvalidEndpoint https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-20265605831223746&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - tledkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879244 - rshtykh https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=879258 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 07:28:26 02-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3271137] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk.ZookeeperDiscoverySpiTestSuite2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7246023704142503131&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 03:43:27 01-04-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3451330] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk.ZookeeperDiscoverySpiTestSuite4 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8974259120810655014&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 22:28:26 31-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3462414] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Platform C++ (Linux) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformCLinux&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 22:43:28 30-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3462420] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Platform C++ (Linux Clang) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformCPPLinuxClang&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 21:58:27 30-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3424755] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master H2IndexesSystemViewTest.testIndexesView https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1018469305737562807&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ygerzhedovich https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=878732 - slava.koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=878762 - ygerzhedovich https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=878730 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 02:58:26 28-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3398678] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Cache (Restarts) 1 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_CacheRestarts1&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 16:43:26 24-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3391876] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master GridVersionSelfTest.testVersions https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2028128591644736718&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:58:26 24-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3166543] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master cache.GridCacheQueryIndexingDisabledSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3788082480453802200&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master query.IgniteSqlNotNullConstraintTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2388364314673848291&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 07:13:26 22-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3190426] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master tcp.TcpDiscoverySpiSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6980649976482672951&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tcp.TcpDiscoverySpiFailureTimeoutSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3316347121927346093&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 13:34:15 17-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3167362] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master baseline.IgniteBaselineLockPartitionOnAffinityRunTxCacheTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7575422310291368820&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master cache.IgniteCacheLockPartitionOnAffinityRunTxCacheOpTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3741199923370523332&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master baseline.IgniteBaselineLockPartitionOnAffinityRunAtomicCacheTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3750933139143423230&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 14:49:16 16-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3324578] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteCacheQueryNodeRestartDistributedJoinSelfTest.testRestarts https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4555192785549771867&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - dpavlov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877965 - kaa.dev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877962 - bessonov.ip https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877914 - dpavlov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877923 - alexey.goncharuk https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877954 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 06:49:17 16-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3322121] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master SqlSystemViewsSelfTest.testQueryHistoryMetricsModes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=551567969148028397&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ygerzhedovich https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877901 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 00:34:16 16-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3218097] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master near.IgniteCacheDistributedPartitionQueryNodeRestartsSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4005992156292294495&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:04:17 15-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3159661] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master continuous.GridEventConsumeSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8424773320931186667&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 01:04:15 14-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3159869] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheGetAndReplaceWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8544380800226166911&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheReplaceIfEqualsWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7510292952369692624&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheGetAndRemoveWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6767768552589233912&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheGetAllWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8010201874973788100&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCachePutIfAbsentWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5231476146734727890&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testContainsKeyWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8278104022332781338&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheContainsKeysWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8508115998050634179&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheRemoveKeysWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5512920338110762681&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheGetSizeWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8039044665871263128&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheReplaceWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2601421891678519225&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheRemoveKeyWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-165170373995072247&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheGetWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2711660524736740778&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCachePutWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7419076455473690169&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master tests: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase: Apache\Ignite\Tests\CacheKeyValueOpsTestCase::testCacheGetAndPutIfAbsentWrongArgs https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6918523075100081828&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master test
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3298550] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Platform C++ (Win x64 | Release) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformCWinX64Release&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 01:19:15 13-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3163283] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master client.SslParametersTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3963130275918866534&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 00:49:17 13-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3160472] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master internal.GridSpringBeanSerializationSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8768893146029766837&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 23:10:32 11-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3269313, 3159881, 3157916, 3157778] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteClusterActivateDeactivateTestWithPersistence.testDeactivateDuringEvictionAndRebalance https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4619901385813836807&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master distributed.IgniteCacheGetRestartTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4856139810793874663&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master http.GridHttpDeploymentSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8313984068492573325&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesFiltered https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1829199784039535740&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesByIds https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1736033944635181204&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9168655272383159616&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodeById https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7244515415928378863&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - andrey.mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875789 - rodion.vlasov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875532 - pvoronkin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875525 - mr.weider https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875782 - ppozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875014 - alexey.goncharuk https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875291 - bessonov.ip https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=876310 - ppozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875821 - ppozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875308 - vozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875552 - slava.koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875554 - amalykhgh https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875837 - zaleslaw.sin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875839 - ppozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875326 - vozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875577 - dmitriy.govorukhin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875832 - aplatonovv https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875835 - verbalab https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=876341 - ivandasch https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875063 - tledkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875827 - stkuzma https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875588 - verbalab https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875590 - irakov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=876353 - klaster1 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875842 - andrey.mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875613 - mr.weider https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875101 - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875100 - aplatonovv https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875870 - ppozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875349 - kaa.dev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=876116 - antonovsergey93 https://ci.ignite.apache.or
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3168896, 3167648] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesByIds https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1736033944635181204&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodeById https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7244515415928378863&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9168655272383159616&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesFiltered https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1829199784039535740&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master http.GridHttpDeploymentSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8313984068492573325&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 19:10:31 11-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3222465, 3217217] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9168655272383159616&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesByIds https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1736033944635181204&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesFiltered https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1829199784039535740&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodeById https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7244515415928378863&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master http.GridHttpDeploymentSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8313984068492573325&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 18:55:31 11-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3281871, 3281420, 3281282] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteClusterActivateDeactivateTestWithPersistence.testDeactivateDuringEvictionAndRebalance https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4619901385813836807&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master http.GridHttpDeploymentSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8313984068492573325&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodeById https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7244515415928378863&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9168655272383159616&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesByIds https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1736033944635181204&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesFiltered https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1829199784039535740&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 18:42:38 11-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250903] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master DataStreamProcessorMvccPersistenceSelfTest.testCustomUserUpdater https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6637048842291767623&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master DataStreamProcessorMvccPersistenceSelfTest.testLocalDataStreamerDedicatedThreadPool https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=759944735770848920&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master DataStreamProcessorMvccPersistenceSelfTest.testReplicatedIsolated https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3106704882057752298&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master DataStreamProcessorMvccSelfTest.testReplicatedIsolated https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7610274339067283285&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master DataStreamProcessorMvccPersistenceSelfTest.testPartitionedMultiThreaded https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7712479474670171747&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master DataStreamProcessorMvccPersistenceSelfTest.testLoaderApi https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=7960532704015080859&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 12:50:17 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250936, 3250899] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master IgnitePdsSingleNodeWithIndexingAndGroupPutGetPersistenceSelfTest.testRandomPutGetRemove https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5851024270797597225&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgnitePdsSingleNodeWithIndexingAndGroupPutGetPersistenceSelfTest.testPutGetRandomUniqueMultipleObjects https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2669811093134192917&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgnitePdsSingleNodeWithIndexingAndGroupPutGetPersistenceSelfTest.testGroupIndexes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3449538838366747292&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgnitePdsSingleNodeWithIndexingAndGroupPutGetPersistenceSelfTest.testGroupIndexes2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=2955416849020277650&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgnitePdsSingleNodeWithIndexingAndGroupPutGetPersistenceSelfTest.testPutGetRandomNonUniqueMultipleObjects https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4723824971707226617&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgnitePdsSingleNodeWithIndexingAndGroupPutGetPersistenceSelfTest.testPutGetRemoveMultipleForward https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-396838873773736&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgnitePdsSingleNodeWithIndexingAndGroupPutGetPersistenceSelfTest.testGradualRandomPutAllRemoveAll https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2358563154632800532&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 *New stable failure of a flaky test in master CacheFreeListImplSelfTest.testInsertDeleteSingleThreaded_16384 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8113496860340008440&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New stable failure of a flaky test in master CacheFreeListImplSelfTest.testInsertDeleteSingleThreaded_8192 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3061751661531366946&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 12:35:18 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250928] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master IgniteTxCachePrimarySyncTest.testSingleKeyCommitFromPrimary https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8188960320563412129&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteTxCachePrimarySyncTest.testTxSyncMode https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5425953491606214861&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteTxCachePrimarySyncTest.testSingleKeyPrimaryNodeFail2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-226594202544241&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 12:20:16 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250936] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutGetLargeKeys https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9130337073716566370&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutDoesNotTriggerRead https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2279132724078052715&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testOverwriteNormalSizeAfterSmallerSize https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8892179816384450167&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutGetSimple https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=9091886865925987235&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testBounds https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-2600438587783257036&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testIndexOverwrite https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=278957677432127992&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutGetOverwrite https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3299116889159070875&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutGetLarge https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1469021097879023944&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testIterators https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5435445096701843800&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testSizeClear https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8386614869713437663&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testRandomPut https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6827739230311500301&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testMultithreadedPut https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9123796791040689916&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutPrimaryUniqueSecondaryDuplicates https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=1998809984270539902&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutGetRemoveMultipleBackward https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9174338264724324458&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testObjectKey https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=424615514058721940&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testPutGetMultipleObjects https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8597537223900638204&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgniteDbMultiNodeWithIndexingPutGetTest.testRandomRemove https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5833141801220195006&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 09:05:17 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250920, 3250887] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Cache 1 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_Cache1&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 *New Critical Failure in master SPI https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_Spi&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:20:15 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250921] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Cache 2 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_Cache2&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:05:19 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250938] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master PageMemoryImplTest.testCheckpointBufferCantOverflowMixedLoadSpeedBased https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5901465274019270153&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master ExplicitWalDeltaConsistencyTest.testPutRemoveAfterCheckpoint https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=9020775724018271779&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master IgnitePdsWithTtlTest2.testTtlIsAppliedToManyCaches https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3111912308113983854&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New test failure in master PageMemoryImplTest.testCheckpointBufferOverusageDontCauseWriteLockLeak https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8892267308423117896&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 07:20:16 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3250926] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master Cache64kPartitionsTest.testManyPartitionsWithPersistence https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4707112816036083324&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - ilya.kasnacheev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=877382 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 06:50:16 07-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2992125] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master continuous.GridEventConsumeSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8424773320931186667&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 17:56:31 04-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3020618] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master cache.IgniteCacheLockPartitionOnAffinityRunTxCacheOpTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3741199923370523332&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master baseline.IgniteBaselineLockPartitionOnAffinityRunTxCacheTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7575422310291368820&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *Recently contributed test failed in master baseline.IgniteBaselineLockPartitionOnAffinityRunAtomicCacheTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3750933139143423230&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - akuznetsov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875001 - sergey.chugunov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874985 - isapego https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874986 - vozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874922 - alexey.goncharuk https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874948 - ppozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875014 - kbolyand https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874993 - dpavlov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874945 - dpavlov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874960 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 15:56:28 02-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3105634] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master tcp.TcpDiscoverySpiSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6980649976482672951&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 06:56:28 01-03-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3096664] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master tcp.TcpDiscoverySpiFailureTimeoutSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3316347121927346093&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:11:28 27-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3002875] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master continuous.CacheContinuousQueryOperationFromCallbackTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-6577589696474712460&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 00:56:31 22-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3124287] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteChangingBaselineDownCachePutAllFailoverTest.testPutAllFailover https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-520509072736429699&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteChangingBaselineDownCachePutAllFailoverTest.testPutAllFailoverPessimisticTx https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-5323374852748359686&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - kaa.dev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=876133 - kaa.dev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=876116 - 32207922+ololo3000 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=876131 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:56:30 20-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3124317] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master PersistenceTest.TestBaselineTopology https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=5018016709091941371&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 06:11:27 20-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2990202] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master cache.CacheAffinityCallSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-974027908894113151&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 13:51:20 16-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3050467] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master near.IgniteCacheDistributedPartitionQueryNodeRestartsSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-4005992156292294495&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 01:36:20 15-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2818501] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteClusterActivateDeactivateTestWithPersistence.testActivateCachesRestore_5_Servers_WithNewCaches https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-787329362447508937&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 04:36:44 13-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2979488] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master internal.GridSpringBeanSerializationSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8768893146029766837&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 14:56:51 12-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3062722] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodeById https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-7244515415928378863&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodesByIds https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1736033944635181204&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteProjectionStartStopRestartSelfTest.testRestartNodes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-9168655272383159616&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - mr.weider https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875407 - slava.koptilin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875414 - dpavlov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875409 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 06:41:48 12-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3058159] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New Critical Failure in master Platform .NET (NuGet)* https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewType.html?buildTypeId=IgniteTests24Java8_PlatformNetNuGet&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 15:26:49 11-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3036589] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master http.GridHttpDeploymentSelfTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8313984068492573325&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - vozerov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875229 - ygerzhedovich https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875221 - aplatonovv https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875234 - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875218 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 22:41:48 08-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3028157] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteTwoRegionsRebuildIndexTest.testRebuildIndexes https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1615645003194028350&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875117 - mr.weider https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875101 - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875100 - lapin1702 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875134 - gvvinblade https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875115 - pudov.max https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875108 - andrey.mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875127 - ivandasch https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875063 - kondakov87 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875110 - andrey.mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875123 - pvoronkin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875106 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 10:56:57 08-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3028115] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New test failure in master ZookeeperDiscoveryClientDisconnectTest.testReconnectServersRestart_3 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=6536882717391979084&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875117 - mr.weider https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875101 - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875100 - lapin1702 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875134 - gvvinblade https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875115 - pudov.max https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875108 - andrey.mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875127 - ivandasch https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875063 - kondakov87 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875110 - andrey.mashenkov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875123 - pvoronkin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875106 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 02:26:57 08-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [3026897] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master CacheQueriesRestartServerTest.Test_ScanQueryAfterClientReconnect_ReturnsResults(False) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-429307528074469703&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails *New stable failure of a flaky test in master CacheQueriesRestartServerTest.Test_ScanQueryAfterClientReconnect_ReturnsResults(True) https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3077261783684312581&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - pvoronkin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=875106 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 02:11:57 08-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2818504] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteClusterActivateDeactivateTestWithPersistenceAndMemoryReuse.testJoinWhileDeactivate1_WithCache_Server https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8125437381011944983&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 00:27:01 08-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2968653] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master distributed.IgniteCacheGetRestartTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=4856139810793874663&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 16:11:57 05-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2818504] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteClusterActivateDeactivateTestWithPersistenceAndMemoryReuse.testActivateCachesRestore_SingleNode_WithNewCaches https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-8490805128277139144&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 03:41:57 03-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2956014] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master client.SslParametersTest https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3963130275918866534&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - oignatenko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874253 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 02:11:57 02-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2818504] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteClusterActivateDeactivateTestWithPersistenceAndMemoryReuse.testActivateCachesRestore_5_Servers_WithNewCaches https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=8719815696233105132&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 08:32:51 01-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2965012] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *Recently contributed test failed in master IgniteTcBotInitNewPageTest.testInitNewPagePageIdConsistency https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-1440245195043386884&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails Changes may lead to failure were done by - gromcase https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874380 - dpavlov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874345 - dpavlov https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874392 - zaleslaw.sin https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874394 - maksim.stepachev https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874309 - kondakov87 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874406 - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874401 - vololo100 https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874403 - oignatenko https://ci.ignite.apache.org/viewModification.html?modId=874354 - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 03:02:51 01-02-2019
[MTCGA]: new failures in builds [2818501] needs to be handled
Hi Igniters, I've detected some new issue on TeamCity to be handled. You are more than welcomed to help. If your changes can lead to this failure(s): We're grateful that you were a volunteer to make the contribution to this project, but things change and you may no longer be able to finalize your contribution. Could you respond to this email and indicate if you wish to continue and fix test failures or step down and some committer may revert you commit. *New stable failure of a flaky test in master IgniteClusterActivateDeactivateTestWithPersistence.testReActivateSimple_5_Servers_4_Clients_FromClient https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=3463246719624405763&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails No changes in the build - Here's a reminder of what contributors were agreed to do https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/How+to+Contribute - Should you have any questions please contact dev@ignite.apache.org Best Regards, Apache Ignite TeamCity Bot https://github.com/apache/ignite-teamcity-bot Notification generated at 01:32:50 01-02-2019