Re: [Proposal] Active metaData Query

2024-06-03 Thread ycy wi

‘Active’ refers to the data that can be seen by query in the specified time 
range, which you can also understand as data that has been written in the 
specified time and not deleted later. 


> 2024年6月3日 15:40,ITAMI SHO  写道:
> question

Re: [Proposal] Merge configuration files to

2024-06-01 Thread ycy wi
Hi wenwei,

I am curious whether this will ultimately lead to an oversized or redundant 
configuration file. I might just want to modify some configuration items in the 
dataNode. In theory, I only need to pay attention to the configuration items in Will the merge cause any confusion due to similar 
configuration items in


> 2024年5月31日 21:20,wenwei shu  写道:
> Hello everyone,
> I am Wenwei Shu, a new contributor to Apache IoTDB. Recently, we are
> working on merging ``,
> `` and `` into a new
> `` file. For old version users who upgrade to a new
> version, if they don't create the new configuration file themselves during
> the upgrade, IoTDB will generate the new configuration file based on
> several old configuration files after it is started. You can check this PR
> to get more details:
> Thank you for your reading.
> Best regards,
> Wenwei Shu

Re: [Proposal] Load Tsfile Functionality Optimisation

2024-05-29 Thread ycy wi
Hi Xiangzhi,

Thank you for your work! Load function is something I frequently use when 
testing, and your optimization should greatly enhance my user experience!

By the way, I would like to know what the general causes of failure might be, 
and whether there is an option to retry or handle the failed TsFile?


> 2024年5月30日 11:11,孟祥志  写道:
> Hello everyone,
> I am Xiangzhi Meng, a new contributor to Apache IoTDB. I am excited to share 
> with you a feature that I have been working on for the past few months.
> load tsfile has always been an important feature for IoTDB, but due to the 
> original design, he has some flaws in it, when load a folder fails to import 
> some tsfile, it may cause the whole task fails, which is obviously a not very 
> user-friendly design, so I decided to modify his.
> I'll modify the original load tsfile script to traverse the entire folder 
> first, find all the files, and then use the LOAD function to import 
> individual files; and I've added a few interesting changes along the way, 
> modifying the successful operation parameter to make it easier for people to 
> deal with successful files, and added a parameter for failed files to make it 
> easier for people to find those failed files, and finally added a new number 
> of threads to make the LOAD function work more quickly.
> I hope you are interested in this feature and would like to participate in 
> the development and testing. You can also leave your comments and suggestions 
> in this thread. Appreciate any suggestion/feedback & contribution.
> Thank you for your attention and support.
> Best regards,
> Xiangzhi Meng
> Reference:

Re: [VOTE] Release IotDB-Tools: Thrift artifacts (for Apache Thrift 0.20.0)

2024-05-28 Thread ycy wi
It will significantly improved our build stability and cross-platform support.

> 2024年5月28日 22:40,Christofer Dutz  写道:
> Hi all,
> I after fixing some issues in the cmake-maven-plugin, have I updated the 
> iotdb-bin-resources module to use these.
> Now we can stage Apache Thrift binaries for all platforms.
> In order to test, if Apache Thrift 0.20.0 (Which is Java 8 compatible again), 
> I also updated the Thrift version and staged a release of Thrift binaries for 
> all of our supported platforms in Nexus.
> I’ve staged the artifacts at:
> Tag Name: iotdb-tools-thrift-v0.20.0.0
> The source bundle generally consists of a pom.xml and an assembly xml … so it 
> should be quick to review.
> I’m intentionally not staging it on the release-svn, as nobody should be 
> required to consume this module but us ourselves.
> The vote stays open for 72hours … assuming enough support, I’ll then finish 
> changing the main repo to use these artifacts.
> Chris

Improved Error Messages for Group By/Order By Clauses in IoTDB

2023-06-19 Thread ycy wi

Hello everyone, in order to improve the readability of error messages when 
including expressions in group by/order by clauses and to better identify the 
causes of errors, we have made modifications to the existing error messages:

1.  When mixing the clauses with align by device and expressions that is not 
measurement, the original error message would indicate that the expression does 
not exist. The modified message now indicates that it is a problem with 
expression hierarchy.

Before modification:
IOTDB> select count(status) from root.** group by 
count(root.ln.wt01.wf01.status,5) align by device
Msg: 701: Expression in group by should indicate one value

IOTDB> select status,temperature from root.** order by wt02.temperature align 
by device
Msg: 701: wt02.temperature in order by clausse doesn't exist.

After modification:
IOTDB> select status,temperature from root.** order by wt02.temperature align 
by device
Msg: 701: ALIGN BY DEVICE: the suffix paths can only be measurement or 
one-level wildcard

IOTDB> select count(status) from root.** group by 
count(root.ln.wt01.wf01.status,5) align by device
Msg: 701: ALIGN BY DEVICE: the suffix paths can only be measurement or 
one-level wildcard

2.  When an expression in the clause does not exist, the error message now 
provides accurate information.

Before modification (where s1 is a non-existent measurement):
IOTDB> select count(soc) from root.** group by count(s1,5) align by device
Msg: 701: Expression in group by should indicate one value

IoTDB> select soc,vehicle_status from order by s1
Msg: 701: One sort item in order by should only indicate one value

After modification (where s1 is a non-existent measurement):
IOTDB> select count(soc) from root.** group by count(s1,5) align by device
Msg: 701: s1 in group by clause doesn't exist.

IoTDB> select soc,vehicle_status from order by s1
Msg: 701: in order by clause doesn't exist.

IOTDB> select count(soc) from root.** group by count(s1,5)
Msg: 701: root.**.s1 in group by clause doesn't exist.

3. When a wildcard is used in the clause and it corresponds to multiple values, 
the error message for non-unique expressions has been optimized.

Before modification:
IoTDB> select soc,vehicle_status from root.** order by soc
Msg: 701: One sort item in order by should only indicate one value

IoTDB> select count(temperature) from root.** group by count(soc, 2)
Msg: 701: Expression in group by should indicate one value

After modification:
IoTDB> select soc,vehicle_status from root.** order by soc
Msg: 701: root.**.soc in order by clause shouldn't refer to more than one 

IoTDB> select count(soc) from root.** group by count(soc, 2)
Msg: 701: root.**.soc in group by clause shouldn't refer to more than one 

Request for translated names for group by clauses

2023-02-23 Thread ycy wi
Hi, everyone!

We are supporting more 'group by' clauses in aggregation query for IoTDB
which refers to some implements with new functions. So we want to ask for
the advice of translated name in Chinese for these new features according
to the functions and SQL of them.

1. Group By Variation

Group-By-Variation wil set the first point in group as base point, then if
the difference between a new point and base point is small than or equal to
delta, this point will be put in the same group. (P.S. delta is the value
users set and the difference is calculated by the expression users give).
It can be described by the following picture:
[image: groupByVariation.jpeg]
Some alternative translation in Chinese:

   - 事件分段
   - 差值分段
   - Any suggestions

2. Group By Series
Group-By-Series supports grouping the data points by the condition
expression users give (the return type of condition expression needs to be
boolean). The continuous data points which satisfy the condition expression
will be put in the same group, the data points don't satisfy the condition
will be skipped and won't be calculated by aggregation operator.
Some alternative translation in Chinese:

   - 条件分段
   - Any suggestions

 3. Group By Session
Group-By-Session will compute the difference between the value of time in
continuous data points. A timeInterval is set by users to indicate the max
gap of time in one group between continuous data points. It can be
described in the following:
[image: groupBySession.jpeg]
The alternative translation in Chinese:

   - 会话分段
   - 时间差值分段
   - Any suggestions

You can see more details and examples in

Reply 1,2,3 to represent each groupByClause and add your advice, if you
suggest "事件分段" for Group-By-Variation, you can reply

> 1:  "事件分段"

Re: About naming of VerticallyConcatOperator

2023-02-05 Thread ycy wi
+1 for Plan A. "Vertically" and "Horizontally" are adverbs. I think it's
easier to understand from a straightforward perspective.

Xiangwei Wei  于2023年2月6日周一 14:35写道:

> VerticallyConcatOperator is used to horizontally concatenate TsBlocks with
> the same timestamp column. For example,
> TsBlock A is:
> | Time | ColumnA |
> |1| 1.0|
> TsBlock B is:
> | Time | ColumnB |
> |1|   2.0|
> After the VerticallyConcatOperator, the result will be:
> | Time | ColumnA | ColumnB |
> |1|   1.0| 2.0  |
> Literally, I think it's a horizontal concatenation. So I suggest rename it
> as HorizontallyConcatOperator.
> However, I asked the author about the reason for this name. He said, "From
> the view of a table, adding columns means vertical changes."
> What's your opinion?
> +1 for Plan A: Rename it as HorizontallyConcatOperator.
> +1 for Plan B: Keep current name VerticallyConcatOperator.
> --
> Best,
> Xiangwei Wei