I have been diving into to Kafka for the last couple of weeks. I am running
some low volume (5-10 TPS) production data. I had set a default retention
period  on all the topics for 48 hours. I have just noticed there is some
behavior I don't understand. I see messages in the topic that are over a
week old and they don't seem to be removed. Is there some documentation on
the topic clean up process or guidance on how can I figure out why the
messages are not being removed?

This is what I am seeing on the topic:

* messages from July 13 - July 15th
* No messages from July 16th - July 18 (they were there at one point, but
removed because retention I assume)
* messages from July 20th and July 21 (this is what I expected with the 48
hour retention

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

David Collette

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