Dear Apache Kakfa Developers,

I'm 4-year SWE in South Korea.
I have some questions while watching Kafka Producer API.

*Why Use "Future" and Not "CompletableFuture"?*

In the case of "Future", blocking occurs when calling "*get()*", so I
thought "Computable Future" would be better when doing more asynchronous

I looked at the Java API document
based on the latest version, version 3.6.x.

If you look at that version, you can see that the Future object provides
the "toCompletionStage() "method, which can convert "KafkaFuture" to

In response to this, I think that in the initial design decision process,
we considered compatibility issues under JDK 1.8 and the level of knowledge
of the learning curve or developer when introducing ComputableFuture, but I
wonder if this is correct.

In addition, I wonder if it is recommended to use the "toCompletionStage()"
method to produce more non-blocking if we assume JDK 1.8 or higher.

Su-Ung Shin.

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