kafka 0.8.2 build problem

2015-11-15 Thread jinxing
Hi all, I am newbie for kafka, and I try to build kafka 0.8.2 from source code 
as a start;

but I'm faced a lot of problem;

here is the timeline of what I did:

1. I cloned kafka:git clone https://github.com/apache/kafka.git;
2. I created branch 0.8.2 and checkout that branch and reset this branch to 
0.8.2:git branch 0.8.2;git checkout 0.8.2;git reset --hard   
f76013b //this is the last commit id for 0.8.2
3. I run command, following (https://github.com/apache/kafka/tree/0.8.2):   
 gradle;./gradlew jar; ./gradlew test

But I found that 46 tests failed, and I got lots of different exceptions;

If I don't do "git reset --hard   f76013b", the building and test can succeed;
I'm so confused; Did I make any mistakes? what is the right way to build 0.8.2?

Any ideas about this? Lots of thanks and really appreciate !
btw my scala version is 2.10.2, gradle version is 2.6, java version is 1.8

gradle problem

2015-09-18 Thread jinxing
im using gradle version 2.7

i have two environment to build kafka, linux and mac;

find that on linux it goes well, but on mac I run into problem below:

To honour the JVM settings for this build a new JVM will be forked. Please 
consider using the daemon: 

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'kafka'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
   > Could not resolve org.ajoberstar:grgit:0.2.3.
 Required by:
  > Could not resolve org.ajoberstar:grgit:0.2.3.
 > Could not get resource 
> Could not HEAD 
   > peer not authenticated

I assumes that it is the problem of my jre certificate trusting management;
I export the certificate of https://repo1.maven.org and import the certificate 
into my own jre;
but still the problem appears;
can anyone offer help?
any idea would be really appreciated.

thanks a log

Re:no Kafka KIP meeting tomorrow

2015-09-01 Thread jinxing
Can I know what is KIP meeting?

At 2015-09-01 12:30:18, "Jun Rao"  wrote:
>Since there are no new KIP issues for discussion, again, there is no
>KIP meeting