
Thanks for this KIP. Please help confirm questions below:

  1.   Do we also need to retrofit `SimpleConsumerShell` to have it support 
these newly-added serdes?
  2.   Does this KIP cover the changes for ConsoleConsumer as well?

发件人: Guozhang Wang <>
发送时间: 2018年3月2日 8:20
主题: [DISCUSS] KIP-265: Make Windowed Serde to public APIs

Hello all,

I'd like to have a discussion on making windowed serde to public APIs of Kafka 
Streams. It involves a couple of new configs, plus a few new public classes for 
windowed serializer and deserializer, and also adding the corresponding console 
consumer options in order to fetch from a topic written by a windowed store.

I'd love to hear from your opinions on the proposed APIs, and if you have 
already encountered this and have to implement your own serdes, does the 
current public API fit your needs.


-- Guozhang

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