Hi all,

I did a couple of tweaks to the "Contributing Code Changes"[1] wiki page:

1. I noted that PR submitters should add a comment to the PR after they've
addressed comments from reviewers (no notification is sent otherwise). I
added this because I noticed that some people weren't doing that and it
tends to cause the review process to take longer.

2. I changed the paragraph about dealing with conflicts to use merge
instead of rebase. Given that reviewers use the "Files changed" tab to
comment on the PR and that the merge script squashes commits before
merging, merging is better than rebasing because (1) it's easier for the
submitter and (2) it's easier for the reviewer to see what has changed
since the last review.

I think these changes are non-controversial (most people already do it this
way), but please do let me know if you disagree.



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