hi there,
I'm not sure whether this is the correct group to post this, but pls
suggest if there is any other channel which can guide me on this.

I understand that kafka consumer group concept enables us to come up with
parallel processing of partitions by the underlying consumers within the
same consumer group, meaning if I spin up multiple consumer objects each
belonging to the same consumer group-id would have load balanced across its
underlying consumer instances, by using various partition assignment
strategy configs which are natively available.

We were trying out with RoundRobin assignment strategy config; created an
application which subscribes with 2 topics ( say topic-1 and topic-2, each
having 10 partitions ) and created 10 consumer objects per topic, so that
aspiration is that we have got 20 consumer objects processing from each of
the partitions (total 20 ) of 2 topics; so far so good when we run one
instance of this application as each consumer is attached to one partition
of a topic.

When we try to spin up another instance of this application, where it again
does the same thing by attaching itself to same consumer-group-id, such
that we will now have total 40 consumer objects overall and they get load
balanced in such a way that 10 consumers from earlier instance of the
application(1) released their partition assignments to this new instance
(2) and seeming to be having an equal distribution among both these
instances where each is sharing half of the load ( 10 consumers from each
instance processing messages from 10 partitions each and 10 consumers in
each instance staying idle)

Now the fun starts when we’re trying to spin up 3rd instance of the
application, we expected the load balance to be something like 7, 7 and 6
for each application instance, however it is turning out to be 7, 8 and 5
and sometimes even random allocations, which I don’t consider as fair equal

We understand that we can not have more consumers than the partitions
available out there, were looking to have some fine load balancing across
the application instances sharing the same consumer group id to not to
overburden one particular instance as such.

Are we missing any config here or some fundamental understanding, please
guide, many thanks!

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