Hi JB,

I am not sure If i understood your question properly but Here is how I
started using blueprint. Kindly review and suggest. 

Earlier we were using KARAF 4.0.10 and spring 3.1.4 release was getting
installed when spring-dm was installed. Now when I am upgrading to 4.2.0, I
am installing spring feature which is installing spring 5.X.

we are using spring MVC in our web related modules and were using
spring-osgi-web classes to load XMLWebContext in web.xml. it was using
org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener and 

Now when I had faced problem with 4.2.0, i was updated that spring-dm is not
supported was i was recommended to use blueprint. Guillaume mentioned in one
of the reply that i can use aries-blueprint and it has 99% compatibility
with spring-dm. I was able to see aries-blueprint bundles in feature:list
also so I moved in that direction.

Kindly suggest if I had any way here to get my web part working.


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