Alex Buloichik has created a small command line utility to export all the source text contents to a plain text file.

For example:

accessibility source\helper\accessiblestrings.src 0 string RID_STR_ACC_NAME_BROWSEBUTTON 13691 en-US Browse 2002-02-02 02:02:02 avmedia source\framework\mediacontrol.src 0 string AVMEDIA_STR_OPEN 13691 en-US Open 2002-02-02 02:02:02 avmedia source\framework\mediacontrol.src 0 string AVMEDIA_STR_INSERT 13691 en-US Apply 2002-02-02 02:02:02 avmedia source\framework\mediacontrol.src 0 string AVMEDIA_STR_PLAY 13691 en-US Play 2002-02-02 02:02:02 avmedia source\framework\mediacontrol.src 0 string AVMEDIA_STR_PAUSE 13691 en-US Pause 2002-02-02 02:02:02

Is exported to:






It takes less than a second to export the full 70.000 strings.

The text file can now be translated in any tool and not specifically PO editors.

Since the source is a text file equivalent to the contents of the sdf file, the TMX that Rafaella will match their contents much better than with a PO file.

The ideal workflow would be the following:

1) export the translatable contents of the 2.4 strings sdf files
2) use the resulting file as source in OmegaT
3) use the TMX as reference TMX files
4) use SUN GLOSS as reference glossary
5) translate all that in OmegaT to benefit from the automatic TMX matching functions
6) import the translated contents into the original
7) deliver a valid SDF file.

Anybody willing to test that before the translation really starts ?

Jean-Christophe Helary

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