Re: [l10n-dev] Terminology Projects

2011-01-26 Thread Michael Bauer

25/01/2011 15:51, Sgrìobh Dwayne Bailey:

Yes its the right place.  You need to have Gaelic enabled as a 
language within terminology.  You can take any existing terminology 
resource in PO, TMX, TBX whatever Pootle support and upload it within 
your language in the terminology project.

Ok, I use an online dictionary for that so I'd have to do that "from 
scratch". Who can enable Scots Gaelic (gd) for me?

le meas,


Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
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Re: [l10n-dev] Terminology Projects

2011-01-25 Thread Dwayne Bailey

On 2011-01-25 17:43, Michael Bauer wrote:


But you can also place files in the top level project called 
'Terminology' which will also be used.
Yes but *where*? The closes I can see is something for Sinhala?

Is that the right place and if so, how exactly do I go about doing one 
for Gaelic?

Yes its the right place.  You need to have Gaelic enabled as a language 
within terminology.  You can take any existing terminology resource in 
PO, TMX, TBX whatever Pootle support and upload it within your language 
in the terminology project.

Alternatively, the method you saw will create a terminology list just 
for the current project.

Sorry gotta run,

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Re: [l10n-dev] Terminology Projects

2011-01-25 Thread Michael Bauer


But you can also place files in the top level project called 
'Terminology' which will also be used.
Yes but *where*? The closes I can see is something for Sinhala?

Is that the right place and if so, how exactly do I go about doing one 
for Gaelic?



Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
Fòn: +44-141-946 4437
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*Am Faclair Beag  ◦ Akerbeltz 
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Re: [l10n-dev] Terminology Projects

2011-01-25 Thread Dwayne Bailey

On 2011-01-25 13:47, Michael Bauer wrote:



1) Terminology - works in Pootle
If you place any terminology file(s) in the Terminology project on 
Pootle then this will happen: any word or substring that appears in 
the current unit that is also in Terminology will appear on the left 
of your editing widget.  This is mostly to ensure consistency in 
terminology choice across the project.

I'd recommend that every language on Pootle do this.
Ok, makes sense, happy to do that - but how or rather where exactly? 
Is that the same as the Glossary (which is the closest thing to a 
Terminology project I can find)? 
That will also work.  This will automatically try to generate a glossary 
for you, you will need to review and remove rubbish and add terms as needed.

But you can also place files in the top level project called 
'Terminology' which will also be used.

So please play with it an give us your feedback.

Ok I will when I can scrape some time!


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Re: [l10n-dev] Terminology Projects

2011-01-25 Thread Michael Bauer



1) Terminology - works in Pootle
If you place any terminology file(s) in the Terminology project on 
Pootle then this will happen: any word or substring that appears in 
the current unit that is also in Terminology will appear on the left 
of your editing widget.  This is mostly to ensure consistency in 
terminology choice across the project.

I'd recommend that every language on Pootle do this.
Ok, makes sense, happy to do that - but how or rather where exactly? Is 
that the same as the Glossary (which is the closest thing to a 
Terminology project I can find)? 

So please play with it an give us your feedback.

Ok I will when I can scrape some time!


Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
Fòn: +44-141-946 4437
Facs: +44-141-945 2701
*Am Faclair Beag  ◦ Akerbeltz 
 ◦ Firefox sa Ghàidhlig 
 ◦ Thunderbird sa Ghàidhlig 
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Ghàidhlig *

Re: [l10n-dev] Terminology Projects

2011-01-25 Thread Dwayne Bailey

On 2011-01-25 02:47, Michael Bauer wrote:
Question about terminology projects/TM on Pootle. If I start such a 
thing for my locale, will it then make suggestions live i.e. if I 
translate string ab cd de, and then ab cd de comes up again, it will 
automatically suggest that as a match or will it only do that after a 
build has been created or released or some such thing?

Lets split TM and terminology suggestions:

1) Terminology - works in Pootle
If you place any terminology file(s) in the Terminology project on 
Pootle then this will happen: any word or substring that appears in the 
current unit that is also in Terminology will appear on the left of your 
editing widget.  This is mostly to ensure consistency in terminology 
choice across the project.

I'd recommend that every language on Pootle do this.

2) Translation Memory - not available in Pootle 2.1
We don't do any TM in Pootle 2.1, so no exact or close matches.  But we 
are implementing something for Pootle 2.2.  You can test it at

We've been trying to raise funds for this feature for a while now, our 
resources are a bit stretched at the moment though so we've had to scale 
down our vision.  So probably no live TM but as you can see in the test 
server it is quite useful anyway.  Hopefully we'll find some support and 
2.2 will have rock solid TM.

So please play with it an give us your feedback.
If it does work live, how do I go about setting one up for Scots 
Gaelic (gd)? It says "request from an admin" but it doesn't specify 
too clearly which admin :)

So for TM no go for now.  But for terminology please jump right in.


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[l10n-dev] Terminology Projects

2011-01-24 Thread Michael Bauer
Question about terminology projects/TM on Pootle. If I start such a 
thing for my locale, will it then make suggestions live i.e. if I 
translate string ab cd de, and then ab cd de comes up again, it will 
automatically suggest that as a match or will it only do that after a 
build has been created or released or some such thing?

If it does work live, how do I go about setting one up for Scots Gaelic 
(gd)? It says "request from an admin" but it doesn't specify too clearly 
which admin :)



Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
Fòn: +44-141-946 4437
Facs: +44-141-945 2701
*Am Faclair Beag  ◦ Akerbeltz 
 ◦ Firefox sa Ghàidhlig 
 ◦ Thunderbird sa Ghàidhlig 
 ◦ Opera 11 sa 
Ghàidhlig *