Hi Friends,

I've been thinking about ways that we can solve LOG4J2-2965 which is a deadlock 
between JUL init and log4j init, both of which use synchronization. The crux of 
the issue is that JUL LogManager uses a synchronized block to initialize, which 
requests log4j-core initialization and log4j-core attempts to initialize the 
JUL LogManager if Disruptor is used. If One thread attempts to initialize JUL 
directly while another begins to initialize log4j via a non-jul path, we may 
deadlock. I have an example stack trace in the ticket.

This problem is specific to JUL due to the synchronization incurred while 
initializing our LogManager via java.util.logging.LogManager, so we could 
update our JUL implementation to lazily connect jul logger instances to the 
log4j framework. Instead of reaching out to the loggercontext when JUL loggers 
are requested, we can initialize the delegate log4j components upon the first 
interaction rather than when the logger is requested, decoupling JUL LogManager 
initialization from log4j init so it behaves like other bindings. We would need 
to be careful to track the original caller data to avoid associating JUL 
loggers with incorrect log4j contexts.

What do you think? Any alternative ideas or suggestions?


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