Apache Log4j JMX GUI[1] team is pleased to announce the 2.22.0
release. This project provides a Swing-based client for remotely
editing the Log4j configuration and remotely monitoring `StatusLogger`
output. It can be run as a standalone application or as a JConsole

[1] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/jmx-gui

== Release notes

This release contains minor improvements.

=== Added

* Started generating CycloneDX SBOM with the recent update of
`logging-parent` to version `10.4.0`
* Publish the website[1]

=== Changed

* Add OSGi and JPMS descriptors
* Update `log4j-core` to version `2.21.1`
* Update `logging-parent` to version `10.4.0`

=== Fixed

* Restore the original Maven `groupId`: `org.apache.logging.log4j`

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