AW: Improving String Distance calculation performance

2010-12-28 Thread Biedermann,S.,Fa. Post Direkt
Hi Robert,

Thanks for your hint about LevensteinAutomata. Are AutomatonQueries planned for 
an upcoming release?

At the moment, we build the reference to boost documents those at query time 
which contain fuzzily seldom used tokens within a queried region, in a manner 
of speaking a fuzzied localised idf() .The boosts are injected via payloads. 
Since levenstein must be calculated within a (fuzzied) region only, O(mn) 
applies "only" to each region. On the outside, we have O(#region).

The problem could be equivalently solved query time. But this would mean to 
count the matched documents of each fuzzy query within a more complex queries.
In Release 3.0.2. it looks quite complicated to me to incorporate a different 
scoring model that first count matches of each fuzzy sub-query and then apply 
the boosts to the matched tokens. I haven't seen a Scorer doing this so far. 
Furthermore we are sensible about query time. 

Do you have any ideas?

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Muir [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Dezember 2010 17:11
Betreff: Re: Improving String Distance calculation performance

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Biedermann,S.,Fa. Post Direkt 
> As for our problem: we are trying to build reference data against which 
> requests shall be matched. In this case we need quite a huge amount of string 
> distance measurements for preparing this reference.

If this is your problem, i wouldn't recommend using the StringDistance 
directly. As i mentioned, its not designed for your use case because the way 
its used by spellchecker, it only needs something like 20-50 comparisons...

If you try to use it the way you describe, it will be very slow, it must do 
O(k) comparisons, where k is the number of strings, and each comparison is 
O(mn), where m and n are the lengths of the input string and string being 
compared, respectively.

Easier would be to index your terms and simply do FuzzyQuery (with trunk), 
specifying the exact max edit distance you want. Or if you care about getting 
all exact results within Levenshtein distance of some degree N, use 
AutomatonQuery built from LevenshteinAutomata.

This will give you a sublinear number of comparisons, something complicated but 
more like O(sqrt(k)) where k is the number of strings, and each comparison is 
O(n), where n is the length of the target string.

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AW: Improving String Distance calculation performance

2010-12-27 Thread Biedermann,S.,Fa. Post Direkt
Hi Robert,

I don't use the spellchecker, but of course I want to re-use the string 
distance algorithms from a well-implemented library. I find that these 
algorithms are of broader scope than spellchecking only. For instance 
FuzzyTermEnum could rely on them. FuzzyTermEnum could be refactored to use 
other string distance measurements as well...

As for our problem: we are trying to build reference data against which 
requests shall be matched. In this case we need quite a huge amount of string 
distance measurements for preparing this reference. 

For score scaling I took 1 - (#edits/maxTermLength) as suggested by the 
original. I ran the candidate in parallel to the original LevensteinDistance 
from spellchecker and found no difference so far. Of cousre, this is no proof. 


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Muir [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Dezember 2010 16:07
Betreff: Re: Improving String Distance calculation performance

Hi Biedermann:

you are correct in that the comparator in spellcheck could maybe use some 

But I'm curious as to why you would be doing a lot of comparisons with the 
spellchecker? Are you using this class separately for some other purpose?

The reason is that the spellchecker works like this (in two phases) to retrieve 
N suggestions for a word:
* first phase is to do a n-gram query against the spellcheck index.
This is a simple BooleanQuery that returns 10 * N suggestions. For example if 
you want the top 5 suggestions for a word, it will get the top 50 based on an 
n-gram ranking.
* these top-N (in my example only 50) are then re-ranked according to the 
spellcheck comparator, such as Levenshtein. So in this example only 50 
levenshtein comparisons are done.

of course there is no reason why we shouldn't optimize the compare, if its 
safe. for the particular optimization you mention I only have one
concern: that is that the optimization is correct for FuzzyTermsEnum where the 
score scaling is 1 - (#edits/minTermLength). But in the spellchecker 
comparator, the scores are scaled as 1 - (#edits/maxTermLength).

It might be your optimization is just fine... but I just wanted to mention this 

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:08 AM, Biedermann,S.,Fa. Post Direkt 
> Hi,
> this is a re-post, because the first time I re-used another thread 
> (sorry for any inconvenience):
> this is my first post to this mailing list, so I first want to say 
> hello to all of you!
>        You are doing a great job
> In I found an optimised 
> implementation of the Levenstein-Algorithms which makes use of the 
> fact that the algorithm can be aborted if a given minimum similarity 
> cannot be reached anymore. I isolated that algorithm into a subclass 
> of org.apache.lucene.spell.StringDistance, since we usually can make 
> use of this optimisation.
> With our current miminum similarity setting of 0.75 this algorithm 
> needs against our test data only about 22% of run time compared to the 
> original algorithm from the spell package.
> With a further optimisation candidate (see below) the runtime can be 
> further reduced by another third to only 14% of original Levenstein.
> So, my first question is: is it worth adding a further method to the
> StringDistance-Interface:
>        float getDistance(String left, String right, float
> minimumSimilarity)
> so that applications can make use of possible optimisations 
> (StringDistance-Implementations without optimisations would just skip 
> the minimSimilarity parameter)?
> The idea of the optimsation candidate is about calculating only those 
> fields in the "virtual" matrix that are near its diagonal.
> It is only a candidants since we have not prooven it to work. But with 
> all our test data (0.5 billion comparisons) there is no difference to 
> the original algorithm.
> Do you have any counter examples?
> Since this is my first post, is this the right mailing list?
> Best Regards,
> Sven
> Here is the code taken from FuzzyTermEnum with some modfications  (p 
> and d are initialised somewhere else):
>    public float getDistance(final String left, final String right, 
> float minimumSimilarity) {
>        if (left.length() > right.length())   // candidate works only 
> if longer string is right
>            return getDistanceInner(right, left, minimumSimilarity);
>        else
>            return getDistanceInner(left, right, minimumSimilarity);
>    }
>    private float getDistanceInner(final String left, final String 
> right, float minimumSimilarity) {
>        final int m = right.length();
>        final int n = left.length();
>        final int maxLength = Math.max(m, n);
>        if (n == 0)  {
>          //we don't have anything to compare.  That means if we just 
> add
>          //the letters for m we get the new word
>            return (m == 0) ? 1f : 0f;