On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Jacqueline McNally wrote:

> There are many community members quoted in the article so it may be
> raised on [EMAIL PROTECTED] From a marketing pov how do or will you respond to
> the issues raised in the article and added as comments?

I see it as a problem that you have to install Java to run some of the 
things that is important for new users like running the database and the 
Writer wizards.

When a new user has installed OOo then they might face that it is not 
working properly and gets error messages because an Java Runetime 
Environment isn't installed. Then they will not see OOo as a whole suite 
but a suite missing some key features when installed.

It is also a problem that you can't sell OOo as a free solutions where you 
don't have to depend on one single company - one of the key features of 
Open Source. You are not depended on a single company strategy like 
putting fees on the runtime environment.

I will suggest Sun to either license the Java Runtime Environment under a 
true Open Source and Free Software license or recode the parts of OOo 
which are depending on Java.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov                    "Kan jeg, så kan du også"
Helper/Hjælper            Henrik Dahl i DRs Rabatten om OpenOffice.org
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