Re: [marketing] ODF desktop icons for OOo (without OOo branding ATM) - volunteers?

2009-12-05 Thread Bernhard Dippold

Hi Drew, *

Drew Jensen schrieb:

 Juergen Schmidt wrote:
 [...] the key message of the icons is to strengthen the ODF brand.
 And that application independent! For ODF it is important that
 people understand the openness of the format, that it is based on
 a standard and that it can be used with different applications.

 From my point of view it makes really sense to have this unique
 icons for ODF files. And hopefully most often is
 the default app on the system to open these files.
 [FYI - I started this email a few days ago and some of the points
 have been made by others, but I wanted to comment so will just send
 it as is..]

 Could not agree more with that opinion, when the discussion is
 regarding mime file type icons. The value of branding the actual
 file types for ODF it seems to me is one of the most important steps
 to be performed at this point., thanks to the work of
 many individuals and organizations, has achieved a strong name
 recognition. [...] Name recognition and market share are capital, and
 capital needs to be invested - an investment targeted to building an
 ODF brand like a winning proposition from even an
 centric perspective.

I'm all with you on that point - branding ODF is good investment for OOo.
(OK - I already wrote this several times and should not repeat myself 
too much...)

 The new file type icon set developed appears quite good to my eye;
 the lack, or singularity, of the color theme seems to me a good
 thing. Think Adobe here for their simple red themed PDF format.

PDF is only one file type, the ODF file types differ much between each 
other. Recognition by their grey symbols might be not enough IMHO.

 Microsoft has already established a rather strong association
 between blue and doc file format - OK, we have a little different
 blue - works for me :) After all we want folks to refer to text
 documents and mean Open Document Text Documents...right.

Not only text documents: With the new icons we refer to spreadsheets, 
presentations, databases too. There is no assiciation with blue - and 
users (especially the MS Office users we want to convince to move) await 
green, orange or crimson/violet colors for these file types.

This could be solved with different colors for the ODF area, but it 
would reduce the strength of the ODF branding.

I'd keep one color scheme for ODF branding (preferably colors not 
already associated with a certain file type - and the ODF logo already 
uses such colors: yellow and violet), but add the file type information 

With the MS Offfice color similarities we used up to now people keep 
present associations - so why not add them (less prominent) to the icons?

Another way would be using the different ODF file formats in the same 
style as branding elements:

ODT   ODF text document
ODS   ODF spreadsheet document
ODP   ODF presentation document
ODG   ODF graphics document

and so on.

The brackets symbolize the ODF origin as XML based file format, together 
with the repetitive usage of OD and the colored background this might 
give a sufficient association with ODF as the basis for different 
document file formats.

 That said, and just to be sure, there is no talk here of changing
 the icons displayed by the executables - in all their
 current and glorious color. I believe that's correct?

I don't understand the reason to reduce the visual relation between 
application and document icons. The application icons are much less 
visible than the document icons: People tend to open a file directly 
instead of opening the application first and then open a document inside 
this program.

I'd add the ODF badge to the application icons too - this shows that all 
the OOo applications support ODF, it keeps consistency between 
application and document icon and improves branding on both ODF and OOo.

 To me then the issue that is of concern is the start center. I
 really think that users  will have no problem making a distinction,
 in their minds, between what we display in the start center and what
 we display in the operating system supplied functionality for file
 types. ( Explorer, Finder, Browser, etc )

At the moment the start center displays the document icons, but it might 
be discussed if they don't behave like the app icons: They open the apps 
with an empty document. So why not show the app icons instead?

Once we found a common design for the document icons, the start center 
will have to get a new design - perhaps a new functionality too ...

 That does not mean I feel *strongly* that the current application
 icons must not be changed, or the actual start center graphics - if
 someone in the arts group wants to take a run at adding our current
 color theme to the proposed mime type icons for use in the start
 center I for one would love to see it.

I don't see a reason for a third set of icons besides the app and the 
doc icons. (You know my 

[marketing] marketing discussion on ODF document icons - collection of comments

2009-12-05 Thread Bernhard Dippold

Hi all,

I tried to collect thoughts and opinions about the ODF mime type icons 
inside the marketing project.

It seems to me that most of the people interested in this topic already 
posted their opinion, so I think we should go back on to 
find a common agreement on the different, partially opposite opinions.

It is not easy to summarize the discussion on the marketing list, 
therefore I filled a list of topics and comments by the contributors to 
the discussion. If I misunderstood someone or changed the meaning of any 
posting by shortening it, please correct me - it was not on puropose.

You'll find the list in the wiki:

If I'll find the time I'm going to summarize the discussion during the 
next days.

Best regards


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Re: [marketing] ODF desktop icons for OOo

2009-12-05 Thread Cor Nouws

Peter Junge wrote (1-12-2009 8:18)
General remark: I didn't find the time to read the whole discussion 
here, so I might reiterate things that have already been said. Anyway I 
think this discussion is mostly happening at the wrong place. As we have 
often emphasized OOo is not equal ODF. Consequently, a standardized 
set of icons for ODF should be specified and provided by the ODF 
Adoption TC at OASIS [1]. Subsequently the ODF Adoption TC would 
recommend the use of this icon set to the implementers and later measure 
the success of its work.

True. Also it is understandable that the project spends 
some extra energy on the topic. But the more in coop. with ODF Adop TC, 
the better.

Ciao - Cor

Cor Nouws
  - marketing contact
  - Community Contributor Representative in the Community Council
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Re: [marketing] [Fwd: [releases] 3.2 New Features page]

2009-12-05 Thread Christine Louise Beems
I comprehend 'brain dead', John :-)  Following is some alternative copy for 
your consideration, prefaced by explaining that only the text up to (my 
added) 'technical imrovements' heading has been revised... however the text 
following that (up to the snip) was left in place verbatim to include a 
formatting note on Proprietary File Types and the text on Writer wherein [as 
the brackets identify] there is a sentence that seems to me to make no sense 

Also in the alternative text, note the addition of a footnote aimed most 
specifically at communicating accurate information to mainstream reporters, 
one of whom I heard on CNN the other day making comments regarding 
OpenSource ideologies which (I believe) were errantly based. Anyway, hope 
these comments prove useful. Glad my previous notes made sense. Thanks for 
all the pains you take to 'get it right'. ~Christine

Faster start up times 3.2 Calc and Writer have both reduced 'cold start' time by 
46% since version 3.0 was released just over a year ago.

Enhanced ODF Support
Open Document Format (ODF) standards, as promulgated by the World Wide Web 
Consortium (W3C)*, sets international compatibility criteria for the 
electronic/digital storage of documents.

These standards recognize the importance of interoperability and intelligent 
information exchange and seek, for example, to ensure that office documents 
created today on any given computer system will be readable by other 
computer systems everywhere, including the technology of tomorrow. 3.2 has made great strides in compliance with ODF 1.2, 
including closer conformance to OASIS ODFF/OpenFormula specifications.

Proprietary File Support 3.2 supports the import of password protected Microsoft 
Office XML files. (for a list of all supported file types, click here)

[*footnote: The W3C is the main international standards organization for the 
World Wide Web. Founded and headed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the consortium is 
made up of member organizations which maintain full-time staff for the 
purpose of working together in the development of standards for the World 
Wide Web. W3C also engages in education and outreach, develops software and 
serves as an open forum for discussion about the Web. As of 8 September 
2009, the W3C has 356 members. In accord of this ongoing improvement 
process, on November 13, 2009, Mary P McRae, Director, Standards Development 
and Technical Committee Administration OASIS, initiated the public review 
procedure for Part 3 of the OpenDocument Format 1.2 specification.]


As 3.2 currently requires a superset of the ODF 1.2 
specification, the software now warns users when ODF 1.2 Extended features 
have been used.

The document integrity check now proves whether an ODF document conforms to 
the ODF specification (this mainly affects ODF 1.2 documents). If an 
inconsistency is found, the document is treated as a broken one, and offers to repair the document.

Proprietary File Support 3.2 supports the import of password protected Microsoft 
Office XML files. All document types are supported that are handled by the 
MSO XML import filters: - MS Word 2007 documents (*.docx, *.docm) - MS Word 
2007 templates (*.dotx, *.dotm) - MS Excel 2007 documents (*.xlsx, *.xlsm) - 
MS Excel 2007 binary documents (*.xlsb) - MS Excel 2007 templates (*.xltx, 
*.xltm) - MS Powerpoint 2007 documents (*.pptx, *.pptm) - MS Powerpoint 2007 
templates (*.potx, *.potm). [NOTE: This would be easier to read as a 
bulleted list.]

Encryption support within the Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP filter allows 
password protected Microsoft Word documents to be saved (using the Microsoft 
Office standard RC4 algorithm).

Filters for AportisDoc and PocketWord now support type detection based on 
DocType. As a result, files in these formats can be loaded without 
explicitly selecting the document type in the file picker.

When writing string data to SYLK files, embedded double quotes are no longer 
escaped by doubling; semicolons are now escaped by doubling. This improves 
compatibility with files created by other applications.

Support for Postscript based OpenType fonts
There are many high quality commercial and free OpenType fonts that are 
based on Postscript outlines. They are now supported for formatting, 
printing, PDF-export and display.

Autocorrect word completion
Writer can remember permanently any additions to the autocorrect list 
collected while working on a document. [A new CheckBox When closing a 
document, remove the words collected from it from the list makes this 
functionality more obvious.] snip

- Original Message - 
From: John McCreesh

Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [marketing] [Fwd: [releases] 3.2 New Features page]

On Thu, December 3, 2009