Re: [marketing] Videos: get involved!

2009-03-29 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA


Is there a deadline for when you would like to have these?


Jeff Causey

On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Rosana Ardila Biela  

Hello All,

I'm now working on two videos for OOo and would like to ask you to  
get involved. I did a few interviews with OOo members at the Cebit  
exposition in Hannover, Germany. So I already have some material,  
but I would like to have people from all around the world in the  
videos. As I can't travel around the world to interview you all, I  
would like to ask you to help me.

The idea is very simple: webcams are very popular, almost every new  
laptop has one. So you might have one, and if not, you probably know  
someone who has one, and can lend it to you. You could make a  
"living" postcard: get in front of the camera and tell why OOo is  
special and how to get involved.

Important is the sound quality, so that everyone can understand the  
voice. The lightning is also important, so we can see the person in  
front of the camera. If you can do the takes outdoors, it would be  
great, as it gives the impression of "freedom". And well, if there  
is a very beautiful place in your country and you can show it on  
your video that would be great.

I will pick some of the videos and integrate them with the content I  
already have, but we can find a place to put all the videos. I  
created an e-mail account where you can send me the videos:  The  
files size can be up to 20MB, and the shorter the videos, the better.

I hope I can see you soon!


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Re: [marketing] Some marketing questions.

2008-02-05 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
t; (Don't show them how much time it takes to do a merge with 1000 records
> > however ;-) )
> > - Show them how easy it is to have landscape pages in your documents.
> > Killer feature.
> > - The Navigator in Calc and Writer.
> > - The ease of exporting to PDF in all modules, to mail as PDF, as .doc
> > ...
> > - Show them styles in Calc and Draw.
> > - Explain about how reliable Calc works in a multi language environment.
> > - It's easy to switch language of the UI.
> >
> > Be fair.
> > Not everything when moving to OOo is easy and fast. Some things even are
> > difficult.
> > - Rebuilding lots of Excel or Access applications? No easy go. Needs
> > good analysing. Often a policy to gradually replace let it face out,
> > is best. So switching may lead to a (temporarily) mixed situation.
> > - Exchanging editable documents with others? Can be done but has to be
> > well prepared (also depending on which version of the other office is
> > involved ;-) )
> > - Many apps (often CRM and other database drive stuff) that link
> > directly to MsO, do not yet link direct to OOo. Some work has to be done
> > on those situations.
> > - In general: moving to another office software (be it OOo or MsO2007)
> > needs detailed preparation.
> >
> > So, this is what come in my mind, and more of a demo than a talk with
> > best practices :-) But I hope it does help you.
> >
> > And I am interested in what others will bring up here ...
> >
> > Regards,
> > Cor

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.
866-216-1184 (FAX)

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Re: [Marketing] Return to the marketing

2007-09-29 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

> In this particular case you unfortunately were in the right place at
> the wrong time, and it's not about "Lingo".  Imagine if I went into
> a Coke office and referred to their product as

Sounds like you just referred to their product as "Coke" and the company 
as "Coke" when it is actually The Coca-Cola Company and their flagship drink 
is Coca-Cola.

> The most important part of the name is the .org because it 
> speaks of the most significant ,part of the project; the community.

Which is an opinion of course.

Sean, you may also want to check out  You'll find both a copy 
of the Strategic Marketing Plan for OOo along with many other materials and 
information.  Hopefully it will help you not only get up to speed, but figure 
out how you can best help out.

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.
866-216-1184 (FAX)

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Re: [Marketing] Use Calc in your business?

2007-06-21 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

Not sure what kind of business you are looking for, but... I run my own 
business (accounting and consulting) using the OOo suite.  Everything 
internal is done with OOo and I frequently have to do file conversions with 
clients who all run MSO.  Just a one-man shop, so not sure if that's what 
they are looking for, but it is in "production".  Contact info is below - 
feel free to pass it on.

Jeff Causey

On Thursday 21 June 2007 15:50, John McCreesh wrote:
> I've a journalist in the US looking to talk to a business user of Calc.
> Has anyone any suggestions please?
> Thanks - John

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.
866-216-1184 (FAX)

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Re: [Marketing] So, OOo infringes 45 MS patents...

2007-05-17 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
On Thursday 17 May 2007 08:28, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
> > Cor Nouws a écrit :
> >>Alexandro Colorado wrote:
> >>>There was a post on digg explaining what it was actually found and
> >>>how did  Balmer distorted the news in true Microsoft way:
> >>>,1759,1729908,00.asp
> >>
> >>Interesting, but Nov. 2004.
> >>Is this about the same claim(s) ?
> >
> > Huh, there might have been a problem in the dates, because this article
> > is supposed to have been published a few days ago...
> Hmm, all references lead to pages in august / november 2004.
> Which doesn't mean that the content is less valid...
> just my question: Is this about the same claim(s) ?


I believe these are two separate set of claims, though Ballmer may have used 
the claims from 2004 as a starting point (or more cynically, to introduce 
even more FUD).  Just some items to look at:

- 2004 study done by Ravicher claimed over 200 patents potentially infringed 
by Linux.  I'm pretty sure his study was limited to the Linux kernel and 
nothing else.  Of those, iirc, only about 23 or so were identified as being 
owned by MS.

- Jump ahead to 2007, and Ballmer is now claiming that a variety of FOSS 
applications infringe over 200 MS specific patents.  This is very different 
from what Ravicher was claiming - many more apps covered and Ballmer is 
limiting his claims to MS patents.

I would have to guess the Digg poster was confused regarding the 2004 claims 
versus the new MS claims.  If I'm at my most cynical, I would say Ballmer/MS 
selected a number in the 2xx range with the intent that their claims get 
confused with the Ravicher study.  From what I'm seeing around the 'net, it 
seems like that strategy (if correct) is working.

My simple answer to the question of whether the 2004 Ravicher claims and the 
2007 Ballmer claims are the same is no.


Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] Microsoft Expands Document Interoperability

2006-07-07 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
On Thursday 06 July 2006 15:24, John McCreesh wrote:

> So when this translator turns out to be less than satisfactory,
> Microsoft will say:
> (a) we told you so
> (b) go and talk to the open-source project who developed it
>(who will have folded because MS funding will have run out)
> (c) use our formats instead

Interestingly, SJVN voices much the same thing in an article today:,1895,1985410,00.asp?kc=ewnws070706dtx1k599

Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] Open to temptation

2006-07-06 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
On Thursday 06 July 2006 00:16, Brendan Scott wrote:

> The non commercial restriction would prevent its inclusion in a BSD
> licensed product as much as in a GPL licensed one, because each of these
> licences gives recipients the right to use and reproduce the product for
> commercial purposes - something expressly prohibited by the nc licence.

I was not speaking so much to how the CCL (especially NC) interoperates with 
GPL or BSD as much as I was talking about how the sides argue the merits of 
GPL vs. BSD.  It seems like a very similar debate to the NC or non-NC debate 
when it comes to the CCL.  In the case of the source code licenses, the clash 
seems to be more over proprietary vs non-proprietary.  In the case of content 
(since one would not hide it like source code), it seems to come out as the 
difference between commercial and non-commercial.  I stand corrected that it 
is not "the same debate", though imho opinion they are similar.

> I didn't say they definitely were, I said they might be.  I think it is
> pretty clear that (for example) BY-SA will be incompatible with the GPL.

Why would BY-SA be incompatible with the GPL?  My impression of the BY-SA 
requirements is that they require you to maintain attribution (e.g. copyright 
notices) and license whatever you do with the content for others to use in 
the same manner (i.e. your own BY-SA).  Isn't that the same as the GPL 
requiring copyrights be maintained and if you create something with GPL code 
you have to release your own code under a GPL (or otherwise make it 
available)? (I'm assuming in either case you are releasing something new into 
the world rather than just using it internally).

> I don't like the term "open content".  But my main point is that people
> should understand that it doesn't mean what they think it means.   My
> article is intended to convey this one simple point:

I like the term itself, but as you note, it is so abused and used improperly, 
that it rarely corresponds with what one would think it means.

> Knowing that something is "open content", or even "Creative Commons" does
> not assist in determining whether the content can be used in an open source
> project.

I would agree with that.  The term "open content" imo has not achieved 
significant mindshare to have a common meaning for folks (and often is 
wrong - see above) and the CCL variations need study by anyone relying on 

> Vagueness only relates to the BY/BY-SA incompatibility.  Given that I
> didn't (and still don't) know the answer, I was obliged to be vague.  I did
> voice my suspicion and did it in a qualified way.  My suspicion it remains.
>  The article had a very short word limit as well btw.

Perhaps that is why I am having trouble reconciling what you wrote with what I 
think your points and position are.  Earlier you indicate "it is pretty 
clear" that BY-SA is incompatible with the GPL, but now you indicate you 
were "obliged to be vague" because you don't really know the answer (nor do 

Having tried to work through many similar issues myself, I have to suspect 
that the biggest culprit is the length of the article limitations you allude 
to.  As it is, the article gave me the impression of "open content licenses 
are not really open content and not really compatible with open source 
projects/software, so beware".  Hopefully I was the only one Perhaps with 
more space to work with, that impression could have been avoided.

Thanks for taking the time to drop in and follow-up! 

Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] Open to temptation

2006-07-05 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
On Wednesday 05 July 2006 22:49, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
> "It is tempting to think that references to "open content" have a
> meaning similar to those for "open source". It is equally tempting to
> want to make use of 'open content' in an open source project. Do not
> yield to temptation!
> Open content is a term devoid of any useful meaning. It is used to refer
> to a broad range of licensing schemes, including Creative Commons (CC)
> and AESharenet, which are overwhelmingly open source incompatible. Using
> "open content" in an open source project is, in most cases, likely to
> result in the project ceasing to be open source because of licence
> restrictions on the content. The most popular of these restrictions is
> the so called "noncommercial" restriction of the CC licences - a
> discriminatory provision which is anathema to the open source
> definition. Unfortunately there are other more subtle problems which may
> render even apparently unobjectionable CC licences - such as BY
> (Attribution) and BY-SA (Share Alike) - open source incompatible."
> Scott, B. (2006), Open to temptation [Online], Computerworld. Available
> from:  [6 July
> 2006].
> Regards
> Jacqueline McNally
> OOoCon2006 in Lyon (
> Are you a computer angel? (
> -
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Isn't this really the same debate that occurs between proponents of GPL 
licenses vs. BSD licenses?  At least as far as the NC restriction for the 

I would have liked to have seen Mr. Scott expand upon his contention that the 
CCL BY and SA restrictions of the CCL render them open source "incompatible".  
His article seems to be intended to throw FUD upon the term "open content" 
more than anything else given the vagueness of his arguments.
Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] Marketing ideas

2006-06-09 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
> > Idea #3
> > Get a charitable organization 501(C)3 so these
> > donations can be made on a tax deductible basis in the
> > U.S.
> Would you care to help set this up?  In the meantime, you could use
> and eat the tax deduction
> on your US$25 :-)

Is there a need for a 501(c)(3) in the U.S. to handle donations?  I have set 
them up in the past and would be glad to help with such an effort.  Could be 
either an existing group/org or a new one - I'm not familiar enough with 
what's out there already.

Any guess who may know more?

Jeff Causey

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[Marketing] OOo mention

2006-05-25 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Just happened to run across this article today:

There are a couple references to OOo, including one indicating OOo was not 
initially optimized for ODF.

On an unrelated note, I've been using Novell's OOo version for quite a while, 
but they have been stuck at 2.0.  Finally took the plunge today and installed 
the OOo premium 2.0.2 referenced earlier on this list.  Talk about a 
difference - the Novell OOo took a very long time to load and doing any file 
save/open operations usually meant time for a bathroom break.  Anyway, my new 
2.0.2 is blazing - program opens in a matter of seconds and file ops seem 
almost instantaneous.  I haven't poked around too much with the extras, but 
kudos to the Hungarian Native Language Team.

Jeff Causey

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[Marketing] New MSO review out

2006-05-23 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
I don't think this has been previously posted.  eWeek has just released a new 
review of Office 2007 Beta 2:,1895,1966148,00.asp

If interested, they have a similar review of Vista available.  May also want 
to check out the slideshow of screenshots for the Office review.

Might be worth it to review the positives and negatives that eWeek has 
identified and how that may be used to our own advantage.  I did note in the 
article that they state:

>During tests of the second beta of Office 2007, we were impressed with the 
suite's collaboration features. In fact, we believe they will be the impetus 
for dedicated Windows shops to upgrade when Office 2007 ships later in 2006. 
The suitewide attention to collaboration will enable users and enterprises as 
a whole to work with information in new and more creative ways.

I didn't feel like there was a lot of info in the article though regarding the 
improved collaboration features.  They note the new blog feature and I 
suppose the "review" feature (helps you strip out information) would be 
considered "collaborative".  Nevertheless, they cite collaboration as a 
reason to justify an upgrade.

Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] Some support for ODF

2006-05-16 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

> I'm pretty sure no one does (after all, those are /other/ projects). But
> the OpenDocument Fellowship does keep track of these things.

Thanks.  I know OOo and ODF are really two different things.  Given the 
interrelated nature of the two and the fact that ODF is the native file 
format of OOo, I would have thought there would have been more tracking of 
ODF implementations (even though they do not necessarily correspond to OOo 
implementations).  Obviously I was mistaken.

> I hope to complete the new apps list within a couple of weeks. You are
> welcome to help out. Please do add a page for IBM Notes. Consider
> joinging our mailing list:

Thanks again.  I'll check out the links and see if there is something I can 
help with.


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[Marketing] Some support for ODF

2006-05-16 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Just ran across this article about IBM planning to support the OpenDocument 
Format in the next version of Notes.;jsessionid=4Q5HVIJ5SAWEQQSNDBECKHSCJUMEKJVN?articleID=187203395

Not sure who keeps track of such things for the OOo project.  Should someone 
contact IBM to see just how close the integration between Notes and OOo may 
be or could be?  I know there always seem to be conversations going on about 
creating more integration between PIM's and OOo.  This may be an angle to tap 
into a fairly large installed base.

Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] Get Legal - but not too soon

2006-05-12 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
On Friday May 12 2006 11:40, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> Hi, Jeff
> Not sure I've "met" you before, so welcome...
> On 2006-05-12, at 11:23 , Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA wrote:
> > If I'm not mistaken, I think part of the problem was not so much
> > that the
> > mailing list discussions were or were not publicly viewable.  My
> > understanding is that a web page had been created with a "live" url
> > that LWN
> > was able to point to even though it was not "finished".
> >
> > IIRC, part of the problem was that even though "rough draft" pages
> > could be
> > created, the peculiarities of the Collabnet platform forced the
> > creation of a
> > "live" page so things like look/feel (formatting) could be worked on.
> >
> > I guess the question is whether a sandbox can be created so the
> > Collabnet
> > pages can be created and reviewed before they are actually published.
> Hm; thanks for the clarification. We can't easily have a sandbox as
> you suggest, but there are ways around the problem of live
> urlsHere is what I do all the time for the homepage: I just name
> it obscurely and ask for people to review the obscure page. We can
> also use obscure URLs on Marketing, and in fact, this was done with
> the Why pages, when Cristian and John worked on preliminary versions
> on Website project, which is designed for this sort of thing.
> Best,
> Louis
> PS Jeff, can you bottom post? it's easier on others, as that way we
> can pretend to have a conversation. Also, keep in mind that this list
> is decidedly public, and you should be careful about what you want
> made public, like your phone number. :-)


wrt the Collabnet platform, that was my understanding.  I know with most of 
the platforms I work with, they have options to mark something as draft or 
set a "publication" date in the future.  Kind of odd Collabnet does not have 
that, but I'm guessing it goes back to its roots.

Anyway, I suppose the "obscurity" solution will have to do.  However, I 
believe as this episode has shown, it can create problems if there is a 


P.S. - I will try to humor you with bottom-posting.  Alas, this may be it as I 
have been a "top-poster" since the dawn of time.  Trying to change for this 
list will be like trying to remember to cross my arms left-over-right instead 
of right-over-left - not only does it not feel right, it is not something I 
really think about when I do it. :-)

> > Jeff Causey
> >
> > On Friday May 12 2006 10:55, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> On 2006-05-12, at 10:38 , John McCreesh wrote:
> >>> Now that the LWN article has moved from being 'subscriber only' to
> >>> 'general release', I've re-read all the comments:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The balance of opinion seems to be:
> >>>
> >>> "Seriously, breaking news of a PR campaign *can* derail it ... That
> >>> said, the OOo marketing people who made it Google-visible before it
> >>> was
> >>> supposed to go public are the real idiots here!"
> >>>
> >>> I'm not sure that our mailing lists *are* Google-visible,
> >>
> >> Depends on the list. "Private" lists requiring someone to be logged
> >> in to view the archives are not.
> >>
> >>> but the point
> >>> is still valid. They are public, and anyone can join and listen in.
> >>> "Get
> >>> Legal" is the first in a series of attention-grabbing campaigns
> >>> as we
> >>> develop the proposition "Why". I believe we will get
> >>> most
> >>> impact if we can maintain an element of surprise.
> >>>
> >>> Comments?
> >>
> >> Conduct PR discussions on [EMAIL PROTECTED], which requires one to login
> >> to view the archives.
> >>
> >> We have of course had this discussion before, and the alternative
> >> then--offlist discussions or using really private lists--is
> >> problematical, both because it can be a pain to track and because it
> >> defies the principles of openness.
> >>
> >> Hence, let's use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for discussions like this and accept
> >> that it is not perfect (spies) but is good enough.
> >>
> >> BTW, I hardly think the Get Legal campaign was derailed b/c it was
> >> made public before it was officially made public :-)
> >>
> >> Ciao
> >> Louis
> >>
> >>> John
> -
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Get Legal - but not too soon

2006-05-12 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
If I'm not mistaken, I think part of the problem was not so much that the 
mailing list discussions were or were not publicly viewable.  My 
understanding is that a web page had been created with a "live" url that LWN 
was able to point to even though it was not "finished".  

IIRC, part of the problem was that even though "rough draft" pages could be 
created, the peculiarities of the Collabnet platform forced the creation of a 
"live" page so things like look/feel (formatting) could be worked on.

I guess the question is whether a sandbox can be created so the Collabnet 
pages can be created and reviewed before they are actually published.

Jeff Causey

On Friday May 12 2006 10:55, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2006-05-12, at 10:38 , John McCreesh wrote:
> > Now that the LWN article has moved from being 'subscriber only' to
> > 'general release', I've re-read all the comments:
> >
> >
> > The balance of opinion seems to be:
> >
> > "Seriously, breaking news of a PR campaign *can* derail it ... That
> > said, the OOo marketing people who made it Google-visible before it
> > was
> > supposed to go public are the real idiots here!"
> >
> > I'm not sure that our mailing lists *are* Google-visible,
> Depends on the list. "Private" lists requiring someone to be logged
> in to view the archives are not.
> > but the point
> > is still valid. They are public, and anyone can join and listen in.
> > "Get
> > Legal" is the first in a series of attention-grabbing campaigns as we
> > develop the proposition "Why". I believe we will get
> > most
> > impact if we can maintain an element of surprise.
> >
> > Comments?
> Conduct PR discussions on [EMAIL PROTECTED], which requires one to login
> to view the archives.
> We have of course had this discussion before, and the alternative
> then--offlist discussions or using really private lists--is
> problematical, both because it can be a pain to track and because it
> defies the principles of openness.
> Hence, let's use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for discussions like this and accept
> that it is not perfect (spies) but is good enough.
> BTW, I hardly think the Get Legal campaign was derailed b/c it was
> made public before it was officially made public :-)
> Ciao
> Louis
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> > -----------------
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Fake???

2006-05-09 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

Isn't COSMI the same company that has been selling the rebranded OOo at 
different outlets (I seem to recall Best Buy being one of them as well), but 
when people try to get support COSMI just refers them to the OOo users 
mailing list?  IIRC, there have been several instances on that list where 
people bought the OOo product and had a product and COSMI failed to support 

Seems like the conclusion over there was that there was nothing to do to stop 
COSMI from reselling OOo, but the users list would "refuse"(kind of a 
gentleman's agreement not to help by those who are most knowledgeable of OOo) 
to answer questions from anyone getting OOo via that route, referring them 
back to COSMI.

Jeff Causey

On Tuesday May 09 2006 07:05, Steven Shelton wrote:
> Alex Fisher wrote:
> > Office Depot doesn't appear to be listed. I have a suspicion it is an
> > actual chain of office supply stores.
> Oh, yeah. OfficeDepot is a huge chain in the U.S.  I thought they
> probably were elsewhere in the world, too, but apparently not. :-)
> > OTOH, Cosmi is listed. Checking their site, they are selling re-branded
> > OO.o in various incarnations. None of their products are actually branded
> > as OO.o. The only result I could get from searching their site for
> > "openoffice" was an entry in their FAQ.
> >
> > so that leaves the question - de-list them, or modify the entry to
> > indicate that they are selling a re-branded version? (It would appear
> > that they are selling the latest version from their on-line store).
> >
> > As for the original person's problem I suspect that the shop they went to
> > was selling very old stock. They should take it back and request a
> > refund, since that version of OO.o produced very poor HTML (and that's
> > being polite), hence is not suitable for the stated purpose (building
> > websites).
> If we have them listed, maybe it would be appropriate to contact them,
> tell them what happened, and see if they would be willing to do
> something to make things right with the customer. If they refuse or
> simply don't respond, delisting might be appropriate. If a company is
> using underhanded tactics, they shouldn't be promoted by the OOo
> project. It taints everyone.

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Re: [Marketing] OpenDocument is now ISO 26300

2006-05-03 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Added to my IPW site already and I'm working on a couple others.

Jeff Causey

On Wednesday May 03 2006 11:35, Cristian Driga wrote:
> Slashdotted too...
> ~cdriga
> Chad Smith wrote:
> > - there are 3 stories on the frontpage right now.
> >
> >
> >
> >*BEAT*_Micro
> >soft_to_ISO_Standardization
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 5/3/06, Alexandro Colorado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Wed, 03 May 2006 08:59:51 -0500, Simon Phipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > Congratulations. It's official!
> >> >
> >> > My colleague in our international standards team writes: "the OASIS
> >>
> >> Open
> >>
> >> > Document Format spec is now an international standard. Its designation
> >> > is ISO/IEC 26300. It passed without oppostion. (There were a few
> >> > abstentions.) There was very broad support worldwide."
> >> >
> >> > This is a landmark moment for the Free/Open Source Software
> >>
> >> movement. An
> >>
> >> > innovation that started here - the OpenDocument family of file
> >>
> >> formats -
> >>
> >> > has been reviewed, adopted and now endorsed at the highest level as an
> >> > international standard. We now have a standard for productivity
> >> > documents that is recognised by governments (there is a little more
> >> > bureaucracy to handle, as Andy Updegrove reports[1], but the
> >>
> >> standard is
> >>
> >> > official).
> >> >
> >> > If we wish, we can now draw a base-line across the productivity tools
> >> > market and tell our suppliers we will not tolerate further competition
> >> > and lock-in below that line. Innovation above that line is desirable -
> >> > expected, even - but attempts to force upgrade, lock out competition,
> >> > control my own use of my own data, are all now unacceptable. We have
> >>
> >> the
> >>
> >> > tools of freedom in our hands. Time to use them.
> >> >
> >> > digg story:
> >> >
> >> > S.
> >> >
> >> > [1]
> >> > story=20060503080915835
> >>
> >> This are great news, and I think this will definetly give a faster track
> >> on some government administrations . So far there has been a strong push
> >> on some state governments in the US  after the MA series of events.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Alexandro Colorado
> >> CoLeader of ES
> >>
> >>
> >> -
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > --
> > - Chad Smith
> >
> >
> >
> > Got an Intel Mac Mini?  Want one?
> >

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Executive Vice President/CFO
J. Guess & Company, Inc.
"Consultants For Every Aspect of Business"
3420 Toringdon Way, Suite 330
Charlotte, NC 28277
(Direct) 336-793-0299

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Re: [Marketing] Issue about PIM on OOo

2006-05-02 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

I've started the following page:

It includes a (very, very) rough outline of a letter to address the many 
requests for a PIM.  I'll keep working on it, but it is going to take me some 
time to go back through the many threads to put together the info.  If 
someone who has been following the threads more closely could jump in with 
some info, it would help speed things along.


Jeff Causey

On Monday May 01 2006 22:53, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
> For the past few weeks there has been a very big discussion about reasons
> and what and why not does OOo doesn't come with a PIM. The issue has
> extended a bit too much and I realize this is really puting a lot of
> pressure on prooject such as the marketing list to come forward with
> documentation on why OOo doesn't have nor plan to develop a PIM program
> for the near feature. Also detail more what are the alternatives on a far
> more indepth reasoning for using alternatives and even go as far as
> conecting this users to the developers of the alternative projects.
> This discussion is everything but new, and I think this is an example of
> the situation when the marketing community has to step forward because and
> translate the developer speech in the language that end users can
> understand.
> End users have a logic in which the marketing community should grasp
> understand and manage an answer that will serve their tought process as
> opposed to ours. For that reason I will like to encourage the rest of the
> project members to brainstorm a good answer and make a  page documenting
> and publishing the answer.

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Issue about PIM on OOo

2006-05-02 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

On Tuesday May 02 2006 08:53, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
> >> Ok so the next step is how do we comunicate. I think puting an open
> >> letter  explaining the reason why we don't have these might at least
> >> prove a  stance on the issue. Not doing it will just be failing to
> >> communicate. I  think the best option is to start working on mockups on
> >> how this open  letter should be assemble and use the wiki to work on
> >> the draft.
> >
> > are you realy sure this is all true??
> I am sure that the marketing list should put a statement on this topic as
> opposed to be wondering reasons why rather sit down and not do anything
> (like it always do).

I would agree some type of statement or "standard" answer should be prepared 
to help OOo volunteers address this issue when it comes up.  However, I 
believe that others on this list are only pointing out that any statements in 
such an instrument should be verified as accurate.  Like some others, I'm not 
sure what the roadmap is for future versions.  I would also suggest that in 
addition to providing some info on alternatives, it should include some 
information on how someone (who is not a developer/programmer) could 
contribute to such a PIM if they felt strongly enough about it.
Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] High migration costs holding back Linux

2006-04-04 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Is it just me, or does the only thing the article really say is "Don't use 
Linux if you have a Windows app you rely on"?  They don't provide any numbers 
that I can tell related to what a "high" migration cost is.  Further, right 
at the end the Gartner spokesperson indicates "it is too early to determine 
its level of compatibility and fidelity with enterprise Excel applications 
and complex Word documents."  If it is too early to tell, then how does one 
arrive at a conclusion?


On Tuesday April 04 2006 14:02, Cristian Driga wrote:
> High migration costs holding back Linux:
> "Novell's newly developed SuSE Linux client operating system has an
> improved user interface and features, but the high cost of migrating
> from Windows remains a major barrier to uptake, according to Gartner."
> [why one company's flavour of linux is defined simply as "Linux" in a
> title ?]

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] "Is Powerpoint Generic Yet?"

2006-03-15 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

>>2- Write a response, variant or similar article and publish it on your
> own blog<<

Can we publish your article on a site with appropriate links and attribution?


Jeff Causey

>>On Wednesday March 15 2006 19:15, Benjamin Horst wrote: 
> Per a conversation we had on this list last week, I've keyed a new post
> on my website, titled "Is Powerpoint Generic Yet?"
> If you're interested in helping propagate this meme, there are a few
> easy things to do:
> 1- digg the article at
> 2- Write a response, variant or similar article and publish it on your
> own blog
> 3- Submit my or your article to, Slashdot or other sites
> 4- Link to my article from online forums and websites
> 5- Email something or anything about this meme to friends and associates
> Thanks, everyone!
> Ben
> -
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Running OOo

2006-03-14 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Thanks Eric.

I think based on this info and comparing to the others, the bullets for system 
requirements would be:

- PowerPC or Intel based platform
- Mac OS X (with X11)  [note: should this include the words "or higher" at the 
- 128 Mbytes RAM
- 200 Mbytes available disk space
- X-Server with 800 x 600 or higher resolution with at least 256 colours

Does that look correct?  I noted that for Linux the requirements indicate a 
rpm package manager.  Is that still correct?  Does something similar need to 
be listed for Mac OS'es?

If someone could confirm for me that this info is correct, I have the 
documents ready to be uploaded to their respective issues (I'm looking at 
both flyers and the product spec sheet) and eventual updating on the 
marketing site.

Thanks for the help,

Jeff Causey

On Friday March 10 2006 17:44, eric.bachard wrote:
> Hi Jeffrey,
> Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA a écrit :
> > Was doing some review and work today on some of the marketing materials,
> > specifically looking at the flyer right now.  I noticed it currently
> > indicates Mac OS X is not supported (except for v 1.1.2).
> >
>  > Is that still
>  > correct?
> No it isn't. 1.1.2 is a very old version, and we provide a more recent
> one since already some times.
> BTW, how old are these flyers ?
> > I gather from some threads that support is better now and includes
> > a build for Mac on Intel.
> FYI, an official port of for Mac OS X (using X11)
> officially exists since 2.0.
> 2.0.2 will soon be out, after QA smoke tests. We currently use X11, and
> a native port (mean not using X11) is in progress.
> Currently, 7 locales are declared as stable, and Maho Nakata provides
> builds for ~ 60 locales (other stay as rc until they have been tested
> and verified as without show stoppers).
> What about Mac Intel port ?
> 2.0 for Mac Intel works natively on Mac Intel. Natively
> means : using X11, but without Rosetta.
> Even Microsoft Office does not work natively on Mac Intel  :-)
> Other important information, has *no* problem with Java
> on Mac Intel. For example, using Java Media Framework for sounds in
> presentations...
> Because there is one (only one !) bug, we cannot declare it as stable,
> but you can believe me, it works fine ! We just need another Intel
> machine for Hamburg developpers, to solve that problem. I hope to find a
> way to buy one soon.
> For all other PowerPC versions) : they can be installed on Mac Intel
> (since Mac Intel are existing) , but will run using Rosetta.  For 1.1.5,
> I found no more bug than on PowerPC machines at these day.
>Someone probably needs to update that info on the
> > flyer.
> +1
> Yes, very good idea, and thank you for the suggestion.
> Regards,
> erci bachard
> P.S. for Louis : we cannot continue with actual porting page.

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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[Marketing] Running OOo

2006-03-10 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Was doing some review and work today on some of the marketing materials, 
specifically looking at the flyer right now.  I noticed it currently 
indicates Mac OS X is not supported (except for v 1.1.2).  Is that still 
correct?  I gather from some threads that support is better now and includes 
a build for Mac on Intel.  Someone probably needs to update that info on the 
flyer.  Not someone like me who doesn't know much about Mac OS'es. :-)

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] ITwire article

2006-03-07 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

My apologies, but I don't normally read Slashdot and haven't seen anything 
elsewhere.  Do you have a more direct link to the article or a headline to 
help me in my search?


Jeff Causey

 On Monday March 06 2006 23:45, Jonathon Coombes wrote:
> Hi All,
> I guess most of you have seen the ITwire article mentioned on
> Slashdot or similar sites. The itwire site ( was
> actually slashdotted and has only just come back up. I have put
> together a response in my blog to the article, but I am sure some
> others would find it very interesting reading as well.
> Regards
> Jonathon
> -
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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[Marketing] Another article on disruption

2006-03-02 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Hi All,

Ran across another article:,1895,1933229,00.asp?kc=ewnws030206dtx1k599

This one is about the challenges firms/users will face in deciding whether to 
upgrade to Office 2007, switch to an alternative, or do nothing.  The focus 
is on the issues of file compatability and the new user interface that Office 
2007 will introduce.  

OOo is mentioned frequently.  I noted that one of the interviewees reviewed 
OOo and concluded "the incompatabilities and interface differences were 
sufficient that the cost to change would be significant".  

It seems like there are certainly some marketing points and issues the article 
brings up.  E.g., one person interviewed noted that factors like "time, 
resources and compatability" are reviewed for any possible change.  So 
perhaps some materials that specifically mention/focus on those issues.

They also noted the number of Software Assurance licenses coming due this 
summer.  Might be a time for a major marketing push?

I hope some of our folks who are more knowledgeable of marketing can chime in 
and help us identify areas to focus on and help lay out a plan to go about 


Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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[Marketing] Some Office 2007 news

2006-02-24 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Hi All,

I ran across this article:,1759,1927787,00.asp

in the latest issue of eWeek about the upcoming Office 2007 release.  A couple 
things I noticed - the huge number of "suites" that will be offered and the 
issue of CALs.

Anyone see anything here that can be capitalized on as far as a benefit or 
selling point for OOo?  I'm wondering if marketing the simplicity of OOo 
offerings might be one?  Why buy stuff you don't need?  Looking for an office 
suite - get an office suite and not the kitchen sink?  On the CAL stuff, 
maybe something like - why pay for licenses to share/move your data around?  
Want to share with others - just do it with OOo? (apologies to Nike).

Ah - just some rambling thoughts for me this morning.

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Trading standards

2006-02-23 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

Thanks for the link.  As I recall from the SMP, one of the objectives was to 
develop something to help explain the value of free and open source software 
(including OOo).  This is a good example of why that needs to be done (and I 
must confess, I had been having trouble wrapping my mind around exactly what 
was needed).

Jeff Causey

On Thursday February 23 2006 04:59, Ian Lynch wrote:
> Interesting article about Mozilla but OOo gets a mention and the
> principle is relevant to marketing OOo. Perhaps we need to consider an
> education campaign for Trading Standards Officers? Or at least a
> circular to them explaining the license. Good excuse to raise the
> profile.

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Re: [Marketing] Marketing webiste volunteers.

2006-02-21 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Hi All,

Just my 2 cents on the idea of a separate web site.  I would prefer not to see 
that happen.  At least, not yet.  I would rather see us continue trying to 
work using the assets currently available.  The wiki has just been "opened" 
and I think there is still some "sorting" going on as to its role.  Let's let 
the dust settle a bit more.

As for the existing web site, imo one of the biggest 
drawbacks is confusion over who the web site's intended audience is.  For 
example, Steven suggests the need for "a structured library of information, 
tools and marketing materials to marketing volunteers."  This would seem to 
imply the site is geared toward "volunteers".  What kind?  The kind that want 
to help spread the word?  Or those who want to help with art?  Help writing?  
Research?  Something else?

The question that then comes to my mind is what about OEM's?  Where do they go 
for materials?  Reporters?  Someone that just wants a good looking CD label 
for a friend?

Hopefully some see where I am going with this.  In the SMP, there is a whole 
section about target audiences and what should be done to reach them.  I'd 
suggest the same analysis be applied to - who is it 
meant for?  With that, it can then be worked on to respond to their needs.  
And if there is some group that could be better served elsewhere or in some 
other way, that can be identified and worked on as well.


Jeff Causey

On Tuesday February 21 2006 13:23, Steven Pauwels wrote:
> Hi all,
> RealGrouchy posted some ideas that I favor and one of them is the
> returning issue of a marketing webiste.
> As I see no point in having the same discussion all over again, since we
> have had it... I am going to make one.
> Website goals:
> - to provide a structured library of information, tools and marketing
> material to marketing volunteers.
> - provide an end user interface to the information, downloads and other
> aspects related to OOo in a low entry level setup.
> I found many of the posts to marketing lists valuable and think their is
> a nice potential of marketing knowledge to succeed.
> If any of you marketeers are willing to contribute, let me know.
> I will provide hosting and domainname at my expense. All ideas are
> welcome, they will be referenced.
> Steven P
> -----------------
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Marketing webiste volunteers.

2006-02-21 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
On Tuesday February 21 2006 14:07, Steven Pauwels wrote:
> Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA schreef:
> >Hi All,
> >
> >Just my 2 cents on the idea of a separate web site.  I would prefer not to
> > see that happen.  At least, not yet.  I would rather see us continue
> > trying to work using the assets currently available.  The wiki has just
> > been "opened" and I think there is still some "sorting" going on as to
> > its role.  Let's let the dust settle a bit more.
> Sorry Jeff, I have argumented the reasons to have a seperate website
> enough and the wiki was set up as a copy of the existing thing, but
> accessable to everyone. It does not suit the needs of a marketing front
> end.


The initial work on the wiki has been to effectively "copy" over much of the 
existing web site.  I believe that was to some 
extent necessary to provide a working base.  As I think we are starting to 
see in the last week or so, with the base there, things are starting to get 
added and worked on.  It is still very young though.  As we see from the 
example of RealGrouchy, he was able to jump right in and start contributing, 
which I think was the goal of the wiki - to lower the barriers to 

I agree that the wiki does not suit the needs of a marketing front end.  But, 
I don't think it was opened up for that reason.  My impression is that it is 
more of a development space for volunteers that want to actually produce 
content to be used for marketing.  To some extent, it may also be used by 
those who want to deep dive into something a bit more.

> >As for the existing web site, imo one of the
> > biggest drawbacks is confusion over who the web site's intended audience
> > is.  For example, Steven suggests the need for "a structured library of
> > information, tools and marketing materials to marketing volunteers." 
> > This would seem to imply the site is geared toward "volunteers".  What
> > kind?  The kind that want to help spread the word?  Or those who want to
> > help with art?  Help writing? Research?  Something else?
> Any volunteers, marketing volunteers trying to get the most out of there
> efforts, art volunteers looking for what the art strategy is in OOo or
> what needs to be done in DTPing translations for artwork.
> Anyone who wants to contribute to marketing of ODF. Companies, Persons,
> Governments... Anyone. Adressed in the right way.

jmo, but it sounds like what you are describing is what the wiki could be 
effectively used for.
> >The question that then comes to my mind is what about OEM's?  Where do
> > they go for materials?  Reporters?  Someone that just wants a good
> > looking CD label for a friend?
> Where the information is easy to find. That is up to the searcher... or
> maybe it will be up to the best marketing effort.

Again, jmo, but this is where should be.  Providing 
assets(easy to find) to those who just want to use them with appropriate 
links to the wiki (or where ever) if they are interested in contributing back 
in some way.

As you mention, an effective marketing front end is needed.  By trying to be 
all things to all people, has not been successful at 
this imho.  With new tools coming on-line, I think it can be transformed.


Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] A rough To Do list based on SMP

2006-02-20 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA


> transforming say the SMP's from the source columns
> in links to the corresponding heading/section in the SMP page.
> Same would go for external links to mailing lists archives, website
> pages, etc.

Yes, that is my plan to get it fully cross-linked with the supporting 
materials instead of just making the references.  With the page now "up", 
hopefully some others will be able to help as well - I'm sure some on this 
list know where stuff is much better than I do.

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Vote about official OEM label

2006-02-20 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
+1 for Label B (except I think "Included" needs to be capitalized like all the 

Jeff Causey

On Monday February 20 2006 15:01, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
> Hi list members,
> in the art project we designed different proposals for OEM labels
> that should be sticked on PCs delivered with
> To come to an "officially approved" label I'd like to ask you to
> vote on these labels (otherwise the 4 or 5 active people at the art
> project would decide on their own).
> For visual identity reasons we should have only one official label,
> so I ask you to have a look at this website and vote with "+1" for
> the label you like most.
> Label A: Logo on white background with solid light blue gulls.
> Label B: Logo on blue gradient with white wire gulls.
> Label C: Logo on blue gradient with black wire gulls, "included"
> will have to be produced as a hologram.
> Label D: Logo on blue gradient with black wire gulls - shaded
> "included".
> Thanks for your time and opinion!
> Best regards
> Bernhard
> -----------------
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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[Marketing] A rough To Do list based on SMP

2006-02-17 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Hi All!

As indicated earlier this week, I have started work on developing a To Do 
List, though I think it may eventually morph into a resource to help track 
the project as well.

A very rough, initial pass is now available at:

Moving forward, I'll start adding details, especially if I can find that 
something already exists.  Hopefully others can help fill in the information 
or if you see something you want to work on you'll run with it.

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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[Marketing] SMP on wiki

2006-02-14 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Hi all!

Just wanted to let you know that I believe I have completed putting together a 
copy of the Strategic Marketing Plan on the wiki.  It is pretty close to 
matching the original on-line version.  A few items either won't or I 
couldn't figure out how to get them formatted the same.  All of the content 
is there though if someone wants to take a crack at either improving the 
formatting or splitting it up between different pages (instead of the one 
long page it is now).

Barring something else coming up, I believe I'm going to start work on putting 
together an SMP based "to do" list and a page to try to document the status 
of SMP items/recommendations.  If anyone has any ideas on the proper place on 
the wiki let me know.  Otherwise, I'll do the best I can and announce here 
once work has started on them.

Off to soccer practice for now! :-)

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] URGENT: MP Wiki pages naming and basic rules

2006-02-09 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Hi All!

Just fyi, I went through last night and added the Marketing category to (I 
think) all of the pages that were already established on the Marketing 
section of the wiki.  I would agree with everyone else - it is a very good 

To follow up, should the Marketing category be added to the pages that are 
part of the Art Project?  Likewise, does the category "Art Project" need to 
be established for all of those pages as well?  I would suggest that the 
pages in Art Project be classified in both categories (Art Project and 
Marketing) - you can put a page in multiple categories by adding multiple 
category tags.  Another option might be to create sub-categories.  Probably 
would not apply to something like the Art Project, but possibly some other 

Just some thoughts of mine on what might help those looking for something down 
the road find stuff a little easier.


Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] Easter eggs - good or bad for marketing?

2006-02-08 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

Well, I took a stab at adding a comment to issue 61685 (which appears to be 
the currently open issue for this).

Not sure whether it will help or not...

Jeff Causey

On Monday February 06 2006 09:40, Lars D. Noodén wrote:
> Some of you with better verbal skill will need to coax the developers in
> to being willing to even discuss the matter.
> Currently the issue is bug number 61683, but by the time you check it will
> probably be closed again:
> Just because MSO has easter eggs, does not mean that it is either good or
> appropriate for them to exist in OOo.  In the classroom for example , it
> can be problematic.  However, I suspect the issue is a bit of a sacred cow
> for some on the development team to judge from the responses of just two.
> -Lars
> Lars Nooden ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>   On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog ...
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Re: [Marketing] MarCon Role

2006-02-08 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

I have setup a starting page (really nothing more than a placeholder at this 
point) for the SMP.  I will start working on the migration - I need the 
practice with the markup.  Obviously, anyone else that feels compelled to 
jump in...

Jeff Causey

On Tuesday February 07 2006 17:19, John McCreesh wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 11:07 -0800, Adam Moore wrote:
> > On 2/6/06, John McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > We tried to define this once at
> > >
> >
> > I knew there was something just didn't have the time to go find it.
> > Thank you.  Could this be put up on the wiki?  Definitely something
> > that should be included.
> Yes, now that we have a wiki, I'd like to migrate all the SMP from the
> computer under the stairs to the official wiki. Unfortunately, the
> mark-up languages in the two wikis are not the same, so it's not a
> straight copy job.
> If anyone wants to volunteer, please go ahead.
> John
> -
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Strategic management

2006-02-08 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
ep in the marketing plan
> associated with overall market share but that's about it. We need
> process targets in order to get to the final objectives. Process targets
> that underpin the outcome but without someone taking responsibility for
> them nothing will happen.
> Another objection: We are doing fine as we are we have lots of
> successes.
> I agree, OOo has penetrated global markets quite well and a lot of hard
> work has gone into it - there are many heros in the project but does
> that mean we can't improve or do things better? There are no gaurantees
> that anything will work, but some methods generally do work better than
> others which is why companies put such great store on investing money on
> improving management through training etc.
> My suggestion is that the Marketing Leads Lead a thread on strategic
> management to make clear the central strategic goals and that in any
> debate they actively "Chair" the meeting to keep it on topic, away from
> emotional personal outbursts or deviations into detail not directly
> under-pinning strategy. They then summarise the outcomes and a
> manageable number of tasks that underpin these asking Marcons and
> specific people to take responsibility for them. This then becomes the
> headline for the front page of the Wiki.
> Regards,

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] quote...

2006-02-01 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

Does anyone know who the site is 
oriented toward?  I get the sense that it is supposed to be toward people who 
want to help spread the use of OOo to schools.  Is that right?

Assuming the above is true, is there a web site somewhere that uses the OOo 
school mascot?  And preferably is targeted at schoolchildren?  Anywhere else 
the school mascot is being used?

As for the site itself, the "download a flyer and distribute it widely" link 
points to an issue (which imho it should not do) and unfortunately, the flyer 
there dates back to 2003 and release 1.0 or 1.1.  So, someone needs to update 

There are several stories on that page, but none of them are dated.  I think 
that makes them less effective.

At the very end there is a case study.  Has that been converted to a pdf or 
odt document that could be printed and distributed?  Also, it trails off in 
the middle of the case.  Were all of the CD's burned and distributed?  Any 
additional impact on the reception and eventual adoption of OOo by the 
students?  There is also reference to a "distribution kit" for the schools 
project (how to make CD instructions, materials, etc.).  Is that available 

Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] 2.0.2 features to announce?

2006-02-01 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

I'll take a shot at this.  From what I could glean, I would think the 
following should be highlighted:

- Improved mail merge tools, especially for doing mail merges using e-mail.
- Ability to easily surpress blank lines when doing mail merges.
- Improved handling of bulleted/numbered list conversions with other formats
- Support for Blackdown Java on AMD64
- Improved ability to switch icons in the user interface
- Ability to access the KDE Address Book
- Additional language support: Tsonga, Moore, Bambara, Breton, Luxembourgish, 
English(India), Akan, Ndebele, Venda, Frinlian.
- A variety of bug fixes


Jeff Causey

On Wednesday February 01 2006 03:41, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to prepare a press release about 2.0.2 of which the first
> RC is due end of this month (iirc).
> I know there are release notes here:
> However, that's a long list.
> Can anyone give thé (or some) main issues, those that are important to
> show the public?
> Thanks,
> Cor

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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[Marketing] Update to marketing site

2006-01-31 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

Just going through some stuff and noted the following.


the links to "logos", "labels", and "Web Banners and Buttons" both take you to 
some old pages from 1.0.

I would think those should be updated and point either to the Art Project or 
if possible directly to the relevant section/gallery of the Art Project.


Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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[Marketing] Some comments on plan

2006-01-30 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Just thought I would pop in with really a few questions relative to the 
strategic marketing plan.  Like some others on the list, I've been going 
through it recently and trying to figure out where things stand with the 

The first thing I would note, is I agree with some comments relative to a lack 
of details regarding implementation.  Some good high level vision and it even 
moves down the chain a bit.  I would also say making the connection between 
the higher level objectives and some of the lower level strategies is not the 

Anyway, a few questions about the strategies section from the end of the 

Item 1.16 - "improve packaging" to make it easier to migrate to OOo versus 
upgrade to MSO.  Anyone know exactly what this means?  Does this have to do 
with the installer - making sure it is easy to install on Windows?  Or is 
there some other packaging this is referring to?

Item 3.8 - Making OOo available in public libraries.  Do we have any 
statistics on this project?

Items 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 - all have to do with marketing to different 
target groups.  Has there been any work to develop marketing materials for 
these specific targets?  I found the brochure on the web site - are there 
others?  Any instructions anywhere on what might best resonate with the 
different target groups?

Item 4.16 - has anybody setup a database of speaker's or maintain a list?

Item 4.22 - supplying statistics about users.  I've seen comments both 
inquiring as to whether this is going on and some discussion that the data is 
perhaps being collected, but no is analyzing it.  Is that correct?

Finally, I know there has been some discussion regarding a specific marketing 
site ala or what some others have done.  I don't know 
whether I agree that needs to be done, but I do think the could be improved to provide more guidance to help 
those who want to "evangilize" for OOo.  

Thanks for reading!

Jeff Causey

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Re: [Marketing] organization/updates

2006-01-25 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Thanks Charles!  I have submitted a request to be added to the Marketing 
project earlier today.  Any guess as to how long it may take to process that?

Jeff Causey

On Wednesday January 25 2006 12:56, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
> Hello Jeffrey,
> Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA wrote:
> >Thank you Louis!
> >
> >Just to make a couple notes (so I hopefully don't forget them and maybe
> >someone else will be able to do something about them).  On the mailing
> > list page there is no listing for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thus,
> > hard to find.  Also, I did not find any repository on the marketing site
> > with PR pieces that have been developed.  Are they located somewhere
> > else?
> the PR mailing list does not show up unless you're registered to the web
> site and the marketing project. It allows (theoretically) for less
> eavesdropping so that the PR team drafts the press releases quietly. If
> you wish to be part of it, please let us know.
> Best,
> Charles-H. Schulz.
> -
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] Need help with testimonials

2006-01-25 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

I would be glad to help out with this project.  Either point me to them or 
send 'em via e-mail.

Jeff Causey

On Wednesday January 25 2006 21:40, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> Hi
> I need help compiling and editing the testimonials. These are the
> praises that many sing to us and then send on to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'm way, way, behind in posting them to the
> Web.
> If someone wants to help, I'd be delighted. You need know nothing
> about how to upload anything or even HTML, though that would be nice.
> I just need to put them into a nicely readable format, organized by
> year. I can send the raw files as an attachment or, better yet, via
> IssueZilla (or IssueTracker, as it is known now).  You get credit for
> helping out and OOo's visitors learn about how great others see the
> product.
> Let me know...
> Thanks
> Louis
> -
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Re: [Marketing] Re:[Marketing] press releases...

2006-01-25 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Thank you Cor!

My problem is the way I tend to work (especially when volunteering) is to 
focus more on the second item in your list (looking at what is being offered 
or is needed by the project) when first starting out.  If I'm having trouble 
figuring out what that is, others probably are also, so I'm going to see what 
I can offer to improve that.

Jeff Causey

On Wednesday January 25 2006 03:43, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA wrote:
> > Steven,
> >
> > I normally just lurk on this list, but decided I would speak up if only
> > to echo the sentiment of your e-mail.  I find it very difficult to figure
> > out where/how I could help based on the materials available from the
> > marketing site.  E.g. the "To Do" list (How To Help page) indicates it
> > was last updated
> [...]
> Apart from that some things can indeed be improved, IMHO the next steps
> work best:
> - know what your idea/intention is;
> - look what is being offered or asked by the project related to your need;
> - try to make a good combination;
> - if in doubt: post a clear question.
> By the open character of the project, possibilities are limitless.
> So the better your idea of what you want to achieve (new materials,
> boots, more press information or articles, ...) the easier it is to find
> your way.
> Greetings,
> Cor

Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] artwork database?

2006-01-25 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

I see you reference a wiki in your post below.  Do you have an address for 


Jeff Causey

On Wednesday January 25 2006 02:29, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
> Hi Louis, all,
> Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> > Hi Steven,
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > On 2006-01-24, at 14:46 , Steven Pauwels wrote:
> >> Hi there,
> >>
> >> [...]
> >> I suggest to start with a definition of the different marketing
> >> materials we could, should, would, need, want at our and other
> >> volunteers disposal per necessity.  These can be in 2 major
> >> categories: Online and/or Offline.
> >> I would like to suggest sticking to the standards for sizes and
> >> formats to create material. We can add these to the style guide.  (Why
> >> not make an online style guide?)
> Just because we haven't converted the draft into HTML ;-)
> >> an example:
> >>
> >> -General OOo 2.0
> >>-theme1 (default)
> >>Online:
> >>   - [... banners / buttons / etc. in png / gif / flash...]
> >>Offline:
> >>   - [... flyers /brochures / posters ...]
> >>
>  >>  all in different languages
> >>
> >>-theme2 (f.i.: tech-targetted)
> >>Online:
> >>   - [... banners / buttons / etc. in png / gif / flash...]
> >>
> >> - OOoCON 2006
> >>-theme1 (default)
> >>Online:
> >>   - [... banners / buttons / etc. in png / gif / flash...]
> >>Offline:
> >>   - [... flyers /brochures / posters ...]
> >>  all in different languages
> >>
> >>
> >> If it is possible/accepted, I can create a database to hold all  these
> >> items with all needed categories etc..., accessable trough a
> >> webinterface. It could be integrated in existing sites or can we  just
> >> decide to have this as a tool for the art project?
> Don't you think we can use the wiki in that way?
> > [...]   My
> > only concern is maintaining the material--easier to do if we don't  use
> > CVS...
> >
> > John, opinions?
> I'm not John, but...
> Why don't we use the Document&Files area for the material?
> If we use the same hierarchical structure as the database / wiki
> tables the material should be quite easy to be accessed.
> And finally it should be included in the galleries...
> Best regards
> Bernhard
> -
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Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA, CAPM
Strategic Innovations, Inc.

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Re: [Marketing] organization/updates

2006-01-25 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA
Thank you Louis!

Just to make a couple notes (so I hopefully don't forget them and maybe 
someone else will be able to do something about them).  On the mailing list 
page there is no listing for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thus, hard to 
find.  Also, I did not find any repository on the marketing site with PR 
pieces that have been developed.  Are they located somewhere else?

Also, someone might want to reword the description of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
to indicate it is more than logos/buttons/etc. - it covers all collateral 

Also, fromthe marketing page, the link to the calendar is throwing an error 
for me.

My suspicion is that many of the more active members of the marketing project 
are used to the mailing lists and coordinating all the work via the lists.  
Unfortunately, it appears that this has led to some disorganization and lack 
of updates of the other resources folks might be tapping to see how they can 
help.  I think what Steven has proposed regarding the reorganization of the 
files goes to the same issue.

I spent some time last night going through the To Do's and reading over the 
Marketing Strategy.  Between all of that and following issues here, hopefully 
one byproduct will be something to help in getting things updated and 
organized a little better.

Jeff Causey

On Tuesday January 24 2006 23:35, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2006-01-24, at 17:27 , Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA wrote:
> > Steven,
> >
> > I normally just lurk on this list, but decided I would speak up if
> > only to
> > echo the sentiment of your e-mail.  I find it very difficult to
> > figure out
> > where/how I could help based on the materials available from the
> > marketing
> > site.  E.g. the "To Do" list (How To Help page) indicates it was
> > last updated
> > back in 2004, several items relate to OOo 1.1 (and thus seem
> > obsolete yet
> > they remain on the list), it is difficult (I haven't figured it out
> > yet) to
> > tell if anyone is working on an item, and it is difficult to figure
> > out any
> > priority or dependencies.
> Jacqueline indicated that she would soon be updating the to dos list,
> among other things. There are some things that are not there that
> probably need to be put up there, like upcoming events.  We generally
> discuss events, like conferences, on [EMAIL PROTECTED], so if you
> haven't found discussions of them here, that's one reason; another
> has been that we are only now gearing up for the event season.  Among
> the things we also do is write press releases (drafts, etc.) of new
> releases (usually only minor not micro releases, but that depends on
> the micro release). We do that on [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
> tends to be fairly busy around the time of a release, eg., of 2.01.
> 2.0.2 is coming up probably by the end of the month (Martin H. says
> 27 Jan.) but to find the latest information on that you need to check
> the list, which many of us do. But 2.0.2 is
> but one release... there is also the Mac OS X build for MacTel, and
> we need marketing help with that!  Webpages, information, etc. etc.
> And then there are other the other ports, like for BSD, LinuxPPC,
> etc.  If you want to help out, please!
> Collateral, art, etc., is usually discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
> is now quite active, so if you have not been seeing discussions
> regarding OOo's art and related things, here, that's why.  Education,
> for primary, secondary, and university, on
> Although I probably should discuss this on [EMAIL PROTECTED], I would
> like to raise as a topic the issue of events: which ones do we want
> to go to? And, perhaps more accurately, Which ones *should* we go
> to?  The way it works in the NLC projects, usually, is that the
> particular project may target several big events and put up a booth,
> do collateral, etc. for those events.  Sun is sometimes but by no
> means always involved, though other companies can sometimes help out.
> In North America, the situation is a little different, for a number
> of reasons.  So, I'd like to propose the following events in North
> America that we *should* go to. Other events that are, say, local to
> you, you should feel free to raise
> The most immediate:
> ** Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) Feb 11-12 2006 Los Angeles
> OOo was invited to this and I announced it on [EMAIL PROTECTED] but
> there was minimal interest, at least from OOo people. (The
> OpenDocument Fellowship is attending, I believe.)  We could possibly
> still have a booth there, but I need to know asap.  And if we have a
> booth, we will also need booth bein

Re: [Marketing] Re:[Marketing] press releases...

2006-01-24 Thread Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA

I normally just lurk on this list, but decided I would speak up if only to 
echo the sentiment of your e-mail.  I find it very difficult to figure out 
where/how I could help based on the materials available from the marketing 
site.  E.g. the "To Do" list (How To Help page) indicates it was last updated 
back in 2004, several items relate to OOo 1.1 (and thus seem obsolete yet 
they remain on the list), it is difficult (I haven't figured it out yet) to 
tell if anyone is working on an item, and it is difficult to figure out any 
priority or dependencies.

Jeff Causey

On Tuesday January 24 2006 16:18, Steven Pauwels wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> The reason why I do post this request is that two Dutch communities
> exist. Belgian (Flanders) Dutch and Holland (Netherlands) Dutch.
> I live in Belgium. Efforts here are very low and the market is somewhat
> different from the Holland market, as is the language semantics and
> use... Somehow BE and NL dutch is different...
> The following is not aimed at Charles but just in general..
> I keep getting pointed out that all help is welcome, but you are new
> here... we are organised search and you will find
> You guy's really dont make it easy to get started.
> Is this some kind of newbee test? :) how long will he last? Or is there
> a maximum to the number of questions I can ask. :-P
> I read that asking questions is the best way to get involved, somewhere
> on this website...
> And as for the organised isue, I find OOo very disorganised on marketing
> level. I can't seem to find the things needed and how to get them... I
> got some help from Bernhard, but mostly only comments from others.
> Correct me but all this seems to me that nobody really knows what to do
> what needs to be done... besides reorganising art galeries... (helping
> where I can)
> I can only point out that I have a huge amount of multi lingual online
> and offline marketing experience on a high and low level as CTO, CMO,
> COO... I have some spare time and would like to contribute...
> Maybe I am stirring the soup to hard? I don't know...
> As other open source communities I came accross.. (e.g. co-started
> OOo marketing project feels like a very closed community..
> Well, convince me that I am wrong..
> Steven P.
> charles-h.schulz schreef:
> >Steven,
> >
> >your help and suggestions are appreciated. However, keep in
> >mind that this project is 5 yers old. People got organized
> >before you came here :-). Press releases are or should be
> >translated into dutch and other languages. For this, please
> >ask the Dutch community
> >
> >Best,
> >Charles.
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>If any press releases are written, I can translate them to
> >
> >Dutch >and
> >
> >>send them out to Belgian PC/IT related magazines...
> >>
> >>Steven
> >
> >Accédez au courrier électronique de La Poste : ;
> >3615 LAPOSTENET (0,34 €/mn) ; tél : 08 92 68 13 50 (0,34€/mn)
> >
> >
> >
> >-
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