Re: Stuck with svn diff and multiple patches

2007-09-17 Thread Allan Lang

Thanks Emmanuel

I understand how hard it is to find time to look at these things, so  
I think it would be easier for both of us if I just made a single  
large patch. In this case you should probably ignore my previous  
patch submissions for now.

Just to let you know, I've found that some of the VSS provider  
command implementations appear just to be copy-pasted from other  
providers, and would not actually work for VSS in their current form.  
This is part of the reason why it's turning out to be a bigger job  
than I first thought!


On 14 Sep 2007, at 22:57, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Allan Lang a écrit :

I'm trying to fix up the VSS provider and have already submitted a  
couple of patches, which haven't yet been incorporated into the  
SVN repository. My problem is that as I continue with the  
development work, I'm having trouble separating out the various  
pieces of work into separate patch files (I'm new to using svn diff).
Am I just making my life difficult trying to do things as separate  
patches? Should I be working on everything I want to fix, and then  
submitting one uber-patch?

As we don't have lot of contribution on this provider, if you  
prefer, you can do a big patch. Please add some explanations about  
it in the issue when you'll attach your patch.

At the moment I feel that getting my previous patches checked in  
would help me a lot to stop getting confused, but that seems like  
a slow process.

Actually, it is a slow process because I have lot of work to do on  
other projects and don't find time to review your patches. I'll do  
it asap.


Any hints?

Stuck with svn diff and multiple patches

2007-09-14 Thread Allan Lang


I'm trying to fix up the VSS provider and have already submitted a  
couple of patches, which haven't yet been incorporated into the SVN  
repository. My problem is that as I continue with the development  
work, I'm having trouble separating out the various pieces of work  
into separate patch files (I'm new to using svn diff).

Am I just making my life difficult trying to do things as separate  
patches? Should I be working on everything I want to fix, and then  
submitting one uber-patch?

At the moment I feel that getting my previous patches checked in  
would help me a lot to stop getting confused, but that seems like a  
slow process.

Any hints?


Re: Maven scm plugin unable to load maven scm local provider

2007-09-12 Thread Allan Lang

Hi Emmanuel

Out of interest, what are the required methods required for release  
plugin support?


On 12 Sep 2007, at 14:17, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

The local scm provider isn't supported by the release plugin  
because some of required methods aren't implemented in this provider.

Instead of using the local provider, it would be better to  
implement an accurev provider, but it will require few hours.


Terala, Satish (IS Consultant) a écrit :

I use accurev as my version control system. Since there is no scm  
plugin for accurev, I am planning to use ‘ local ‘ as my scm to do  
a prepare and perform a release. I just noticed that the maven scm  
providers does not even download the maven-scm-local provider even  
though the local provider has been defined as module in the  
modules tag of the providers pom.

In my pom file I specify the scm plugin as

And then

Here is the out put when I run mvn –X release:prepare. Basically  
all the scm providers are loaded at runtime except for local and  
hence at the point of running the prepare I get the error
*org.apache.maven.BuildFailureException: The provider given in the  
SCM URL could not be found: No such provider: 'local'.*
I have checked up the poms in my local repository for maven-scm- 
providers, and did a comparision between poms for the local  
provider and other providers that are actually getting loaded, I  
don’t see any glaring differences that might be a cause of the  
issue. I wonder if I am missing something or is there any other  
config setting that needs to be done ?

[DEBUG]   org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.0.4:runtime  
(removed - near

er found: 1.1)
[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm::1.0  
for project:

null:maven-scm-api:jar:1.0 from the repository.
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-api:jar:1.0:runtime  
(selected for run

[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm- 
managers::1.0 for

project: null:maven-scm-manager-plexus:jar:1.0 from the repository.
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-manager-plexus:jar: 
1.0:runtime (selec

ted for runtime)
[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm- 
providers::1.0 for

 project: null:maven-scm-provider-bazaar:jar:1.0 from the repository.
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-bazaar:jar: 
1.0:runtime (sele

cted for runtime)
[DEBUG]   regexp:regexp:jar:1.3:runtime (selected for runtime)
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-clearcase:jar: 
1.0:runtime (s

elected for runtime)
[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm- 
 for project: null:maven-scm-provider-cvsexe:jar:1.0 from the  
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-cvsexe:jar: 
1.0:runtime (sele

cted for runtime)
[DEBUG]   org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-cvs- 

e (selected for runtime)
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-cvsjava:jar: 
1.0:runtime (sel

ected for runtime)
[DEBUG]   org.netbeans.lib:cvsclient:jar:20060125:runtime  
(selected for runt

[DEBUG]   ch.ethz.ganymed:ganymed-ssh2:jar:build210:runtime  
(selected for ru

[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-hg:jar: 
1.0:runtime (selected

 for runtime)
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-perforce:jar: 
1.0:runtime (se

lected for runtime)
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-starteam:jar: 
1.0:runtime (se

lected for runtime)
[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm- 
 for project: null:maven-scm-provider-svnexe:jar:1.0 from the  
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-svnexe:jar: 
1.0:runtime (sele

cted for runtime)
[DEBUG]   org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-svn- 

e (selected for runtime)
[DEBUG] org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-synergy:jar: 
1.0:runtime (sel

ected for runtime)
[DEBUG] jdom:jdom:jar:1.0:runtime (selected for runtime)
[DEBUG] jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.1-beta-8:runtime (selected for runtime)
[DEBUG]   jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.0-FCS:runtime (removed - causes a  
cycle in the g

[DEBUG] Adding managed dependencies for org.apache.maven:maven- 
[DEBUG]   org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0- 


Query on enhancements to SCM VSS provider

2007-09-05 Thread Allan Lang


I've recently started working with the VSS SCM provider and have
found a number of issues. I'm currently working through these and
submitting patches via JIRA, however I'm not sure that this project
is currently active. Could anyone tell me if enhancements are still
being incorporated for SCM and VSS specifically?

I think getting the VSS provider working properly make help with
adoption of Maven / Continuum into the enterprise (which is certainly
what I'm trying to do).
