Hi all,

I'm looking to use the maven-checkstyle-plugin with checkstyle 5.3, but it
only supports 5.0 as of the 2.6 release of the plugin.

Looking at trunk it seems to already have been upgraded to 5.3 but there
haven't been commits for a couple of months.

I'm using a few rules which are not available on 5.0 so can't currently make
use of this plug-in.  I have a few queries:

1. What are the plans for releasing v2.7 of the plugin?  Is there any more
work outstanding for checkstyle 5.3/5.4 support?  I'd be happy to help with
any remaining tasks to get this pushed out the door as it would be a useful
upgrade for me.

2. I've done a quick diff of the 1.6 tag against trunk and looking at the
changes, the only change related to the checkstyle 5.3 upgrade seems to be
bumping the version number of the dependency in the plugin's pom file.  Is
this all that's needed to make the new plugins from checkstyle 5.3
executable via the plugin?

3. Given that new checkstyle releases pop up every now and again and are
likely to include new plug-ins but not necessarily break the API used by
maven-checkstyle-plugin, is there another mechanism that could be used to
make the upgrade easier?  I'm thinking something like a plugin configuration
setting <checkstyle.version> which could be used to specify the checkstyle
dependency used by the plug-in.  That way it would be possible to use the
plugin with future minor releases of checkstyle without having to do a new
release of the plug-in itself?

I might be oversimplifying things, I'm not sure if additional configuration
or glue code is needed to make the new checkstyle rules available through
the plug-in when upgrading to 5.3 and beyond.

Obviously this would break if checkstyle changed their API but the benefits
could well be worth it and the value could easily be defaulted.

I'd be happy to work on this and submit a patch if someone can give me an
initial pointer to let me know if they think it would be possible.


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