POM root Element: project or model?

2005-04-17 Thread Joachim Schreiber
The Docs on m2 web site for the POM shows model as the root element. 

In the m2 cvs is a mixture of project and model elements in the pom.xml

What is the planned name for this element, project or model?

BTW Why not using a namespace declaration (and an online accessible schema
representation of the pom) in the pom.xml?


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RE: POM root Element: project or model?

2005-04-17 Thread Joachim Schreiber
 From: Brett Porter Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:14 AM
 To: Maven Developers List
 Subject: Re: POM root Element: project or model?


 It's planned to provide a generated schema - however, different
 namespaces will not tend to be used inside the POM - we've looked at the
 option and preferred to keep it simple, finding no need to add them at
 this point.

Yes this is not really a problem for m2 ;-)

I was just playing around with the new m2 model. For me the POM is a
repository for Metadata about a project/artifact. I want to parse the
pom.xml files and transfer them to a XTM TopicMap. For XML parsing I very
often use XMLBeans... and XMLBeans needs a schema and xml instances with a

In the moment I have created a schema for the new m2 POM and use it with XML
Beans for parsing the POM. Before I give the XML to the parser I add a
science fiction namespace and good ;-)

Yes I know this is just my personal kismet and I can live with it ;-) but
perhaps other schema and namespace aware parsers for examples in IDE's or
Tools may have the same problem.

Just an idea and a report from working with m2. Not a criticism!


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RE: POM root Element: project or model?

2005-04-17 Thread Joachim Schreiber
 If you'd like, you can use the same code Maven does:
 maven-model-2.0-alpha-1.jar (you'll also need plexus-utils-1.0-alpha-
 MavenXppReader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
 Model pom = reader.read( new FileReader( new File( pom.xml ) ) );
 (with suitable error handling on the FileReader, of course)
 From that, you have pom.getName(), pom.getBuild(),
 pom.getDependencies(), etc - basically the same as XMLBeans would give

Cool, I will do this ;-)


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Maven 2 directory structure for Multiple Modules configurable?

2005-04-16 Thread Joachim Schreiber
Hi all,
Good to see all these changes in Maven 2. 
I use Maven since a long time and actually in a big J2EE project producing a
lot of different artifacts with multi-project. We use Eclipse 3 as IDE and
the maven-eclipse-plugin to create .project and .classpath files. This works
fine for us and thanks to Maven we do not depend to a special IDE.

Now I read in the Getting Started section of the new Maven 2 documentation
in Subsection Multiple Modules the new plans for creating multiple modules. 

I want to ask, is the new directory structure configurable?

+- pom.xml
+- my-app
|  +- pom.xml
+- my-webapp
|  +- pom.xml

I saw this new structure in Vincent Massol's ppt presentations and examples
and now in Maven 2 (but not in Cargo ;-).

I'm interested because the pitfall with Eclipse is that this kind of
directory structure is not supported. The classpath and build properties in
Eclipse 3 are only on the project level configurable and not on directories.
This means one artifact in Maven is one Project in Eclipe and must reside in
the same directory like:

+- my-root
|  +- pom.xml
+- my-app
|  +- pom.xml
+- my-webapp
|  +- pom.xml

So my question? Is this directory structure for Eclipse in Maven 2 possible?



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RE: Maven 2 directory structure for Multiple Modules configurable?

2005-04-16 Thread Joachim Schreiber
 From: Michal Maczka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 AFAIK the only limitation which exists in eclipse is that project
 directories cannot overlap.


 So you should be able to import to eclipse all projects, which contain
 java sources and are leaves in the directory tree.
 So in you case you can create eclipse projects for my-app and my-

Ok I do this and...

 +- my-app
 |  +- pom.xml
 +- my-webapp
 |  +- pom.xml

...I have no root project for my root pom.xml because the root is the
workspace and there is no possibility to check out something from inside
eclipse in the workspace.

Do I misunderstand?


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RE: Maven 2 directory structure for Multiple Modules configurable?

2005-04-16 Thread Joachim Schreiber
 From: Vincent Massol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 4:07 PM
 To: 'Maven Developers List'
 Subject: RE: Maven 2 directory structure for Multiple Modules 

 It's actually there... (unless I've misunderstood what you meant :-)).

Aahhh I see it now ;-)

 Personally I still use a single Eclipse project for the 
 master project + all
 subprojects. That's until I find a better solution...

Yes exactly this is the problem in big projects. I have a multi-project
build with more than 50 ejbs and 3 different developers. I use binary
dependency builds with snapshots. This makes building only of the core or
only parts of the modules very fast. Each ejb, jar, war has its own
maven project and is part of the multi-project build.

When I now check out the complete trunk in the new Maven 2 layout I have all
ejbs (sub projects/modules) in one directory and when I start the
multi-project build all ejbs are generated with e.g. xdoclet. This takes a
long time and no advantage of the binary dependency build is available any
The solution is now to delete all ejbs I do not need to develop only for
example a few modules. But this is not a fine solution to tell your
developers please check out the trunk and after this you're allowed to
delete this and this and. It's nicer to say check out this core projects
and then the module you want to work with.

After a checkout from a project I use in Maven 1 the maven-eclipse-plugin to
generate .classpath and .project. Is this working with the new directory
structure too?

I hope my bad English can explain my prob clear enough?!


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