Re: ApacheCon/OSSummit roll call!

2007-10-29 Thread Kevin Jackson
> I'm also interested in organising a Maven project BOF at each. Any
> thoughts?

Could we discuss a way to allow the parser to include xml fragments to
prevent duplicate xml?  AFAIK the problem is with the plexus XML
parser that doesn't support entities

> [ ] I'll be at ApacheCon US in Atlanta
> [x] I'll be at OSSummit Asia in Hong Kong


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Re: modello - maven.mdo

2007-09-28 Thread Kevin Jackson

> The Java sources, xml reader/writer (for various tools like xpp3,
> jdom), XSD, and documentation. All comes from the same model.

>From the same xml file (maven.mdo)? Because searching for an io
package, or any xpp3 reference fails (eyeballing or running text
search tools).

I'm missing something here


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modello - maven.mdo

2007-09-28 Thread Kevin Jackson

I'm trying to wrap my head around how mvn 2.0.x is built and I'm a
little confused by the maven.mdo file.

It seems as if the entire org.apache.maven.model package is
auto-generated by reading an xml model and spitting out java (why?)

However in the actual model description, I can find no reference to
MavenXpp (or the io sub-package).  Where is the model description for


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Re: mvn question

2007-07-13 Thread Kevin Jackson


I'm sure I answered this question (or someone else asking it) on dev@
the other day... I also would really prefer you ask on the users list
so there's a permanent record (even if you need to privately ping me
to take a look there).

Sorry I checked the dev list archive before contacting you directly
and there wasn't a response to my original query.  I thought that as
this is more of a dev question than a user question the dev list would
be a more appropriate place to ask.

Anyway, there's no simple answer. Usually surefire tests are forked,
so the command line is not accessible. Even if they are not forked,
that would require storing the actual command line which isn't done.

So -Dtest=MyTest is looked up via system properties to configure
surefire correctly?

But standard mvn options -o, -X etc are not passed through to surefire
or stored at some point after mvn has been configured and execution
has started?

More specifically I need to access the -o param in a test.  Previously
I could lookup the QUOTED_ARGS env variable that is set in the
script, but since 2.0.6, it is no longer exported in the script, this
is also cumbersome as I need to maintain two sets of code for the
windows/linux versions as they use different env variable names.

I would have thought that the commandline that is built and used to
launch mvn could be stored and made accessible to plugins should they
need it, but I'm not familiar with the intricacies of mvn internals,
hence the original email on the dev@ list and then the follow up ping
to yourself.  If it isn't already available to the plugins, would it
be a feature that could be added to mvn?

Thanks for your time,

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Accessing command line properties

2007-07-10 Thread Kevin Jackson

Hi all,

I have a unit test which has to behave differently based on if the
test is being run normally or if the test is running within mvn with
the -o (offline switch) option.

With mvn 2.0.4, I could look at the environment variables being set
(QUOTED_ARGS for linux and MVN_CMD_LINE_ARGS for windows) to determine
if mvn was running in online or offline mode.

Now with 2.0.6 & 2.0.7, QUOTED_ARGS is no longer exported in the script and therefore my unit test breaks.

I'd prefer to gain access directly to the command line arguments
instead of relying on the exported command line variables, but in
searching for a mvn api (javadoc etc) I've not really found anything
apart from some references to

org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline; and other plexus code, again
this doesn't seem to have much in the way of documentation

Is there an elegant/cross-platform way of accessing the command line
options given to mvn within a unit test running under Surefire?


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M2 Cargo plugin now found...

2006-10-31 Thread Kevin Jackson

Hi all,

The problem I just spent 2 hours banging my head against was related
to where I declared the cargo-maven2-plugin

Declare the plugin under  and it downloads fine, declare it
under  and you get *NO* information about why it
won't download

I'd like to suggest to any mvn2 devs lurking that some kind of
error/info message be displayed if the result of a build is failure
and the reason is that a plugin couldn't be found.

Failure [Build Error]
xxx-plugin could not be found : Have you checked to ensure that you
have declared it under  not  ?

A simple message like this would have saved me two hours


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