
looks good! Tested with my Apache projects + a few internal projects.


--- John Casey <jdca...@commonjava.org> schrieb am Do, 19.3.2009:

> Von: John Casey <jdca...@commonjava.org>
> Betreff: [vote] Maven 2.1.0
> An: "Maven Developers List" <dev@maven.apache.org>
> Datum: Donnerstag, 19. März 2009, 1:12
> Hi everyone,
> It looks like Maven 2.1.0 is ready to release.
> You can try the binaries here:
> http://tinyurl.com/maven-2-1-0-vote
> (https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/maven-staging-511ea882714d8b/org/apache/maven/apache-maven/2.1.0/)
> We've resolved 85 issues for this release (enumerated at
> the end of this message):
> http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10500&styleName=Html&version=14587
> Vote's open for 72 hours. Please cast your vote:
> [ ] +1
> [ ] +0
> [ ] -1
> Here's my +1.
> Thanks,
> -john
> ===
> Release Notes - Maven 2 - Version 2.1.0
> ** Sub-task
>     * [MNG-4025] - Prominently document opt-out
> setting for parallel artifact resolution for users
>     * [MNG-4042] - Use plexus-sec-dispatcher 1.0
> in Maven core when it is released
> ** Bug
>     * [MNG-1349] - openssl checksums are not
> accepted by maven
>     * [MNG-1585] - debug logging from wagon not
> shown in debug mode
>     * [MNG-1992] - CLI -D should override
> properties in settings.xml
>     * [MNG-1999] - Reporting inheritance does not
> work properly
>     * [MNG-2432] - Apache and Mojo plugins take
> precendence over plugins in the pom.
>     * [MNG-2433] - Maven looks for snapshots in
> offline mode
>     * [MNG-2605] - Profiles in profiles.xml are
> active by default
>     * [MNG-2668] - Plugin dependencies should be
> considered when the reactor creates the build order list
>     * [MNG-2690] -
> DefaultPluginManager.getConfiguredMojo() doesn't handle
> NoClassDefFoundError correctly
>     * [MNG-2695] - -o makes build fail for
> snapshot plugins
>     * [MNG-2720] - Multiproject dependencies not
> accurate for project.compileClasspathElements when run from
> root project
>     * [MNG-3023] - Reactor projects should be
> included in dependency resolution
>     * [MNG-3057] - properties not expanded in
> generated POMs when building A/B/C nested projects
>     * [MNG-3139] - The skin does not exist:
> Unable to determine the release version
>     * [MNG-3217] - a plugin's dependencies can
> influence other plugins in a build
>     * [MNG-3228] - Maven profile activation does
> not work when profile is defined in inherited 'parent' pom
>     * [MNG-3271] - <excludeDefaults> does
> not seem to work
>     * [MNG-3284] - Cached plugins are used, even
> when the specifically declared
>     * [MNG-3314] - offline build not running,
> when having SNAPSHOT dependencies
>     * [MNG-3621] - site url inheritance broken
> for UNC paths
>     * [MNG-3628] - When running offline, snapshot
> artifcats cannot be resolved even if they have previously be
> dowloaded from a repository
>     * [MNG-3641] - Lack of error checks on
> profiles
>     * [MNG-3645] - Maven doesn't do strict model
> validation for POMs in the current reactor
>     * [MNG-3719] - [regression] plugin execution
> ordering no longer POM ordered in 2.0.9
>     * [MNG-3757] - Setting M2_HOME to nothing and
> running ant delets contents of the current folder
>     * [MNG-3769] - [regression] Excluding
> relocated transitive dependencies does not work
>     * [MNG-3776] - Namespace misspelled in
> settings.xml
>     * [MNG-3808] - Execution order of report
> plugins is arbitrary if inheritance is involved
>     * [MNG-3810] - [regression] Null Pointer
> Exception when Activation Profile Property is Empty
>     * [MNG-3811] - Report plugins don't inherit
> configuration
>     * [MNG-3899] - Inheritance does not merge
> extensions with same gid and aid
>     * [MNG-3906] - Project-level plugin
> dependencies are in random order after merging
>     * [MNG-3920] - Problem using velocity
> component
>     * [MNG-3930] - mvn.bat doesn't handle
> ampersand in Windows user name properly
>     * [MNG-3933] - Profiles.xml does not pickup
> OS family
>     * [MNG-3940] - Interpolation of environment
> variables is not case-insensitive on Windows
>     * [MNG-3948] - Remote repos defined by
> profiles outside of settings.xml are not used to resolve
> parent POMs
>     * [MNG-3974] - New mirror syntax is not
> stopping on first match
>     * [MNG-4016] - Properties with the prefix
> project/pom are not interpolated from the properties
> section
>     * [MNG-4023] - Profiles from parent POM are
> injected multiple times if parent is part of reactor build
>     * [MNG-4026] - [regression] Order of project
> class path does not match POM order during reactor build
>     * [MNG-4032] - Test jar dependency not
> available for for main classes in multi module builds
>     * [MNG-4043] - Resolve or rollback WebDAV
> wagon deployment issue where hostname is improperly
> extracted from URL
>     * [MNG-4074] - cyclic reference with
> 2.1.0-RC1 that doesn't occur with 2.0.10
>     * [MNG-4079] - Duplicate error messages
>     * [MNG-4084] - Unnecessary Warning for an
> activate profile in child project
>     * [MNG-4086] - [regression] Explicitly using
> plugin metaversions crashes plugin manager
>     * [MNG-4087] - Percent encoded characters in
> file URLs are not decoded upon deployment
> ** Improvement
>     * [MNG-1830] - add  a 'compiled on
> <timestamp>' label when maven 2 is invoked with
> --version option
>     * [MNG-1957] - <jdk></jdk> clause
> in the activation section has to provide more complex
> expressions.
>     * [MNG-3424] - Respect ordering of elements
> as given in POM
>     * [MNG-3451] - Add german translation
>     * [MNG-3503] - Shade MX* classes from
> plexus-utils
>     * [MNG-3544] - Beautify debug output for mojo
> parameters of type array
>     * [MNG-3600] - remove default settings of 664
> / 775 for permissions
>     * [MNG-3787] - Add plugin version to default
> reports
>     * [MNG-3794] - Improve error logging when
> downloading depedencies
>     * [MNG-3795] - Add example
> <pluginGroups> snippet to conf/settings.xml in
> distribution
>     * [MNG-3867] - Support MAVEN_OPTS in mvnDebug
> script
>     * [MNG-3951] - Hide drive-relative paths from
> plugins
>     * [MNG-3971] - Provide parity in features
> between native ant-mojo support and antrun plugin
>     * [MNG-3975] - getArtifact(Artifact artifact,
> List remoteRepositories) should include Exception in debug
> log messages.
>     * [MNG-4024] - Open up CLIManager
>     * [MNG-4037] - Include Java home in version
> information
>     * [MNG-4057] - Propose checking of plugin
> artifact when plugin descriptor cannot be found
>     * [MNG-4075] - Tone down warnings about
> reactor dependencies that don't have an associated file
>     * [MNG-4091] - Validate the plugin
> descriptors and improve error reporting when mismatched with
> artifact
>     * [MNG-4092] - remove plugin listeners for
> minor memory improvement and to avoid scanning descriptors
> from dependencies of plugins
> ** New Feature
>     * [MNG-553] - Secure Storage of Server
> Passwords
>     * [MNG-2097] - adding a phase called
> prepare-package
>     * [MNG-3379] - Parallel resolution of
> artifacts
>     * [MNG-3760] - Support property ${baseurl} to
> get RFC-compliant URL of project base directory
>     * [MNG-3914] - Add CLI option to control
> location of global settings from command line
> ** Task
>     * [MNG-2387] - <active> on
> <proxy> in settings is misleading
>     * [MNG-2883] - Make sure that the network
> isn't used for snapshots in offline mode when legacy
> repositories are used
>     * [MNG-3602] - Schedule and release
> Doxia-1.1
>     * [MNG-3842] - Revert temporary changes to
> scp wagon handling
>     * [MNG-3936] - Remove m2.bat from
> distribution
>     * [MNG-4030] - Release maven-plugin-tools
> 2.4.4/2.5 to enable enhanced ant-mojo support
>     * [MNG-4031] -  Release
> plexus-ant-factory 1.0-alpha-2.1 to enable enhanced ant-mojo
> support
>     * [MNG-4046] - Update to Doxia 1.0
>     * [MNG-4077] - Review log level for
> VersionExpressionTransformation.transformVersions()
> ** Wish
>     * [MNG-4056] - Relax resolution of active
> project artifacts from the reactor with regard to artifact
> type
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@maven.apache.org


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