+1. I've been running a snapshot rev from around sept, an official
version would be handy. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Kulp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 1:17 PM
To: dev@maven.apache.org
Subject: PMD plugin remaining issues...

As you probably saw on the commit list, I did a bunch of commits for PMD

over the weekend.   At this point, there is only one remaining issue
for 2.2. (MPMD-41)   To fix that completely, I need part of the
m2 repository synced to central. (asm/**/*)    I've included the 
current "release notes" below.

The three remaining open issues are:

[MPMD-22] - dependencies in reporting section.  Will  be fixed when 
MNG-2173 is fixed.   Workaround does exist.

[MPMD-39] - target jdk version from compiler.  Probably best to delay
we have a shared context.   Anything we do now would be a hack.

[MPMD-17] - report summary at top of html.   This is a "minor"
request.   However, it would involve a complete re-write of how the html

report is created.  Thus, I'd like to push this off for now.  

Thus, once the repository is synced, I'd like to release this.    It's
over 8 months since the last release so I'd like to get this out there.

Are there any objections or concerns?   Does everyone agree with not
the above three for this release?

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Pmd Plugin - Version 2.2

** Bug
    * [MPMD-30] - No way to PMD test the test sources in src/test/java
    * [MPMD-47] - pmd should support multiple source roots
    * [MPMD-50] - Reports are different depending on the order of files 
retrieved from the filesystem
    * [MPMD-51] - Sometimes PMD.xml doesn't contain the class name and
displays null in the verbose mode
    * [MPMD-52] - XRef lnks do not work with aggregated XRef

** Improvement
    * [MPMD-28] - Support for multi-projects poms
    * [MPMD-38] - Add Posibility to excludes files in Cpd
    * [MPMD-40] - deploy the pmd.xml with site:deploy
    * [MPMD-44] - Allow to specify the rulesets as described in the docs
    * [MPMD-46] - Add ability to choose priority for failure
    * [MPMD-53] - pmd mojos need a skip flag similar to surefire

** New Feature
    * [MPMD-43] - Add results output to pmd:check
    * [MPMD-49] - Add results output to cpd:check

** Task
    * [MPMD-41] - Upgrade to PMD 3.9

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