My teammate has also strange problems with war plugin.
For him just java files are included in war. 


I am working on generic java code for installing and deploying artifacts and
generating manifest file. I am almost done with that

I am rewriting also WAR plugin to use this code.

I plan to build a war archive always in two steps:
1) copy web sources to assembly directory
2) jar this directory 

I think that this will be cleaner and will simplify some things. 

I hope that my changes will fix those "strange bugs".


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Konstantin Priblouda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 10:15 AM
> Subject: Strange behavior of war plugin
> Hi all,
> I'm experiencing strange behaviour of war plugin.
> It just stopped to include classes into war.
> I' just using war:war, and here is maven -X output
> ---%<------------
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/.maven/repository/odmg/jars with
> patternSet{ includes: [odmg-3.0.jar] excludes: [] }
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/.maven/repository/cglib/jars with
> patternSet{ includes: [cglib-rc2-1.0.jar] excludes: []
> }
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/.maven/repository/dom4j/jars with
> patternSet{ includes: [dom4j-1.4-dev-8.jar] excludes:
> [] }
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/.maven/repository/commons-lang/jars
> with patternSet{ includes: [commons-lang-1.0.1.jar]
> excludes: [] }
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/.maven/repository/hibernate/jars with
> patternSet{ includes: [hibernate-2.0-final.jar]
> excludes: [] }
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/webgui/target/classes with
> patternSet{ includes: [**/*.properties, **/*.class]
> excludes: [**/package.html] }
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/webgui with patternSet{ includes:
> [LICENSE.txt] excludes: [] }
>     [war] [DEBUG] ZipFileSet: Setup scanner in dir
> /home/konstantin/webgui/src/web/WEB-INF with
> patternSet{ includes: [web.xml] excludes: [] }
>     [war] Building war:
> /home/konstantin/webgui/target/webgui.war
>     [war] [VERBOSE] adding directory META-INF/
>     [war] [VERBOSE] adding entry META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
>     [war] [VERBOSE] adding directory noframeapp/
> ----%<------------
> I'm living off CVS, with today clear checkout.
> Anybody seen this?
> regards,
> =====
> ----[ Konstantin Pribluda ( ko5tik ) ]----------------
> Zu Verstärkung meines Teams suche ich ab Sofort einen
> Softwareentwickler[In] für die Festanstellung.
> Arbeitsort: Mainz
> Skills:  Programieren, Kentnisse in OpenSource-Bereich
> ----[ ]------------------------
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