Re: Negative caching in the local repository?

2006-06-05 Thread Gordon Henriksen

On 2006-06-03, at 00:05, Brett Porter wrote:

These are all things I have given thought to and would like to see  
them worked on in Maven 2.1/2.2. There are a couple of jira issues  
already filed for some of these specifics.

How about Pragma: no-cache…?

— G

Begin forwarded message:

Here's a GET that Maven 2.0.4 generated:

GET /maven/mirror/ibiblio/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-surefire- 
plugin/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-surefire-plugin-2.2-SNAPSHOT.pom HTT

Pragma: no-cache
User-Agent: Java/1.5.0_06
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Is there a way to disable the no-cache pragma? I set up a caching  
reverse proxy of ibiblio (i.e., a partial mirror), and was  
surprised when Maven disabled it.

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Re: Negative caching in the local repository?

2006-06-05 Thread Gordon Henriksen

Oops, that already got answered. Never mind.

On 2006-06-05, at 11:02, Gordon Henriksen wrote:

On 2006-06-03, at 00:05, Brett Porter wrote:

These are all things I have given thought to and would like to see  
them worked on in Maven 2.1/2.2. There are a couple of jira issues  
already filed for some of these specifics.

How about Pragma: no-cache…?

— G

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Re: Negative caching in the local repository?

2006-06-02 Thread Brett Porter
These are all things I have given thought to and would like to see them 
worked on in Maven 2.1/2.2. There are a couple of jira issues already 
filed for some of these specifics.

- Brett

Gordon Henriksen wrote:
Since central is usually slow during the day, it can be pretty painful 
that Maven's local repository does not cache negative responses. Maybe 
Maven could stash away the URL and response date for 404's so that it 
won't try again for a day or two, unless forced to refresh? (5xx's 
should not be cached, though.)

For instance, if the Eclipse plugin is configured to download the source 
jars, it tries to download the same archives every time, even though the 
source archives do not exist for many artifacts. During the day when 
central is overloaded, this means that generating Eclipse projects may 
take 5 minutes or more for even a moderately sized source tree. A 
similar situation occasionally happens if artifacts are missing pom 
files; xml-apis:xml-apis:1.3.03:jar has no pom, for instance, and our 
build winds up pinging that on a fairly regular basis, with an utterly 
predictable response.

Would be nice if Maven could thread HTTP connections and pipeline HTTP 
requests when possible, too; that could hide some latency from central. 
If central is taking 3 seconds to respond to each GET, that adds up to 
60 seconds pretty quickly.

— G

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