Re: SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-16 Thread Lyor Goldstein
>> Sorry for the late reply.
  >>   I did start the release process 2 days ago but hit the following
  >>   Any idea ?

I will look into it and let you know shortly - I do have some ideas -
basically either try to see if there is a more recent version of the
javadoc plugin or downgrade the plexus version. I usually try to keep the
dependencies (including plugins) up-to-date, but sometimes they conflict
with each other. The javadoc plugin does not usually run when I build the
code for testing purposes, so I did not catch it in time,

If upgrading the javadoc plugin does not work, we can look at  the commit
history of the root pom.xml and see what version upgrades were done to the
plexus plugin and see if reverting one of the upgrades fixes the problem.

Re: SSHD-2.4.0 ?

2020-01-16 Thread Lyor Goldstein
I have looked and there is no upgrade for javadoc plugin. A quick  look at
the root pom.xml commit history shows (commit


I suggest you try the older combination and see if it works (I had some
other unrelated problems when trying to run 'mvn release:prepare' which
stem from the fact I have never done this in the past and unfortunately I
cannot spare the time right now to see what I am doing wrong).

Note: you may have to also downgrade the JAR plugin to its previous version
(see same commit)

Hope this helps.

Re: SSHD-2.4.0

2020-01-17 Thread Lyor Goldstein
I have downgraded the plexus.archiver.version back to 4.1.0 and now I
believe it works (have not committed or pushed to master). Please check it,
and if it works make the necessary commit in the master branch.

Re: SSHD-2.4.0

2020-01-17 Thread Guillaume Nodet
Yes, it seems to fix the issue.

Le ven. 17 janv. 2020 à 09:04, Lyor Goldstein  a
écrit :

> I have downgraded the plexus.archiver.version back to 4.1.0 and now I
> believe it works (have not committed or pushed to master). Please check it,
> and if it works make the necessary commit in the master branch.


Guillaume Nodet

Re: SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-17 Thread Lyor Goldstein
Great - then we can proceed

Yes, it seems to fix the issue.

Le ven. 17 janv. 2020 à 09:04, Lyor Goldstein  a
écrit :

> I have downgraded the plexus.archiver.version back to 4.1.0 and now I
> believe it works (have not committed or pushed to master). Please check
> and if it works make the necessary commit in the master branch.

Re: SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-17 Thread Guillaume Nodet
Some of the tests do consistently fail on my laptop during the release

*-< *org.apache.sshd:sshd-mina* >--*

*Building Apache Mina SSHD :: Mina 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT  [6/16]*

*[ jar ]-*

*--- *groovy-maven-plugin:2.1.1:execute *(detect-workspace-root-dir)* @
sshd-mina* ---*

*--- *maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M2:enforce *(enforce-versions)* @
sshd-mina* ---*

*--- *apache-rat-plugin:0.13:check *(check-apache-license-header)* @
sshd-mina* ---*

Enabled default license matchers.

Will parse SCM ignores for exclusions...

Parsing exclusions from

Finished adding exclusions from SCM ignore files.

65 implicit excludes (use -debug for more details).

31 explicit excludes (use -debug for more details).

10 resources included (use -debug for more details)

Rat check: Summary over all files. Unapproved: 0, unknown: 0, generated: 0,
approved: 10 licenses.

*--- *maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.0:check *(verify-style)* @ sshd-mina* ---*

*--- *maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean *(auto-clean-key-files)* @ sshd-mina*

Deleting /Users/gnodet/work/git/mina-sshd/sshd-mina (includes = [*.ser,
*.pem], excludes = [])

*--- *maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.6.0:process *(default)* @ sshd-mina*

Preparing remote bundle org.apache:apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.4

Copying 3 resources from 1 bundle.

*--- *maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources *(default-resources)* @
sshd-mina* ---*

Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.

Copying 1 resource

Copying 3 resources

*--- *maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile *(default-compile)* @ sshd-mina*

Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

*--- *animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.18:check *(check-java-api)* @ sshd-mina*

Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java18:1.0

*--- *maven-bundle-plugin:4.2.1:manifest *(bundle-manifest)* @ sshd-mina*

*--- *build-helper-maven-plugin:3.0.0:add-test-source *(add-test-source)* @
sshd-mina* ---*

Test Source directory:
/Users/gnodet/work/git/mina-sshd/sshd-mina/../sshd-core/src/test/java added.

*--- *build-helper-maven-plugin:3.0.0:add-test-resource
*(add-test-resource)* @ sshd-mina* ---*

*--- *maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:testResources *(default-testResources)*
@ sshd-mina* ---*

Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.

skip non existing resourceDirectory

Copying 3 resources

Copying 14 resources to

*--- *maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:testCompile *(default-testCompile)* @
sshd-mina* ---*

Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

*>>> *maven-pmd-plugin:3.12.0:check *(pmd-checker) > :pmd* @ sshd-mina* >>>*

*--- *maven-pmd-plugin:3.12.0:pmd *(pmd)* @ sshd-mina* ---*

janv. 17, 2020 2:31:17 PM net.sourceforge.pmd.cache.FileAnalysisCache

INFOS: Analysis cache loaded

janv. 17, 2020 2:31:18 PM net.sourceforge.pmd.cache.AbstractAnalysisCache

INFOS: Analysis cache invalidated, auxclasspath changed.

janv. 17, 2020 2:31:20 PM net.sourceforge.pmd.cache.FileAnalysisCache

INFOS: Analysis cache updated

*<<< *maven-pmd-plugin:3.12.0:check *(pmd-checker) < :pmd* @ sshd-mina* <<<*

*--- *maven-pmd-plugin:3.12.0:check *(pmd-checker)* @ sshd-mina* ---*

*--- *maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test *(default-test)* @ sshd-mina* ---*


 T E S T S


Running org.apache.sshd.*KeepAliveTest*

*Tests run: 3*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 21.967 s
- in org.apache.sshd.*KeepAliveTest*

Running org.apache.sshd.*KeyReExchangeTest*

*Tests run: 7*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.406 s -
in org.apache.sshd.*KeyReExchangeTest*

Running org.apache.sshd.*WindowAdjustTest*

*Tests **run: 2*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, *Skipped: 1*, Time elapsed: 2.284
s - in org.apache.sshd.agent.*AgentTest*

Running org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientAuthenticationManagerTest*

*Tests run: 4*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.526 s -
in org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientAuthenticationManagerTest*

Running org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientDeadlockTest*

*Tests run: 1*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.008 s -
in org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientDeadlockTest*

Running org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientSessionListenerTest*

*Tests run: 2*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.038 s -
in org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientSessionListenerTest*

Running org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientTest*

*Tests run: 30*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 47.507 s
- in org.apache.sshd.client.*ClientTest*


*Tests run: 1*, Failures: 0, Errors: 0,

Re: SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-17 Thread Lyor Goldstein
>>  Some of the tests do consistently fail on my laptop during the release

Strange but not surprising - the MINA and NETTY tests do have inconsistent
intermittent failures . Usually if I run `mvn -rf :sshd-mina` (or whatever
failed) a few times they succeed. Note that it can happen also for
sshd-scp, sshd-sftp and others when run with the MINA or NETTY
implementations instead of NIO.

BTW, most of the time I compile the code on Windows - the few times I tried
it on Linux it succeeded - though I did encounter strange intermittent
failures from time to time.

Personally, I do not think it is an issue as long as the default (NIO)
succeeds and I do not deem this important enough to delay the release.
Therefore I recommend the following:

* Try `mvn -rf :sshd-mina` (or whatever failed) 2-3 times
* If other modules fail, make sure NIO succeeds - simply add
`-Dtest.mina=disable` (or -Dtest.netty=disable) to skip the relevant I/O
factory implementation.
*  If NIO succeeds but the rest fail consistently, add the failing tests to
the already existing exclusion list(s) in the relevant POM(s) under the

It is not optimal, but assuming we are talking about a minority of the
tests failing I believe it is acceptable - as long as the "main" NIO
(default) implementation passes.

  Note that there is a pending TODO to figure out why these tests fail
intermittently but we never seem to have enough time or manpower to do

Q: Release SSHD 2.4.0 ?

2020-01-09 Thread Lyor Goldstein

I believe enough time has passed since we released version 2.3.0 and enough
new features and/or bug fixes have been accumulated since to warrant the
release of a new version.

I would like to ask Guillaume to cut a new version and initiate a vote on
it in the upcoming week.


Re: Q: Release SSHD 2.4.0 ?

2020-01-16 Thread Guillaume Nodet
Sorry for the late reply.
I did start the release process 2 days ago but hit the following problem.
Any idea ?

Here's my env:

*Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)*

Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven-deluxe/3.6.3-0/libexec

Java version: 1.8.0_232, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime:

Default locale: fr_FR, platform encoding: UTF-8

OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.15.2", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

And here's the log:

--- maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.1:jar (attach-javadocs) @ sshd-common ---


Reactor Summary for Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0:

Apache Mina SSHD ... SUCCESS [  5.455 s]

Apache Mina SSHD :: Common support utilities ... FAILURE [ 57.831 s]

Apache Mina SSHD :: Putty key files support utilities SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: OpenPGP key files support utilities SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: Core ... SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: Mina ... SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: Netty .. SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: SCP  SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: SFTP ... SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: LDAP ... SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: Git  SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: Contributions .. SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: Spring integration SFTP adapter  SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: CLI  SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: OSGi ... SKIPPED

Apache Mina SSHD :: Assembly ... SKIPPED


Total time:  01:04 min

Finished at: 2020-01-16T21:12:59+01:00

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.1:jar (attach-javadocs)
on project sshd-common: Execution attach-javadocs of goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.1:jar failed: An API
incompatibility was encountered while executing


[ERROR] realm =

[ERROR] strategy =

[ERROR] urls[0] =

[ERROR] urls[1] =

[ERROR] urls[2] =

[ERROR] urls[3] =

[ERROR] urls[4] =

[ERROR] urls[5] =

[ERROR] urls[6] =

[ERROR] urls[7] =

[ERROR] urls[8] =

[ERROR] urls[9] =

[ERROR] urls[10] =

[ERROR] urls[11] =

[ERROR] urls[12] =

[ERROR] urls[13] =

[ERROR] urls[14] =

[ERROR] urls[15] =

[ERROR] urls[16] =

[ERROR] urls[17] =

[ANNOUNCE] Apache SSHD 2.4.0 released

2020-02-02 Thread Lyor Goldstein
The Apache SSHD project is pleased to announce the release of SSHD 2.1.0

Apache SSHD is a 100% pure java library to support the SSH protocols on
both the client and server side. This library can leverage Apache MINA and
also Netty - scalable and high performance asynchronous IO libraries. SSHD
does not really aim at being a replacement for the SSH client or SSH server
Unix operating systems, but rather provides support for Java based
applications requiring SSH support.

A few backward incompatible changes have been made since the previous
release, thus the version has been named 2.4 accordingly, in order to
emphasize this fact. The major issues addressed in this release are:

[SSHD-930]( - Added
configuration allowing the user to specify whether client should wait for
the server's identification before sending its own.

[SSHD-934]( - Fixed ECDSA
public key encoding into OpenSSH format.

[SSHD-946]( - Supporting
'encrypt-then-MAC' mode.

[SSHD-947]( - Added
configuration allowing the user to specify whether client should wait
for the server's identification before sending KEX-INIT message.

Users are encouraged to read the documentation available at which has been updated to reflect the
necessary code changes.

[VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-18 Thread Guillaume Nodet
I've staged a release candidate:
  * Repo:
  * Distributions:
  * Git Tag:

Please review and vote !

Guillaume Nodet

Re:[VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-18 Thread Lyor Goldstein
Thanks Guillaume...


I've staged a release candidate:
  * Repo:
  * Distributions:
  * Git Tag:

Please review and vote !

Guillaume Nodet

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-20 Thread Emmanuel Lécharny

Hi guys,

I'm sorry, but new release *MUST* be signed using something stronger 
than MD5 or SHA1 : :

"SHOULD NOT supply a MD5 or SHA-1 checksum file (because these are 

On 18/01/2020 09:02, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I've staged a release candidate:
   * Repo:
   * Distributions:
   * Git Tag:

Please review and vote !

Guillaume Nodet

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-20 Thread Guillaume Nodet
I think we're fine, we do provide the .asc PGP armored signatures.
I'll remove the .md5 and .sha1 files from the repository.

Le lun. 20 janv. 2020 à 13:47, Emmanuel Lécharny  a
écrit :

> Hi guys,
> I'm sorry, but new release *MUST* be signed using something stronger
> than MD5 or SHA1 :
> :
> "SHOULD NOT supply a MD5 or SHA-1 checksum file (because these are
> deprecated)"
> On 18/01/2020 09:02, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
> > I've staged a release candidate:
> >* Repo:
> >
> >* Distributions:
> >
> >* Git Tag:
> >
> > Please review and vote !
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Guillaume Nodet
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


Guillaume Nodet

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-20 Thread Guillaume Nodet
So I've removed the md5 and sha1 files for the distributions:

Le lun. 20 janv. 2020 à 14:09, Guillaume Nodet  a écrit :

> I think we're fine, we do provide the .asc PGP armored signatures.
> I'll remove the .md5 and .sha1 files from the repository.
> Le lun. 20 janv. 2020 à 13:47, Emmanuel Lécharny  a
> écrit :
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm sorry, but new release *MUST* be signed using something stronger
>> than MD5 or SHA1 :
>> :
>> "SHOULD NOT supply a MD5 or SHA-1 checksum file (because these are
>> deprecated)"
>> On 18/01/2020 09:02, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
>> > I've staged a release candidate:
>> >* Repo:
>> >
>> >* Distributions:
>> >
>> >* Git Tag:
>> >
>> > Please review and vote !
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Guillaume Nodet
>> >
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> --
> Guillaume Nodet


Guillaume Nodet

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-20 Thread Emmanuel Lécharny

My +1

Packages built from repository and distribution, signature checked.

Good to go !

On 18/01/2020 09:02, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I've staged a release candidate:
   * Repo:
   * Distributions:
   * Git Tag:

Please review and vote !

Guillaume Nodet

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-20 Thread Guillaume Nodet

Le sam. 18 janv. 2020 à 09:02, Guillaume Nodet  a écrit :

> I've staged a release candidate:
>   * Repo:
>   * Distributions:
>   * Git Tag:
> Please review and vote !
> Cheers,
> Guillaume Nodet


Guillaume Nodet

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-26 Thread Guillaume Nodet
I think we're still missing a binding vote..., we need at least 3.

Le sam. 18 janv. 2020 à 09:02, Guillaume Nodet  a écrit :

> I've staged a release candidate:
>   * Repo:
>   * Distributions:
>   * Git Tag:
> Please review and vote !
> Cheers,
> Guillaume Nodet


Guillaume Nodet

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-27 Thread Emmanuel Lécharny

On 27/01/2020 00:07, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I think we're still missing a binding vote..., we need at least 3.

Hi Guillaume,

AFAICT, I count 3 +1 binding votes : you, Lyor and me...

Le sam. 18 janv. 2020 à 09:02, Guillaume Nodet  a écrit :

I've staged a release candidate:
   * Repo:
   * Distributions:
   * Git Tag:

Please review and vote !

Guillaume Nodet

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[RESULT] [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-27 Thread Guillaume Nodet
Awesome, I missed Lyor's vote which seems to be out of thread...

I'm thus closing the vote with 3 +1s and no other votes and will publish
the release and update the web site asap.


Le lun. 27 janv. 2020 à 09:39, Emmanuel Lécharny  a
écrit :

> On 27/01/2020 00:07, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
> > I think we're still missing a binding vote..., we need at least 3.
> Hi Guillaume,
> AFAICT, I count 3 +1 binding votes : you, Lyor and me...
> >
> > Le sam. 18 janv. 2020 à 09:02, Guillaume Nodet  a
> écrit :
> >
> >> I've staged a release candidate:
> >>* Repo:
> >>
> >>* Distributions:
> >>
> >>* Git Tag:
> >>
> >> Please review and vote !
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Guillaume Nodet
> >>
> >>
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


Guillaume Nodet

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-27 Thread Jeff Genender
Did I miss this?

+1 from me.


> On Jan 26, 2020, at 4:07 PM, Guillaume Nodet  wrote:
> I think we're still missing a binding vote..., we need at least 3.
> Le sam. 18 janv. 2020 à 09:02, Guillaume Nodet  a écrit :
>> I've staged a release candidate:
>>  * Repo:
>>  * Distributions:
>>  * Git Tag:
>> Please review and vote !
>> Cheers,
>> Guillaume Nodet
> -- 
> Guillaume Nodet

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-27 Thread Lyor Goldstein
>>  I'm thus closing the vote with 3 +1s and no other votes and will
publish the release and update the web site asap.

Great - let me know if you want me to publish an announcement or you will
do it.

Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release Apache Mina SSHD 2.4.0

2020-01-30 Thread Guillaume Nodet
The release is available on the apache distribution sites, but it has a
problem syncing to central, see
I'll update the web site, but feel free to prepare an announcement email so
that we can send it when the sync is done.

Le lun. 27 janv. 2020 à 18:58, Lyor Goldstein  a
écrit :

> >>  I'm thus closing the vote with 3 +1s and no other votes and will
> publish the release and update the web site asap.
> Great - let me know if you want me to publish an announcement or you will
> do it.
> Thanks,
> Lyor


Guillaume Nodet