
Recently I came across the permission setting page where it was slightly 
chaotic. Namely, some non-committers were given admin access while some 
committers don't have delete rights. The permission rights were also not given 
consistently across contributors.

I made the following changes:
- committers will receive permissions through the group permission of "mxnet". 
This includes every bits except admin bits and delete own.
- PMCs members will receive permissions through the group permission of 
"mxnet-pmc". This includes every bits except delete own (same as 

No manual settings should be required for committers and PMC members after this 

Also, I suggest the following settings for adding contributors who would like 
to contribute to mxnet cwiki.

All Pages:    View       √ Delete Own ×
Blog:         Add        √ Delete     ×
Attachments:  Add        √ Delete     ×
Comments:     Add        √ Delete     ×
Restrictions: Add/Delete √
Mail:         Delete     ×
Space:        Export     × Admin      ×


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