
On 2008-05-19, at 20:27 , Alexandru Szasz wrote:


My name is Alexandru Szasz, I have been nominated for project-lead
role in the Romanian NLC Project. I'm known for my efforts for
localization in other open source projects too, like Mozilla, Fedora
and Gnome.

A few months ago I've started an open source application targeted at
translation communities, application that allows so far really easy
online translation and project coordination. One next step will be
adding a glossary and term debates. If you're curious about this, the
application is called Narro, we're using an installation over at
http://narro.18n.ro and if you're interested, follow the application
blog for progress, http://narro-project.blogspot.com .

I look forward to make the Romanian OpenOffice.org community bigger
and most important, release the first OpenOffice.org in Romanian.

-- Alexandru Szasz

Congratulations and welcome Alexandru. I've added you to the list of names on the native-lang page and also added your ssh2 key. You are added now to the project_leads list, a general list used to inform project leads of community-wide issues. Project leads can thus relay the information to their communities.

I look forward to meeting you in Romania, if I am so lucky, and will certainly try to keep informed of your activities: your blog is good!

By the way, if any other project lead or co-lead is not subscribed to projects leads, please do let me know directly or by the route of issue tracker.


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