Re: News: Apache NetBeans has graduated from the Apache Incubator

2019-04-17 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Wow, vanilla ice-cream is cool but this news is even better!

Well deserved outcome of heroic work of plenty of people in their free 
time with no immediate results has inevitably come.



Dne 18. 04. 19 v 0:36 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Hi all,

The ASF Board of Directors have just voted to establish the Apache 
NetBeans project as a top level project. Congrats to us all, for the 
hard work and dedication (and it only took 2 1/2 years)!

This is a public (binding) decision, so by means of this e-mail we are 
officially sharing the good news that we have left the Apache Incubator 
and are now an official Apache project.

Now comes the tasks of "un-incubating" all the resources we have, in the 
coming days -- for example, you'll see references to "incubating" being 
removed in various places.

Kind regards, and congrats to us all again,


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Re: Results from Apache NetBeans 11.0 Community Acceptance survey

2019-04-16 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi again,

   I don't know how about you but I like movies with good endings. Or 
at least movies without vague endings. And that's exactly why I have 
finally processed results from the Community Acceptance survey and 
published these [1]. Better late than never, right? :)


   Although pie charts show that 11.0 should be better than 10.0, we 
cannot really compare the data given the gap between turnouts (37 vs. 
111 survey respondents). In spite of that thanks to everyone who 
participated in the poll!

Happy development with Apache NetBeans 11.0 IDE!

Best regards,

Dne 26. 03. 19 v 15:39 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hello NetBeans community,

    thanks to all 27 respondents who expressed their opinion on the Vote 
Candidate 4 of Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 to date. If you didn't have a 
chance to look at the VC4 build or simply forgot to cast your vote, 
don't give up and do it [1] as soon as possible.


    Firstly, we realize that due to Plugin Portal which was down for 
some time last week many people couldn't download nb-javac and js-parser 
plugins which were essential for any serious evaluation. And secondly, 
we want the results to be representative so we rather hope for ~100 

Are we naive :) or do we get some more feedback?

BTW, so far the numbers are very good with just one potentially serious 
issue identified in refactoring [2] which we are looking into as we speak.


Thanks to anyone who joins the team of 27 brave voters!

Best regards,

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Results from Apache NetBeans 11.0 Community Acceptance survey

2019-03-26 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   thanks to all 27 respondents who expressed their opinion on the Vote 
Candidate 4 of Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 to date. If you didn't have a 
chance to look at the VC4 build or simply forgot to cast your vote, 
don't give up and do it [1] as soon as possible.


   Firstly, we realize that due to Plugin Portal which was down for 
some time last week many people couldn't download nb-javac and js-parser 
plugins which were essential for any serious evaluation. And secondly, 
we want the results to be representative so we rather hope for ~100 

Are we naive :) or do we get some more feedback?

BTW, so far the numbers are very good with just one potentially serious 
issue identified in refactoring [2] which we are looking into as we speak.


Thanks to anyone who joins the team of 27 brave voters!

Best regards,

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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Netbeans 11.0 (incubating) [vote candidate 4]

2019-03-21 Thread Jiří Kovalský


Dne 21. 03. 19 v 8:41 Laszlo Kishalmi napsal(a):

Dear all,

This is our 4th voting candidate for the 11.0 release of Apache 
NetBeans. This time everything went through my smoke tests, so let's 
vote on it.

Apache NetBeans 11.0 (incubating) constitutes all clusters in the Apache 
NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the NetBeans Platform (i.e., 
the underlying application framework), as well as all the modules that 
provide the Java SE, Java EE, PHP, JavaScript and Groovy features of 
Apache NetBeans.

In short, Apache NetBeans 11.0 (incubating) is a full IDE for Java SE, 
Java EE, PHP and JavaScript development with some Groovy language support.

Build artifacts available here: 

Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and 
NOTICE files, as well as a README file with build instructions, which 
are the same as these: 

We are voting on: 


KEYS file: 

Apache NetBeans Git Repo tag: 11.0-vc4 : 

Note: NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the 
rat-exclusions.txt file: 

Rat report shows no unknown licenses, except for license files: 

Included as a convenience binary, not relevant for the voting purposes 
(unzip it, run it and you'll see Apache NetBeans): 


Release specific wiki page: 

How (and what) to try out the release:

1. Download the artifact to be voted on and unzip it.
2. Check that the artifact does not contain any jar files,
    save the: 
    enterprise/glassfish.common/test/unit/data/nottaDir-4_1_2.jar and 

Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2019-03-20 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

 Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 4 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



 This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java/HTML/JavaScript/PHP sources, debug the 
code, try refactoring features, deploy to Tomcat/GlassFish, simply test 
your typical use cases and once you gain a solid opinion about the VC 
build please take this short survey. It will stay open until Sunday - 
March 24th midnight last timezone. In spite of that please complete the 
survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

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Re: Prepare for Apache NetBeans 11.0 vc4

2019-03-19 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Thanks for the update Laszlo. I have the Community Acceptance survey 
prepared so please ping me when the URL [1] starts to work and I will 
open the survey.



Dne 17. 03. 19 v 1:45 Laszlo Kishalmi napsal(a):

Dear all,

It seems we are really close to our vc4 date. We are standing pretty 
good, the only real blocker 
is almost ready.

If you know anything else that should make into this release, please 
speak up, I'm going to do the PRs and some testing later today and 
create vc4 tomorrow. This time we are going to vote on that as well. I 
know Geertjan is working hard to arrange everything for the graduation, 
but that seems to happen more likely in April, than this March, so we 
are going to make the incubator dance this time.

Please remember:

Whatever PR you feel is needed to be included into the release shall be 
marked with *Need Cherry Picking* label on GitHub!

Laszlo Kishalmi

Volunteer RM of Apache NetBeans 11.0

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Re: [VOTE] Apache NetBeans graduation to Top Level Project

2019-03-12 Thread Jiří Kovalský

+1 for this giant leap for NetBeans!


Dne 11. 03. 19 v 11:47 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Hi all,

After a discussion amongst the Apache NetBeans community on the dev mailing
list[1], voting on a PMC chair[2], checking the podling status page[3], and
working through the maturity model[4], I would like to call a vote for
Apache NetBeans graduating to a top level project.

Apache NetBeans entered the incubator on October 1, 2016. Since then, we
have announced 2 releases, nominated several new committers, participated
in conferences and events, have 99 contributors with 2,423 commits, and --
most importantly -- have grown and diversified our community. Apache
NetBeans is a healthy project that is already acting like an Apache top
level project, so we should take the next step.

If we agree that we should graduate to a top level project, the next step
will be to draft a Resolution for the PPMC and IPMC to vote upon.

Please take a minute to vote on whether or not Apache NetBeans should
graduate to a Top Level Project by responding with one of the following:

[ ] +1 Apache NetBeans should graduate.
[ ] +0 No opinion
[ ] -1 Apache NetBeans should not graduate (please provide the reason)

The VOTE is open for a minimum of 72 hours. Per Apache guidelines[5] I will
also be notifying the incubator mailing list that a community vote is under


on behalf of the Apache NetBeans PPMC


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How to access now?

2019-03-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi folks,

   does anybody know how to access forum now? I am not sure 
I have my e-mail which is required for account registration 
and my private e-mail does not have access to that Slack workspace.

Thanks for any hints.


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Re: [VOTE] PMC chair for Apache NetBeans

2019-03-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský



Dne 01. 03. 19 v 15:28 Glenn Holmer napsal(a):

This voting thread is to confirm Geertjan Wielenga as the first PMC
chair of NetBeans as we leave incubation and begin our journey as a
top-level Apache project. As an Oracle employee, Geertjan has been in a
unique position to help guide the project to independence and is the
best choice to complete that process.

As a reminder, here are the duties of the PMC chair:

Please indicate your vote with +1, 0, or -1.

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Re: Apache NetBeans 11.0-vc2 Is Available for Testing!

2019-02-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Thanks for letting us know.

I have updated Synergy test run with the new VC url:


Dne 27. 02. 19 v 17:59 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Great! I made a mistake — should have merged the Oracle JS Parser
enablement so that it could have been tried out, and a few others. Maybe a
quick mail from the RM two or three days prior to doing the vc to remind
that only merged prs marked for cherry picking will be cherry picked.

But my bad for not merging mine.


On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Laszlo Kishalmi 

I'm sorry I was late with the administration.

I've taken care of the cherry picks for the merged and closed PR-s as

I've updated the release page with the details.

On 2/27/19 12:14 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:


Has everything marked as needing cherry picking been cherry picked?

What is the difference between vc2 and vc1, i.e., what issues and pull
requests are included?


On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Laszlo Kishalmi <>

Dear Community,

I'd like to announce that the second build for testing form release110
branch is available for download.

As this build is again for testing purpose only, we are not going to do
the release dance and voting around it.

See the artifacts here:

The binary you most likely need is:

The SHA512 sums if you would like to check them are provided there as
as here:


Laszlo Kishalmi

Voluntary Release Manager of Apache NetBeans 11.0

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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Netbeans 10.0 (incubating) [vote candidate 5]

2018-12-18 Thread Jiří Kovalský

+1 for vc5.


Dne 18. 12. 18 v 11:57 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):


I worked through this and found no blockers in vc5:

Thanks all for patience with the process, many thanks Laszlo especially,
please help out by voting in this thread, and hopefully this is the last
voting candidate for Apache NetBeans 10.

Please use this thread for voting only — discussions and questions are
welcome but not in this thread which should contain votes only.


On Tuesday, December 18, 2018, Jaroslav Tulach 


I support the release in this form. It works well for me.

PS: Only JNA, testing and OSGi as external dependencies of the NetBeans
Platform, good:

nb10$ find netbeans/platform/ | grep /ext/

út 18. 12. 2018 v 5:38 odesílatel Laszlo Kishalmi <>

Dear all,

Please vote on our 5th voting candidate for the 10.0 release of Apache
NetBeans (incubating).

If this voting candidate passes, another similar voting will be started, and if that passes too, then we can
release this version.

Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) constitutes all but the enterprise
cluster in the Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the
NetBeans Platform (i.e., the underlying application framework), as well


all the modules that provide the Java SE, PHP, JavaScript and Groovy
features of Apache NetBeans.

In short, Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) is a full IDE for Java SE,


and JavaScript development with some Groovy language support.

Build artifacts available here:


This voting is on the following artifact:


Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and
NOTICE files, as well as a README file with build instructions, which are
the same as these:

SHA1: 028b47ca10118e616208e4949fb79c2e38d74fd5

KEYS file:

Apache NetBeans Git Repo tag: 10.0-vc5 :

Note: NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the
rat-exclusions.txt file:


Rat report shows no unknown licenses, except for license files:

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Netbeans 10.0 (incubating) [vote candidate 4]

2018-11-23 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Looks good hence approved your PR.

Thanks Junichi!

Dne 22.11.2018 v 23:50 Junichi Yamamoto napsal(a):

Created a PR:

On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 5:00 AM Jiří Kovalský  wrote:

Yes, the Dev in About dialog is not correct too.


Dne 22.11.2018 v 06:31 Junichi Yamamoto napsal(a):


BTW, The version is **DEV** yet. Help > About > Product Version:
Apache NetBeans IDE Dev (Build
So, we should fix it.

On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 8:50 AM Laszlo Kishalmi

Dear all,

This is our 4th voting candidate for the 10.0 release of Apache NetBeans.
The content of this voting candidate is the same as the previous voting 
candidate 3, the only difference is the accidentally included binaries got 
removed (with some build script modifications).
See more at:

Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) constitutes all but the enterprise cluster in 
the Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the NetBeans Platform 
(i.e., the underlying application framework), as well as all the modules that 
provide the Java SE, PHP, JavaScript and Groovy features of Apache NetBeans.

In short, Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) is a full IDE for Java SE, PHP and 
JavaScript development with some Groovy language support.

Build artifacts available here:

Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE 
files, as well as a README file with build instructions, which are the same as 

SHA1: 028b47ca10118e616208e4949fb79c2e38d74fd5

KEYS file:

Apache NetBeans Git Repo tag: 10.0-vc4 :

Note: NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the rat-exclusions.txt 

Rat report shows no unknown licenses, except for license files:

Included as a convenience binary, not relevant for the voting purposes (unzip 
it, run it and you'll see Apache NetBeans):

Release specific wiki page:

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Netbeans 10.0 (incubating) [vote candidate 4]

2018-11-22 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Yes, the Dev in About dialog is not correct too.


Dne 22.11.2018 v 06:31 Junichi Yamamoto napsal(a):


BTW, The version is **DEV** yet. Help > About > Product Version:
Apache NetBeans IDE Dev (Build
So, we should fix it.

On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 8:50 AM Laszlo Kishalmi

Dear all,

This is our 4th voting candidate for the 10.0 release of Apache NetBeans.
The content of this voting candidate is the same as the previous voting 
candidate 3, the only difference is the accidentally included binaries got 
removed (with some build script modifications).
See more at:

Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) constitutes all but the enterprise cluster in 
the Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the NetBeans Platform 
(i.e., the underlying application framework), as well as all the modules that 
provide the Java SE, PHP, JavaScript and Groovy features of Apache NetBeans.

In short, Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) is a full IDE for Java SE, PHP and 
JavaScript development with some Groovy language support.

Build artifacts available here:

Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE 
files, as well as a README file with build instructions, which are the same as 

SHA1: 028b47ca10118e616208e4949fb79c2e38d74fd5

KEYS file:

Apache NetBeans Git Repo tag: 10.0-vc4 :

Note: NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the rat-exclusions.txt 

Rat report shows no unknown licenses, except for license files:

Included as a convenience binary, not relevant for the voting purposes (unzip 
it, run it and you'll see Apache NetBeans):

Release specific wiki page:

How (and what) to try out the release:

1. Download the artifact to be voted on and unzip it.
2. Check that the artifact does not contain any jar files,
 save the: 
3. Verify the cryptographic signatures, the NOTICE and LICENSE file
4. Build it using the README provided by the artifact.
5. Look in nbbuild/netbeans for the 

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Netbeans 10.0 (incubating) [vote candidate 4]

2018-11-22 Thread Jiří Kovalský
It will stop when we will not be aware of any obvious release blockers 
and all voters will +1 on the voting thread.

I can assure you Geertjan that if I had known about this JavaScript 
Parser licensing problem during the VC3 voting I would have voted -1 
earlier. Unfortunately I wasn't until now.


Dne 22.11.2018 v 17:44 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

OK, but after this PR is integrated, and we produce another VC, what will
be the next PR that we should also have integrated?

Where does this stop? How do we know that we have integrated all the PRs we
should integrate>


On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 5:30 PM Jiří Kovalský 

I am sorry but I agree with Jan.

-1 because of

Let's get the things right to demonstrate our maturity to leave Apache

Thank you,

Dne 22.11.2018 v 07:02 Jan Lahoda napsal(a):

I wonder if (when we are doing new votes) we should consider


some other stuff, like:


On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 12:50 AM Laszlo Kishalmi <>


Dear all,

This is our 4th voting candidate for the 10.0 release of Apache


The content of this voting candidate is the same as the previous voting
candidate 3, the only difference is the accidentally included binaries


removed (with some build script modifications).
See more at:

Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) constitutes all but the enterprise
cluster in the Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the
NetBeans Platform (i.e., the underlying application framework), as well


all the modules that provide the Java SE, PHP, JavaScript and Groovy
features of Apache NetBeans.

In short, Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) is a full IDE for Java SE,


and JavaScript development with some Groovy language support.

Build artifacts available here:

Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and
NOTICE files, as well as a README file with build instructions, which


the same as these:

SHA1: 028b47ca10118e616208e4949fb79c2e38d74fd5

KEYS file:

Apache NetBeans Git Repo tag: 10.0-vc4 :

Note: NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the
rat-exclusions.txt file:

Rat report shows no unknown licenses, except for license files:

Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans roadmap updates

2018-11-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I am glad to see that except two respondents the vast majority likes the 
proposal for only two mandatory major (with NetCAT programs) and two 
optional minor releases per year.

The main argument against this release scheme, if I followed the 
discussion correctly, is that frequent (quarterly or even monthly) 
releases increase quality, because every incomplete feature could be 
stabilized as needed and only wait for couple of more weeks to shine in 
the next release.

In my opinion:

1. It's exactly the NetBeans old-school and slow release model which 
helped get so much credit for the great out-of-the-box experience. I 
would rather prefer to keep this differentiator in the future.

2. I myself don't share this modern hysteria for wanting everything and 
instantly. Ubuntu has been releasing only in Aprils and Octobers for 
years now, it survived this "small" cadence and there are Linux 
distributions even building on top of Ubuntu. I know many conservative 
developers who actually think otherwise - instead of grabbing every new 
NetBeans version they stick to some dated version which serves their 
needs and happily use that.

3. Finally I believe that quality is also a feature and it simply takes 
time to build a quality product. If things are rushed, the quality is 
compromised and the final product gets worse over time.

Just like when people write long e-mails quickly not caring enough about 
quality of their own writing, the resulting message is then often hard 
to read and contains a lot of typos. Not always though ... :)


Dne 14.11.2018 v 00:38 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Indeed, let's discuss it again after the last release of 2019. I think we
can handle it. We should not overreact. In the meantime, can you consider
spending less time sending long e-mails? We need your enthusiasm to be
focused on actually helping with the Apache NetBeans releases -- maybe you
can participate in the NetCAT process or in the PPMC process -- your name
is not here, where it should be:



On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 11:17 PM Christian Lenz 

-1 for only 2 releases per year. This is far to less and will end up with
the Oracle model, where we only have 2 releases per year (Round About, look
at the Roadmaps, you see often big time between a new release and an old
one). We will not be competitive to other IDEs, we are still now lack of a
lot of Features (Little ones, which make everyone happy and Handy and big
ones). IMHO the biggest Problem now with the NetCat is still the donation
process. I guess, it will be less problematic after we have everything in
Apache and completed donation.

To put it back to the JDK Version is also not good, again only IMHO,
because NetBeans is still not a Java DIE anymore we should remove this
thinking which is still in the heads of a lot of developers. And to put
that thinking away, NetBeans Needs more advertisement of the other Features
and more implementation of stuff, which is still missing (Angular, Vue,
JSON Schema, other language supports, etc.)

How will the Patches look like? Only bug fixes? What About Major Releases
like 11, 12, 13 and in between 11.1, 11.2 with new Features?

I mean we can have 11 in Feb and 12 in I don’t know August which is 6
Months and in between we should have 11.1 and 11.2 which is not only a
bugfix for a lot of Bugs, also with new Features, but not that big. So
Maybe no NetCat for 11.1 and 11.2 or not that much time spending on that.
Maybe reducing the NetCat process or changing it? Come one, there can be a
lot more stuff to make it better and possible. I know and this is a big
Benefit, that NetBeans is real stable. I switched from Eclipse now 5 years
ago to NetBeans, because of 2 simple Plugins of Eclipse, that broke the
whole IDE. I know that we Need that Quality. So IntelliJ or the JetBrains
based IDEs are also real stable.

So I think we can handle it.

And no, using the development Version is not an Option, they are often not
stable and not possible to use it in production. I tried it from 7.0 – 7.2
I end up with a nightly build with a lot of NPE after starting the DIE so I
had to go back tot the stable Version and had to wait 3 more months for the
new Fancy Features.

Agian, I think after the donation process, it will be more easy, so we
should wait a whole year 2019 to 

Re: Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-11-12 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi again people,

   I am happy to tell you that we closed the 10.0 Community Acceptance 
survey about VC3 today, evaluated all the issues which respondents 
pointed out and published the results here:

   The numbers look very good - overall satisfaction with quality 
increased from 32.5% to incredible 47.3% and performance improved from 
27.4% to 28.2% too. In addition to that no true release blocker by 
definition was identified so it's the official GO from NetBeans 
community as fas as functionality goes!

   We just want to investigate and then the final 
PPMC/IPMC voting can start, collect many nice +1s and Apache NetBeans 
IDE 10.0 will be released in couple of days. Anyone who can reproduce 
#1217 or even better understands the subject code is more than welcome 
to help with its evaluation/resolution.

We would like to thank to all survey respondents for their votes and 

Best regards,

Dne 31.10.2018 v 10:58 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hello NetBeans community,

     Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 2 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



     This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java/PHP sources, debug the code, try 
refactoring features, simply test your typical use cases and once you 
gain a solid opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. 
It will stay open until Sunday - November 11th midnight last timezone. 
In spite of that please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:

Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-10-31 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 2 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java/PHP sources, debug the code, try 
refactoring features, simply test your typical use cases and once you 
gain a solid opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. 
It will stay open until Sunday - November 11th midnight last timezone. 
In spite of that please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:

Re: Release Apache Netbeans 10.0 (incubating) [vote candidate 2]

2018-10-30 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Excuse me but why are we creating VC2 if there are still 4 blockers [1] 
open? Wouldn't it better to wait for the pull requests to be merged, 
build the VC2 with the fixes and open the final Community Acceptance 
survey then?



Dne 30.10.2018 v 18:36 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Excellent, will try it out as soon as I can. As many others as possible
too, please. Take it for a spin, any serious problems, please state them


On Tuesday, October 30, 2018, Laszlo Kishalmi 

Hi all,

This is our second voting candidate for the 10.0 release of Apache
NetBeans. This build will go for validation through NetCAT process.

Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) constitutes all but the enterprise
cluster in the Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the
NetBeans Platform (i.e., the underlying application framework), as well as
all the modules that provide the Java SE, PHP, JavaScript and Groovy
features of Apache NetBeans.

In short, Apache NetBeans 10.0 (incubating) is a full IDE for Java SE, PHP
and JavaScript development with some Groovy language support.

Build artifacts available here:

Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and
NOTICE files, as well as a README file with build instructions, which are
the same as these:

SHA1: 028b47ca10118e616208e4949fb79c2e38d74fd5

KEYS file:

Apache NetBeans Git Repo tag: 10.0-vc2 :

Note: NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the
rat-exclusions.txt file:

Rat report shows no unknown licenses, except for license files:

Included as a convenience binary, not relevant for the voting purposes
(unzip it, run it and you'll see Apache NetBeans):

Release specific wiki page:

How (and what) to try out the release:

1. Download the artifact to be voted on and unzip it.
2. Verify the cryptographic signatures, the NOTICE and LICENSE file
3. Build it using the README provided by the artifact.
4. Look in nbbuild/netbeans for the NetBeans installation created by the
build process.

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Re: NetBeans 10 vs NetBeans 10.0

2018-10-29 Thread Jiří Kovalský

+1 Bring back the zero! :)


Dne 27.10.2018 v 13:13 Christian Lenz napsal(a):

Hey, I would like to bring this Topic up, Maybe it is a minor but yeah still 
Often People Talking About NetBeans 10 or NetBeans 10.0. Often we are using 
both as you can see inside of the Jira tickets and Mailing List and public 
Chanels, etc. Our Branch is called nb100 which Points to 10.0 not to 10. Like 
the history of NetBeans it is Always that we use *.0. 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and last 
but not least 9.0. (Branding, Splashscreen, etc.) Why did we stopped here?

We should be consistent. There is no reason to remove the *.0 after we reached 
10. So for me it is clear, #bringbackthezero we already have it, only the 
Splash screen, About Dialog and some titles etc. uses 10, instead of 100 or 
10.0. It is not for me to be for or against 10.0 or, but we should be 
consistent in using 10 OR 10.0 over the rest.
My 2 cents.


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[news] NetCAT 10.0 proposal

2018-09-25 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   the November release of Apache NetBeans is quickly approaching so I 
would like to propose a schedule for the NetCAT 10.0 program [1]. 
Release drivers for version 10.0 are JDK 11 features and PHP support.


   Please take a look at this plan and share any concerns you might 
have. I am specifically interested in opinion of Laszlo Kishalmi - our 
Apache NetBeans 10.0 release manager. If no major objections arise, I 
will officially start NetCAT 10.0 program on Thursday - 9/27.

Thanks for your feedback (especially the positive one :)!

Best regards,

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List of NetBeans releases in Confluence

2018-08-06 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi everyone,

   now that we have our first final release I am proposing to 
restructure pages under NetBeans Releases [1] to list only 9.0 Final 
Release together with its New & Noteworthy and moving README page under 
How-to articles resulting in this schema:

NetBeans Releases
  > Apache NetBeans 9.0 (vote threads, issues, plan)
> New and Noteworthy
  > Apache NetBeans 9.1
> New and Noteworthy
  > Apache NetBeans Next


This means that Apache NetBeans 9.0 Aplha, Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta and 
Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 will be deleted and Apache NetBeans post-9.0 
will be renamed to Apache NetBeans Next.

If no objections show up, I will do the change on Friday - 8/10.

Thanks for your feedback,

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Re: Improving infra @ netbeans?

2018-08-02 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I looked at your Wikis Antonio and I think they are very good providing 
the necessary introductory information on the infrastructure as we have 
it today. Once the solution for NetBeans Plugin Portal is in place, we 
will have to include it there too. Not sure, if we want to also document 
the scripts for active users and download statistics.


Dne 2.8.2018 v 20:11 Antonio napsal(a):

Hi all,

I've added some initial documentation about our infra at: 

This is for the Apache NetBeans website, the box 
and how we collect statistics in the update center.

As time permits I'll try to add the jenkins stuff.

I'd appreciate review and corrections.


On 02/08/18 06:59, Antonio wrote:

Hi all,

I'll try to create some confluence pages later during the weekend. 
Will keep you posted of my findings :-)


On 31/07/18 10:16, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

Excellent, yes, there's a couple of areas in the infra domain where only
very few people in our community know how to do things, if we can change
that it would be great.


On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 10:11 AM, Wade Chandler 


This would be great for me as it is easy to fall behind when you 
have to
come and go in spurts as things are moving so fast in some areas it 
is hard
to keep up. It would make it easier to contribute further to some 


Thanks so much Antonio


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Re: 9.0 Update Center

2018-07-31 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Anyway, I changed the redirect yesterday and several NetCAT participants 
confirm that mirrors work fine in most cases so we are good.


Dne 31.7.2018 v 07:46 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

OTOH, big products have staged releases. So, delaying a few days the update 
centers versus having the installer available isn't outside the norms.


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On 30 July 2018 2:14 AM, Geertjan Wielenga 

Ah, this is probably why we needed to wait to announce, since this needed
to switch first, and that's what needed to replicate to mirrors before

Let's see what Jirka says about this, if this can still be fixed, and what
the impact will be.



On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 11:45 PM, Antonio wrote:

Hi all,
The file at /var/www/html/uc/9.0/.htaccess
Is pointing to RC1.0 nbms:
RedirectMatch ^/uc/9.0/(.)(\?.)?$
Would it be possible to update it to point to 9.0 nbms? Who has root
access there?

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Re: Fw: I have started the vote thread on general@ incubator mailing list

2018-07-24 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Yes, thanks Emilian!

What a shame you didn't include the results from Community Acceptance 
survey [1] in your message. I think next time we should mention it in 
the IPMC vote thread to support our strong commitment.



Dne 24.7.2018 v 07:56 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Awesome, thanks a lot.


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 7:36 AM, Emilian Bold <> wrote:

[Forgot to add netcat@ to the CC]

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On 24 July 2018 8:36 AM, Emilian Bold  wrote:


I have started the IPMC vote thread


Only IPMC votes are binding but general community votes are also nice.

So, don't mind voting there too.

We already have 2 votes from our mentors, we only need another vote to

have the release.

Voting ends in 5 days (end of this week) so we could have the proper

release this Sunday!


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Re: Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-07-17 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi again,

   this is just a kind reminder about Community Acceptance survey for 
Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 release. If you have not participated yet, 
please share with us your opinion on quality of the 9.0 Vote Candidate 3 

   There is still some time but don't wait long as the survey closes in 
5 days on July 22nd!

Thanks a lot,

Dne 9.7.2018 v 17:35 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hello NetBeans community,

    Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 3 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



    This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java sources, debug the code, try refactoring 
features, simply test your typical use cases and once you gain a solid 
opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. It will stay 
open until Sunday - July 22nd midnight last timezone. In spite of that 
please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský 

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Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-07-09 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 3 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



   This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java sources, debug the code, try refactoring 
features, simply test your typical use cases and once you gain a solid 
opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. It will stay 
open until Sunday - July 22nd midnight last timezone. In spite of that 
please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

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Re: Importing the NekoBean page to

2018-07-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Great, anyone willing to take it over and improve current website? :)


Dne 5.7.2018 v 15:57 Thilina Ranathunga napsal(a):

Yes, it's great to have internationalization.
I'm happy to translate to my locale "Sinhala - SRI LANKA (LK) (si_LK)"

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 5:19 PM Junichi Yamamoto  wrote:

Hi Jirka,

It's a great idea. I agree with you. It would be great if it is possible!


On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 8:32 PM Jiří Kovalský 

Thanks Junichi!

Maybe it's the right time to introduce an international section or
language switcher somewhere in the header which would now contain
English and Japanese options. With each country specific
translation/content we would add another option.



Dne 5.7.2018 v 12:26 Junichi Yamamoto napsal(a):

Thank you, Geertjan!


On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 3:49 PM Geertjan Wielenga

Maybe on the Community page somewhere:


On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 3:09 PM, Emilian Bold <> wrote:

I like NekoBean. Would be cool to use it somewhere.


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On 4 July 2018 2:55 PM, Junichi Yamamoto 



We would like to import the NekoBean page[1] to


(NekoBean is the mascot of the Japanese community[2].)

Where is an appropriate category for it? Community? or new one?






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Re: Importing the NekoBean page to

2018-07-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Thanks Junichi!

Maybe it's the right time to introduce an international section or 
language switcher somewhere in the header which would now contain 
English and Japanese options. With each country specific 
translation/content we would add another option.



Dne 5.7.2018 v 12:26 Junichi Yamamoto napsal(a):

Thank you, Geertjan!


On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 3:49 PM Geertjan Wielenga

Maybe on the Community page somewhere:


On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 3:09 PM, Emilian Bold <> wrote:

I like NekoBean. Would be cool to use it somewhere.


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On 4 July 2018 2:55 PM, Junichi Yamamoto  wrote:


We would like to import the NekoBean page[1] to

(NekoBean is the mascot of the Japanese community[2].)

Where is an appropriate category for it? Community? or new one?






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Wanted: NetBeans users in Cuba and Sri Lanka

2018-06-12 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi folks,

   for Apache NetBeans 9.0 release we are preparing a new Update Center 
which will be hosted on Apache infrastructure. The solution works fine 
so far but since we have two reports about failures in Cuba and Sri 
Lanka we are seeking for other users in these countries.

   If you live in Cuba or Sri Lanka and your name is neither José J. 
Rodriguez nor Thilina Ranathunga :), please contact me at your earliest 
convenience. We would like you to do a simple test to either confirm the 
issues or give us hope that the connectivity problems might be isolated.

Thank you very much!

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Re: AW: NetBeans celebrates 1.7 million active users

2018-06-04 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I do not think GDPR applies here as no personal or sensitive data is 
collected. Opt-in for Gestures Collector is of course another story and 
it is already implemented as required.

Best regards,

Dne 4.6.2018 v 11:57 Christian Lenz napsal(a):

NetBeans already have this opt-in to say: hey please allow us to send 
statistics. Maybe we can add another Checkbox in it to Count as a member or 
smth like that.



Von: Bertrand Delacretaz
Gesendet: Montag, 4. Juni 2018 11:48
Betreff: Re: NetBeans celebrates 1.7 million active users


On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 7:51 PM, Jiří Kovalský  wrote:

...People can opt-out being counted if they set Check Interval for
Automatically Check for Updates option to "Never" and then do not check
NetBeans Update Center manually

I'm not a specialist on these things but I think for an Apache project
you want opt-in, especially now that GDPR is with us.

It's fine to beg the user to opt in, in a friendly way, but for me
that must be an explicit agreement - maybe linked to the useful update
features which bring actual value to the user.


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Re: Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 Spotted In The Wild

2018-06-01 Thread Jiří Kovalský

+1. Thanks to Antonio, our top-notch correspondent, for the great news!


Dne 1.6.2018 v 10:00 Kai Uwe Pel napsal(a):

Wow!  That's awesome!


On 6/1/2018 9:20 AM, Antonio wrote:

Madrid, June the 1st, 2018.

Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 was spotted last wednesday in the wild in 
Madrid, during an Oracle Developer Meetup entitled "JavaScript Is 
Crazy! How To Make The Right Choices?" [1].

This was the very first world-wide appearance of the 9.0 RC1 release 
of our IDE.

Sporting a dark Darcula Theme and big presentation-size fonts, our 
NetBeans 9.0 RC1 little baby performed extremely well, allowing the 
presenter, Mr. Geertjan Wielenga, to proceed smoothly with the 
presentation without any issues.

Geertjan demonstrated the benefits of Oracle Jet [2], and our baby 
performed very well with smooth scrolling, immediate code completion 
and other visual niceties. The baby was lacking a splash screen, though.

After the presentation our little baby enjoyed some cold beer and some 
"tortillas". The IDE did also perform well with the "tortillas", but 
decided the beer was not cold enough.

Antonio, Madrid correspondent for Apache NetBeans News.



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Re: NetBeans celebrates 1.7 million active users

2018-05-31 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Yes, that's what we are trying to solve in and I won't +1 GA 
voting unless it's fixed. :)

People can opt-out being counted if they set Check Interval for 
Automatically Check for Updates option to "Never" and then do not check 
NetBeans Update Center manually.

And how we calculate the numbers? We collect Apache log files from all 
download servers, parse them to extract entries when somebody downloaded 
catalog.xml.gz file i.e. Update Center which is by default scheduled to 
happen on a weekly basis and then store the records to database. Every 
GET request sends unique ID identifying single NetBeans installation 
which we then use to distinguish users from each other and if we 
identify the same ID in the DB twice in a month we increment the counter 
of unique active users. :)


Dne 31.5.2018 v 18:53 Eirik Bakke napsal(a):

Those are some great stats. Does/will the Apache version of NetBeans still
incorporate the telemetry that allows these statistics to be collected?
How does it work?

Does this exclude users that opted out of statistics collection? (Is there
even such an option somewhere?)

It would be great to have a way to keep gathering these numbers in the

-- Eirik

On 5/31/18, 9:06 AM, "Jiří Kovalský"  wrote:

Hi folks,

do we want to promote this on our website?

Please enjoy and share. :)


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NetBeans celebrates 1.7 million active users

2018-05-31 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi folks,

do we want to promote this on our website?

Please enjoy and share. :)


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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 (incubating) rc1

2018-05-22 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Fix Version(s) is used to indicate version in which the bug WAS and not 
WILL BE fixed. Please leave the field empty until it's resolved.


Dne 22.5.2018 v 00:14 Leonardo Loch Zanivan napsal(a):


I'm fine with that, changing my vote to +1.

Can you set Fix Version to 9.0 to make sure it will be done before final

Leonardo Zanivan

On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 5:56 AM, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 5:10 PM, Leonardo Loch Zanivan <> wrote:


I've tested the RC1 binaries and found a blocker issue when I tried to


a few Java modular (JPMS) projects.

Jan Lahoda has a PR for this now:

Feel free to try it out and comment on it with your insights. It will not
be part of rc1 but, knowing that it's in the queue and we'll be sure to
have it as part of the final release, you could consider changing your



Created a new JIRA ticket and provided a sample to reproduce:


Product Version = Apache NetBeans IDE Dev (Build
Operating System = Mac OS X version 10.13.3 running on x86_64
Java; VM; Vendor = 10; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 10+46; Oracle
Runtime = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 10+46


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Already listening to
new listener   :$
holder listener:$
at org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.addFileChangeListener(





Note: Splash, About NetBeans and Start Page logos, also needs to be


but for the final release.

Leonardo Zanivan

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:35 AM, Emilian Bold <


Hi all,

Please vote on releasing Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 (incubating) rc1!

If this voting passes, another similar voting will be started on, and if that passes too, then we can


this version.

Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 (incubating) constitutes all the modules in the
Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the NetBeans Platform
(i.e., the underlying application framework), as well as all the


that provide the Java SE-related features of Apache NetBeans.

In short, Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1 (incubating) is a full IDE for Java



Build artifacts available here:

The specific artifact to be voted on:

Re: NB 9.0 Splash Screen

2018-05-21 Thread Jiří Kovalský
And the image I attached is here:


Dne 21.5.2018 v 13:45 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):
And I think that's what they already did. I prefer the lighter version - 


Dne 21.5.2018 v 11:21 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Hi David and Chris,

Thanks for your great work.

Could you tweak the text in the splash screen in the way discussed in 


That would move things forward.

Thanks a lot,


On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:18 AM, David Schulz <> wrote:

Hello there,

happy to see some progress :) 

Here you can find an export folder including both screens.

But either way, I would love to test both screens on the actual NetBeans
IDE. It would be cool if one of you can send me a screenshot from the
latest build. To check if the splash screen fits I would love to map the
splash screen on it.

All the best,




system design thinking

Kurfürstendamm 28

10719 Berlin

Tel: 0174 933 85 36

| Xing

*Von: *Christian Lenz <>
*Gesendet: *Montag, 21. Mai 2018 09:41
*An: *
*Cc: *
*Betreff: *NB 9.0 Splash Screen


so as we have a release of NB 9.0 RC1 soon, we wanted to have a new 
screen as a bit of a rebrand under Apache as we already have an 
awesome new

logo. Unfortunately, there was no vote yet and I think, because we will
have a release very soon, shall we go with this proposal? 



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Re: NB 9.0 Splash Screen

2018-05-21 Thread Jiří Kovalský
And I think that's what they already did. I prefer the lighter version - 


Dne 21.5.2018 v 11:21 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Hi David and Chris,

Thanks for your great work.

Could you tweak the text in the splash screen in the way discussed in this

That would move things forward.

Thanks a lot,


On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:18 AM, David Schulz  wrote:

Hello there,

happy to see some progress :)

Here you can find an export folder including both screens.

But either way, I would love to test both screens on the actual NetBeans
IDE. It would be cool if one of you can send me a screenshot from the
latest build. To check if the splash screen fits I would love to map the
splash screen on it.

All the best,





system design thinking

Kurfürstendamm 28

10719 Berlin

Tel: 0174 933 85 36


 | Xing

*Von: *Christian Lenz 
*Gesendet: *Montag, 21. Mai 2018 09:41
*An: *
*Cc: *
*Betreff: *NB 9.0 Splash Screen


so as we have a release of NB 9.0 RC1 soon, we wanted to have a new Splash
screen as a bit of a rebrand under Apache as we already have an awesome new
logo. Unfortunately, there was no vote yet and I think, because we will
have a release very soon, shall we go with this proposal?



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Re: NB 9.0 Splash Screen

2018-05-21 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Yes, I would also expect something like Apache NetBeans 9.0 IDE.

Otherwise I think it's good that the splashscreen remains consistent 
with the new logo.


Dne 21.5.2018 v 10:15 John McDonnell napsal(a):


I'm not a fan of the wording but to me, it reads like NetBeans IDE Apache

It's a splash screen I don't think we should be spending ages on it since
it can change every release...



On 21 May 2018 at 08:59, Geertjan Wielenga 


so as we have a release of NB 9.0 RC1 soon, we wanted to have a new


screen as a bit of a rebrand under Apache as we already have an awesome


logo. Unfortunately, there was no vote yet and I think, because we will
have a release very soon, shall we go with this proposal?



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Re: Volunteer for producing 9.0 rc1 needed

2018-05-17 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Yes, I agree with you Emilian. Then we will need to find a way how to 
redirect the HTTP calls from our Synergy VM to the load balancer 
distributing the requests to final destinations.

Am I right Jan?


Dne 17.5.2018 v 12:02 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

To me the NBMs and the rest seem just another form of convenience binaries. So, 
any reason we can't release them?

If there is no explicit reason, I would include them.

I will just put the nbms folder inside 
incubating-netbeans-java/incubating-9.0-rc1/nbms. OK?


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On 16 May 2018 12:06 AM, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

FWIW, I've updated the incubator-netbeans-release to build from the release90 

The job is also building the update center now, see:

It would be awesome if we could release the update center (the NBMs, the 
tasks.jar and the catalog) as convenience binaries as well.

Please let us know if/when you have any questions.



On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Emilian Bold  

I have the time now, I can do the rc1.


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On 15 May 2018 3:12 PM, Geertjan Wielenga  

Hi all,

Jan Lahoda and I put these instructions together based on our experiences

of putting an Apache release together:

In the above, see the section 'Producing a Release Candidate'.

Can someone volunteer to go through the process for the rc1 release?

I.e., formally, it will be Apache NetBeans (incubating) 9.0 rc1.

Maybe one of Emilian, Sven, Neil, Antonio, Eric, Junichi, or Matthias, for

example, i.e., someone who is a PPMC member and has been very involved

quite a bit recently? Or someone else from the PPMC who may not have been

very involved and wants to take this opportunity?

Responses and suggestions welcome.




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Re: Volunteer for producing 9.0 rc1 needed

2018-05-15 Thread Jiří Kovalský

In my opinion branding step is missing there which includes:

* updating splashscreen and release title
* increasing spec versions in master
* creating update center

My two cents,

Dne 15.5.2018 v 15:20 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Excellent, thanks Emilian. Please feel free to update the document with any
changes or corrections and pop a mail here if you run into problems.

And, to Eric, since you're super active and over a longer period as well,
we need to look into voting to get you into the PPMC, will start that soon.


On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Emilian Bold 

I have the time now, I can do the rc1.


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On 15 May 2018 3:12 PM, Geertjan Wielenga  wrote:

Hi all,

Jan Lahoda and I put these instructions together based on our experiences

of putting an Apache release together:


In the above, see the section 'Producing a Release Candidate'.

Can someone volunteer to go through the process for the rc1 release?

I.e., formally, it will be Apache NetBeans (incubating) 9.0 rc1.

Maybe one of Emilian, Sven, Neil, Antonio, Eric, Junichi, or Matthias,


example, i.e., someone who is a PPMC member and has been very involved

quite a bit recently? Or someone else from the PPMC who may not have been

very involved and wants to take this opportunity?

Responses and suggestions welcome.



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Re: NetBeans 2018W19 Weekly Report

2018-05-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Very nice Laszlo. Thanks for these weekly updates! As for the rich text, 
you can send the e-mails in HTML formatting if you want to link the bug 
totals with appropriate filters, make some highlights bold etc.


Dne 14.5.2018 v 08:56 Laszlo Kishalmi napsal(a):

Dear all,

Let's see this week in numbers!

Firs of all we resolved 17 issues. Including one blocker NETBEANS-620 ! 
Thanks for Sven Reimers and Glenn Holmer! This was the last code bug 
with blocker priority. The other two issues are rather infrastructure 
related (so I changed them from bug to task type if you do not mind).

We have 591 (+7) open issues: 385 (+2) bugs, 122  improvements, 34 
feature requests, 24(+3) tasks and 10 (+2) wishes.

 From these issues: 2(-1) blockers, 18(-2) criticals, 461 (+9) major, 
97(+1) minor and 13 trivial

In our repository we have 26 Pull Requests which still in sync with the 
21 open issues with PR-s. Thanks for Geertjan to go through the open 
PR-s and merging those which were ready

Regarding NetBeans 9.0:

Blockers: 2 (-1), No code related blockers! (Ready for release branch?)

Non WEAVED Critical Bugs: 16 (-2)

Some of the criticals I'm sure can be WEAVED, like hot having a help 
system since the removal of JavaHelp.

Most Wanted Issue is still JUnit 5.0 Support

Topics of the Week:

  * (Git) Diff Window horizontal space rescue
  * Let's branch Apache NetBeans 9.0
  * Expose Caret Settings in Editor Options

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Let's branch Apache NetBeans 9.0

2018-05-10 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi folks,

   since we only have two remaining 9.0 blockers [1] which are 
infrastructure related problems I suggest that we create 
releases/release90 branch from master. In order to fix #330 we need to 
update branding and test new location of the Update Center so I think 
the right time has come. :)




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Re: Celebrating 20 Years of NetBeans 1998 - 2018

2018-04-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský


I am sure you will find some anecdotes here:

I support the cake mission! What if we cook individual NetBeans 20th 
Birthday cakes ourselves (well, my lovely wife in my case) and take a 
picture of it or us with the cake. Then we could create a compilation of 
these pictures captured all over the world and promote it accordingly. 
Maybe through new Hello World built-in sample project with "See? 
NetBeans is mature!" tag line. :)


Dne 5.4.2018 v 18:51 Kenneth Fogel napsal(a):

I have submitted a proposal for a keynote at the September ApacheCon here in 
Montreal. Talking about Netbeans' 20 year history will be part of that. If 
anyone has any stories, anecdotes, or other information then I could use for my 
presentation please pass them on. I could also use this information to create a 
celebratory page on NetBeans' achievements in honor of its 20th birthday.

We will also need a birthday cake.


-Original Message-
From: Kai Uwe Pel []
Sent: April 5, 2018 11:57 AM
Subject: Celebrating 20 Years of NetBeans 1998 - 2018


kindly I would like to reminder all you guys, that this year we are having our excellent 
"20 Years NetBeans Birthday"... if I am not wrong.

It would be great, if we could make an official announcement at our
  as well.

It would be also great, if someone can arrange this coming event/statement into 


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Re: How/where exactly to host the NBMs for the 9.0 release

2018-04-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Dne 5.4.2018 v 16:02 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

I am afraid that VM hosting Synergy won't survive such a load (~3TB/month)
once we release 9.0 to public.

Do we know this for sure, have we asked and have they said no to
Yes. I said 5TB/month though which is our best estimate. See my message 
from 3/8. With less modules in 9.0 it could be 3TB.


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Re: How/where exactly to host the NBMs for the 9.0 release

2018-04-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I am afraid that VM hosting Synergy won't survive such a load 
(~3TB/month) once we release 9.0 to public.


Dne 5.4.2018 v 14:38 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Hi all,

We need to nail down this one and I think the key blocker is that there are
different ideas about what this is about:

The above is not about the Plugin Portal.

If I understand it correctly, this is about where the NBMs (which ones? how
many? do we know?) and the related XML file (a.k.a. update center) will be

AFAIK, the XML file and the NBMs could be put onto our Apache NetBeans VM
just like Synergy:

The key question remains, which NBMs are we talking about here, applicable
to the 9.0 release, I think.



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Re: Help wanted with fixing NetBeans 9.0 blockers

2018-03-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský

BTW, the simple dashboard itself is here:


Dne 27.3.2018 v 14:17 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hi NetBeans developers,

    as NetCAT testing of Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 development builds is 
quickly progressing we have created a JIRA dashboard to monitor overall 
quality and release blockers [1] in particular. That's the step A. :)


    Obviously, we also need to have a plan for step B, right? That's why 
we are turning to you knowledgeable users of NetBeans platform and 
plugin developers with our request for help.

    If you can spare an hour here and there during the following couple 
of weeks and volunteer for fixing one of the blocking issues or at least 
trying to find their cause in the code/infra it would be a tremendous 
help! Often the investigation itself represents significant part of the 
fix or at least guides potential successors where to explore more or 
where not at all.

    If you decide to help with this critical effort, please assign the 
selected issue to yourself and free the Assignee field as soon as you 
know you cannot make any more progress.

Right now there are only 4 blockers so let's not allow this number to 
grow! :) Anyone going to help?

Thanks to all brave geeks for contribution towards stable 9.0 release!

Best regards,

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Help wanted with fixing NetBeans 9.0 blockers

2018-03-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi NetBeans developers,

   as NetCAT testing of Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 development builds is 
quickly progressing we have created a JIRA dashboard to monitor overall 
quality and release blockers [1] in particular. That's the step A. :)


   Obviously, we also need to have a plan for step B, right? That's why 
we are turning to you knowledgeable users of NetBeans platform and 
plugin developers with our request for help.

   If you can spare an hour here and there during the following couple 
of weeks and volunteer for fixing one of the blocking issues or at least 
trying to find their cause in the code/infra it would be a tremendous 
help! Often the investigation itself represents significant part of the 
fix or at least guides potential successors where to explore more or 
where not at all.

   If you decide to help with this critical effort, please assign the 
selected issue to yourself and free the Assignee field as soon as you 
know you cannot make any more progress.

Right now there are only 4 blockers so let's not allow this number to 
grow! :) Anyone going to help?

Thanks to all brave geeks for contribution towards stable 9.0 release!

Best regards,

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Re: How can I make my filter public?

2018-03-03 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Yes, that helped.

Thanks John,

Dne 1.3.2018 v 18:55 John McDonnell napsal(a):

Have a look at this ticket, you'll want the same:


On 1 March 2018 at 17:52, John McDonnell <> wrote:

Hi Jiri,

You need a specific permission, Let me see if I can find the specific one,
you'll need to ask INFRA I think then.



On 1 March 2018 at 17:38, Jiří Kovalský <> wrote:

And here is the screenshot:


Dne 1.3.2018 v 18:29 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hi folks,

 how can I make my filter public? In our corporate JIRA I simply
share the filter with public but in Apache JIRA I don't see any such option
- see attached picture.

Does anyone know?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: How can I make my filter public?

2018-03-01 Thread Jiří Kovalský

And here is the screenshot:


Dne 1.3.2018 v 18:29 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hi folks,

    how can I make my filter public? In our corporate JIRA I simply 
share the filter with public but in Apache JIRA I don't see any such 
option - see attached picture.

Does anyone know?

Thanks for your help!

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How can I make my filter public?

2018-03-01 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi folks,

   how can I make my filter public? In our corporate JIRA I simply 
share the filter with public but in Apache JIRA I don't see any such 
option - see attached picture.

Does anyone know?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Invitation to Apache NetBeans 9.0 Community Acceptance Testing program

2018-02-28 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi Eric,

   your old Synergy account was migrated but your password was reset 
and sent to you via e-mail. If you cannot find it, let me know and I 
will reset your password for you.

We still need to know your Apache JIRA username though.


Dne 28.2.2018 v 11:09 Eric Barboni napsal(a):


  Count me in.

  I suppose we cannot connect with apache id to synergy or with previous NetCat 

-Message d'origine-
De : Jiří Kovalský []
Envoyé : mardi 27 février 2018 14:49
À :;;
Objet : Invitation to Apache NetBeans 9.0 Community Acceptance Testing program

Hello NetBeans fans,

 you are neither experiencing a glitch in the Matrix nor a Déjà vu.
This is reality. We would like to invite you to the NetBeans Community 
Acceptance Testing program for NetBeans 9.0, again. :)

 The first time we were optimistic novices in the Apache waters which 
resulted in great underestimation of what was still ahead of us. We learned our 
swimming lessons though and believe this time NetCAT can really sail.

 We are looking for enthusiastic NetBeans community members to test the 
NetBeans IDE version 9.0 before its GA release. This is the first NetCAT 
program under the Apache Incubator, and it marks a historic milestone in the 
life of NetBeans. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this initiative!

 For information about how to join, and more about NetCAT in general, read the registration page at

Jiří Kovalský and Hermien Pellissier
NetCAT 9.0 coordinators

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Re: First draft of netbeans quick outline plugin

2018-02-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Very nice plugin Peter! Do you plan to publish it on ? This way it will be easily available to 
~1.6 M active NetBeans users per month. ;)


Dne 26.2.2018 v 10:06 Peter Cheung napsal(a):

First draft of netbeans quick outline plugin

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Invitation to Apache NetBeans 9.0 Community Acceptance Testing program

2018-02-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans fans,

   you are neither experiencing a glitch in the Matrix nor a Déjà vu. 
This is reality. We would like to invite you to the NetBeans Community 
Acceptance Testing program for NetBeans 9.0, again. :)

   The first time we were optimistic novices in the Apache waters which 
resulted in great underestimation of what was still ahead of us. We 
learned our swimming lessons though and believe this time NetCAT can 
really sail.

   We are looking for enthusiastic NetBeans community members to test 
the NetBeans IDE version 9.0 before its GA release. This is the first 
NetCAT program under the Apache Incubator, and it marks a historic 
milestone in the life of NetBeans. Don't miss the opportunity to be a 
part of this initiative!

   For information about how to join, and more about NetCAT in general, 
read the registration page at

Jiří Kovalský and Hermien Pellissier
NetCAT 9.0 coordinators

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Re: AW: AW: [news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

2018-02-23 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Dne 23.2.2018 v 21:24 Валера Солдатов napsal(a):

I mean, I hate to be the scrooge that's focusing on stability instead 
of new features, but when the core functionality (editor, compiler, 
debugger) contain annoying bugs then I don't feel there is much else 
to talk about. Let's nail this down with automated tests so we can 
focus on more important things.

... and you sent all my UI tests and test infrastructure to trash

What do you mean Valeriy?


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Re: [news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

2018-02-23 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Dne 23.2.2018 v 10:10 Neil C Smith napsal(a):

Given that schedule has beta testing starting from March 19th if I'm
reading it correctly, then is anything stopping us getting another beta
release out before the testing process starts?

Yes, I think it would be possible but in my opinion it's not necessary 
as NetCAT team will start with the Beta but switch to development builds 
from release90 branch later on anyway.


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Re: [news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

2018-02-23 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Gili, it's time to create your first enhancement in JIRA I guess. ;)


Dne 23.2.2018 v 17:03 cowwoc napsal(a):

While we're on the topic, it would be nice if the IDE supported the 
latest version of Maven. Right now we're stuck using version 3.3.9. 
Newer versions prevent the use of the profiler.


On 2018-02-23 2:51 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 11:06 PM, Sven Reimers <>


Is this only on 10 or with 10 as Platform as well (thinking of var ...)

My personal opinion:
-NetBeans IDE should run on JDK 10
-ideally it should be possible to have a (J2SE/Maven) project using 
JDK 10
as well, including support for var (shouldn't be difficult, see the 
branch in the official repository; depends on whether we can add a 

like this at this stage).
-the NetBeans IDE itself can't use JDK 9/10 features, as it still should
run on JDK 8.
-for applications based on NetBeans platform, the build system currently
does not (AFAIK) support JDK 9/10, but if someone wanted to work on 
that, I

think it would be useful.


Looking forward to an awesine first Apache NetCat..


P.S.  Is Synergy already hosted on Apache infrastructure?

Am 22.02.2018 22:59 schrieb "John Kostaras" <>:


On 22 February 2018 at 20:50, Jiří Kovalský <>

Hello NetBeans community,

    now that we have Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta officially released to


we would like to start our traditional Beta testing program called


We would like to send out the official invitation on Monday - February

but before we proceed Hermien and me would like to present our plan 

NetCAT 9.0 will be organized and ask for constructive feedback. Please

in mind to voice your concerns by the end of this week. We will 

address your questions or suggestions but we still hope you will 

like what we have prepared. :)

Here we go:

1. NetCAT 9.0 will roughly take 10 weeks i.e. ~2 months. We 
allocated 2
weeks for review of test specifications, followed by 4 weeks of 


bug fixing phase, at the end finished by 3 week long community


survey. For more details see our projected schedule [1].

2. The testing will be tracked in Synergy - NetBeans test 
and test run management system. NetCAT 9.0 participants will be 

into 9 tribes focusing on one of 9 crucial functionality areas each.

3. We have drafted quality criteria [2] which we would like to meet 

the GA release. In short, we aim to fix all blocker issues, fix or

all critical issues and fix all CA blockers. We would also like to 

votes into account as you can read in the Bug Priority Guidelines [3].

4. Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta will be primarily tested on latest JDK 8


JDK 10.





Please let us know if we can fly with this plan. :)

Thanks for your feedback!
Best regards,
Jirka & Hermien

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Re: AW: [news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

2018-02-23 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I share the same opinion. For me personally quality is the most precious 
feature. I know that we all have been waiting for NetBeans 9.0 for more 
than a year now but good things need time. ;)

Regarding release frequency, we should release only when it makes sense 
i.e. when a set of interesting new features is implemented together with 
a handful of critical bug fixes. Let's not follow the modern but insane 
corporate paranoia: "We must get it out quickly otherwise competition 
will be far ahead!" which only leads to frustration and disappointment 
both among development teams and end users.

We are true open source project now! I don't want to go back to date 
driven release trains at all cost.


Dne 23.2.2018 v 17:03 cowwoc napsal(a):

Same here. Stability first. Once we've got that down, then I'd favor a 
release schedule of 3-6 months.


On 2018-02-23 5:52 AM, Валера Солдатов wrote:
My 2 cents. I wish to use stable and quick IDE. I don't want to update 
my working tool too often.

23.02.2018 13:01, Christian Lenz пишет:
Really 10 Weeks? 2 more months? I mean I don’t know it really, 
because it is a huge Code base but im the future, my wish and I think 
from other People too, we want to have more release cycles and less 
time between Releases. My 2 cents.

Von: Jan Lahoda
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Februar 2018 08:51
Betreff: Re: [news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 11:06 PM, Sven Reimers <>


Is this only on 10 or with 10 as Platform as well (thinking of var ...)

My personal opinion:
-NetBeans IDE should run on JDK 10
-ideally it should be possible to have a (J2SE/Maven) project using 
JDK 10
as well, including support for var (shouldn't be difficult, see the 
branch in the official repository; depends on whether we can add a 

like this at this stage).
-the NetBeans IDE itself can't use JDK 9/10 features, as it still should
run on JDK 8.
-for applications based on NetBeans platform, the build system currently
does not (AFAIK) support JDK 9/10, but if someone wanted to work on 
that, I

think it would be useful.


Looking forward to an awesine first Apache NetCat..


P.S.  Is Synergy already hosted on Apache infrastructure?

Am 22.02.2018 22:59 schrieb "John Kostaras" <>:


On 22 February 2018 at 20:50, Jiří Kovalský <>

Hello NetBeans community,

    now that we have Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta officially released to


we would like to start our traditional Beta testing program called

We would like to send out the official invitation on Monday - 

but before we proceed Hermien and me would like to present our 
plan how
NetCAT 9.0 will be organized and ask for constructive feedback. 

in mind to voice your concerns by the end of this week. We will 

address your questions or suggestions but we still hope you will 

like what we have prepared. :)

Here we go:

1. NetCAT 9.0 will roughly take 10 weeks i.e. ~2 months. We 
allocated 2
weeks for review of test specifications, followed by 4 weeks of 


bug fixing phase, at the end finished by 3 week long community


survey. For more details see our projected schedule [1].

2. The testing will be tracked in Synergy - NetBeans test 
and test run management system. NetCAT 9.0 participants will be 

into 9 tribes focusing on one of 9 crucial functionality areas each.

3. We have drafted quality criteria [2] which we would like to 
meet for

the GA release. In short, we aim to fix all blocker issues, fix or

all critical issues and fix all CA blockers. We would also like to 
votes into account as you can read in the Bug Priority Guidelines 

4. Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta will be primarily tested on latest JDK 8


JDK 10.





Please let us know if we can f

Re: [news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

2018-02-23 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Exactly. Thanks Honzo for your explanation on my behalf.


Dne 23.2.2018 v 13:23 Jan Lahoda napsal(a):


On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 1:10 PM, constantin drabo <>

Hello Jiri ,
I would like to know why the test would not be done with JDK 9.  May be a
mistake (The point 4 :  Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta will be primarily tested
on latest JDK 8 and
JDK 10.)

JDK 10 is scheduled to reach the "General Availability" milestone in a moth
or so, please see:

So running/working with JDK 10 seems highly desirable, as is
running/working with JDK 8. JDK 9 is not a long-term support release per:

So unless we can test on all JDK 8, JDK 9 and JDK 10, it seems to me we
should prioritize JDK 8 and 10 over 9.



?? La Terre est le berceau de l'humanit??, mais on ne passe pas sa vie
enti??re dans un berceau. ??
- ConstantinE. Tsiolkovski , p??re de l'astronautique?? et de
l'a??rospatiale modernes.
De : Jiří Kovalský <>
Envoyé : jeudi 22 février 2018 07:47
À :
Objet : [news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

Hello NetBeans community,

 now that we have Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta officially released to
public we would like to start our traditional Beta testing program
called NetCAT. We would like to send out the official invitation on
Monday - February 26th but before we proceed Hermien and me would like
to present our plan how NetCAT 9.0 will be organized and ask for
constructive feedback. Please bear in mind to voice your concerns by the
end of this week. We will attempt to address your questions or
suggestions but we still hope you will simply like what we have prepared.

Here we go:

1. NetCAT 9.0 will roughly take 10 weeks i.e. ~2 months. We allocated 2
weeks for review of test specifications, followed by 4 weeks of testing
and bug fixing phase, at the end finished by 3 week long community
acceptance survey. For more details see our projected schedule [1].

2. The testing will be tracked in Synergy - NetBeans test specification
and test run management system. NetCAT 9.0 participants will be divided
into 9 tribes focusing on one of 9 crucial functionality areas each.

3. We have drafted quality criteria [2] which we would like to meet for
the GA release. In short, we aim to fix all blocker issues, fix or waive
all critical issues and fix all CA blockers. We would also like to take
votes into account as you can read in the Bug Priority Guidelines [3].

4. Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta will be primarily tested on latest JDK 8 and
JDK 10.


Please let us know if we can fly with this plan. :)

Thanks for your feedback!
Best regards,
Jirka & Hermien

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[news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

2018-02-22 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   now that we have Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta officially released to 
public we would like to start our traditional Beta testing program 
called NetCAT. We would like to send out the official invitation on 
Monday - February 26th but before we proceed Hermien and me would like 
to present our plan how NetCAT 9.0 will be organized and ask for 
constructive feedback. Please bear in mind to voice your concerns by the 
end of this week. We will attempt to address your questions or 
suggestions but we still hope you will simply like what we have prepared. :)

Here we go:

1. NetCAT 9.0 will roughly take 10 weeks i.e. ~2 months. We allocated 2 
weeks for review of test specifications, followed by 4 weeks of testing 
and bug fixing phase, at the end finished by 3 week long community 
acceptance survey. For more details see our projected schedule [1].

2. The testing will be tracked in Synergy - NetBeans test specification 
and test run management system. NetCAT 9.0 participants will be divided 
into 9 tribes focusing on one of 9 crucial functionality areas each.

3. We have drafted quality criteria [2] which we would like to meet for 
the GA release. In short, we aim to fix all blocker issues, fix or waive 
all critical issues and fix all CA blockers. We would also like to take 
votes into account as you can read in the Bug Priority Guidelines [3].

4. Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta will be primarily tested on latest JDK 8 and 
JDK 10.


Please let us know if we can fly with this plan. :)

Thanks for your feedback!
Best regards,
Jirka & Hermien

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[news] NetCAT 9.0 proposal

2018-02-22 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   now that we have Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta officially released to 
public we would like to start our traditional Beta testing program 
called NetCAT. We would like to send out the official invitation on 
Monday - February 26th but before we proceed Hermien and me would like 
to present our plan how NetCAT 9.0 will be organized and ask for 
constructive feedback. Please bear in mind to voice your concerns by the 
end of this week. We will attempt to address your questions or 
suggestions but we still hope you will simply like what we have prepared. :)

Here we go:

1. NetCAT 9.0 will roughly take 10 weeks i.e. ~2 months. We allocated 2 
weeks for review of test specifications, followed by 4 weeks of testing 
and bug fixing phase, at the end finished by 3 week long community 
acceptance survey. For more details see our projected schedule [1].

2. The testing will be tracked in Synergy - NetBeans test specification 
and test run management system. NetCAT 9.0 participants will be divided 
into 9 tribes focusing on one of 9 crucial functionality areas each.

3. We have drafted quality criteria [2] which we would like to meet for 
the GA release. In short, we aim to fix all blocker issues, fix or waive 
all critical issues and fix all CA blockers. We would also like to take 
votes into account as you can read in the Bug Priority Guidelines [3].

4. Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta will be primarily tested on latest JDK 8 and 
JDK 10.


Please let us know if we can fly with this plan. :)

Thanks for your feedback!
Best regards,
Jirka & Hermien

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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta (incubating) rc3

2018-02-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský



Dne 5.2.2018 v 07:12 Illya Kysil napsal(a):


I've been using NB9 builds for daily work. Seems to be stable enough.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018, 03:42 Kai Uwe Pel  wrote:


Best regrads,
Kai Uwe Pel

On 2/4/2018 3:49 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

Hi all,

Please vote on releasing Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta (incubating) rc3! If
this voting passes, another similar voting will be started on, and if that passes too, then we can
release this version.

Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta (incubating) constitutes all the modules in
the Apache NetBeans Git repo, which together provide the NetBeans
Platform (i.e., the underlying application framework), which was
released as Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating), as well as all the
modules that provide the Java SE-related features of Apache NetBeans.
In short, Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta (incubating) is a full IDE for Java
SE development.

Build artifacts available here:

The specific artifact to be voted on:

Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and
NOTICE files, as well as a README file with build instructions, which
are the same as these:

Note: NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the
rat-exclusions.txt file:

MD5: af44cc0e8d947c468c646bdc38ebe2c1
SHA1: 96974a6c59957fb3d8ff18b9dd8a9323ddb00968

KEYS file:

Apache NetBeans Git Repo tag: 9.0-beta-rc3:

Rat report shows no unknown licenses, except for license files:

The license files listed in the Rat report are known and an issue
exists for solving this:

Other issues including the above to be resolved relating to licensing
are listed here:

Included as a convenience is a binary, not relevant for the voting
purposes, but as a convenience only, unzip it and run it and you'll
see Apache NetBeans:

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache NetBeans 9.0 Beta (incubating) rc1

2018-01-15 Thread Jiří Kovalský

+1 (binding)

Good work,


Dne 15.1.2018 v 01:05 James Gosling napsal(a):

+1 (binding)

Everything I tried worked nicely.

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Re: Ending the mailing lists.

2017-11-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Dne 27.11.2017 v 11:28 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 7:11 PM, Christian Lenz 

IMHO it would be better to Keep the Mailing list until everyone or at
least we, migrated all or most of the tickets from bugzilla to JIRA,
because the users from the Mailing lists, gets notifications for changes in
the tickets.

I think we should keep the discussion re bug tracker separate from the
mailing list discussion.





Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10

Von: Ludovic HOCHET
Gesendet: Sonntag, 26. November 2017 17:53
Betreff: Re: Ending the mailing lists.

The email looks good to me.
By the way, should the "Get in touch" section be adjusted
along the same lines?
(remove the direct mails and point to the archives?)

On 26 November 2017 at 11:19, Geertjan Wielenga

Here is the e-mail that will be sent out during this week, to all the @ mailing lists, with the edits and additions provided in


thread incorporated into it:



On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Ate Douma  wrote:

Please add wording that users migrating to the users@ or dev@ list
should *subscribe* to those lists by sending an empty email to or dev-subscribe@netbeans.apache.


otherwise we (moderators) will get swamped...

Good point, thanks.

Maybe also helpful to remark that you can anonymously browse the mail
archives via



All this typically is/should be documented already on the website, but
as we don't have any real (ASF) content yet at new
users easily will get lost.

Yup. In the meantime, and in addition, this is also listed here:


I think the website really needs to get priority attention, also


otherwise there is no place to communicate and provide the download
links for the current HTML/Java API and upcoming platform releases...


On 2017-11-23 12:06, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

Hi all,

We should, at some stage, put an end to the various


lists, e.g., and the dozen or so other

mailing lists and ensure that everyone asks questions about NetBeans


Apache NetBeans mailing lists instead. Jiri Kovalsky and I, who have
managed the mailing lists over the years, propose we send
following to ALL the mailing lists at the beginning of



Subject for the mail: “January 1st, 2018: End of


Lists and Forum"


“If you’ve been following Oracle's Apache NetBeans donation process,
you’ll be aware that a large part of NetBeans is in Apache Git


should also be aware that mailing lists are available at Apache for
purposes of discussing the development and usage of Apache NetBeans.

By means of this e-mail, we’re letting you know that as of January


2018, the mailing lists will be deleted (they are
at, all references to will,


possible, be replaced with references to Apache NetBeans mailing


everyone will need to manually move to the Apache NetBeans @dev ( and Apache NetBeans @user ( mailing lists.

Anyone asking questions about the usage of NetBeans, whether for Java,

JavaScript, C/C++, or any other language or technology, as well as


using the NetBeans APIs for developing modules and applications, will
the Apache NetBeans @user mailing list. If 

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating) -- 2nd attempt

2017-11-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský



Dne 13.11.2017 v 23:01 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Hi all,

Please vote on releasing Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating)! If this
voting passes, another similar voting will be started on, and if that passes too, then we can release
this version.

Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating) constitutes the modules of Apache
NetBeans that provide the application framework of NetBeans, that is, the
NetBeans Platform.

Build artifacts available here:

The artifact to be voted on:

MD5: 85891881d48ffd9037ad731594488227

Rat report shows no unknown licenses:

Included as a convenience is a binary, unzip it and run it and you'll see
the NetBeans Platform:

MD5: cd73c738a321dd3c55fcfef49429e0e2

Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE

Notable changes based on comments in the previous vote thread:
-no IDE launchers (bin/netbeans), this is only the platform
-jsearch.jar (GPLv2-CPE) removed from the binary (and the source dependency)
-tests enhanced to fail on non-optional/non-compile-time/non-CPE GPL
-basic readmes on both source and binary builds
-for CDDL+GPL dual licensed libraries, changed the licenses to CDDL
-source builds have the cluster.config set to the value used to produce the
zip, so that there is no need to provide command line parameters, i.e.,
simply run 'ant'

Please try out the package and vote!

The vote is open for a minimum of 72 hours or until the necessary number of
votes (3 binding +1s) is reached.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating)
[ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Please add "(binding)" if your vote is binding, i.e., you are an Apache
NetBeans committer, i.e., your name is on this page:

on behalf of the Apache NetBeans team

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating)

2017-11-07 Thread Jiří Kovalský

+1 (binding)

Let's speed up the Alpha and Beta releases as much as possible.


Dne 7.11.2017 v 19:10 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

+1 (binding)

Minor remarks:

DEPENDENCIES lists stuff from another NetBeans repository. I don't believe we 
should list our own code as dependency.

LICENSE file. A bit odd how the Apache license is shown in a code block, but 
nothing wrong with it. Not sure why we ship jemmy (and the jemmy src and the 
jemmy doc) with the platform.

NOTICE file. Our own html4j binaries should not be Copyright 2017 NetBeans but 
Copyright 2017 the ASF?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating)
Local Time: November 7, 2017 7:27 PM
UTC Time: November 7, 2017 5:27 PM


Am 07.11.17, 11:17 schrieb "Geertjan Wielenga"

Hi all,

Please vote on releasing Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating)! If this
voting passes, another similar voting will be started on, and if that passes too, then we can release
this version.

Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating) are the modules of Apache NetBeans
that provide the application framework of NetBeans, that is, the NetBeans

Build artifacts:


Source md5sum is 548058644764a07ef54568aa79a10aa1.

The artifact to be voted on:


Rat report shows no unknown licenses:


Included as a convenience is a binary, unzip it and run it and you'll see
the NetBeans Platform:


Included in the above are the DEPENDENCIES, DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE

Please try out the package and vote!

The vote is open for a minimum of 72 hours or until the necessary number of
votes (3 binding +1s) is reached.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache NetBeans 9.0 Alpha (incubating)
[ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Please add "(binding)" if your vote is binding, i.e., you are an Apache
NetBeans committer.


Re: Becoming a Apache comiter - signed iCLA for the NetBeans project

2017-11-01 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Yes, Jan is not listed there but we would like him to get the committer 
access. What do we need to do in order to make this happen?

Thanks a lot,

Dne 1.11.2017 v 22:52 Craig Russell napsal(a):

Hi Jan,

On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:59 AM, Jan Pirek  wrote:

based on the procedure in the

Could you please tell us what part of that page you are referencing? As far as 
I can see, you are not listed as an original committer.



, I am sending you signed iCLA required to become a commiter to the NetBeans 

Jiri Kovalsky CC'ed here can confirm my identity if needed.


Jan Pirek
Visual Builder Cloud Service

Craig L Russell
Secretary, Apache Software Foundation

Re: AW: Affected versions dev is missing

2017-06-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský
You are welcome. Hopefully, the description "Bugs reproducing in or RFEs 
targeting the next NetBeans version" of this Next version is good enough. :)


Dne 27.6.2017 v 18:10 Christian Lenz napsal(a):

Jiri created it for us, thx Jiri 

Von: Christian Lenz
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017 13:43
Betreff: AW: Affected versions dev is missing

Can someone please add a „Next“ as a affected Version do mean the dev Status, 
Independent from the stable Releases? I can’t do that. I think I don’t have the 
permissions for that.



Von: Christian Lenz
Gesendet: Montag, 26. Juni 2017 13:19
Betreff: Affected versions dev is missing

Hey, I will create a new ticket, it is an improvement, I only have 8.2 and 9.0 
as affected Version, I think it should be possible to have develop or nightly 
or whatever as well or how will you guys see that? It should be an improvement 
for the next, releasable NetBeans package that I can use, so it will be a 



Re: AW: Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-06-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský
And here is the list of components together with their descriptions. 
Some are not very much descriptive so you can freely improve these if 
you know their meaning well.

Hope this helps,

Dne 8.6.2017 v 18:45 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

I think I can take care of this and send you the list of components 
descriptions. It will be most probably next week though.


Dne 8.6.2017 v 14:41 Christian Lenz napsal(a):
Ok yes, the description could be find on the right too for those 
second Level components.

Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10

Von: Hermien Pellissier
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017 14:38
Betreff: Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

Do you mean These descriptions?  
Right behind the component.

Thanks! That answers the first question.

We need one level deeper actually - like the ones you get if you click
on the components on this page: 

So, do we want to transfer those descriptions too? And if so, is there
an easy way to get the full list?

~ Hermien

apisupport;API docs;Mechanics of bundling of API documentation and code 
completion with main apisupport module.
apisupport;Harness;Module/suite build harness: Ant scripts and tasks.
apisupport;Maven;APISupport maven
apisupport;Project;Module and suite project types - behavior inside the IDE (no 
build issues).
cnd;-- Other --;-- Other --
cnd;ASM;Editor support of ASM source files with syntax coloring, hyperlinks etc.
cnd;Code Completion;Code Completion
cnd;Code Model;Code Model
cnd;execution;Native execution support
cnd;Mixed Development;Mixed Development feature (Java and C/C++ mixed code)
cnd;Project Discovery;Automatic detection of code assistance for projects
cnd;Remote VCS;Versioning support in Remote (Hg, SVN, Git)
cnd;Terminalemulator;Terminalemulator support
cnd;Toolchain;Tool chain support
cnd;UnitTest Support;Unit tests support for projects
connecteddeveloper;Bugzilla;Bugzilla support for Netbeans
connecteddeveloper;Hudson;Hudson integration
connecteddeveloper;Chat;Client chat support for XMPP on Kenai.
connecteddeveloper;Issuetracking Framework;Issuetracking Framework
contrib;JMX;Management related topics. JMX module and much more.
db;DB schema;DB Schema
db;MySQL;MySQL database support (the db.mysql module)
db;Show Data;Rich support for displaying results from SQL queries
db;SQL Editor;SQL Editor
debugger;Ant;Ant Debugger
debugger;Java;Java Debugger
docker;Infrastructure;The Docker API and related functionality
docker;UI;The Docker UI components
editor;-- Other --;All other issues that do not fit any other category. Use 
this if you are not sure what subcategory to choose.
editor;Actions/Menu/Toolbar;The editor actions, menus, popup menus and toolbar.
editor;Code folding;The editor code folding API and infrastructure.
editor;Completion & Templates;The code completion and code templates 
editor;CSL (API & infrastructure);The Common Scripting Language API and 
editor;Formatting & Indentation;The editor formatting and indentation 
infrastructure and API.
editor;Hints & Annotations;The editor hints and annotations infrastructure.
editor;Key bindings;The editor key bindings and shortcuts.
editor;Lexer;Lexing engine under development for use in the editor.
editor;Navigation;The editor navigation, bookmarks, error stripe, etc.
editor;Options;The editor related panels in Tools-Options.
editor;Painting & Printing;The editor painting and printing, view hierarchy, 
colors and highlighting layers.
editor;Parsing & Indexing;The editor Parsing and Indexing API and infrastructure
editor;Refactoring;Issues related to Refactoring API and default implementation.
editor;Search;The editor search bar and find & replace functionality.
editor;Settings;The editor settings API and infrastructure.
groovy;Code;Groovy general issues
groovy;Editor;Groovy Editor related issues
groovy;Grails;Grails related issues
groovy;Refactoring;Refactoring of Groovy files
guibuilder;Binding;beans binding and database support
guibuilder;Natural Layout;Natural Layout
ide;Code;Issues you don't where to place, or general IDE issues
ide;Features On Demand;issue

Re: Web archive for NetCAT mailing list

2017-06-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Oh, that's wonderful! I didn't find it yesterday :( but it was certainly 
caused by me being too tired already. :)

Thanks guys!


Dne 14.6.2017 v 09:05 Bertrand Delacretaz napsal(a):

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 8:52 AM, Hermien Pellissier  wrote:

...I think this is the archive that John was referring to:

Yes, that's the official archive service for all lists.

Powered by


Web archive for NetCAT mailing list

2017-06-13 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi incubating NetBeans mentors/admins,

   would it please be possible to get web archive turned on for our mailing list? I have found some 
Atlassian instructions [1] on how to do that but I don't have enough 
privileges to do that myself.


Here is the critical excerpt:

Space tools > General Configuration > Manage Add-ons. Then choose System 
in the drop down, and enable the Confluence Mail Archiving Plugin.

Thanks in advance,

Re: AW: Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-06-08 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I think I can take care of this and send you the list of components 
descriptions. It will be most probably next week though.


Dne 8.6.2017 v 14:41 Christian Lenz napsal(a):

Ok yes, the description could be find on the right too for those second Level 

Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10

Von: Hermien Pellissier
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017 14:38
Betreff: Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

Do you mean These descriptions?
  Right behind the component.

Thanks! That answers the first question.

We need one level deeper actually - like the ones you get if you click
on the components on this page:

So, do we want to transfer those descriptions too? And if so, is there
an easy way to get the full list?

~ Hermien

Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-06-08 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi team,

   I agree with the structure although this way the list will be very 
long. I would maybe suggest to reduce "-- Other --" only to "Other" but 
I see this can be edited later too.


Dne 8.6.2017 v 10:45 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

That's excellent, many thanks.

I have made you, John McDonnell and Jirka Kovalsky administrators of Apache
NetBeans JIRA, together with the two who were already administrators --
Bertrand Delacretaz and myself.

I'd like to wait for Jirka's agreement with the component structure before
we go ahead and add all the other components.


On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Hermien Pellissier 

Jiri and John, I have taken John's suggestion and, as a start, have


four components:
apisupport - API docs
apisupport - Harness
apisupport - Maven
apisupport - Project

I think this is a good component structure.

I'll also give permissions to Jirka, Hermien, John, and anyone else who,
after discussion, wants to be involved in the admin side of NetBeans


Thanks! I will have time this afternoon and tomorrow to help create

~ Hermien

Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-06-07 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Any update on this?

Have JIRA been created for NetBeans already and products/components setup?


Dne 16.5.2017 v 10:28 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Dne 15.5.2017 v 10:42 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Christian Lenz wrote:

When I have a look in my tickets, there are a lot of tickets, where no 
is working on. Sure there is a person who is responsible for it but I 

a lot of tickets where there is no single communication at all. So those
tickets seems dead but they arn't. Most of the time those tickets are
feature requests. That should be handled by jira too and not gettings 

Definitely yes.

I also agree that it would be better if some volunteers take it over and 
migrate those Bugzilla bugs/enhancements that will have corresponding 
products/components in JIRA.



On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Christian Lenz <>

When I have a look in my tickets, there are a lot of tickets, where 
no one
is working on. Sure there is a person who is responsible for it but I 

a lot of tickets where there is no single communication at all. So those
tickets seems dead but they arn't. Most of the time those tickets are
feature requests. That should be handled by jira too and not gettings 

Gesendet: Sonntag, 14. Mai 2017 um 11:12 Uhr
Von: "Jiří Kovalský" <>
Betreff: Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

I believe that those which will be worked on by somebody will be
manually duplicated in JIRA a linked back to original Bugzilla issue.


Dne 13.5.2017 v 11:47 Cezariusz Marek napsal(a):

What about open issues? How are you going to track them if you won't

migrate them?

Cezariusz Marek

-Original Message-----
From: Jiří Kovalský []
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2017 11:39 AM
Cc: Sean Carrick <>
Subject: Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

I don't think we should have component for every plugin and as for
CakePHP there are only 18 CakePHP specific bugs in Bugzilla. The last
one #256685 [1] was resolved in November 2015.



And for the record I am against migrating any bugs from Bugzilla to
JIRA. We will just switch Bugzilla to read-only mode and start filing
bugs to JIRA from issue #0 after donation is complete.


Dne 13.5.2017 v 01:40 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

If CakePHP isn't listed specifically in the current Bugzilla then it
won't be in the reduced list either. And Bugzilla has never had a
component for each plugin.

The point is to try and maintain a list of products/components as
close to what there currently is, so that we can transfer issues over
from the Oracle NetBeans bugtracker to the Apache NetBeans bugtracker.

I strongly recommend we don't start thinking up new
products/components until we have a stable situation, i.e., until we
have (1) set up the reduced list as categories in Apache NetBeans
bugtracker and (2) moved the issues from the Oracle bugtracker to the

Apache bugtracker.


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:32 AM, Sean Carrick <>



That's what I was wondering...I couldn't remember if CakePHP was in
the Bugzilla system or not, but could have sworn I'd seen plugins for
CakePHP in NB...

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Sat, 2017-05-13 at 02:09 +0300, Emilian Bold wrote:
This is a "reduced list". I don't see CakePHP in the current Bugzilla
either. I assume it falls under PHP?


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 2:04 AM, Sean Carrick <
<>> wrote:

Looking through that list, I didn't see the CakePHP framework on the
list. Isn't CakePHP currently supported within NetBeans and shouldn't
there be a bug reporting combination on JIRA?

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 19:45 +0200, Jiří Kovalský wrote:

Hello NetBeans Apache Incubator community,

in order to be prepared for switching NetBeans bug tracking from
Bugzilla to JIRA we need to have appropriate products and categories
created in JIRA.

At the moment there are almost 600 combinations of products and
components in the NetBeans Bugzilla but plenty of them are no longer
used and are obsolete. That's why we have prepared a reduced list of
these with ~230 combinations which we consider valid. It is based on
the following criteria: the product/component was used in the past 6
months and has at least 10 opened bugs. We also removed Oracle

Re: NetCAT registration requires login to non-Apache services

2017-06-01 Thread Jiří Kovalský


   yes, some dated version of Synergy sources are in the NetBeans SVN 
repository but I have asked Lada to remove sensitive/private data from 
his local version and commit it to our repository. Publishing on GitHub 
is unfortunately not an option due to Oracle ownership and hence 
licensing issues.


Dne 31.5.2017 v 13:00 Wade Chandler napsal(a):


Is Synergy open sourced out in Github or else where? If I missed this in my
reading apologies. If not, can it be?

I have used this a lot, and very useful, but definitely not the same
Synergy :-)



On May 31, 2017 1:02 AM, "Jiří Kovalský" <> wrote:

Yes Emi, Synergy was developed by Vladimír Říha (an Oracle employee) and
it is only used by Oracle as far as I know - now already by two projects
(NetBeans and ABCS).

I agree that it's a really great tool but I don't agree that you should
feel bad about not knowing Synergy before. :)

Here is the list of all important features which Synergy provides:

   * users/roles/tribes management
   * test specifications management including history
   * projects/versions/platforms management
   * tutorials reviews
   * progress tracking, calendar
   * automatic execution time measurement
   * executive views (coverage, statistics, summaries)

Hope this helps,

Dne 30.5.2017 v 22:31 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

It's humbling that I'm only learning of this now. I should have joined


The tool looks very nice! I assume it's something custom made since I
find any other reference to it.


On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 9:36 PM, Hermien Pellissier <>

What is Synergy and what are the test specifications?

Let me start with the second part of the question. The test specs contain
test cases that are executed by manual testers to verify functionality.
These test specs have been compiled by many different people over the
years. The test specs did live on the wiki until Synergy was created.
is a sample of one such a test spec in Synergy:

Synergy is the test management tool that allows us to store multiple
revisions of the test specs for the different versions of the IDE. Also
record issues with test specs so that they can be fixed. And to create
runs, where manual testers are assigned (or volunteer for) tests to
execute. Synergy also allows the testers to record test results. Here is
example of a past test run (note that this run also contain tutorial

~ Hermien

Re: NetCAT registration requires login to non-Apache services

2017-05-30 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Yes Emi, Synergy was developed by Vladimír Říha (an Oracle employee) and 
it is only used by Oracle as far as I know - now already by two projects 
(NetBeans and ABCS).

I agree that it's a really great tool but I don't agree that you should 
feel bad about not knowing Synergy before. :)

Here is the list of all important features which Synergy provides:

  * users/roles/tribes management
  * test specifications management including history
  * projects/versions/platforms management
  * tutorials reviews
  * progress tracking, calendar
  * automatic execution time measurement
  * executive views (coverage, statistics, summaries)

Hope this helps,

Dne 30.5.2017 v 22:31 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

It's humbling that I'm only learning of this now. I should have joined

The tool looks very nice! I assume it's something custom made since I can't
find any other reference to it.


On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 9:36 PM, Hermien Pellissier 

What is Synergy and what are the test specifications?

Let me start with the second part of the question. The test specs contain
test cases that are executed by manual testers to verify functionality.
These test specs have been compiled by many different people over the
years. The test specs did live on the wiki until Synergy was created. Here
is a sample of one such a test spec in Synergy:

Synergy is the test management tool that allows us to store multiple
revisions of the test specs for the different versions of the IDE. Also to
record issues with test specs so that they can be fixed. And to create test
runs, where manual testers are assigned (or volunteer for) tests to
execute. Synergy also allows the testers to record test results. Here is an
example of a past test run (note that this run also contain tutorial

~ Hermien

NetCAT 9.0 breaking news

2017-05-30 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Booming Voice: "The Apache NetBeans (Incubating) IDE Community 
Acceptance Testing (NetCAT) initiative for NetBeans 9.0 is hereby 
officially declaared opeen!" Or, *bug hunting season is open!*

We are looking for enthusiastic NetBeans community members to test the 
NetBeans IDE version 9.0 before its release. Apache committers are of 
course very welcome, but you do not need to be a committer to join 
NetCAT. If you are passionate about quality, and would like the chance 
to be the reporter of bugs for a change, NetCAT is for you!

This is the first NetCAT program under the Apache Incubator, and it 
marks a historic milestone in the life of NetBeans. Don't miss the 
opportunity to be a part of this initiative!

For more information about how to join, and the responsibilities of a 
NetCAT member, read the wiki page at 

Jiří Kovalský and Hermien Pellissier
NetCAT 9.0 coordinators

Re: [mentors] Binaries

2017-05-24 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Dne 4.4.2017 v 15:47 Daniel Gruno napsal(a):

On 04/04/2017 03:44 PM, Simon IJskes wrote:

On 04-04-17 15:24, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

I imagine someone from the Apache NetBeans community will check out
NetBeans sources, do a build, and then upload the binaries for the
different operating systems somewhere. I guess where that location is
is up
to us, so long as it is not at Apache. Are there examples of how others
have done this -- and can we link/promote those binaries in some way?

There used to be a build environment available @ apache. A jenkins
server with multiple slaves. I'm not sure if some special arrangment
needs to be made because of the size of the project.

Are you sure no binaries can be offered from the apache infra? I can
imagine infra needs some info about the bandwidth needed, and maybe it
is too much, but there are a lot of projects that distribute binaries
(compiled srcs).

G. Simon

Convenience binaries are allowed, but not "sanctioned" by the PMC.
Depending on the download sizes, we may either serve them directly from
our mirror system or make a deal with a CDN provider.

What is your estimated number of downloads per month? If you can figure
out how many TB/month, we'll have something tangible to work with.

The numbers for NetBeans 8.2 and May 2017 are:

* vast majority of users (58%) downloaded full distribution (214 MB)
* JavaSE distro (94 MB) was 2nd with 15% and JavaEE distro (196 MB) was 
3rd with 10%
* to date (5/1 - 5/22) we had 323669 downloads which extrapolated till 
5/31 generates 79 TB total traffic

Where in the Apache Foundation infrastructure do we fit with this load?


With regards,

Re: [mentors] New e-mail list:

2017-05-24 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Oh, too bad that PNG files are treated as a potential threat.

Here we go then:


Dne 24.5.2017 v 10:58 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

I believe the mailing list is stripping attachments.


On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Jiří Kovalský <>

And now with the chart. :)


Dne 24.5.2017 v 09:22 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Emilian is right that typically the traffic is high in the beginning. This

can result in getting between 20 - 50 mails daily with purely NetCAT
related content. Please see attached chart with e-mail traffic during
NetCAT 8.1 program.

Secondly, having a separate mailing list helps monitoring the traffic and
producing exactly charts like the one attached. Mixing NetCAT communication
with other stuff via dev@ list will not work, because people never got
used to prefixing subjects of their e-mails. Due to this it will be more
difficult to recognize best NetCAT contributors at the end of the programs.


Dne 23.5.2017 v 22:34 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

NetCAT folks would probably be a good fit for dev@ because they are

actively contributing on current development.

The only problem is if NetCAT has so much traffic that drowns all other

I see[1] the peak was July 2016 with 225 messages and July 2015 has 317
messages. That's probably less than discussion 100 threads and the rest
the months are more quiet.

So, it seems to be quite manageable to handle NetCAT on the dev@ mailing
list. Especially considering people seem to use [tags] too.

PS: I would also make a platform@ mailing list. Previous discussions
mentioned we should try to stick to users@ and dev@ and move Platform
discussions into users@ which I find more odd compared to having NetCAT



On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Wade Chandler <


Netcat is a specific and special program allowing non-commiters to be

extremely helpful contributors, which has been successful for well over
decade. This is just helping transition this process here:


On May 23, 2017 8:36 AM, "Mark Struberg" <>

Hi Geertjan!

Technically that's as easy as creating an INFRA ticket.

But note that such things first need consensus among the PMC.
The Apache way would be to create a [DISCUSS] mail thread.

Do you think that there will be sufficient traffic on this list?
I'm usually reluctant  to introduce lists and resources upfront. I'd
do it once we get proper traffic.
Do you mind to share the amount of traffic you expect?
Ofc the amount of traffic is only one possible criterium.
Setting up the mailing lists is rather cheap, but getting the community


the lists is often much more work.

txs and LieGrue,

Am 22.05.2017 um 12:24 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga <>:

Hi all, especially mentors,

We'd like to set up a new mailing list for NetCAT (the NetBeans


Acceptance Testing team), so that as soon as the 1st code donation is


constituting a Java SE distro of NetBeans IDE, including Java 9


the NetCAT program can start.

There's always a subset of the NetBeans community that verifies new
NetBeans releases. Under Apache, that process is different, i.e., the


approval of a release in the incubator is done by the IPMC (i.e., the
Apache incubator team) and once we're a top level project will be done


the PMC (i.e., the Apache NetBeans committers).

However, not everyone is actually going to be doing the final testing


of NetBeans, that's going to continue under Apache -- and hence we'd

like a

specific mailing list for this subset of the NetBeans community.

What are the steps to request this mail alias?



Re: [mentors] New e-mail list:

2017-05-24 Thread Jiří Kovalský

And now with the chart. :)


Dne 24.5.2017 v 09:22 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):
Emilian is right that typically the traffic is high in the beginning. 
This can result in getting between 20 - 50 mails daily with purely 
NetCAT related content. Please see attached chart with e-mail traffic 
during NetCAT 8.1 program.

Secondly, having a separate mailing list helps monitoring the traffic 
and producing exactly charts like the one attached. Mixing NetCAT 
communication with other stuff via dev@ list will not work, because 
people never got used to prefixing subjects of their e-mails. Due to 
this it will be more difficult to recognize best NetCAT contributors at 
the end of the programs.


Dne 23.5.2017 v 22:34 Emilian Bold napsal(a):

NetCAT folks would probably be a good fit for dev@ because they are
actively contributing on current development.

The only problem is if NetCAT has so much traffic that drowns all 
other dev@


I see[1] the peak was July 2016 with 225 messages and July 2015 has 317
messages. That's probably less than discussion 100 threads and the 
rest of

the months are more quiet.

So, it seems to be quite manageable to handle NetCAT on the dev@ mailing
list. Especially considering people seem to use [tags] too.

PS: I would also make a platform@ mailing list. Previous discussions
mentioned we should try to stick to users@ and dev@ and move Platform
discussions into users@ which I find more odd compared to having 
NetCAT on




On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Wade Chandler <>

Netcat is a specific and special program allowing non-commiters to be
extremely helpful contributors, which has been successful for well 
over a

decade. This is just helping transition this process here: 


On May 23, 2017 8:36 AM, "Mark Struberg" <>

Hi Geertjan!

Technically that's as easy as creating an INFRA ticket.

But note that such things first need consensus among the PMC.
The Apache way would be to create a [DISCUSS] mail thread.

Do you think that there will be sufficient traffic on this list?
I'm usually reluctant  to introduce lists and resources upfront. I'd 

do it once we get proper traffic.
Do you mind to share the amount of traffic you expect?
Ofc the amount of traffic is only one possible criterium.
Setting up the mailing lists is rather cheap, but getting the community


the lists is often much more work.

txs and LieGrue,

Am 22.05.2017 um 12:24 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga <>:

Hi all, especially mentors,

We'd like to set up a new mailing list for NetCAT (the NetBeans


Acceptance Testing team), so that as soon as the 1st code donation is


constituting a Java SE distro of NetBeans IDE, including Java 9


the NetCAT program can start.

There's always a subset of the NetBeans community that verifies new
NetBeans releases. Under Apache, that process is different, i.e., the


approval of a release in the incubator is done by the IPMC (i.e., the
Apache incubator team) and once we're a top level project will be done


the PMC (i.e., the Apache NetBeans committers).

However, not everyone is actually going to be doing the final testing


of NetBeans, that's going to continue under Apache -- and hence we'd

like a

specific mailing list for this subset of the NetBeans community.

What are the steps to request this mail alias?



Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-05-16 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Dne 15.5.2017 v 10:42 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Christian Lenz wrote:

When I have a look in my tickets, there are a lot of tickets, where no one

is working on. Sure there is a person who is responsible for it but I have
a lot of tickets where there is no single communication at all. So those
tickets seems dead but they arn't. Most of the time those tickets are
feature requests. That should be handled by jira too and not gettings lost.

Definitely yes.

I also agree that it would be better if some volunteers take it over and 
migrate those Bugzilla bugs/enhancements that will have corresponding 
products/components in JIRA.



On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Christian Lenz <>

When I have a look in my tickets, there are a lot of tickets, where no one
is working on. Sure there is a person who is responsible for it but I have
a lot of tickets where there is no single communication at all. So those
tickets seems dead but they arn't. Most of the time those tickets are
feature requests. That should be handled by jira too and not gettings lost.

Gesendet: Sonntag, 14. Mai 2017 um 11:12 Uhr
Von: "Jiří Kovalský" <>
Betreff: Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

I believe that those which will be worked on by somebody will be
manually duplicated in JIRA a linked back to original Bugzilla issue.


Dne 13.5.2017 v 11:47 Cezariusz Marek napsal(a):

What about open issues? How are you going to track them if you won't

migrate them?

Cezariusz Marek

-Original Message-----
From: Jiří Kovalský []
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2017 11:39 AM
Cc: Sean Carrick <>
Subject: Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

I don't think we should have component for every plugin and as for
CakePHP there are only 18 CakePHP specific bugs in Bugzilla. The last
one #256685 [1] was resolved in November 2015.



And for the record I am against migrating any bugs from Bugzilla to
JIRA. We will just switch Bugzilla to read-only mode and start filing
bugs to JIRA from issue #0 after donation is complete.


Dne 13.5.2017 v 01:40 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

If CakePHP isn't listed specifically in the current Bugzilla then it
won't be in the reduced list either. And Bugzilla has never had a
component for each plugin.

The point is to try and maintain a list of products/components as
close to what there currently is, so that we can transfer issues over
from the Oracle NetBeans bugtracker to the Apache NetBeans bugtracker.

I strongly recommend we don't start thinking up new
products/components until we have a stable situation, i.e., until we
have (1) set up the reduced list as categories in Apache NetBeans
bugtracker and (2) moved the issues from the Oracle bugtracker to the

Apache bugtracker.


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:32 AM, Sean Carrick <>



That's what I was wondering...I couldn't remember if CakePHP was in
the Bugzilla system or not, but could have sworn I'd seen plugins for
CakePHP in NB...

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Sat, 2017-05-13 at 02:09 +0300, Emilian Bold wrote:
This is a "reduced list". I don't see CakePHP in the current Bugzilla
either. I assume it falls under PHP?


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 2:04 AM, Sean Carrick <
<>> wrote:

Looking through that list, I didn't see the CakePHP framework on the
list. Isn't CakePHP currently supported within NetBeans and shouldn't
there be a bug reporting combination on JIRA?

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 19:45 +0200, Jiří Kovalský wrote:

Hello NetBeans Apache Incubator community,

in order to be prepared for switching NetBeans bug tracking from
Bugzilla to JIRA we need to have appropriate products and categories
created in JIRA.

At the moment there are almost 600 combinations of products and
components in the NetBeans Bugzilla but plenty of them are no longer
used and are obsolete. That's why we have prepared a reduced list of
these with ~230 combinations which we consider valid. It is based on
the following criteria: the product/component was used in the past 6
months and has at least 10 opened bugs. We also removed Oracle
hosting specific products like installers, qa, www etc. however any
of these can be re-added in the future if needed of course.

Please review the list and comment

Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-05-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I believe that those which will be worked on by somebody will be 
manually duplicated in JIRA a linked back to original Bugzilla issue.


Dne 13.5.2017 v 11:47 Cezariusz Marek napsal(a):

What about open issues? How are you going to track them if you won't migrate 

Cezariusz Marek

-Original Message-
From: Jiří Kovalský []
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2017 11:39 AM
Cc: Sean Carrick <>
Subject: Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

I don't think we should have component for every plugin and as for 
CakePHP there are only 18 CakePHP specific bugs in Bugzilla. The last 
one #256685 [1] was resolved in November 2015.


And for the record I am against migrating any bugs from Bugzilla to 
JIRA. We will just switch Bugzilla to read-only mode and start filing 
bugs to JIRA from issue #0 after donation is complete.


Dne 13.5.2017 v 01:40 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

If CakePHP isn't listed specifically in the current Bugzilla then it
won't be in the reduced list either. And Bugzilla has never had a
component for each plugin.

The point is to try and maintain a list of products/components as
close to what there currently is, so that we can transfer issues over
from the Oracle NetBeans bugtracker to the Apache NetBeans bugtracker.

I strongly recommend we don't start thinking up new
products/components until we have a stable situation, i.e., until we
have (1) set up the reduced list as categories in Apache NetBeans
bugtracker and (2) moved the issues from the Oracle bugtracker to the Apache 


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:32 AM, Sean Carrick <> wrote:


That's what I was wondering...I couldn't remember if CakePHP was in
the Bugzilla system or not, but could have sworn I'd seen plugins for
CakePHP in NB...

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Sat, 2017-05-13 at 02:09 +0300, Emilian Bold wrote:
This is a "reduced list". I don't see CakePHP in the current Bugzilla
either. I assume it falls under PHP?


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 2:04 AM, Sean Carrick <
<>> wrote:

Looking through that list, I didn't see the CakePHP framework on the
list. Isn't CakePHP currently supported within NetBeans and shouldn't
there be a bug reporting combination on JIRA?

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 19:45 +0200, Jiří Kovalský wrote:

Hello NetBeans Apache Incubator community,

in order to be prepared for switching NetBeans bug tracking from
Bugzilla to JIRA we need to have appropriate products and categories
created in JIRA.

At the moment there are almost 600 combinations of products and
components in the NetBeans Bugzilla but plenty of them are no longer
used and are obsolete. That's why we have prepared a reduced list of
these with ~230 combinations which we consider valid. It is based on
the following criteria: the product/component was used in the past 6
months and has at least 10 opened bugs. We also removed Oracle
hosting specific products like installers, qa, www etc. however any
of these can be re-added in the future if needed of course.

Please review the list and comment if you have a strong opinion.

Since NetCAT 9.0 program is scheduled to start in early June please
don't hesitate long with your feedback.

And finally, who has the knowledge/access to JIRA to create these
products/components there?

Thanks and enjoy your weekends!


Re: Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-05-13 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I don't think we should have component for every plugin and as for 
CakePHP there are only 18 CakePHP specific bugs in Bugzilla. The last 
one #256685 [1] was resolved in November 2015.


And for the record I am against migrating any bugs from Bugzilla to 
JIRA. We will just switch Bugzilla to read-only mode and start filing 
bugs to JIRA from issue #0 after donation is complete.


Dne 13.5.2017 v 01:40 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

If CakePHP isn't listed specifically in the current Bugzilla then it won't
be in the reduced list either. And Bugzilla has never had a component for
each plugin.

The point is to try and maintain a list of products/components as close to
what there currently is, so that we can transfer issues over from the
Oracle NetBeans bugtracker to the Apache NetBeans bugtracker.

I strongly recommend we don't start thinking up new products/components
until we have a stable situation, i.e., until we have (1) set up the
reduced list as categories in Apache NetBeans bugtracker and (2) moved the
issues from the Oracle bugtracker to the Apache bugtracker.


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:32 AM, Sean Carrick <> wrote:


That's what I was wondering...I couldn't remember if CakePHP was in the
Bugzilla system or not, but could have sworn I'd seen plugins for CakePHP
in NB...

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Sat, 2017-05-13 at 02:09 +0300, Emilian Bold wrote:
This is a "reduced list". I don't see CakePHP in the current Bugzilla
either. I assume it falls under PHP?


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 2:04 AM, Sean Carrick <
<>> wrote:

Looking through that list, I didn't see the CakePHP framework on the
list. Isn't CakePHP currently supported within NetBeans and shouldn't
there be a bug reporting combination on JIRA?

Sean Carrick
VP Information Systems
Integrity Solutions

On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 19:45 +0200, Jiří Kovalský wrote:

Hello NetBeans Apache Incubator community,

in order to be prepared for switching NetBeans bug tracking from
Bugzilla to JIRA we need to have appropriate products and categories
created in JIRA.

At the moment there are almost 600 combinations of products and
components in the NetBeans Bugzilla but plenty of them are no longer
used and are obsolete. That's why we have prepared a reduced list of
these with ~230 combinations which we consider valid. It is based on
following criteria: the product/component was used in the past 6
and has at least 10 opened bugs. We also removed Oracle hosting
products like installers, qa, www etc. however any of these can be
re-added in the future if needed of course.

Please review the list and comment if you have a strong opinion.

Since NetCAT 9.0 program is scheduled to start in early June please
don't hesitate long with your feedback.

And finally, who has the knowledge/access to JIRA to create these
products/components there?

Thanks and enjoy your weekends!


Products/Components structure for JIRA

2017-05-12 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans Apache Incubator community,

   in order to be prepared for switching NetBeans bug tracking from 
Bugzilla to JIRA we need to have appropriate products and categories 
created in JIRA.

   At the moment there are almost 600 combinations of products and 
components in the NetBeans Bugzilla but plenty of them are no longer 
used and are obsolete. That's why we have prepared a reduced list of 
these with ~230 combinations which we consider valid. It is based on the 
following criteria: the product/component was used in the past 6 months 
and has at least 10 opened bugs. We also removed Oracle hosting specific 
products like installers, qa, www etc. however any of these can be 
re-added in the future if needed of course.

Please review the list and comment if you have a strong opinion.

Since NetCAT 9.0 program is scheduled to start in early June please 
don't hesitate long with your feedback.

And finally, who has the knowledge/access to JIRA to create these 
products/components there?

Thanks and enjoy your weekends!

apisupport   API docs
apisupport   Harness
apisupport   Maven   
apisupport   Project

cnd  -- Other -- 
cnd  Accessibility   
cnd  ASM 
cnd  Code Completion 
cnd  Code Model 
cnd  Debugger
cnd  Editor  
cnd  execution   
cnd  Mixed Development   
cnd  Navigation  
cnd  Profile 
cnd  Project 
cnd  Project Discovery   
cnd  Remote  
cnd  Remote VCS  
cnd  Terminalemulator
cnd  Toolchain   
cnd  UnitTest Support

connecteddeveloper   Bugzilla
connecteddeveloper   Hudson  
connecteddeveloper   Chat
connecteddeveloper   Issuetracking Framework
contrib  JMX

db   Code
db   DB schema  
db   MySQL  
db   Show Data   
db   SQL Editor
debugger Ant 
debugger Code
debugger Java

docker   Infrastructure  
docker   UI
editor   -- Other -- 
editor   Actions/Menu/Toolbar
editor   Code folding
editor   Completion & Templates  
editor   CSL (API & infrastructure)  
editor   Formatting & Indentation
editor   Hints & Annotations 
editor   Key bindings
editor   Lexer   
editor   Navigation  
editor   Options 
editor   Painting & Printing 
editor   Parsing & Indexing  
editor   Refactoring 
editor   Search  
editor   Settings

groovy   Code
groovy   Editor  
groovy   Grails  
groovy   GSP 
groovy   Refactoring

guibuilder   Binding 
guibuilder   Code
guibuilder   Natural Layout  

ide  Code
ide  Features On Demand  
ide  Logger  
ide  Performance 
ide  UI  
ide  Welcome 

Re: Bring the Folk to this ML please

2016-10-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi folks,

   my name is Jiří Kovalský and I am known in the NetBeans community 
especially as a coordinator of NetCAT programs [1]. I am an Oracle 
employee, who started as a NetBeans Quality Assurance engineer 
responsible for testing of CVS support more than 16 years ago. I live in 
Bohumín, Czech Republic.


Best regards,

From: Raphael Bircher <>
Subject: Bring the Folk to this ML please
Date: 2016-10-05 14:42 (+0200)

Hi all.

Can someone tell on the NetBeans list, that the list at Apache is ready.
So the people can join and no one miss a discussion.

And it would be nice if anyone introduce them self. I know, many know
each other, but not all.

Regards Raphael