
We are currently testing Apache NiFi 1.23.0 specifically the "PutS3Object"
processor to automatically transfer data from remote site to an "internal"
S3 bucket. The standard AWSCLI commands work and able to connect the bucket
because we are able to pass in additional credentials like the
AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable. That being said, we need AWS_CA_BUNDLE
property added in order to connect successfully to our S3 bucket using
Apache NiFi's "PutS3Object". I have tried passing this as a Parameter and
made it available to the flow but it's not being used by the "PutS3Object"
processor to connect. Is there a way we can add an additional property for
the AWS credentials/config file? It looks like it's only looking for
"accessKey" and "secretKey".

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Glenda Ramos

Application Engineer

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