Adding properties

2017-07-12 Thread plj

  I've been away from NiFi for awhile and have forgotten how to do some
things.  I'm using the GetMongo processor (1.2) and I want to use the 'Mongo
Collection Name' property later .  How do I do that?
  I've tried adding a property to the GetMongo processor but it always
complaints that it isn't legal.  I added the property myproperty and set the
value to collectionname.  I get the error:

"'myproperty' validated against 'collectionname' is invalid because
'myproperty' is not a supported property"

Eventually I would like to save the results from the GetMongo to a file.  I
would like the filename to be the collectionname_date_time.  How should I be
doing this.

Thank for your help

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Run on ec2

2016-01-22 Thread plj

  I'm trying to run NiFi on an ec2 instance. In if I leave

I get in the log nifi-bootstrap.log:
2016-01-22 14:57:06,592 WARN [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi Failed
to obtain hostname for notification due to: ip-172-16-6-26: ip-172-16-6-26: unknown error
at org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi.getHostname(
at org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi.start(
at org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi.main(

If I put in the hosts name or the ip address for the host I get the same

Any thoughts on what i'm doing wrong?

thank you,

Patrick Jones

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Re: Run on ec2

2016-01-22 Thread plj
Thanks for the quick response.

I solved the problem by following the advice @

I modified my /etc/hosts file 


if ! grep $HOSTNAME $ETC_HOSTS > /dev/null ; then  
if grep "" $ETC_HOSTS > /dev/null ; then
sed -i "s/127\.0\.0\.1.*$/& $HOSTNAME/" $ETC_HOSTS
echo " localhost $HOSTNAME" >> $ETC_HOSTS

thank you,

Patrick Jones

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S3 configuration

2016-01-08 Thread plj

  I'm trying to do a PutS3Object.  When I try to use it I get :
2016-01-08 15:43:17,518 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-6]
com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient Unable to execute HTTP request:
Connection refused: Connection refused:
at Method)

Can someone give me a clue as to what I'm doing wrong?  I set the bucket,
access key, secret key, and the region. Everything else I left as the
default.  Is there more I have to do?

thank you,

Patrick Jones

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Re: Cluster Setup

2015-12-22 Thread plj
Thank you very much.  That solved the problem.  I changed from the default
blank value to the name of the machine on the NCM but I still got errors. 
When I filled in the value on the node machine it started working.

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Cluster Setup

2015-12-18 Thread plj

  I'm trying to set up a cluster for the 1st time.  I 1st tried to setup a
NCM and a node on the same machine.  In I set:

I got the error:
2015-12-18 11:14:56,827 ERROR [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdErr
Failed to start web server: ...
nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Application may be
configured as a cluster manager or a node, but not both.

What did I do wrong?  The admin guild says :
"it is also perfectly fine to install the NCM and one of the nodes on the
same server, as the NCM is very lightweight".

So I decided I could figure that out later and set
I started my NCM and then started a node on another machine.  I got the
following error.

2015-12-18 11:06:45,112 INFO [Handle Controller Startup Failure Message from
[id=24b57ab2-1853-4814-8c31-4e467d3364e3, apiAddress=localhost,
apiPort=8081, socketAddress=localhost, socketPort=8083]]
o.a.n.c.manager.impl.WebClusterManager Node Event:
[id=24b57ab2-1853-4814-8c31-4e467d3364e3, apiAddress=localhost,
apiPort=8081, socketAddress=localhost, socketPort=8083] -- 'Node could not
join cluster because it failed to start up properly. Setting node to
Disconnected. Node reported the following error: Failed to connect node to
cluster because local flow is different than cluster flow.'

How do I get the cluster flow and the local flow to be the same?

thank you

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Re: Cluster Setup

2015-12-18 Thread plj
Thank you for your help.  I deleted the flow.xml.gz .  So now I have the NCM
on machine 'b' and a node on machine 'c'.  I start up a and then start up b. 
In b's logs I see logs of heartbeats:
2015-12-18 14:41:05,807 INFO [Process NCM Request-10]
o.a.n.c.p.impl.SocketProtocolListener Finished processing request
790c06c7-6857-4a90-9d4f-76ec99159369 (type=HEARTBEAT, length=3250 bytes) in
2 millis

On machine c is also see heartbeats:
2015-12-18 14:39:55,741 INFO [Clustering Tasks Thread-3]
org.apache.nifi.cluster.heartbeat Heartbeat created at 2015-12-18
14:39:55,664 and sent at 2015-12-18 14:39:55,741; send took 6 millis

Everything seems fine.

Then I try to view NiFi on the  NCM which I set the web to:

I see:
An unexpected error has occurred

No nodes were able to process this request.

I don't see anything in the logs to suggest what went wrong.


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Keep Files

2015-11-14 Thread plj
Is there a way for GetFile to not delete a file but only read it once?  I
have a directory with files in it.  I only want the new files that are added
to the to be processed.  It seems that if I set GetFile to not delete the
files, the same files get read over and over.


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Merge Binary

2015-11-13 Thread plj
I have written a processor that will take an image and tile it into 512x512
images.  I now want to write a processor to merge them back together again. 
I see MergeContent and I would like to extend it.  
1st off does this seem reasonable?  If so:
I'm working in my own bundle  and my current hold up is I can't figure out
how to put in the correct dependancy's in maven

I tried 


Maven couldn't find any of the references to from my MergeImageTiles to the
MergeContent that it extends
error: package org.apache.nifi.processors.standard does not exist

So I tried 


this compiled but then wouldn't run as it looked for dependencies at RunTime


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help with adding a process

2015-08-26 Thread plj

  I'm trying to add my own process to NiFi.  So far I have written the
process and it compiles.  What I want now is actually see my process show up
in NiFis list web GUI of processors. 

What I did, I tried to follow the Developers Guild modified by what the code
looks like (I sort of used nifi-geo-bundle as an example.  So in: 


I added
  |-- main
  |-- org.mitre.nitfimages

So it all compiles in maven but I don't know what I have to do to make my
process show up.  Clearly I'm missing a step or 3 to get my stuff added. 
Can you please enlighten me?

thanks in advance,


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RE: help with adding a process

2015-08-26 Thread plj
I had not set the org.apache.nifi.processor.Processor file but I have now.  No 


From: Aldrin Piri [via Apache NiFi (incubating) Developer List] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 3:36 PM
To: Jones, Patrick L.
Subject: Re: help with adding a process


As a quick check, did you add the fully qualified package name of your
processor (org.mitre.nitfimages.Processor Classname) to the
org.apache.nifi.processor.Processor file within the nifi-image-processors
src/main/resources/META-INF/services directory?  The overall structure
provided seems to be appropriate.

As an aside, if you are creating a bundle for your organization, you may be
better suited creating a separate bundle to include in NiFi releases.  We
have an archetype available to aid in this process, the documentation of
which is available on the NiFi Confluence wiki [1].


On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:25 PM, plj [hidden 
email]/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=2580i=0 wrote:


   I'm trying to add my own process to NiFi.  So far I have written the
 process and it compiles.  What I want now is actually see my process show
 in NiFis list web GUI of processors.

 What I did, I tried to follow the Developers Guild modified by what the
 looks like (I sort of used nifi-geo-bundle as an example.  So in:


 I added
   |-- main
   |-- org.mitre.nitfimages

 So it all compiles in maven but I don't know what I have to do to make my
 process show up.  Clearly I'm missing a step or 3 to get my stuff added.
 Can you please enlighten me?

 thanks in advance,


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RE: Process to create multiple files

2015-08-17 Thread plj
Ok that makes sense. What processor would I extend/implement to allow me to 
send out multiple files from the process that unpacks the NITF bundle?  Any 



From: Joe Witt [via Apache NiFi (incubating) Developer List] 
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 1:56 PM
To: Jones, Patrick L.
Subject: Re: Process to create multiple files

Hello Pat,

Yeah makes sense.  You would need a custom processor to support the
NITF format [1]

There does appear to be a Java library to deal with it but its
licensing isn't ASL v2 compatible so we're not likely to be able to
play along anytime soon.  But that should be a good way to get started
building what you need.

The processor would unpack the items out of the NITF bundle and then
could send out the full size images if that is how it works.  Those
full size images can then be resized to thumbnails.  Tons of ways to
play this one and it is a very common style of use case.



On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 1:45 PM, plj [hidden 
email]/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=2513i=0 wrote:


Thanks for the reply.  I think my situation is different than 
 you suggest.  I have an image file in NITF format.  That file may have 
 multiple images and multiple bands inside that one file.  The software that I 
 have that reads that file does create a thumbnail for each image and each 
 band inside that file.   I don't know how many thumbnails I need until I read 
 the files metadata.



 From: Dan Bress [via Apache NiFi (incubating) Developer List] [mailto:[hidden 
 Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 1:40 PM
 To: Jones, Patrick L. [hidden 
 Subject: Re: Process to create multiple files

I would not recommend having this processor create multiple thumbnails.  
 What I would recommend is the following:

Create a new processor called CreateThumbnail or RescaleImage

 Then have a configuration on the processor that says what size the output 
 image should be(e.g. 128x128, or 1/X of original size).

 Your new processor will read in the incoming image, and rescale it down 
 to the user specified size and pass it forward.

  Now if you want to create a 128x128 64x64 and 32x32 sized images you 
 would do the following.

 (GetFile)-(RescaleImage configured to 128x128)-(PutFile)
   |-(RescaleImage configured to 64x64)-(PutFile)
   \-(RescaleImage configured to 32x32)-(PutFile)

 Where GetFile has 3 success relationships, each going to a different 
 RescaleImage processor.

 I think it makes more sense to have one processor create one file, then you 
 can use the flow to visually configure how many copies of the file you want 
 to make.  This should make this processor simpler and more reusable.

 Dan Bress
 Software Engineer
 ONYX Consulting Services

 From: plj [hidden email]/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=2511i=0
 Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 1:27 PM
 To: [hidden email]/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=2511i=1
 Subject: Process to create  multiple files


   I'm new to NiFi so please bear with me.  What I want to accomplish is:
   read an image file
  process the file to create one or more thumbnails from the image.
  Send the resulting thumbnails along the flow

 So I can use GetFile to read the file and then send it along.  I think I
 need to write a custom java processor that will process the image file and
 then send each of the thumbnail files (say .jpg for now) on to the next
 thing in the flow (say PutFile for example).

 Are there suggestions on what I should implement or extend to create my
 custom processor?  It will take in one file and output multiple files.
 Would extending PutFile so that it processed and then puts each thumbnail
 on the flow be a good strategy?  Other ideas?

 Thank you,

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