Re: A little bit of Lombok

2020-09-07 Thread Daniel Watford
Hello all,

Based on this thread it doesn't seem that we have a strong consensus either
for or against use of Lombok at this time.

Dan W (me!):  +1
Jacques: +1
Shi: -1

Sentiment in other messages seems positive but cautious.

Some pros and cons have been presented.

I need some direction from the project on how to proceed - Is use of Lombok
acceptable within OFBiz?



On Sat, 29 Aug 2020 at 13:54, Jacques Le Roux 

> Thanks JInghai!
> Le 29/08/2020 à 14:50, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
> > Hi Jacques,
> >
> > It’s about a year ago. My IDE is eclipse. I spent about half of a day to
> make Lombok work correctly, Getter/Setter, AllArgsConstructor, plugin
> version problem and etc.
> >
> > Does Lombok plugin worth a requirement and a time investment by all
> OFBiz developers? My answer is NO.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Shi Jinghai
> >
> > 发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用
> >
> > 发件人: Jacques Le Roux
> > 发送时间: 2020年8月27日 15:10
> > 收件人:
> > 主题: Re: A little bit of Lombok
> >
> > Thanks Jinghai,
> >
> > Is that long ago? Do you remember the most important issues you crossed?
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> > Le 27/08/2020 à 06:20, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
> >> Just my 2 cents.
> >>
> >> -1 for using Lombok plugin in OFBiz.
> >>
> >> I had some not good experiences with this plugin in Apereo CAS 5.3.x.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用
> >>
> >> 发件人: Daniel Watford
> >> 发送时间: 2020年7月28日 20:44
> >> 收件人:
> >> 主题: A little bit of Lombok
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Back in April the possibility of using Lombok for the generation of some
> >> boilerplate code was mentioned on the mailing list [1].
> >>
> >> As part of work-in-progress on OFBIZ-11900 (refactoring
> MacroFormRenderer)
> >> I have used Lombok on a few small classes. The work-in-progress branch
> can
> >> be found at [2].
> >>
> >> Only a small amount of Lombok has been used so far, meaning it
> shouldn't be
> >> too difficult to remove it if needed.
> >>
> >> In build.gradle I have used the FreeFair Gradle Lombok plugin [3]
> >> referenced by the Lombok Project [4].
> >>
> >> Building with the lombok plugin seemed to use a lot of memory and caused
> >> gradle to garbage collect and run out of heap regularly. To resolve
> this I
> >> increased the about of memory available to gradle in
> >> using:
> >>
> >> org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2g -XX\:MaxHeapSize\=4g
> >>
> >> Tuning this might be important depending on the CI infrastructure used
> by
> >> the Ofbiz project.
> >>
> >> You will likely need your IDE to apply annotation processing otherwise
> you
> >> might see warning of missing methods. In IntelliJ I use what appears to
> be
> >> the de facto Lombok plugin [5].
> >> Guidance is available from the Lombok project for other IDEs [6].
> >>
> >> Lombok @ToString annotations have been applied to RenderableFtlString
> and
> >> RenderableFtlNoop. This causes Lombok to insert toString() methods into
> the
> >> classes based on the class names and field values.
> >>
> >> The @Value annotation has been applied to
> >> MacroCallParameterStringValue, MacroCallParameterBooleanValue
> >> and MacroCallParameterMapValue. This annotation turns those classes into
> >> immutable-like entities, where all fields must be set in the inserted
> >> constructor and are available from automatically inserted getters.
> >> ToString(), equals and hashCode() methods are also created meaning these
> >> classes can be relied upon as map keys if needed.
> >>
> >> The @Builder annotation has been applied to RenderableFtlMacroCall
> >> and RenderableFtlSequence. This annotation does quite a lot so I'd
> >> recommend you run delombok (instructions below) to see the code that
> Lombok
> >> inserts for us.
> >>
> >> To see the sources generated by Lombok we can run DeLombok. At the
> command
> >> line execute:
> >> ./gradlew delombok
> >>
> >> A copy of all sources (not just those with lombok annotations) will be
> >> placed under build/delombok. Please take a look at the delomboked
> sources
> >> for the above classes under
> >> build/delombok/main/org/apache/ofbiz/widget/renderer/macro/parameter and
> >> build/delombok/main/org/apache/ofbiz/widget/renderer/macro/renderable.
> >>
> >> Please let me know what you think about this usage of Lombok.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Dan.
> >>
> >> [1] -
> >>
> >> [2] -
> >> [3] -
> >> [4] -
> >> [5] -
> >> [6] -
> >>
> >> --

Re: getting started with ofbiz-rest-impl

2020-09-07 Thread Girish Vasmatkar
Hello Hans -

POST services will need to have data in the HTTP Body. So, any OFBiz
service (irrespective of engine), that is exposed as POST, you will need to
pass the JSON data in POST body. Here is the corresponding cURL for the
service in question -

curl -X  POST https://localhost:8443/rest/services/ensureNaPartyRole -d
'{"partyId":"admin"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept:
application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure

Please note the use of the "-d" argument. You can also use '--data' instead
of '-d'. It sets the data in the request body.

I am not sure if you have taken a look at the OpenAPI documentation. You
can follow https://localhost:8443/docs/swagger-ui.html and it will show all
endpoints available along with example usage.

All in all, GET endpoint needs service IN attributes specified in a JSON
string wrapped in "inParams" query parameter, while POST endpoint needs
service IN attributes be part of HTTP body in JSON.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 2:58 PM Hans Bakker 

> Hi Girish,
> thanks for your last help, that worked fine.
> I am struggling with simple method services.
> i went to applications/party/servicedef/services.xml
> and enabled the service ensureNaPartyRole with export="true" and
> action="post"
> then issued the command:
> curl -G -X  POST https://localhost:8443/rest/services/ensureNaPartyRole
> --data-urlencode 'inParams={"partyId":"admin"}' -H "Accept:
> application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure
> and tells me:
> {
>"statusCode" : 500,
>"statusDescription" : "Internal Server Error",
>"errorMessage" : "Required Field Missing : Party Id"
> }
> any idea?
> Thanks in advance.
> Hans
> just a quick question , does it also work with minilang?
>   i get
> {
>"statusCode" : 500,
>"statusDescription" : "Internal Server Error"
> }:
> Regards.
> On 9/5/20 8:26 PM, Girish Vasmatkar wrote:
> > Hello Hans
> >
> > Thanks for giving it (REST Impl) a try and providing valuable
> feedback.The
> > token's signature part and the payload part (that includes claims) does
> > indeed change, while the header part is not expected to change.
> > The token is revoked after it is expired (default is 1800 seconds basedon
> >
> >
> > Looking forward to hearing more from you and please let us know of any
> > issue you encounter.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Girish
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 6:51 AM Hans Bakker 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Good day!
> >>
> >> Good to see we finally have a REST interface in OFBiz, thank you
> >> girishvasmatkar for this implementation!
> >>
> >> I will try to use it for the open source project, a
> >> flutter frontend for currently but also will try to use OFBiz,
> >> yes with this REST interface.
> >>
> >> My experience after away from ofbiz for a couple of years and just for
> >> other users getting started email.
> >>
> >> OFBIZ install:
> >> ==
> >> i looked how to install ofbiz in the readme.adoc fle , this tells me to
> >> run ./gradle/init-gradle-wrapper for linux
> >> did not worked on my linux system, however ./gradlew init-gradle-wrapper
> >> worked but got stuck at the end...
> >> killed it and then ran ./gradlew cleanAll loadAll and all was fine.
> >>
> >> Did not know how to install a plugin, ( a lot changed the last couple of
> >> years that is good!) so i added it to the application folder and updated
> >> the component-load.xml file. that was still the same.
> >>
> >> REST plugin:
> >> ==
> >> then I searched for how to get an token after authorization.
> >> These curl commands worked for me: could be added to the READ me file?
> >>
> >> curl -X POST https://localhost:8443/rest/auth/token -H "Accept:
> >> application/json" -u admin:ofbiz --insecure
> >>
> >> however when i requested it the second time, the token did not change?
> >> shouldn't it? Now i cannot revoke a token?
> >>
> >> then tried the services list:
> >> curl -X GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services -H "Accept:
> >> application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer
> >>
> eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBcGFjaGVPRkJpeiIsImlhdCI6MTU0NzczOTM0OCwiZXhwIjoxNjc5Mjc1MzQ4LCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiJqcm9ja2V0QGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiR2l2ZW5OYW1lIjoiSm9obm55IiwiU3VybmFtZSI6IlJvY2tldCIsIkVtYWlsIjoianJvY2tldEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJMb2dpbklkIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJSb2xlIjpbIk1hbmFnZXIiLCJQcm9qZWN0IEFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiXX0.fwafgrgpodBJcXxNTQdZknKeWKb3sDOsQrcR2vcRw97FznD6mkE79p10Tu7cqpUx7LiXuROUAnXEgqDice-BSg"
> >>
> >> --insecure
> >>
> >> also working fine!
> >>
> >> if I have more comments or remarks, i will let you know
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Hans Bakker
> >> we specialize in and
> >>
> >>
> >>

Re: getting started with ofbiz-rest-impl

2020-09-07 Thread Hans Bakker

Hi Girish,

thanks for your last help, that worked fine.

I am struggling with simple method services.

i went to applications/party/servicedef/services.xml

and enabled the service ensureNaPartyRole with export="true" and 

then issued the command:

curl -G -X  POST https://localhost:8443/rest/services/ensureNaPartyRole 
--data-urlencode 'inParams={"partyId":"admin"}' -H "Accept: 
application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure

and tells me:
  "statusCode" : 500,
  "statusDescription" : "Internal Server Error",
  "errorMessage" : "Required Field Missing : Party Id"

any idea?

Thanks in advance.


just a quick question , does it also work with minilang?

 i get
  "statusCode" : 500,
  "statusDescription" : "Internal Server Error"

On 9/5/20 8:26 PM, Girish Vasmatkar wrote:

Hello Hans

Thanks for giving it (REST Impl) a try and providing valuable feedback.The
token's signature part and the payload part (that includes claims) does
indeed change, while the header part is not expected to change.
The token is revoked after it is expired (default is 1800 seconds basedon

Looking forward to hearing more from you and please let us know of any
issue you encounter.

Best Regards,

On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 6:51 AM Hans Bakker 

Good day!

Good to see we finally have a REST interface in OFBiz, thank you
girishvasmatkar for this implementation!

I will try to use it for the open source project, a
flutter frontend for currently but also will try to use OFBiz,
yes with this REST interface.

My experience after away from ofbiz for a couple of years and just for
other users getting started email.

OFBIZ install:
i looked how to install ofbiz in the readme.adoc fle , this tells me to
run ./gradle/init-gradle-wrapper for linux
did not worked on my linux system, however ./gradlew init-gradle-wrapper
worked but got stuck at the end...
killed it and then ran ./gradlew cleanAll loadAll and all was fine.

Did not know how to install a plugin, ( a lot changed the last couple of
years that is good!) so i added it to the application folder and updated
the component-load.xml file. that was still the same.

REST plugin:
then I searched for how to get an token after authorization.
These curl commands worked for me: could be added to the READ me file?

curl -X POST https://localhost:8443/rest/auth/token -H "Accept:
application/json" -u admin:ofbiz --insecure

however when i requested it the second time, the token did not change?
shouldn't it? Now i cannot revoke a token?

then tried the services list:
curl -X GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services -H "Accept:
application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer


also working fine!

if I have more comments or remarks, i will let you know


Hans Bakker
we specialize in and

Re: getting started with ofbiz-rest-impl

2020-09-07 Thread Girish Vasmatkar
That being said, I should make the query param mandatory such that it
returns 400 Bad Request "Missing Parameters" to let the client know of the

I will make this improvement and commit soon.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 11:59 AM Girish Vasmatkar <> wrote:

> Hi Hans -
> Here's that works (if you don't want to manually url encode) -
> curl -G -X  GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services/findProductById 
> --data-urlencode
> 'inParams={"idToFind":"GZ-1001"}' -H "Accept: application/json" -H
> "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure
> Note '-G' parameter to CURL. It appends the encoded data to the URL. Also, 
> *--data-urlencode
> *should contain key value pairs.
> There has to have a query parameter named 'inParams' to call services
> exposed as GET.
> During it's implementation, I had given a thought whether to map each
> service IN attribute as query parameter to the REST call, but I chose this
> approach. A GET service with too many IN attributes would have resulted in
> a large number of query parameters.
> Best,
> Girish
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 9:59 AM Hans Bakker 
> wrote:
>> OK, made some progress, have it now working from the flutter dart
>> environment however..
>> this curl works even from flutter dart,
>> curl -X  GET
>> https://localhost:8443/rest/services/findProductByI?inParams=%7B%22idToFind%22:%22GZ-1001%22%7D
>> -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure
>> however i do not want to url encode myself, so shouldn't this also work:
>> curl -X  GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services/findProductById
>> --data-urlencode "{'inparams': {'idToFind':'GZ-1001'}}" -H "Accept:
>> application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure
>> I tried it also without the inner quotes but could not get his to
>> work.
>> i get:
>> {
>>   "statusCode" : 500,
>>   "statusDescription" : "Internal Server Error"
>> }
>> can you help?
>> regards,
>> Hans
>> On 9/5/20 8:26 PM, Girish Vasmatkar wrote:
>> Hello Hans
>> Thanks for giving it (REST Impl) a try and providing valuable feedback. The
>> token's signature part and the payload part (that includes claims) does
>> indeed change, while the header part is not expected to change.
>> The token is revoked after it is expired (default is 1800 seconds based on
>> Looking forward to hearing more from you and please let us know of any
>> issue you encounter.
>> Best Regards,
>> Girish
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 6:51 AM Hans Bakker  
>> wrote:
>> Good day!
>> Good to see we finally have a REST interface in OFBiz, thank you
>> girishvasmatkar for this implementation!
>>   I will try to use it for the open source project, a
>> flutter frontend for currently but also will try to use OFBiz,
>> yes with this REST interface.
>> My experience after away from ofbiz for a couple of years and just for
>> other users getting started email.
>> OFBIZ install:
>> ==
>> i looked how to install ofbiz in the readme.adoc fle , this tells me to
>> run ./gradle/init-gradle-wrapper for linux
>> did not worked on my linux system, however ./gradlew init-gradle-wrapper
>> worked but got stuck at the end...
>> killed it and then ran ./gradlew cleanAll loadAll and all was fine.
>> Did not know how to install a plugin, ( a lot changed the last couple of
>> years that is good!) so i added it to the application folder and updated
>> the component-load.xml file. that was still the same.
>> REST plugin:
>> ==
>> then I searched for how to get an token after authorization.
>> These curl commands worked for me: could be added to the READ me file?
>> curl -X POST https://localhost:8443/rest/auth/token -H "Accept:
>> application/json" -u admin:ofbiz --insecure
>> however when i requested it the second time, the token did not change?
>> shouldn't it? Now i cannot revoke a token?
>> then tried the services list:
>> curl -X GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services -H "Accept:
>> application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer
>> eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBcGFjaGVPRkJpeiIsImlhdCI6MTU0NzczOTM0OCwiZXhwIjoxNjc5Mjc1MzQ4LCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiJqcm9ja2V0QGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiR2l2ZW5OYW1lIjoiSm9obm55IiwiU3VybmFtZSI6IlJvY2tldCIsIkVtYWlsIjoianJvY2tldEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJMb2dpbklkIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJSb2xlIjpbIk1hbmFnZXIiLCJQcm9qZWN0IEFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiXX0.fwafgrgpodBJcXxNTQdZknKeWKb3sDOsQrcR2vcRw97FznD6mkE79p10Tu7cqpUx7LiXuROUAnXEgqDice-BSg"
>> --insecure
>> also working fine!
>> if I have more comments or remarks, i will let you know
>> Regards,
>> Hans Bakker
>> we specialize in and

Re: getting started with ofbiz-rest-impl

2020-09-07 Thread Girish Vasmatkar
Hi Hans -

Here's that works (if you don't want to manually url encode) -

curl -G -X  GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services/findProductById
'inParams={"idToFind":"GZ-1001"}' -H "Accept: application/json" -H
"Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure

Note '-G' parameter to CURL. It appends the encoded data to the URL.
Also, *--data-urlencode
*should contain key value pairs.

There has to have a query parameter named 'inParams' to call services
exposed as GET.
During it's implementation, I had given a thought whether to map each
service IN attribute as query parameter to the REST call, but I chose this
approach. A GET service with too many IN attributes would have resulted in
a large number of query parameters.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 9:59 AM Hans Bakker 

> OK, made some progress, have it now working from the flutter dart
> environment however..
> this curl works even from flutter dart,
> curl -X  GET
> https://localhost:8443/rest/services/findProductByI?inParams=%7B%22idToFind%22:%22GZ-1001%22%7D
> -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure
> however i do not want to url encode myself, so shouldn't this also work:
> curl -X  GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services/findProductById
> --data-urlencode "{'inparams': {'idToFind':'GZ-1001'}}" -H "Accept:
> application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --insecure
> I tried it also without the inner quotes but could not get his to work.
> i get:
> {
>   "statusCode" : 500,
>   "statusDescription" : "Internal Server Error"
> }
> can you help?
> regards,
> Hans
> On 9/5/20 8:26 PM, Girish Vasmatkar wrote:
> Hello Hans
> Thanks for giving it (REST Impl) a try and providing valuable feedback. The
> token's signature part and the payload part (that includes claims) does
> indeed change, while the header part is not expected to change.
> The token is revoked after it is expired (default is 1800 seconds based on
> Looking forward to hearing more from you and please let us know of any
> issue you encounter.
> Best Regards,
> Girish
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 6:51 AM Hans Bakker  
> wrote:
> Good day!
> Good to see we finally have a REST interface in OFBiz, thank you
> girishvasmatkar for this implementation!
>   I will try to use it for the open source project, a
> flutter frontend for currently but also will try to use OFBiz,
> yes with this REST interface.
> My experience after away from ofbiz for a couple of years and just for
> other users getting started email.
> OFBIZ install:
> ==
> i looked how to install ofbiz in the readme.adoc fle , this tells me to
> run ./gradle/init-gradle-wrapper for linux
> did not worked on my linux system, however ./gradlew init-gradle-wrapper
> worked but got stuck at the end...
> killed it and then ran ./gradlew cleanAll loadAll and all was fine.
> Did not know how to install a plugin, ( a lot changed the last couple of
> years that is good!) so i added it to the application folder and updated
> the component-load.xml file. that was still the same.
> REST plugin:
> ==
> then I searched for how to get an token after authorization.
> These curl commands worked for me: could be added to the READ me file?
> curl -X POST https://localhost:8443/rest/auth/token -H "Accept:
> application/json" -u admin:ofbiz --insecure
> however when i requested it the second time, the token did not change?
> shouldn't it? Now i cannot revoke a token?
> then tried the services list:
> curl -X GET https://localhost:8443/rest/services -H "Accept:
> application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer
> eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBcGFjaGVPRkJpeiIsImlhdCI6MTU0NzczOTM0OCwiZXhwIjoxNjc5Mjc1MzQ4LCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiJqcm9ja2V0QGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiR2l2ZW5OYW1lIjoiSm9obm55IiwiU3VybmFtZSI6IlJvY2tldCIsIkVtYWlsIjoianJvY2tldEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJMb2dpbklkIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJSb2xlIjpbIk1hbmFnZXIiLCJQcm9qZWN0IEFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiXX0.fwafgrgpodBJcXxNTQdZknKeWKb3sDOsQrcR2vcRw97FznD6mkE79p10Tu7cqpUx7LiXuROUAnXEgqDice-BSg"
> --insecure
> also working fine!
> if I have more comments or remarks, i will let you know
> Regards,
> Hans Bakker
> we specialize in and