Actually it's simpler now, even on Windows. You don't need to run "gradlew 

By curiosity, I tried to stop at CommunicationEventServices.groovy[489] with the complete (not Eclipse accepted) package name instead of communication, nothing happened.
While still running in debug mode, I just changed the package name to 
communication, the breakpoint worked :)
So Eclipse interprets dynamic Groovy changes, as it was in the past with "gradlew --continuous". I don't think the location is a problem as long as Eclipse accepts the package name.


Le 30/04/2023 à 18:52, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
I can answer my question by my own. What is described at

   /<<I tried and it works. So here is the (simple) plan: /

   /1. We move all Groovy scripts from /groovyScripts/ to /src/main/groovy/ //
   //2. We add the necessary packages names//
   //3. Devs can then open "gradlew --continuous" in a terminal and let it 
   //that. It will continuously build on any changes in Gradle sourcesets /

   /So, if you modify a Groovy scripts while running an OFBiz instance, the 
   //will be reflected in the instance and you can check possible syntax or 
alike issues in the terminal running the continuous build. It's very fast
   //only changes have an impact on the build.>>/

no longer works with Win7 (and also old *nix versions)? You now need to set a 

I'll try that on Ubuntu 20.04 and Eclipse 23.03


Le 29/04/2023 à 14:10, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Hi Daniel,

Do you know how are reacting dynamically changed Groovy scripts while you are 
Debugging them, at least in Eclipse (I don't use Intellij).
The big advantage of minilang was its faculty to allow dynamic changes, like 
Freemarker does. We have the same advantage with Groovy.
But I wonder for dynamically changed Groovy scripts while you are Debugging in 
For instance for Java it's sometimes allowed, but sometimes you need to reload 
all :/


Le 28/04/2023 à 12:30, Daniel Watford a écrit :
The reason for checking is that groovyScripts are loaded as independent
scripts and compiled at runtime by OFBiz (See
GroovyUtil#getScriptClassFromLocation), rather than being loaded from a
pre-compiled JAR.

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