RE: grammar for StarMath

2014-11-11 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
I have an incomplete result.  You may have already explored this.

First, saving an AOO Formula (.odf) as a StarMath 5.0 Formula (.smf) does not 
seem to be exported.  There is no import for it either.

  You can still save as an .sxm formula or an ODF Formula 
(.odf).  They are nearly identical.

Both .sxm and .odf are Zip Packages and nearly identical.  In particular, the 
content.xml is a MathML formula that has a StarMath 5.0 formula as an 
annotation.  It is exactly the same formula that you end up editing in the 
lower window of the Apache OpenOffice Math (or LibreOffice Math) application.  
So the upper window shows the MathML rendering, and the lower window shows the 
StarMath 5.0!  And the content.xml carries both.

In effect, the Elements Tool and the hand editing that you do is creating 
StarMath that is then displayed via MathML in the upper, graphical-formula 

That doesn't provide the StarMath grammar except by example, but it is a way to 
build them experimentally and see. 

Finally, this led me to the Help Topic "Math formula editor" and click the 
Formulas link to get to "Welcome to the OpenOffice Math Help" page.  The 
subtopic "Formula Reference Tables" seems to be the key.  The color function is 
under "Attributes".

StarMath uses {...} for precedence/grouping control in the same manner as TeX 
and LaTeX formulas.

We can probably figure out the grammar by making examples of all the operators 
and other oddities. 

 - Dennis
-Original Message-
From: Regina Henschel [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 15:56
To: AOO dev
Subject: grammar for StarMath

Hi all,

does there exist any developer documentation about StarMath, e.g. the 

Kind regards

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Re: emails to issues list

2014-11-11 Thread Peter Junge

On 12/11/14 00:49, Mathias Röllig wrote:


Why it is possible that someone can send emails directly to the issues
mailing list?

e. g.

Likely I have moderated it through because it didn't stumble over that 
it's issues@ rather than qa@. Sorry, if that was the case. Will pay more 
attention in the future.


Regards, Mathias

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grammar for StarMath

2014-11-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

does there exist any developer documentation about StarMath, e.g. the 

Kind regards

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Re: AOO mailing list subscription totals, and other tidbits

2014-11-11 Thread Dave Barton
Rob Weir wrote:
> Here's the current total subscribers for the AOO mailing lists I moderate:
> announce 11,318
> users 584
> dev 499
> qa 277
> l10n 233
> marketing 173
> api 149
> (I'm not a moderator for the doc mailing list, so I can't retrieve that 
> number).
> We also have 3,522 Twitter followers, 13,000 Facebook "likes" and
> 7,368 Google+ followers.
> And we receive 230,000 visitors to the website per day.
> -Rob

doc 147


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Re: OpenOffice folks: ApacheCon template?

2014-11-11 Thread Shane Curcuru
On 11/10/14 6:27 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 10/11/2014 Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> On 24.10.2014 21:49, Rich Bowen wrote:
>> Just received an e-mail pointing to the ApacheCon EU template at
>> which is a
>> breathtaking 18 (eighteen) MB file!
> CCing the dev@community list again to say that Nick Burch provided a
> nicer (and smaller) template at
> (Nick, thank you and you can upload it to
> too!)
> Regards,
>   Andrea.

Nice!  Is there a pointer to an easy and complete description of how to
swap out the 18MB masters/background for Nick's improved version?  I'm
still lost when it comes to bulk formatting changes in Impress.

- Shane

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AOO mailing list subscription totals, and other tidbits

2014-11-11 Thread Rob Weir
Here's the current total subscribers for the AOO mailing lists I moderate:

announce 11,318
users 584
dev 499
qa 277
l10n 233
marketing 173
api 149

(I'm not a moderator for the doc mailing list, so I can't retrieve that number).

We also have 3,522 Twitter followers, 13,000 Facebook "likes" and
7,368 Google+ followers.

And we receive 230,000 visitors to the website per day.


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Re: emails to issues list

2014-11-11 Thread Kay Schenk
On 11/11/2014 08:49 AM, Mathias Röllig wrote:
> Hello!
> Why it is possible that someone can send emails directly to the
> issues mailing list?
> e. g. 
> Regards, Mathias

This is a good question. It does seem like all of the postings should
only come from Bugzilla. We'll need to confer with INFRA on this.


"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth
 to a dancing star."
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: OpenOffice folks: ApacheCon template?

2014-11-11 Thread Andrea Pescetti

On 11/11/2014 Guy Waterval wrote:

Really nice, indeed, many thanks to the author..
I've not seen the licence in the properties of this document.
Is it possible to know how this document can be reused ?

Nick is going to get it clarified (some graphics is from the conference 
producers). But this will happen next week at ApacheCon, not earlier.


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emails to issues list

2014-11-11 Thread Mathias Röllig


Why it is possible that someone can send emails directly to the issues 
mailing list?

e. g.

Regards, Mathias

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Re: OpenOffice folks: ApacheCon template?

2014-11-11 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2014-11-11 0:27 GMT+01:00 Andrea Pescetti :

> On 10/11/2014 Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> On 24.10.2014 21:49, Rich Bowen wrote:
>> Just received an e-mail pointing to the ApacheCon EU template at
>> program/speaker-guide which is a
>> breathtaking 18 (eighteen) MB file!
> CCing the dev@community list again to say that Nick Burch provided a
> nicer (and smaller) template at
> (Nick, thank you and you can upload it to
> too!)

Really nice, indeed, many thanks to the author..
I've not seen the licence in the properties of this document.
Is it possible to know how this document can be reused ?


> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> -
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