[dev] FYI: Enhancing XSLT processing in OOo 3 - exchanging Xerces/Xalan duo with Saxon processor

2008-07-08 Thread Svante Schubert


for OOo 3 we plan to exchange the Java Xerces/Xalan duo, once added to
provide stable XSLT quality, with the Java Saxon XSLT processor.
By this the XSLT filters would benefit from its implementation of the
newer W3C standards of the XPath 2.0, XSLT 2.0, and XQuery 1.0

(Personally believe I have noticed as well a better error reporting and
efficiency behavior of Saxon9).

Dependencies to Xerces/Xalan in the OOo sources are under progress to be
adapted to the new environment in my CWS xsltfilter10.

Unlikely this will make it into OOo 3.0, but otherwise it will become
available in OOo 3.1.

PS: Follow-up on openoffice.xml.dev, please subscribe [1]


(OOo xml project co-lead)

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Re: [dev] customizing oo 2.4.1 ... - disable automatic update / skip registration / ...

2008-07-08 Thread Dirk Voelzke

Hello Oliver,

you can omit the online-update module in your installation. Without that 
module you won't have the "online update" option page and the menu entry 
and of course no online update.


Oliver Brinzing wrote:


is there a way to customize oo 2.4.1, so the

- registration wizard on first start will be skipped
  (I noticed the new procedure is different from oo 2.0)

- menu item's
  help -> registration... / help -> search for updates will be removed

- option page -> "online update" will be removed ...

- no automatic updates are possible at all ...


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[dev] How can I add a interface upon a published service?

2008-07-08 Thread Rainman Lee
hello everyone,
I have a question about extending a published service.
supposing that there is a published service S, which derives from a
Multi-Inheritance Interface C, which inherits from A and B, like that:
interface A

interface B

interface C
   interface A;
   interface B;

service S : C;

and the service S is published.
now I want to make the service S suppot a new interface D, how can I
archieve this while guaranteeing that old programs using service S
still works?
I know that the easiest way maybe implementing a service S1, and let
this service supporting both the interface C and D.
then new programs using interface D query S1, and the existing
programs still query the service S.
is there any other method to accomplish this? I want to new programs
can access the interface D still through S instead of S1, S1 is not a
friendly name I think ;@)
thank you very much!

best wishes, Rainman.

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Re: [dev] current cursor position in XTable

2008-07-08 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Dinesh Chothe wrote:

  I want to get current position of cursor from documents XTable or
also for calc I want to get current cells position. How do I?
  I am using OoSDK2.3 and java...
I believe that the view cursor has a property TextTable and a property 
Cell. The cell has a property CellName.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
My Book: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/oome.htm
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
See Also: http://documentation.openoffice.org/HOW_TO/index.html

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Re: [dev] .odt Files Print From UI, Not From API Using Java

2008-07-08 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

What happens if you do not load the document as hidden?

Hal Vaughan wrote:

I have a client who is using OOo 2.0 on Winodws XP as part of a Java program
I've written.  I'd like to upgrade, but since my software has to install my
program and OOo -- and know where OOo is being installed to, it's quite
difficult to upgrade my software every time OOo upgrades.  In other words,
using a later version is not a desirable solution, since it takes me a day
or two whenever I have to use the new OOo installer and make sure
everything works on both Linux and Windows.

When she runs my program on her computer, it generates a number of .odt
or .sxw files.  Once generated these files could sit for a while or could
be used immediately for printing.  In this case, it turns out that when we
generate .sxw files, they're printing just fine, but any .odt files are not
printing -- they show up as blank sheets of paper.  (In call cases the
files are only 1 page long so I have no way of checking the length of the
documents when they print.)  As if that weren't odd enough, if she runs OOo
and uses the GUI and loads them on her own and then prints them, they print

In other words, when I load files through the Java API, if they're .sxw they
print, if they're .odt, a blank page prints instead, but loading any of the
files through the GUI allows them to print fine.

This version of my program has worked on other XP systems previously.  I'd
test it myself, but my XP system is temporarily down and likely won't be up
until I can transfer data from the other partitions and put in a new hard

I've included my Java code to open and print the OOo files below.

I'm hoping someone will recognize this as something simple that I'm
overlooking or that there's an issue or bug that I just haven't been able
to find.  Whatever it is, any help is appreciated!



Open file:

private void openDoc() {
boolean bError = false;
if (oooDoc != null) {
sysConfig.log("warning", "attempting to open a second document: 
" +
fileName + ", current document: " + docURL);
docURL = makeURL(fileName);
PropertyValue[] oProps = new PropertyValue[1];
oProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
oProps[0].Name = "Hidden";
oProps[0].Value = new Boolean(true);
try {
oooDoc = oLoader.loadComponentFromURL(docURL, "_blank", 0, 
} catch (Exception  e) {
sysConfig.log("error", "Error: \"" + e + "\" in opening document: 
" +
bError = true;
if (!bError) docOpen = true;


private String makeURL(String sFile) {
if (sFile.startsWith("private:factory/s")) {return sFile;}
if (sFile.startsWith("file:")) {return sFile;}
while (sFile.startsWith("")) {sFile = sFile.substring(1);}
while (!sFile.startsWith("///")) {sFile = "/" + sFile;}
if (sysConfig.getMode("ostype").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") >= 0) {
sFile = sFile.replace('\\', '/');
sFile = "file:" + sFile;
return sFile;

Print a document:

private void docPrinter () {
int i = 0;
if (sysConfig.getMode("printstate").equals("false")) {
if (oooDoc == null) {
sysConfig.log("warning", "null doc, could not print: " + 
String sPrinter = sysConfig.getMode("printer");
XPrintable oPrint = (XPrintable)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, oooDoc);
PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[2];
PropertyValue[] checkOpts = null;
printOpts[0] = new PropertyValue();
printOpts[0].Name = "Name";
printOpts[0].Value = sPrinter;
printOpts[1] = new PropertyValue();
printOpts[1].Name = "Wait";
printOpts[1].Value = new Boolean(true);
try {oPrint.setPrinter(printOpts);} catch (Exception e) {
sysConfig.log("error", "cannot print document: " + 
checkOpts = oPrint.getPrinter();
for (i = 0; i < checkOpts.length; i++) {
if (checkOpts[i].Name.equals("Name")) {
if (!checkOpts[i].Value.equals(sPrinter)) {
sPrinter = "<"+sPrinter+">";
printOpts[i].Value = sPrinter;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
sysConfig.log("error", "cannot print 
document: " + docURL);


2008-07-08 Thread Carsten Driesner

ms777 wrote:

Carsten Driesner wrote:

... Here you have to create your own popup menu (using
com.sun.star.awt.PopupMenu) and fill 
it with your menu items using images and execute it. ...


how do you set images using the com.sun.star.awt.PopupMenu service ? It
implements XPopupMenu, which does not expose any setImage function. In the
OO's UI File/New menu, oo uses the newmenucontroller
which internally uses pPopupMenu->SetItemImage( nItemId, aImage ).
SetItemImage, however is not part of XPopup or any other interface
definition ...

It seems necessary to program a menucontroller in C and to rebuild OO to do
use the same approach in order to use SetItemImage in an own
PopupMenuController ... or alternatively program the popup menu window from
scratch using only the drawing primitives 

Hi ms777,

Sorry that I answer so late but I was very busy with OOo final tasks. I 
have to admit that you are totally right. That's a missing function in 
UNO AWT. Could you or ramesh K write me an issue and I will add this 
function to the popup menu object?
Ramesh K, although you have to implement your own toolbar controller to 
get all the feature you want, you won't be able to add images to your 
popup menu. I am not sure if you still want to prepare your work and add 
the missing part when the new function is available. Currently you have 
to accept that images in your own popup menu are not available for 
extensions. Due to a different interface it's possible to add images to 
context menus, see "Context menu interceptor". Due to the fact that we 
are short before the OOo 3.0 final, please excuse me if I cannot answer 
every question in short amount of time.


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Re: [dev] lxr.go-oo.org

2008-07-08 Thread Terrence Enger
On Sun, 2008-07-06 at 11:00 +0200, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
> Terrence,
> go-oo.org does not depend from openoffice.org . Please ask Michael  
> Meeks from Novell about your issue.

Alas, the problem is back, and my emails to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
are rejected "553 sorry, relaying denied from your location".  This
happens for both the outbound mail servers which I can use.  

> Best Regards,
> Charles-H. Schulz

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Re: [dev] lxr.go-oo.org

2008-07-08 Thread Philipp Lohmann

Terrence Enger wrote:

On Sun, 2008-07-06 at 11:00 +0200, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:


go-oo.org does not depend from openoffice.org . Please ask Michael  
Meeks from Novell about your issue.

Alas, the problem is back, and my emails to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
are rejected "553 sorry, relaying denied from your location".  This
happens for both the outbound mail servers which I can use.  

Spelling novell.com correctly might help ;-)

Someone told me: "Smile and be happy, it could be worse"
And I smiled and was happy and things became worse.
 -- Author unknown

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[dev] Re: .odt Files Print From UI, Not From API Using Java

2008-07-08 Thread Hal Vaughan
Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

> What happens if you do not load the document as hidden?

That would create a serious problem on my clients' systems, since I've
noticed that dramatically slows down the process (I don't use the GUI at
all and open a hidden instance of OOo from my program -- forgot the specs
that do that.)  I can test it on my own system when I get XP up and running
again, though.  It might be difficult to make that change for my client's
system since their boss is quite tight about the computers.  He has no
computer background so any change I make is met with suspicion about what
I'm trying to get past him.

What's odd is it only happens on this one computer -- but we all know if one
client has an issue, it could happen to others at some point.

I'll see what I can find on this and if I can get him to let me upload a
patched version and check it out.



> Hal Vaughan wrote:
>> I have a client who is using OOo 2.0 on Winodws XP as part of a Java
>> program
>> I've written.  I'd like to upgrade, but since my software has to install
>> my program and OOo -- and know where OOo is being installed to, it's
>> quite
>> difficult to upgrade my software every time OOo upgrades.  In other
>> words, using a later version is not a desirable solution, since it takes
>> me a day or two whenever I have to use the new OOo installer and make
>> sure everything works on both Linux and Windows.
>> When she runs my program on her computer, it generates a number of .odt
>> or .sxw files.  Once generated these files could sit for a while or could
>> be used immediately for printing.  In this case, it turns out that when
>> we generate .sxw files, they're printing just fine, but any .odt files
>> are not
>> printing -- they show up as blank sheets of paper.  (In call cases the
>> files are only 1 page long so I have no way of checking the length of the
>> documents when they print.)  As if that weren't odd enough, if she runs
>> OOo and uses the GUI and loads them on her own and then prints them, they
>> print fine!
>> In other words, when I load files through the Java API, if they're .sxw
>> they print, if they're .odt, a blank page prints instead, but loading any
>> of the files through the GUI allows them to print fine.
>> This version of my program has worked on other XP systems previously. 
>> I'd test it myself, but my XP system is temporarily down and likely won't
>> be up until I can transfer data from the other partitions and put in a
>> new hard drive.
>> I've included my Java code to open and print the OOo files below.
>> I'm hoping someone will recognize this as something simple that I'm
>> overlooking or that there's an issue or bug that I just haven't been able
>> to find.  Whatever it is, any help is appreciated!
>> Thanks!
>> Hal
>> Open file:
>> private void openDoc() {
>> boolean bError = false;
>> if (oooDoc != null) {
>> sysConfig.log("warning", "attempting to open a second
>> document: " +
>> fileName + ", current document: " + docURL);
>> return;
>> }
>> docURL = makeURL(fileName);
>> PropertyValue[] oProps = new PropertyValue[1];
>> oProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
>> oProps[0].Name = "Hidden";
>> oProps[0].Value = new Boolean(true);
>> try {
>> oooDoc = oLoader.loadComponentFromURL(docURL, "_blank",
>> 0, oProps);
>> } catch (Exception  e) {
>> sysConfig.log("error", "Error: \"" + e + "\" in opening
>> document: " +
>> fileName);
>> bError = true;
>> }
>> if (!bError) docOpen = true;
>> return;
>> }
>> MakeURL:
>> private String makeURL(String sFile) {
>> if (sFile.startsWith("private:factory/s")) {return sFile;}
>> if (sFile.startsWith("file:")) {return sFile;}
>> while (sFile.startsWith("")) {sFile = sFile.substring(1);}
>> while (!sFile.startsWith("///")) {sFile = "/" + sFile;}
>> if (sysConfig.getMode("ostype").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows")
>> >= 0) {
>> sFile = sFile.replace('\\', '/');
>> }
>> sFile = "file:" + sFile;
>> return sFile;
>> }
>> Print a document:
>> private void docPrinter () {
>> int i = 0;
>> if (sysConfig.getMode("printstate").equals("false")) {
>> return;
>> }
>> if (oooDoc == null) {
>> sysConfig.log("warning", "null doc, could not print: " +
>> docURL); return;
>> }
>> String sPrinter = sysConfig.getMode("printer");
>> XPrintable oPrint = (XPrintable)
>> UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, oooDoc);
>> PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[2];
>> PropertyValue[

Re: [dev] customizing oo 2.4.1 ... - disable automatic update / skip registration / ...

2008-07-08 Thread Oliver Brinzing


thanks for help - i found some answers for my problems:

- registration wizard on first start will be skipped

IMHO the easiest way is to run a user setup once and copy the
\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\Jobs.xcu files ...

- menu item's:  help -> registration... / help -> search for updates will be 

creating an Addons.xcu will help:

xmlns:oor="http://openoffice.org/2001/registry"; xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; 




> - no automatic updates are possible at all ...

msiexec /passive /norestart /i openofficeorg24.msi INSTALLLOCATION="%ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice.org" 
ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=gm_o_Onlineupdate

- option page -> "online update" will be removed ...

creating an OptionsDialog.xcu will do the job, e.g. removing Pages "java" and 
(online update will not appear, if not installed, see above ...)

xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; oor:name="OptionsDialog" 







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2008-07-08 Thread ms777

Hi Carsten,

thanks for the answer. I created an issue:


Carsten Driesner wrote:
> ms777 wrote:
>> Carsten Driesner wrote:
>>> ... Here you have to create your own popup menu (using
>>> com.sun.star.awt.PopupMenu) and fill 
>>> it with your menu items using images and execute it. ...
>> Carsten,
>> how do you set images using the com.sun.star.awt.PopupMenu service ? It
>> implements XPopupMenu, which does not expose any setImage function. In
>> the
>> OO's UI File/New menu, oo uses the newmenucontroller
>> (http://framework.openoffice.org/source/browse/framework/framework/source/uielement/newmenucontroller.cxx?rev=,
>> which internally uses pPopupMenu->SetItemImage( nItemId, aImage ).
>> SetItemImage, however is not part of XPopup or any other interface
>> definition ...
>> It seems necessary to program a menucontroller in C and to rebuild OO to
>> do
>> use the same approach in order to use SetItemImage in an own
>> PopupMenuController ... or alternatively program the popup menu window
>> from
>> scratch using only the drawing primitives 
> Hi ms777,
> Sorry that I answer so late but I was very busy with OOo final tasks. I 
> have to admit that you are totally right. That's a missing function in 
> UNO AWT. Could you or ramesh K write me an issue and I will add this 
> function to the popup menu object?
> Ramesh K, although you have to implement your own toolbar controller to 
> get all the feature you want, you won't be able to add images to your 
> popup menu. I am not sure if you still want to prepare your work and add 
> the missing part when the new function is available. Currently you have 
> to accept that images in your own popup menu are not available for 
> extensions. Due to a different interface it's possible to add images to 
> context menus, see "Context menu interceptor". Due to the fact that we 
> are short before the OOo 3.0 final, please excuse me if I cannot answer 
> every question in short amount of time.
> Regards,
> Carsten
> -
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