[dev] How to find out whether the installed OOo is 32- or 64-bit

2011-04-09 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

for an installation routine it is necessary to determine whether the
installed version of OOo is 32- or 64-bit, as this determines which
libraries and configuration should be installed.

Is there a way to find that out (currently on Linux, but once MacOSX
and/or Windows gain 64-bit versions then the request would be for all
platforms)? If so, what would be the correct means?


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[dev] Re: MacOSX+OOo3.3: loading a library via Java' System.loadLibrary(...)

2011-04-09 Thread rony
Hi there,

further debugging reveals, that indeed the error is in


java.lang.System.getProperty() at the point of exeption shows that among
other things "java.library.path" is *not* set (returns "null"), hence
the rexx dylib cannot be loaded!

Here a few properties queried when the exception is handled and re-thrown:


sun.boot.library.path and sun.boot.class.path are both set.

This seems to be a setup problem in OOo 3.3 for MacOSX in the context of
the scripting framework if doing a "Tools -> Macro -> Run"!

Is there anything I could (try) to do ?



On 08.04.2011 17:29, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> Hi there,
> currently debugging a scripting language added to OOo 3.3 via an
> oxt-extension. The integration into OOo is done using the OOo
> beanshell programs, but adapted to the scripting language.
> The scripting language is ooRexx and there is a library that needs to
> be loaded via Java (using System.loadLibrary("BSF4ooRexx"), which on
> MacOSX is named "libBSF4ooRexx.dylib" and located in "/usr/lib" and
> "/usr/lib/java".
> Now the odd behaviour:
>1. If using "Tools -> Macros -> Organize Macros -> Edit" and
>   running the script off the edit-window, everything works fine.
>   The BSF4ooRexx library is found and used to run the script via
>   the ooRexx interpreter. After doing this once one can execute
>   any ooRexx macro by merely having  it run, i.e. "Too.ls ->
>   Macros -> Run" or "Tools -> Macros -> Organize Macros -> Run".
>2. If all instances of OOo have been shut down, and then the same
>   ooRexx script gets executed via "Tools -> Macros -> Run", then
>   an exception is thrown indicating that the library was not
>   found! After such an error, even using the steps described
>   above, would not successfully allow to load the library!
>   o Now closing all instances of OOo and then starting over as
> described in step # 1 above, everything works again as
> described above.
> Going through the Java sourcecode that gets employed, the same steps
> are undertaken to load the ooRexx scripting engine. I.e.
> "ScriptProviderForooRexx.java" and
> "ScriptSourceModel.java"; the sourcecode of these files could be seen
> via the web using
> (just click on the filename and then choose "view").
> It seems that success and unsuccess is not caused by the scripting
> framework support, but seems to be linked to how OOo instantiates the
> ooRexx scripting framework?
> * Like, if the OOo dispatch interface is attempting to loading the
>   scripting language it fails (and makes subsequent attempts to
>   fail as well),
> * whereas if using the scripting framework editor to load a script
>   first thing and run it off the editor in the first OOo session,
>   then everything works (also subsequent dispatches).
> Does anyone have any ideas what might cause such a phenomenon?
> Any ideas highly welcome!
> TIA,
> ---rony
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