Re: [dev] I want to contribute in programming

2005-10-12 Thread dR
I'm new to the list and have started building the 2.0
product. So, I'm getting there. ;-)

By the way, if anyone has build instructions for 1.1.5
on OS X, please share. 


 --- David Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After that is a list of suggestions. I would
> recommend taking number 5 - 
> "fix a bug". In order to do this you really need to
> build 
> yourself.
> This isn't the easiest or quickest thing in the
> world but ask questions 
> on the mailing list if you get stuck, and be
> patient.

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[dev] How does one package OO for distribution?

2005-10-17 Thread dR
I managed to compile on OS X. Now I would like to
create a distributable package or tarball. 

How does one do this, please?


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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[dev] volunteer for English 3.0 for Mac PPC

2008-11-04 Thread Dr Daniel Flickinger

There are German and French versions of 3.0 for Mac PPC but not English.

Does the community need another version builder? I have the horsepower 
and the experience, particularly with FreeBSD which underlies Mac. I 
presume the primary task would be to compile in the language pacs.

The latest revision to OSX 10.5.5 blew Open Office 2.3.0 and 2.4.0 out 
of the water with changes to X11. I had to recompile Mozilla, Gimp, and 
Xemacs. The German and French versions of Open Office seem to work 
flawlessly but using the German version with a dictionary in hand is 
tedious since most of the menu items are not listed.

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[dev] Idea of academic Impress use

2005-02-15 Thread Dr. Iglói Gábor
Dear Developers!
My name is Gábor Iglói. I'm a medical doctor in Hungary. I'm fond of 
opensource software and using for 1,5 years now. I like 
it very much actually I have written all of my important documents using 
this suite including my graduate essay.

I follow the ongoing development of the 2.0 and I find it 
very promising. I have welcomed that the insertion of movie clips in 
Impress presentations has been developed. In fact, in the academic world 
it is very important to create and perform nice presentations for 
education. Unfortunately in this world M$ software has the monopoly - 
you just can't replace the PowerPoint because everyone uses it so when 
you bring your CD to anywhere you must supply your presentation in 
PowerPoint format. With Impress you can produce quality presentations 
but you can't transfer it to congresses. Even if you export it to ppt 
format there are some incompatibilities. And until now you could embed 
very limited video clips in your Impress presentations.

I've also read about and searched for OpenOffice Viewer tools. I've read 
about developers' opinions about this topic: too much effort to create a 
stuff like that for all platforms, instead OO.o gives good support for 
HTLM, PDF or Flash export...

This way it will be hard to give the academic world a working option for 
migration. You can't reproduce all effects of an Impress presentation in 
these formats and you can't embed movie clips either.

I would suggest that maybe it would be a very good idea and this could 
make OO.o even more popular if you would create an Impress Viewer. You 
wouldn't need to support all platforms and all OpenOffice components 

1. Unix/Linux users have already installed OpenOffice/StarOffice on 
their machines - this is the ultimate office suite for *nix users (I'm 
in this group too:) - so they don't need a viewer app
2. OO.o Writer documents can be exported to PDF quite well so everybody 
can handle them - so a Writer Viewer wouldn't be so important (and OO.o 
has good support for the DOC format)
3. You would develop an Impress Viewer for only the MS Windows platform, 
because other platforms' users probably has and use already.

That's why I think a standalone Impress Viewer is the most lacked 
component of OO.o. With the availability of a small standalone, 
installable or simply executable official Impress Viewer for Windows we 
could conquer the academic and perhaps the business scene.

Thank you reading my letter,
Gábor Iglói, M.D.
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Re: [dev] Idea of academic Impress use

2005-02-15 Thread Dr. Iglói Gábor
G. Roderick Singleton Ãrta:
Seems you missed in your search. This project
offers the capabilities you are looking for and if they don't currently
exist they are planned. I recommend that you offer your support to this
team and help them achieve a viable viewer that does what you want.

No, I haven't missed it. And I've found also.
The problem with indeview is that you cannot playback embedded movies
with it. In one don't need that, the PDF or HTML export would be an
alternative too.
I managed to playback movies in presentations with the aid of mplayer
( - creating a .cmd file playing back the movie in
full screen then exiting automatically and running it from the
presentation with a click on a link element helped me in the problem of
video embedding, and I hope OO.o 2.0 will bring improvements in these
fields, so I won't need these workarounds - but the problem that almost
every place you need to perform a presentation there is the software
background of MS Win & Office. If you could just burn your Impress
presentation and launch it on the target computer with a small viewer
application you just put the CD in and the presentation would start.
I think many people would like that.
Anyway it was just a suggestion.
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Re: [dev] Idea of academic Impress use

2005-02-16 Thread Dr. Iglói Gábor
Barrie Backhurst írta:
I don't know whether it whether it will help, but you can install OOo on a USB 
key. There is a How-To at
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Thank you, this is interesting.
- what type of installation should I choose? single user - all users - 
net? (actually I have tried out the net installation, but on the target 
computer when I tried to run program/soffice.exe it started the setup 
process: so should I do a single or all users installation instead - 
which one?)

- I wonder if this technique is working on a CD-ROM too?
- what if I choose not to install Java for compatibility (the target 
computer maybe doesn't have it installed). What features of Impress 
requires the JRE?

- will this technique be available with the OO.o 2.0? (if yes and with a 
working Impress 2.0 native video playback the problem would be solved 
and Impress would be ready for widespread professional use)

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Re: [dev] Idea of academic Impress use

2005-02-16 Thread Dr. Iglói Gábor
Juergen Helmers írta:
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 11:25, "Dr. Iglói Gábor" wrote:

- will this technique be available with the OO.o 2.0? (if yes and with a
working Impress 2.0 native video playback the problem would be solved
and Impress would be ready for widespread professional use)

I have tried all the dev releases of the upcoming OO 2.0 under Linux. Last I 
have had in use is the 1.9.77 release. In none of these the native insertion 
of video file in any format that I have tried (raw, avi, xvid, divx, mpg 
mpeg4) has worked. It simply can't play any of the formats I throw at it. 
There seems to be no configuration option. Does anybody have an idea how to 
get this going?

I have to completely agree with the initial poster. The support of video files 
is absolutely essential for a presentation in the scientific community. I 
usually work around the ppt file problem, by simply bringing my own laptop 


Well, I have managed to insert MPEG-1 type mpg videos in OO.o pre-2.0.
(I can convert my videos to this type with the following commands under 
mencoder -of mpeg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video -oac copy 
source.avi -o pretarget.mpg
mplayer pretarget.mpg -dumpvideo -dumpfile target.mpg
you need mplayer for this)

The good thing about this that you don't need to worry about wheter the 
host computer will be able to play back your videos (eg will the proper 
codecs be installed), because WinXP - and probably earlier Wins - can 
handle natively this format (through MCI) without any codecs. And if you 
set the bitrate (with -lavcopts vbitrate=) to 1100 kbps then you get a 
DivX-like quality, small filesize and continous motion of picture - even 
from a bare CD-ROM. So I found this format ideal for presentations.

In the OO.o pre-2.0 (maybe 1.9.76, haven't tried 77 yet) I was able to 
insert this type of video clips. The playback hasn't fit to fullscreen 
and was not perfect in all aspects but I think this is a preview version 
and will be improved later.

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[dev] Is this the right place?

2005-03-02 Thread Dr. Iglói Gábor
I'm just downloading the Beta Candidate of 2.0. I would 
like to ask where to report my reflections about it - if there will be 
any - to reach the developers the best?

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[dev] Developing OpenOffice Software

2005-03-10 Thread Dr. Frank A. Zak

I would like to contribute to the development of the OpenOffice software. What 
do I do to sign up?

-- Frank Zak --

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Re: [dev] Idea of academic Impress use

2005-02-17 Thread Dr. Iglói Gábor
Michael Mikowski írta:
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 08:19, Kai Ahrens wrote:

Hi Juergen,
the media playback implementation depends on an installed media backend
on your system.
[ Discussion of making presentation available on any PC ]

There have been some interesting solutions presented here.  How about this 

Why not take a "slimmed down" single CD distro, like feather Linux,
and remaster it to have the minimal set required to run OOo.

The CD's init scripts could even be configured to automatically start up the 

The advantages could be many:
- Would run on almost all x86 hardware; thoroughly transportable
- Prevent use of your presentation without your approval
- Easy distribution by CD
-- Mike
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I've already heard of that (with Knoppix). The problem is that you can't 
say that Linux will run on all available PC hardware. Let's take for 
example the problem of a secondary displays: you can't guarantee that 
the current Linux X drivers will handle all types of video cards and you 
can easily find yourself in a situation when the presentation won't go 
out to the secondary (projector) device. Then you just stand there with 
your CD in hand and...

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Re: [dev] Idea of academic Impress use

2005-02-17 Thread Prof. Dr. Eduard Werner / Edward Wornar
ÅtwÃrtk 17 februara 200514:32 "Dr. IglÃi GÃbor" pisaÅe:
> >The advantages could be many:
> >
> >- Would run on almost all x86 hardware; thoroughly transportable
> >- Prevent use of your presentation without your approval
> >- Easy distribution by CD
> >
> >-- Mike

> I've already heard of that (with Knoppix). The problem is that you can't
> say that Linux will run on all available PC hardware. Let's take for
> example the problem of a secondary displays: you can't guarantee that
> the current Linux X drivers will handle all types of video cards and you
> can easily find yourself in a situation when the presentation won't go
> out to the secondary (projector) device. Then you just stand there with
> your CD in hand and...

I never had such a problem (and I'm using linux for 13 years now). Much more 
probable is that your knoppix boot sequence will choke on some weird BIOS and 
that it won't boot at all. But then, take a presentation with unicode chars 
from a Mac and try to run it on Powerpoint under Windows and you will already 
see how compatibility crumbles down on you. When I was organizing a 
conference, I received several presentations by email beforehand because my 
colleagues wanted to make sure that it will show up correctly -- mind you, 
they were expecting me to use Powerpoint (they didn't have the foggiest it 
would be OO and Impress under Linux) and they still were in doubt about the 
compatibility to their own PP presentations :-) 

If you want to be dead sure, you have to take slides, or bring your own 
computer. But then, you could always send the people organizing the 
conference a knoppix CD beforehand and ask them whether it boots.



Prof. Dr. Eduard Werner / Edward Wornar
Institut fÃr Sorabistik, UniversitÃt Leipzig
Beethovenstr. 15, 04109 Leipzig
GNU PG public key on

There are 10 types of people, those that understand binary and those that 

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