Re: [OSM-dev] Road Speed In South Africa Geotab

2016-09-15 Thread Paul Norman
No one has replied, likely because it's not a really a dev@ subject, so 
I'll provide some basic info.

On 9/13/2016 2:34 AM, Riaan Grobler wrote:

*Problem* : We are experiencing more and more road that do not have 
updated road speed, see below as an example attached

Road speed coverage will vary road class and region, and also if a 
mapper in the region really cares about mapping all the maxspeed data. I 
wouldn't expect it to be complete.

   The other problem is that once a update runs it 
over writes all the users information.

That sounds like a technical problem with the process you're using to 
update. In general you want a process which will allow you to update 
your data without manual intervention.

From the information here it sounds like you're making what's called a 
"derivative database" in the license, in which case it is licensed under 
the ODbL like OSM data is and you have to be able to provide that 
database to others.

*Resolution* :  I know you can make the changes on the site but I know 
you it needs to be validates first and this takes time.

   Is there a way to speed up the process if we 
supply you with all the details  with pictures.

There isn't a validation step between a user making changes and the data 
being available to everyone. OpenStreetMap is crowd-sourced project 
built around individuals mapping areas they know. Nor is permission 
required to map except in exceptional cases like imports and mechanical 

If you have noticed a problem with our map data, for example a road is 
missing or your address, the best way to proceed is to join the 
OpenStreetMap community and add or repair the data yourself.

The pictures aren't necessary for OpenStreetMap itself, but would be 
useful to both the OpenStreetView and Mapillary projects, both of which 
collect geotagged road photos.

   Is the above files the correct places to get 
the most up to date maps for South Africa ?

The Geofabrik data extracts are provided as a service to the community 
by Geofabrik, a consulting and software firm specializing in 
OpenStreetMap. Their extracts are operated daily. It's possible to get 
more frequent updates directly from, but 
significantly more work is required if you only want South Africa.
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[OSM-dev] user closing lots of notes / howto revert?

2016-09-15 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Is there a way to bulk-download or even better bulk-reopen the notes a user
has closed? Recently a new user has closed 204 notes all over the place and
without commenting and replying "fgdjfjdks" to mappers contacting him, so
he was blocked by DWG.

The wiki suggests
this URL:
but this will split the results into pages of 10 (i.e. in this case 21
pages). Is there a way to raise this limit or maybe even download all of
them in one go?

Once you got the note IDs, which URL / API call will reopen it?

Thank you,
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] RFC: OSM data format MIME types

2016-09-15 Thread Jochen Topf
On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 08:49:24AM +0200, Colin Smale wrote:
> Why the distinction for "historical"? The XML format is the same, isn't
> it? The "normal" version just limits itself to a single (the most
> recent) version - it a simple subset of "historical". 

There is one difference, the "visible" attribute is usually only
available in history files.

But the more important reason in my opinion is the use of those files is
different. A program that can read one type of file might not
necessarily cope with the other. And if it can, it might do different
things based on which type of file it is. I have been running into this
problem developing Osmium, that a program can't "just do the right
thing" if it doesn't know whether an input file is a normal data file or
a history file. (And there is no way to find out until you find the
first objects with multiple versions in there (which is not trivial to
find out if files are not sorted (which they don't have to be.)))

Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] RFC: OSM data format MIME types

2016-09-15 Thread Jochen Topf
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 08:55:16PM -0700, Paul Norman wrote:
> I'm planning on registering MIME types for OSM formats in the vendor tree
> and could use feedback. If you're unfamiliar with registering MIME types,
> is a reasonable
> overview for a registration that took place with a different format.
> The obvious type for OSM XML is application/vnd.osm+xml, but there are a few
> unanswered questions

Why not application/vns.openstreetmap... ? Longer, but much easier to
understand and search for.

> - Is .osc a different type? I'm think yes. Tools that parse one don't
> normally accept the other in its place, they normally have different file
> suffixes, and the top-level XML elements are different.
> - Is osc returned from the server a different type from what is uploaded?
> I'm inclined towards no. This is more a matter of selection of valid
> identifiers.
> - Where does history fit in
> I'm inclined towards
> - application/vnd.osm+xml for OSM XML
> - application/vnd.osm.osc+xml for OsmChange XML
> - application/vnd.osm.osh+xml for historical XML
> - application/vnd.osm.osmpbf for current data PBFs. pbf is not a MIME
> suffix.
> - application/vnd.osm.oshpbf for historical PBFs.
> - application/vnd.osm.o5m
> - application/vnd.osm.o5c

These all more or less are the file suffixes used. How about something


Not sure myself. The naming and file formats are a mess as they are. :-(

> I'm not sure where to slot changeset data into this. Changeset data can be
> present in an OSM XML file alongside other data (e.g. with planet dumps) or
> standalone.

Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] RFC: OSM data format MIME types

2016-09-15 Thread Simon Legner

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 5:55 AM, Paul Norman  wrote:
> I'm planning on registering MIME types for OSM formats in the vendor tree
> and could use feedback.

When we aim for standardization, we could also give the XML scheme for
OSM XML [1] some love and release it as the one OSM XML scheme. With
the rising number of applications writing OSM XML interoperability
issues arise. Often it is unclear which of both application omits
required fields/attributes and/or takes optional files/attributes for



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OSM API lookups to complement minutely diffs?

2016-09-15 Thread Stefan Keller
I'm setting up a Kafka publish-subscribe messaging system delivering
minutely diffs.

AFAIK augmented diffs are rather an experimental feature and I'd like
to avoid the latency time and blackouts of overpass which runs in same
server. So I'm concentrating on the main OSM API.

Now, osmChange XML like obviously does
not include all info (e.g. tags) from ref nodes/ways/relations.

I'm not looking for specific info but I'd like to get at least all
data about nodes/ways/relations which are created/modified/deleted in
a changeset.

Is it OK to do API lookups like this,4400821613 even for
minutely diffs? Any alternatives?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM API lookups to complement minutely diffs?

2016-09-15 Thread Ian Dees
On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Stefan Keller  wrote:

> I'm setting up a Kafka publish-subscribe messaging system delivering
> minutely diffs.
> AFAIK augmented diffs are rather an experimental feature and I'd like
> to avoid the latency time and blackouts of overpass which runs in same
> server. So I'm concentrating on the main OSM API.

I've also experimented with this sort of thing and ran into similar hiccups
as you.

Also, if you want to further reduce latency don't forget about the
streaming replication service:

Last I checked it wasn't running, and I think TomH would be hard pressed to
get it to work again, but if you end up building something that would be
useful for a wide array of people it might be worth revisiting that.

> Now, osmChange XML like
> obviously does
> not include all info (e.g. tags) from ref nodes/ways/relations.
> I'm not looking for specific info but I'd like to get at least all
> data about nodes/ways/relations which are created/modified/deleted in
> a changeset.
> Is it OK to do API lookups like this
>,4400821613 even for
> minutely diffs? Any alternatives?

This is where I stopped working on this idea. I ended up making *lots* of
requests to the API server to fill in missing data and I didn't think it
would be very nice to my fellow mappers if I scaled that up and made it run

At this point I started experimenting with ways of maintaining a full
history database to help make these sorts of lookups more performant, but
then ran out of time to work on this project.

I think a more interesting path forward for this kind of problem is to
resurrect the aforementioned streaming replication protocol and modify it
to include changeset and "augmented diff"-style information. My intuition
says that making smart SQL queries against a read replica database rather
than adding API load might be more efficient and useful for lots of
consumers. I'm happy to be proven wrong, though.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM API lookups to complement minutely diffs?

2016-09-15 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 09/15/2016 10:53 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
> AFAIK augmented diffs are rather an experimental feature and I'd like
> to avoid the latency time and blackouts of overpass which runs in same
> server. So I'm concentrating on the main OSM API.

This reads to me like:

"There is a third-party service that solves the problem I have, but
because it is experimental, I would like to build my own experimental
third-party service instead" ;)

The augmented diffs were made to solve exactly the problem you have. The
underlying idea that Overpass implements - load updates from OSM into
its own full history database and generate augmented diffs using that
database - is by far the best solution in terms of load caused on the
central servers. It also scales nicely; if a thousand people decide to
run Overpass instances to produce their own augmented diffs then the API
won't suffer.

If you cannot work with overpass but must implement your own version of
that, then you should at least copy the principle. The central OSM API
is meant to support editing activity and doesn't scale to support use
cases like yours (especially if others come after you and decide they
need their own system because yours is experimental ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM API lookups to complement minutely diffs?

2016-09-15 Thread Paul Norman

On 9/15/2016 1:53 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:

Is it OK to do API lookups like this,4400821613  even for
minutely diffs? Any alternatives?

No, particularly if your code takes off and multiple people start 
running it. I would guess that it would hit rate limits and be 
automatically blocked.

If all you need is node positions this can be done fairly efficiently 
for the entire planet with something like osm2pgsql flat-nodes. If you 
need full information this takes more space. But you should consider if 
you're just rebuilding augmented diffs.

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