[OSM-dev] Open sourcing OSMfocus android application

2018-07-09 Thread Michael Larsen

I have open-sourced the Android application OSMfocus, which is an application 
that provides detailed OpenStreetMap data insight from an Android device. The 
thinking is that keeping our data updated requires an application that can one 
can use in the field to review existing data and detect required updates.

The source can be found on github:


Should anyone want to contribute and maintain this application I encourage 


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[OSM-dev] Changeset meta 'comments_count'

2016-10-20 Thread Michael Larsen

Changeset metadata contains the attribute 'comments_count' which I assume is 
the number of notes attached to a changeset. However, now I see that it is 
zero for changesets with comments, e.g. see the one below.  I suspect this is 
a recent change?  The API page does not mention this attribute AFAIK, so maybe 
this is an unused and deprecated feature?

Any thoughts?



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM API lookups to complement minutely diffs?

2016-09-18 Thread Michael Larsen

Last time I tried consuming augmented diffs on a minutely basis, I hit the 
load-limitations which meant that I could not consume augmented diffs for some 
time afterwards, i.e. this will lead to black holes in your history.

Also, using timestamp start/end to fetch diffs for a given timestamp (like 
avachi) is problematic with some changesets that stay open for > 1 hours (this 
happens quite ofter). The live service running on osm.expandable.dk use the 
API as described previously to get the augmented diff for a changeset. If 
there where a better way I'm all ears!


On søndag den 18. september 2016 01.59.57 CEST Stefan Keller wrote:
> Thanks mmd,
> As said, I'd like to fetch the latest available augmented diff and
> keep uptodate.
> So, to understand it correctly:
> Every minute I first call the
> http://overpass-api.de/api/augmented_diff_status which returns an id,
> e.g. 2111988,
> then I fetch the augmented diff file
> http://overpass-api.de/api/augmented_diff?id=2111988
> Just want to be sure that this is the correct way to use the API.
> :Stefan
> 2016-09-17 16:48 GMT+02:00 mmd :
> > Am 15.09.2016 um 22:53 schrieb Stefan Keller:
> >> I'm setting up a Kafka publish-subscribe messaging system delivering
> >> minutely diffs.
> >> 
> >> AFAIK augmented diffs are rather an experimental feature and I'd like
> >> to avoid the latency time and blackouts of overpass which runs in same
> >> server. So I'm concentrating on the main OSM API.
> >> 
> >> Now, osmChange XML like
> >> http://www.osm.org/api/0.6/changeset/42143238/download obviously does
> >> not include all info (e.g. tags) from ref nodes/ways/relations.
> >> 
> >> I'm not looking for specific info but I'd like to get at least all
> >> data about nodes/ways/relations which are created/modified/deleted in
> >> a changeset.
> > 
> > This sounds a lot like what achavi is doing right now.
> > 
> > Note that with the introduction of the famous 'attic' concept, augmented
> > diffs are nowadays simply translated into a plain Overpass QL query and
> > calculated on the fly.
> > 
> > This also means that you don't have to stick to a minute interval or a
> > global scope as before: you're free to provide time intervals matching a
> > changeset (like achavi does), or restrict the adiff to a certain
> > bounding box or even some nodes/ways/relations with certain tags only.
> > 
> > There's no XSD around, the wiki page should answer most questions,
> > though. In general, the Overpass Dev list would be a good place for more
> > details and discussions. [1]
> > 
> > [1] http://listes.openstreetmap.fr/wws/info/overpass
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > dev mailing list
> > dev@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/dev
> ___
> dev mailing list
> dev@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/dev

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Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass-API 0.7.52 : HTTP 429 error even after kill_my_queries

2016-06-11 Thread Michael Larsen

A while back I tried consuming augmented diffs from overpass API 
(sequentially, once per minute), with similar results.  My conclusion back 
then was that the rate limiting algorithm had other ways of attributing your 
load on overpass than merely the number of simultaneous connections. My guess 
is that your queries are simply 'too big' and placed 'too closely' in time to 
be allowed by the rate limiting algorithm. If you add some delay between your 
queries I guess they will be fine.

Back when trying to consume minutely augmented diffs I ended up concluding 
that this was not possible on a minutely basis due to the rate limiting 
algorithm, unfortunately.


On søndag den 12. juni 2016 00.53.08 CEST François Lacombe wrote:
> Hi all,
> It seems that GET kill_my_queries request won't prevent oAPI to give HTTP
> 429 error.
> I'm curently using a script which send synchronously 10 queries to oAPI on
> http://overpass-api.de/api (v0.7.52).
> It calls kill_my_queries between each (even if it sounds useless, just to
> really be sure no other request is still pending from my IP).
> And this is what I get in the log :
> [00:42:07] Kill Overpass-API OK : No query running from IP
> [00:42:08] oAPI request : [timeout:480];
> area["ISO3166-1"="FX"]["admin_level"="3"]->.france;  (node (area.france)
> ["power"="substation"] ["operator"="RTE"]  ["substation"="transmission"]
> ["ref:FR:RTE_nom"](newer:"2016-06-10T23:00:00+0200"); way  (area.france)
> ["power"="substation"]  ["operator"="RTE"]  ["substation"="transmission"]
> ["ref:FR:RTE_nom"](newer:"2016-06-10T23:00:00+0200")); out body;>; out skel;
> [00:42:23] HTTP 429 runtime error: open64: 0 Success
> /osm3s_v0.7.52_osm_base
> Dispatcher_Client::request_read_and_idx::rate_limited. Another request from
> your IP is still running.
> [00:42:24] Kill Overpass-API OK : No query running from IP
> [00:42:25] oAPI request : [timeout:480];
> area["ISO3166-1"="FX"]["admin_level"="3"]->.france;  (node (area.france)
> ["power"="substation"]["substation"="distribution"]["ref:FR:RTE_nom"]
> (newer:"2016-06-10T23:00:00+0200"); way (area.france)
> ["power"="substation"] ["substation"="distribution"]["ref:FR:RTE_nom"]
> (newer:"2016-06-10T23:00:00+0200")); out body;>; out skel;
> [00:42:40] HTTP 429 runtime error: open64: 0 Success
> /osm3s_v0.7.52_osm_base
> Dispatcher_Client::request_read_and_idx::rate_limited. Another request from
> your IP is still running.
> and so on...
> Can someone explain why kill_my_queries tells there is no request and then
> an interpreter call fails in HTTP 429 ?
> Kind regards
> François
> --
> *François Lacombe*
> fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com
> www.infos-reseaux.com
> @InfosReseaux 

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Changeset without bbox

2015-05-17 Thread Michael Larsen

I recently observed a changeset which does not have a bbox (the 'min_lat', 
'max_lat' etc. tags).   The changeset re-orderes members of a relation, so it 
is not a typical changeset and maybe this is the expected behavior since no 
nodes are directly involved?

The changeset is here:

The web-map-view from the URL below also does not show the bbox nor does it 
zoom to the area for the changeset. This indicates to me that the bbox was 
expected by the web-map-view backend...?



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