Re: [OSM-dev] Paging the tile server admins

2011-04-27 Thread Ramas
On 27 April 2011 12:25, Grant Slater  wrote:

> Hi NopMap
> On 27 April 2011 09:29, NopMap  wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Paging the admins of the OSM tile servers. I'd like to get in touch about
> > the topic of mass downloaders. It appears that some problems first become
> > visible on small tile servers like my own, but hit the main tile servers
> a
> > while later, so it might be a good thing to share experiences. E.g. MOABC
> > was an issue for my server in december and had to be blocked on the main
> > servers about three months later.
> >
> Yes, the MOBAC app is becoming a serious problem for the
> server. Earlier versions fake a Firefox user-agent. I have had to
> reduce max tile QOS limit downward in an attempt to control the
> situation. Allowing mass tile scraping is not sustainable.
> A lively thread when I restricted the Faked user-agent:

This QOS limit is real problem for applications which doesn't works like
bulk downloaders but does many requests to tile server.
Maybe we could do some excludes for "good" applications (like proxy caches)
and rought limits for "bad" applications?
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Paging the tile server admins

2011-04-27 Thread Ramas
By qualifing application. Maybe admins could approve applications for
different tile usage rates and give them some secure access?

On 27 April 2011 14:39, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:

> And how does one go about getting qualified as a "good" application?
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Paging the tile server admins

2011-04-27 Thread Ramas
Problem is experienced after some time of browsing behind tile proxy cache,
when tile downloading tooks 200-300 seconds.
How much is 'large number of uncache tiles...'?

On 27 April 2011 15:46, Grant Slater  wrote:

> Can you expand on where the problem is being experienced?
> The "QOS" only kicks in if a large number of uncached tiles are
> download in a short period of time.
> Regards
>  Grant
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to get all members of relations into GIS?

2012-03-07 Thread Ramas
i have made some processing scripts for public transport relations. Daily
dumps you can get here -
And working example -,24.93903,15,MT


On 7 March 2012 13:16, Jukka Rahkonen  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was playing with layered PDF and tram routes of Helsinki. It was  easy
> to find the tram routes as lines from osm_line table and plot them as
> separate layers into pdf file so that their visibility can be toggled
> individually.
> Background map: Copyright Karttakeskus, 2012
> Layers may not be selectable with other viewers than Adobe Acrobat Viewer.
> Now I would like to add also tram stops into the corresponding tram line
> layers so I could label them and toggle their visibility together with the
> route. It will be no problem once I get the tram stops somehow into
> PostGIS so that I can select them with something like
> SELECT tram_stops FROM some_table WHERE route_ref='7A';
> Is there any ready made tools for that? I suppose that osm2pgsql cannot
> handle this case because the connection between tram route and tram stops
> is defined in the route relation and osm2pgsql is not made for solving
> such relations.
> Here is one example of tram route relations:
> I would like to get the route line segments and tram stop points (with
> attributes) into PostGIS, Spatialite, shapefiles, GML, or any other
> general GIS format that is supported by GDAL for further processing. Any
> suggestions about how to do it?
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ___
> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to get all members of relations into GIS?

2012-03-13 Thread Ramas
sure -
this is plsql functions to convert public transport relations in pgsnapshot
schema to simple ways with reference tags

On 12 March 2012 18:05, Peter Körner  wrote:

> Am 07.03.2012 17:27, schrieb Ramas:
>  Hi,
>> i have made some processing scripts for public transport relations.
>> Daily dumps you can get here - 
>> And working example - 
> Would you mind sharing the sourcode of those processing scripts?
> Peter
> __**_
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Re: [OSM-dev] Tirex compilation bug

2012-03-21 Thread Ramas

On 21 March 2012 14:31, Valery N.  wrote:

> Hi,
> I just try to compile Tirex from sources and face next error:
> *user@optiplex:~/mapnik2/tirex$ make*
> *cd backend-mapnik; make*
> *make[1]: Entering directory `/home/user/mapnik2/tirex/backend-mapnik'*
> *g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I
> /usr/include/freetype2/ -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2-c -o renderd.o
> * In member function ‘bool
> RenderDaemon::loadMapnikWrapper(const char*)’:*
> * error: expected type-specifier*
> * error: expected unqualified-id before ‘cfgerr’*
> * error: expected ‘)’ before ‘cfgerr’*
> * error: expected ‘{’ before ‘cfgerr’*
> * error: ‘cfgerr’ was not declared in this scope*
> * error: expected ‘;’ before ‘)’ token*
> *make[1]: *** [renderd.o] Error 1*
> *make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/mapnik2/tirex/backend-mapnik'*
> *make: *** [build] Error 2*
> Installed under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Mapnik 2 (from sources)
> ___
> dev mailing list
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[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql invalid polygons

2012-05-06 Thread Ramas
Hi devs,
how do you solve problem with skipped invalid polygons? Seems new geos lib
fails to validate relations like this:

with error:
Self-intersection at or near point 2889220.240002 7470212.12

I patched osm2pgsql and it allows to import such polygons. Mapnik renders
it correctly. Does we need such validations?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql invalid polygons

2012-05-07 Thread Ramas
>From user point this relation is correct but from geos point - not. The
problem is that this polygon(and many others) was skipped without any
warnings. You cannot fix it if you dont know where error is.

On 7 May 2012 01:17, Sven Geggus  wrote:

> Ramas  wrote:
> > how do you solve problem with skipped invalid polygons?
> Fix it in the osm database?
> > with error:
> > Self-intersection at or near point 2889220.240002 7470212.12
> This does not look as a valid polygon to me at leadt in OGC Simple
> Features terms.  This could arguably get fixed in osm2pgsql code
> because it is know how it is meant to be in this case, but it is not
> a valid OGC Simple Features polygon.
> Just add an additional way around 160596899 and 160596916 and declare
> this one of type inner.
> > I patched osm2pgsql and it allows to import such polygons. Mapnik renders
> > it correctly.
> Not a good Idea IMO because there is more than Mapnik and quite a lot
> of the spatial operations in postgis will not work with invalid
> geometries.
> >Does we need such validations?
> I definitely think we do. If osm2pgsql does import and render invalid
> polygons they will never get fixes in the database.
> Sven
> --
> Trotz der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Linux erfreut sich der Bär,
> und - dank Knut - insbesondere der Eisbär, deutlich größerer
> Beliebtheit als der Pinguin. (Gefunden bei
> /me is giggls@ircnet, on the Web
> ___
> dev mailing list
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[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql: super slow relations

2012-07-17 Thread Ramas
after some updates in my system osm2pgsql relation processing in slim mode
become very slow:

Node-cache: cache=100MB, maxblocks=12801*8192, allocation method=11
Mid: pgsql, scale=100 cache=100
Setting up table: planet_osm_nodes
Setting up table: planet_osm_ways
Setting up table: planet_osm_rels

Reading in file: -
Processing: Node(9142k 97.3k/s) Way(730k 10.44k/s) Relation(16262 0.71/s)
 parse time: *23107s*

Node stats: total(9142106), max(1828269276) in 94s
Way stats: total(730829), max(171855770) in 70s
Relation stats: total(16262), max(2284768) in *22943s*

All this time postgresql cpu usage was 100% without any errors or notices.
I tried different osm2pgsql, libgeos, postgis versions with no luck.
Any thoughts?
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql: super slow relations

2012-07-17 Thread Ramas
fsync = off
synchronous_commit = on
autovacuum = off
checkpoint_segments = 30

PostgreSQL 9.1.4

On 17 July 2012 18:04, sly (sylvain letuffe)  wrote:

> Le mardi 17 juillet 2012 16:03:55, Ramas a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > after some updates in my system osm2pgsql relation processing in slim
> mode
> > become very slow:
> What's values are your
> fsync and synchronous_commit settings in postgresql.conf ?
> With fsync = on I've seen the same behaviour as yours, try turning it off
> to
> see if speed is increased ?
> --
> sly (sylvain letuffe)
> ___
> dev mailing list
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Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: Osmosis - Cutting out a bounding box from a diff file (.osc)

2012-09-05 Thread Ramas
You can check tool osmupdate which has option to clip data outside

On 5 September 2012 16:06, Stéphane Henriod  wrote:

> thanks for your anwers!
> But it looks like I have a problem now...
>1. I need to keep the tables ways, rels and nodes because of the diff
>2. Those 3 tables will continue growing up with each new diff, until I
>reach the storage capacity of the server
> The only solution I see is a post-processing that will erase from PostGIS
> all the nodes lying outside my bounding box + all the ways using one of
> thses nodes + all the relations using one of thses nodes or one of these
> ways.
> Except if anyone else has a magical solution...
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Augmented Diffs

2012-09-17 Thread Ramas
On 17 September 2012 17:15, andrzej zaborowski  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 7 September 2012 08:26, Komяpa  wrote:
> > Augmented diffs is one of the most awaited features for me, thanks for
> > implementing :3
> >
> > It makes possible to eliminate the need for slim tables in osm2pgsql
> > database.
> It doesn't seem that this was specifically the purpose of Roland's
> augmented diffs, but this a very good idea too.  Implemented naively
> as someone mentioned such diffs could be huge, so I'm thinking that
> rather than include the WKT of the new geometry with every element,
> perhaps you need some form of geometry diff description.  When a node
> is added or moved in a way, it makes sense to only include the part of
> the WKT that has changed, both for the way element, and any relations
> containing that way.

Only if this diff is smaller than whole definition.
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