Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-07 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008, Sjors Provoost wrote:

 1 - import SRTM data for (part of) Australia
 2 - write several algorithms to estimate the height of any given
 coordinate (server side), using original STRM grid
 3 - display (on the fly) an altitude profile given a route (a sequence
 of nodes). Drawing done server side.
 5 - integrate with the main website (on a dev server)

This sounds good to me.  I'd also suggest considering implementing an API 
for clients to get at the SRTM altitude data.  Ideas that spring to mind 
1. A simplistic solution: clients can request the elevation at a given 
lat/lon and the server returns the interpolated elevation.
2. Slightly more complex: clients can supply two lat/lon tuples and the 
server returns a list of elevations along the line between them.
3. Even more complex: as with (2) but return the data as bezier (or 
similar) curves.

You're going to need to be able to generate this data anyway, so making it 
accessible via an HTTP API should be quite trivial.

 For method 1 I will write a ruby script that imports the SRTM data and
 will use the source code of SRTM for inspiration.

Where are you going to import it to?  Consider using PostGIS since this 
will allow spacial referencing of the data (but you may need to experi

 For long straight roads there is another problem: a road may go up and
 down several times between two consecutive nodes. I will calculate the
 altitude along several extra points along this way, although this may
 not be very accurate.

Generating parametric curves (as mentioned above) or the line between 2 
points would probably be the best way of attacking this problem.

 For method 2 I will calculate the intersection of each way with an
 altitude contour. This method does not suffer from the
 long-straight-road problem.

I'm not sure why this doesn't suffer from the same problem - the only 
issue I can see with ways that have very sparse nodes is that long 
straight sections may, in fact, not be straight in the real world (which 
there is nothing you can do about - the results are only as accurate as 
the source data).

 I think that method 2 will be more difficult to implement and require
 much more data and processing power. That's why I moved it to the
 secondary goals. If it turns out method 1 is resource intense and/or
 good enough, I will skip method 2.

I posted some estimated figures for storing the entire SRTM3 data set as 
10m contours in PostGIS a while ago - about half a terabyte.  I think your 
best option is to stick with the raw grid and write a system to generate 
parametric curves of elevation for arbitrary vectors across it on-the-fly.

 Initially I would like to use Gnuplot for the visualization, because
 it is simple to use. However, if time permits, I would like to
 generate the profile plot client side and more fancy. The client will
 simply receive a list of (x,y) coordinates from the server.

ISTR seeing a PHP library for generating graphs as SVG images - can't 
remember what it was called but something like that may be helpful.

 That separate server can use a stripped
 down version of the OSM database to improve its performance.

This server doesn't really need the OSM database at all - instead of 
sending a list of node IDs to the server, you can just send it a list of 
lat/lon tuples.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-07 Thread Sjors Provoost
Steve Hill wrote:
  Initially I would like to use Gnuplot for the visualization, because
  it is simple to use. However, if time permits, I would like to
  generate the profile plot client side and more fancy. The client will
  simply receive a list of (x,y) coordinates from the server.

  ISTR seeing a PHP library for generating graphs as SVG images - can't
 remember what it was called but something like that may be helpful.

There is a whole page on CSS, PHP, flash and AJAX charts that should be of help:


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-06 Thread Steve Hill
Sjors Provoost wrote:

(Much of the below has already been said by other people, but I thought 
I should express my views)

 2 - estimate the altitude of each node (point) in Australia from the
 neighboring SRTM points

Remember to put a source tag on the data (maybe we need a source:ele tag 
instead to show only the elevation data came from SRTM?)

I am also concerned that elevation tags will become more inaccurate as 
nodes are moved - you should think about adding some support into the 
editors to warn people when they move nodes with elevation data attached 
and ask them if they want to remove the elevation data.

 3 - add extra nodes along long ways with few far-between nodes

I'm unconvinced this is a good idea since you're introducing nodes which 
could well have very inaccurate lat/lon data.  Nodes are usually 
considered to be relatively accurate since they are (generally) 
positioned by using some real data (GPS track, photos, etc).  What you 
are proposing introduces a lot of nodes that have very little relation 
to the real world and for which the elevation data will become 
inaccurate if someone moves them to better represent the real world.

I'm convinced that it is preferable to keep the SRTM data separate and 
just calculate the intersection of the SRTM data with a way when 
producing an altitude profile.  The SRTM data could, of course, be 
pulled from a server rather than having to keep the data set locally.  I 
just don't think polluting the OSM database with many potentially 
inaccurate nodes is a good idea.

 * apply to the whole planet

If you are adding extra nodes this will massively increase the size of 
the OSM data set.

Also, consider how you are going to handle nodes which already have an 
ele tag - are you going to leave them alone?  What about comparing the 
height you calculate with the existing ele tag and do something smart if 
they are grossly different (e.g. tag the node with a warning that the 
elevation should be checked)

 * update render tool to show when roads do not intersect at equal hight

I'm not sure what this means - a junction is a node which is a member of 
multiple ways - that node is going to have a single elevation tag so all 
the roads using it *must* have the same elevation (there is no other way 
of expressing the junction).

If you are talking about ways crossing without a junction (i.e. no 
shared node), I'm unconvinced the elevation data is high enough 
resolution to make a meaningful judgment as to whether the roads are at 
the same height as each other.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-06 Thread Sjors Provoost
Hi Steve,

Thanks for your long reply.

 Sjors Provoost wrote:
  2 - estimate the altitude of each node (point) in Australia from the
  neighboring SRTM points

  Remember to put a source tag on the data (maybe we need a source:ele tag
 instead to show only the elevation data came from SRTM?)

I was thinking about entering as a user with a name like 'SRTM-bot',
so it does not need any special status or treatment. I will work out
your suggestion as well, so people can choose. In general I want to
build a 'modest' system, that doesn't touch other peoples work, but
only fills in the gaps.

  I am also concerned that elevation tags will become more inaccurate as
 nodes are moved - you should think about adding some support into the
 editors to warn people when they move nodes with elevation data attached and
 ask them if they want to remove the elevation data.

In the detailed version of my proposal I considered that situation.
One solution I can think of is to automatically recalculate the
altitude of a moved node, unless anyone changed it manually. With such
a solution, there will be a bot that constantly calculates the
altitude of new and changed nodes. The bot will not touch any altitude
data entered by others, it will just be a default for users that do
not provide altitude data. I will look at the effect on performance
and usability / desirability of such a bot.

It may also be useful to present the user with the altitude profile of
the road he/she is working on.

  3 - add extra nodes along long ways with few far-between nodes

  I'm unconvinced this is a good idea since you're introducing nodes which
 could well have very inaccurate lat/lon data.  Nodes are usually considered
 to be relatively accurate since they are (generally) positioned by using
 some real data (GPS track, photos, etc).  What you are proposing introduces
 a lot of nodes that have very little relation to the real world and for
 which the elevation data will become inaccurate if someone moves them to
 better represent the real world.

  I'm convinced that it is preferable to keep the SRTM data separate and just
 calculate the intersection of the SRTM data with a way when producing an
 altitude profile.  The SRTM data could, of course, be pulled from a server
 rather than having to keep the data set locally.  I just don't think
 polluting the OSM database with many potentially inaccurate nodes is a good

There was a lot of discussion about this issue and good arguments
against my solution, which is why I included step 4: to apply
different methods and compare them. I've now included real time
calculation of altitude from SRTM data.

If I include extra nodes with lower horizontal accuracy, there has to
be a way to tag them as such. If people move them to a new horizontal
position, I can use one of the methods above to recalculate altitude.
Unless a user also specifies the correct altitude, in which case I
won't touch it.

Also in order to reduce the number of additional and potentially
inaccurate nodes, I will ignore ways that have more than 1 node every
200 meters or so. I could also add a criterion for straightness; e.g.
only add nodes on very straight interstates.
 See also below about this.

  * apply to the whole planet

  If you are adding extra nodes this will massively increase the size of the
 OSM data set.

I am not sure whether adding extra points for long roads really has
such a big effect on the size of the planet file; if most of the
database consists of windy roads and dense cities, there may be only a
few ways that need extra nodes. I could ignore any way that has more
than 1 node every 200 meters or so.

I am not saying all will be fine, but I think it is worth trying and
comparing with other methods. It would be great to have a true 3D map,
especially when in a (far?) future you want to do Google Earth and KML
like things.

  Also, consider how you are going to handle nodes which already have an ele
 tag - are you going to leave them alone?  What about comparing the height
 you calculate with the existing ele tag and do something smart if they are
 grossly different (e.g. tag the node with a warning that the elevation
 should be checked)

I will make a comparison for some (or all?) of these cases, but
probably I will not touch them, apart from a warning tag.

  * update render tool to show when roads do not intersect at equal hight

  I'm not sure what this means - a junction is a node which is a member of
 multiple ways - that node is going to have a single elevation tag so all the
 roads using it *must* have the same elevation (there is no other way of
 expressing the junction).

  If you are talking about ways crossing without a junction (i.e. no shared
 node), I'm unconvinced the elevation data is high enough resolution to make
 a meaningful judgment as to whether the roads are at the same height as each

I was referring to the second part. The SRTM data will not be useful
for this, but someone 

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-06 Thread Andy Allan
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Sjors Provoost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was thinking about entering as a user with a name like 'SRTM-bot',


I urge you as strongly as I can - please DO NOT put SRTM-derived
height data into the OSM database.

  One solution I can think of is to automatically recalculate the
  altitude of a moved node

This surely underlines that there is no benefit to having the SRTM
data in the OSM database. If an application needs to know the
SRTM-derived height of the nodes, it should calculate it as and when
it needs to. You appear to have forgotten or not taken into account
that there are many different algorithms for calculating the height of
a given point from SRTM, and there is nothing to say that whichever
algorithm you use will be the best.

3 - add extra nodes along long ways with few far-between nodes

Please do not add nodes to the OSM database for this purpose. It
provides no benefit to the OSM community.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-06 Thread Steve Hill
Sjors Provoost wrote:

 There was a lot of discussion about this issue and good arguments
 against my solution, which is why I included step 4: to apply
 different methods and compare them. I've now included real time
 calculation of altitude from SRTM data.

I don't think you have explained what the benefits of your solution are? 
  What is the benefit of including this data in the OSM database rather 
than having a separate elevation server which you can hand a list of 
lat/lon tuples and get a list of elevations derived from the SRTM dataset.

Surveying and putting elevation data in the node is a sensible idea (but 
the editors should do something like erase the elevation if someone 
moves the node).  However, what you are suggesting is not surveying for 
each node - you are suggesting interpolating from an existing data set 
and I think this will lead to inaccurate and misleading elevation data 
being recorded at the node.

For example, the elevation data for a path along the edge of a high 
cliff is going to be very inaccurate because you will be interpolating 
between a sample on top of the cliff and a sample below the cliff.  If 
the node were surveyed properly, you would know the actual elevation of 
the node instead of the inaccurate interpolated height.

 If I include extra nodes with lower horizontal accuracy, there has to
 be a way to tag them as such.

Which means all the programs which handle the data have to handle your 
nodes in a special way.  It doesn't seem like a good solution to me.

 I am not sure whether adding extra points for long roads really has
 such a big effect on the size of the planet file; if most of the
 database consists of windy roads and dense cities, there may be only a
 few ways that need extra nodes. I could ignore any way that has more
 than 1 node every 200 meters or so.

Not only are you adding new nodes (I suspect this will be a significant 
number since there are a lot of roads with low node frequency, such as 
motorways), but you are also adding several new tags to the 230 million 
existing nodes - this is a significant amount of data (there are about 
750 million tags on nodes at the moment, so the amount you are proposing 
adding is a significant proportion).

 I am not saying all will be fine, but I think it is worth trying and
 comparing with other methods. It would be great to have a true 3D map,
 especially when in a (far?) future you want to do Google Earth and KML
 like things.

Yes, it would be great to have a true 3D map, but I don't think you have 
made your case as to why you need to add this data into the main OSM 
database instead of keeping it separate.  Also, if you want to do 
something like Google Earth, you're going to need elevations for all of 
the land, not just the nodes along ways.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-06 Thread Sjors Provoost
Andy wrote:
  I urge you as strongly as I can - please DO NOT put SRTM-derived
  height data into the OSM database.

And Steve wrote:
 I don't think you have explained what the benefits of your solution are?
 What is the benefit of including this data in the OSM database rather than 
 a separate elevation server which you can hand a list of lat/lon tuples and 
 a list of elevations derived from the SRTM dataset.

My original idea was to convert the OSM database from 2D to 3D. Each
node would then have not only latitude and longitude, but also
altitude. I would populate the database with an initial guess of this
altitude based on SRTM. Everyone would be free to change them, just
like with latitudes and longitudes. The main advantage is that
altitude would be nothing fundamentally different, which is very
intuitive for me. You have made the disadvantages quite clear, so I
will change my proposal.

So no 3D nodes (and no interpolation). I'll get back to you quickly
with the new version.

Kind regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-05 Thread Sjors Provoost
Hello everyone,

Thank you for all the feedback and discussion about my proposal. It
seems clear to me that I should consider several approaches for
incorporating altitude data. It also became clear to me that using the
GPS data is probably not a good idea. I have made several changes to
my proposal. This is the new summary:

My core objectives / deliverables are:
1 - import SRTM data for Australia
2 - estimate the altitude of each node (point) in Australia from the
neighboring SRTM points
3 - add extra nodes along long ways with few far-between nodes
4 - try and compare alternatives for 2  3.
5 - display (on the fly) an altitude profile given a route (a sequence of nodes)
6 - investigate methods to visualize and edit altitude data

Secondary goals, if time permits:
* apply to the whole planet
* update editors to display and edit altitude data
* update render tool to show when roads do not intersect at equal hight

I have removed the GPS part of my proposal and will use that time in
stead to consider the effect, problems and possibilities of altitude
data in more parts of the OSM system than just the database. I also
have more space to work on different approaches, in stead of just one.
We can then have the discussion which one is best.

Please let me know how you think about this version and if should make
some more changes this weekend.

Kind regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread Robert Vollmert

On Mar 31, 2008, at 12:00, Andy Robinson (blackadder) wrote:
 Also as a civil engineer I can see some merit in having elevation  
 data for
 physical objects in the database. However, we don't really have a  
 good way
 of collecting data that is remotely accurate to the level at which  
 it would
 be significantly useful. Non survey grade GPS just doesn't cut  
 muster for
 height data so we should never rely upon that. Even the Ordnance  
 doesn't currently record height data from survey grade GPS.

Not sure how common they are, but there's some GPS units with built-in  
barometer (Garmin Etrex Vista HCX at least). The data they provide  
should be good enough to be useful.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread Sjors Provoost
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:02 PM, Robert Vollmert

  On Mar 31, 2008, at 12:00, Andy Robinson (blackadder) wrote:
   Also as a civil engineer I can see some merit in having elevation
   data for
   physical objects in the database. However, we don't really have a
   good way
   of collecting data that is remotely accurate to the level at which
   it would
   be significantly useful. Non survey grade GPS just doesn't cut
   muster for
   height data so we should never rely upon that. Even the Ordnance
   doesn't currently record height data from survey grade GPS.

  Not sure how common they are, but there's some GPS units with built-in
  barometer (Garmin Etrex Vista HCX at least). The data they provide
  should be good enough to be useful.

Is the problem with non survey grade GPS that they are just
inaccurate, or are they somehow biased? Are we talking about 1 meter,
10 meters or a 100 meters inaccuracy? Perhaps the average of of lot of
measurements at the same spot is more reliable?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread MilesTogoe
Andy Robinson (blackadder) wrote:
 Sjors Provoost wrote:
 Sent: 30 March 2008 12:06 PM
 To: MilesTogoe
 Cc:; Karl Newman
 Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data  (cycle) route profiles

 On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 3:14 PM, MilesTogoe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Frederik Ramm wrote:
   I was thinking about adding nodes to long ways. This may sound a bit
   ugly at first, but not if you consider the fact that the SRTM
   provides real information about these points along long ways. It is
   just that the latitude and longitude are not reliable, only the
   altitude is.
   Doesn't sound very good to me, adding nodes to existing ways just to
   import height... I'd rather have the height as a separate info. Much
   like a road that enters a forest; I don't put a node at that point
   just to say that this node represents the road entering the forest - I
   just model the forest as an extra entity and whoever needs to can
   compute the point.
   Also, having SRTM data as nodes in OSM touches on the often discussed
   topic of immutable data. Would it be ok for people to edit individual
   SRTM nodes?
   I'd also recommend to first do an analysis about the impact on OSM
   altogether, i.e. by how much would the planet file grow by importing
   SRTM data like you suggest? If renderers would start to use that
   information, then we'd suddenly have not a single empty tile
   anymore, every land tile on the planet would have information on it
   (right?), how would taht impact storage requirements for tile servers
   etc.? - Not saying that any of these could be a show-stopper, it's
   just that such an analysis should be part of the plan.
  Actually the vertical inflection points (bottom, change, or top of
  vertical curve) along a way are very useful points to have even if they
  are along a tangent section.   The inflection points are used for sight
  distance, drainage issues, calculation of grade or steepness,
  calculation of traveled distance, etc.  Each node and inflection point
  should have the lat, long, and elevation.  A straight line but up and
  down way will have a greater travel distance than a flat way.  As a
  civil engineer, I've always thought 2-D points are lacking and should
  always be 3-D points.   Is it more storage, processing/retrieval cost ?
  Sure, but it's important data.
 I agree with Frederik that the SRTM nodes might not be a good idea,
 because they should then be immutable.

 I tend to agree with Miles here on the need to have 3-D in stead of
 2-D nodes. My current understanding of nodes is that they represent
 *where* something is, not *what* it is. In that case I would argue
 that the altitude is part of 'where' and whether it is a forest is
 part of *what*. In that case altitude should be part of the node and
 forest should be a tag. I am also thinking about cities here; you can
 have two subways, a road and a bridge at one lat  lon position. If
 altitude is not a seperate layer of information, but part of the nodes
 that make up these subways and roads, there is no problem here.

 I also agree with Frederik about analyzing the potential impact of
 different approaches. So I will include such an analysis in the
 proposal and somewhere during the project we will have this discussion
 again with some numbers and examples so support it.


 Also as a civil engineer I can see some merit in having elevation data for
 physical objects in the database. However, we don't really have a good way
 of collecting data that is remotely accurate to the level at which it would
 be significantly useful. Non survey grade GPS just doesn't cut muster for
 height data so we should never rely upon that. Even the Ordnance Survey
 doesn't currently record height data from survey grade GPS.
 With respect to SRTM data I think this could be used to attach height data
 to existing elements in the database. Again it has limited accuracy. But
 perhaps at some point in the future further surveys with better accuracy
 will be made available. I don't however see that it can be used on nodes
 forming part of a way, simply because anyone can move these nodes along the
 way without realising the impact and adding in user tools to deal with this
 will just make editing too complicated. However I could see the possibility
 that slope information could be added to a way, or a relation to help define
 the vertical profile of the way. The issue here though is that when a way is
 split its profile characteristics change.

what is the accuracy on regular GPS elevation ?  +- ?  Here in mountain 
territory we deal with a lot of roads and trails that may change 100's 
of feet (or meters), thus even a low accuracy of +- 5-10 ft would still 
be a help.  And likewise to show off big things like the Chunnel or the 
high bridge in France

If accuracy is worse, well I guess you have a good point.  Otherwise, we 
could use

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread Lambertus
Robert Vollmert wrote:
 Not sure how common they are, but there's some GPS units with built-in  
 barometer (Garmin Etrex Vista HCX at least). The data they provide  
 should be good enough to be useful.
Those sensors need calibration against a known point and can give a huge 
offset when uncalibrated. I have such a GPS (GPSmap 60CSx) and never 
calibrate it as will most others presumably. As a cyclist all I'm 
interested in is the relative altitude differences not the precise 
actual altitude as opposed to, say, skydivers. Measuring relative 
altitudes is quite accurate (+/- few meters) though. The data is useless 
when you want to use it as a primary source, but it should be alright if 
you want to use it to determine offsets when compared with a known 
point. This requires you to process the GPX nodes trace-by-trace so you 
can determine the offset from which the trace started.

I appose to using altitude data on nodes. E.g. one would not be able to 
move a node when that data is added without having to correct/remove the 
  height data as well. Also adding altitude data invites to add 
-otherwise useless- nodes everywhere. I prefer to have altitude data 
kept apart from OSM database. Perhaps our own SRTM database 
corrected/enhanced using our traces.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread MilesTogoe
Lambertus wrote:
 Robert Vollmert wrote:
 Not sure how common they are, but there's some GPS units with built-in  
 barometer (Garmin Etrex Vista HCX at least). The data they provide  
 should be good enough to be useful.

 Those sensors need calibration against a known point and can give a huge 
 offset when uncalibrated. I have such a GPS (GPSmap 60CSx) and never 
 calibrate it as will most others presumably. As a cyclist all I'm 
 interested in is the relative altitude differences not the precise 
 actual altitude as opposed to, say, skydivers. Measuring relative 
 altitudes is quite accurate (+/- few meters) though. The data is useless 
 when you want to use it as a primary source, but it should be alright if 
 you want to use it to determine offsets when compared with a known 
 point. This requires you to process the GPX nodes trace-by-trace so you 
 can determine the offset from which the trace started.

 I appose to using altitude data on nodes. E.g. one would not be able to 
 move a node when that data is added without having to correct/remove the 
   height data as well. Also adding altitude data invites to add 
 -otherwise useless- nodes everywhere. I prefer to have altitude data 
 kept apart from OSM database. Perhaps our own SRTM database 
 corrected/enhanced using our traces.
maybe one idea for opposing viewpoints would be to have a separate table 
of node elevations ie node_id, elevation   I'm thinking in Rails code 
that anyone wanting to use elevation could do a has_one, belongs_to 
kind of simple relationship .

 dev mailing list


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread Andy Robinson (blackadder)
From: MilesTogoe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sent: 31 March 2008 3:40 PM
To: Andy Robinson (blackadder)
Cc: 'Sjors Provoost';; 'Karl Newman'
Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data  (cycle) route profiles
what is the accuracy on regular GPS elevation ?  +- ?  Here in mountain
territory we deal with a lot of roads and trails that may change 100's
of feet (or meters), thus even a low accuracy of +- 5-10 ft would still
be a help.  And likewise to show off big things like the Chunnel or the
high bridge in France

For regular GPS receiver picking up just a handful of satellites the
accuracy from GPS alone isn't much better than +/- 50m (or worse) and it
doesn't get much more accurate when you have the maximum set in view. Don't
ever expect GPS alone to deliver good vertical height data. Horizontal
position can be established much more accurately. This is why some upper
market GPS's have barometric pressure support, but as another has pointed
out these need calibrating each time you go out to be reasonably accurate.

Survey GPS systems work a better but still struggle to get reasonable
accuracy in anything other than open space with a clear view to the maximum
set of satellites.



If accuracy is worse, well I guess you have a good point.  Otherwise, we
could use it with a notice about the accuracy levels.   At least it's a
start and accuracy can always be improved by manual editing.

I really see the value more in the near future when our tools are more
3-D but we are seeing the beginnings with Google Earth (and some SoC
projects are adding some 3-D to Inkscape.   I would think(hope) GPS
elevation instruments might get more accurate as well.   Re: grades
along ways, it's a good idea from the data perspective, but it may not
be too practical for people to measure in the field as they are hiking
or riding and their GPS is just collecting data.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread Karl Newman
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Andy Robinson (blackadder) 

 From: MilesTogoe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sent: 31 March 2008 3:40 PM
 To: Andy Robinson (blackadder)
 Cc: 'Sjors Provoost';; 'Karl Newman'
 Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data  (cycle) route profiles
 what is the accuracy on regular GPS elevation ?  +- ?  Here in mountain
 territory we deal with a lot of roads and trails that may change 100's
 of feet (or meters), thus even a low accuracy of +- 5-10 ft would still
 be a help.  And likewise to show off big things like the Chunnel or the
 high bridge in France

 For regular GPS receiver picking up just a handful of satellites the
 accuracy from GPS alone isn't much better than +/- 50m (or worse) and it
 doesn't get much more accurate when you have the maximum set in view.
 ever expect GPS alone to deliver good vertical height data. Horizontal
 position can be established much more accurately. This is why some upper
 market GPS's have barometric pressure support, but as another has pointed
 out these need calibrating each time you go out to be reasonably accurate.



GPS vertical accuracy is much worse than horizontal accuracy because you
can't receive signals from the satellites in the best location to correct
your elevation (they're behind the earth from you). Andy is correct that for
the best accuracy, the GPS models with barometric altimeters included need
calibrating to a known pressure or elevation when you go out. However, the
Garmin models do okay because they slowly auto-calibrate to the GPS
elevation. Not perfect, but better than nothing.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-28 Thread Andy Allan
2008/3/27 Sjors Provoost [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 My core objectives / deliverables are:
  import SRTM data as nodes (points) in OSM, for Australia
 estimate the altitude of each node in Australia from the SRTM nodes
 display (on the fly) an altitude profile given a route (a sequence of nodes)
 estimate the altitude of each node in Australia from nearby GPS traces
  analyze the difference between both methods

 It would be great if I can get some feedback on my proposal before the
 deadline, so I can improve upon it.

Hi Sjors,

Firstly, good luck with your proposal, it sounds quite interesting to me.

If I can make a suggestion it would be to think of the heights along
each way, instead of just at nodes. If you look at the cycle map at you can see SRTM contours with OSM
data overlaid. It's quite possible for a way to be straight yet cross
a valley or a peak, and if you only look at the nodes at each end of a
section you would miss this data. This is especially apparent for long
straight features like motorways or roads in the USA where the gap
between nodes can be many hundreds of metres or even kilometers, and
the same may apply to Australia too. So instead of importing the
heights as points and estimating the height of each node, I would
suggest a different approach:

* Import the SRTM data into a spatial database (i.e. postgis) as
polylines (contours)
* Calculate the points along the OSM way where the way intersects a contour
* Use these points as the height data for the way


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-28 Thread Karl Newman
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Andy Allan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2008/3/27 Sjors Provoost [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  My core objectives / deliverables are:
   import SRTM data as nodes (points) in OSM, for Australia
  estimate the altitude of each node in Australia from the SRTM nodes
  display (on the fly) an altitude profile given a route (a sequence of
  estimate the altitude of each node in Australia from nearby GPS traces
   analyze the difference between both methods

  It would be great if I can get some feedback on my proposal before the
  deadline, so I can improve upon it.

 Hi Sjors,

 Firstly, good luck with your proposal, it sounds quite interesting to me.

 If I can make a suggestion it would be to think of the heights along
 each way, instead of just at nodes. If you look at the cycle map at you can see SRTM contours with OSM
 data overlaid. It's quite possible for a way to be straight yet cross
 a valley or a peak, and if you only look at the nodes at each end of a
 section you would miss this data. This is especially apparent for long
 straight features like motorways or roads in the USA where the gap
 between nodes can be many hundreds of metres or even kilometers, and
 the same may apply to Australia too. So instead of importing the
 heights as points and estimating the height of each node, I would
 suggest a different approach:

 * Import the SRTM data into a spatial database (i.e. postgis) as
 polylines (contours)
 * Calculate the points along the OSM way where the way intersects a
 * Use these points as the height data for the way


Why not: Use that spatial database (or the raw SRTM grid) to interpolate the
elevation of existing way nodes and then add ele tags to those nodes
instead of creating new nodes only at the grid points (and with no other

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-27 Thread Sjors Provoost
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:20 PM, Sjors Provoost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 I would to participatie in the Google Summer of Code and contribute to
 OpenStreetMap. There are several projects on the wiki that I consider
 interesting, but I'll start with asking some questions about the Cycle Route

Well, I have decided to focus only on this project. I have read some more
material and I have submitted a proposal.

I will give a very short summary here, but please let me know if you want me
to send the longer version over this list.

I would like to create an altitude profile in two different ways.

The first is based on the freely available NASA SRTM altitude data. Its
horizontal resolution outside the United States is about 100 meters.

The second one is based on the GPS tracking data. Altitude data from these
devices is known to be quite inaccurate, but if more data is combined it may
still yield a useful result.

My core objectives / deliverables are:
import SRTM data as nodes (points) in OSM, for Australia
estimate the altitude of each node in Australia from the SRTM nodes
display (on the fly) an altitude profile given a route (a sequence of nodes)
estimate the altitude of each node in Australia from nearby GPS traces
analyze the difference between both methods

Secondary goals, if time permits:
apply to the whole planet
calculate a measure of uncertainty for the altitude of each node
find a way to combine the estimates based on GPS and SRTM

I am certainly not a professional programmer, but I do have experience with
a geographical database with data contributed from different (human)
sources. For my graduation research I created The Ducks On Rails, which
visualizes duck migration data:

It would be great if I can get some feedback on my proposal before the
deadline, so I can improve upon it.

Kind regards,

dev mailing list