2020-02-20 00:06:34 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: per invoker, there is a config setting for max memory https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582157194098800?thread_ts=1582155347.097500&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 00:06:49 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: ```val poolConfig: ContainerPoolConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[ContainerPoolConfig](ConfigKeys.containerPool)``` it’s loaded at invoker startup time ^ https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582157209099000?thread_ts=1582155347.097500&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 00:07:09 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: ```case class ContainerPoolConfig(userMemory: ByteSize, concurrentPeekFactor: Double, akkaClient: Boolean) {``` the param is `user-memory` https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582157229099200?thread_ts=1582155347.097500&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 00:07:45 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: this is a max, so to have an exact value requires changing this configuration, possibly to accept a list of allowed sizes in lieu of a max https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582157265099400?thread_ts=1582155347.097500&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 00:09:37 UTC - Kostis Kaffes: Thanks a lot! https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582157377099600?thread_ts=1582155347.097500&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 02:02:00 UTC - Dominic Kim: Anyone, please upload the record of the community call yesterday :pray: https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582164120100500?thread_ts=1582164120.100500&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 05:28:32 UTC - Anuradha Natarajan: Thanks! after overriding the action timeout using wsk update, it worked https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582176512100900?thread_ts=1582105981.086300&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 05:42:46 UTC - Pranay: Thanks https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582177366101100?thread_ts=1582007444.062700&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 05:47:58 UTC - Anuradha Natarajan: Is there a way to review the output of an action getting executed by the invoker at runtime? will 'docker logs <action invoker> --follow' help? in understanding what is happening at runtime https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582177678103000?thread_ts=1582177678.103000&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 07:07:30 UTC - Nikhil Achaya: you can try `wsk activation poll` https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582182450103100?thread_ts=1582177678.103000&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 09:46:07 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: you want to see the logs while the action is running? You can try docker logs if you have access to the node where the action is running.
wsk activation poll will show you the logs when the action has finished. The logs aren’t currently streamed. https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582191967105100?thread_ts=1582177678.103000&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ---- 2020-02-20 14:18:20 UTC - Justin Halsall: We couldn't record it unfortunately @Dominic Kim, we will share the slides sometime soon I believe. Sorry about that! https://openwhisk-team.slack.com/archives/C3TPCAQG1/p1582208300105300?thread_ts=1582164120.100500&cid=C3TPCAQG1 ----