Apache Pinot Daily Email Digest (2021-08-11)

2021-08-11 Thread Pinot Slack Email Digest
#general@ananth.durai: @ananth.durai has joined the channel@tahirozdemir34: @tahirozdemir34 has joined the channel@tugce.dinc: @tugce.dinc has joined the channel@ilker.mutluer: @ilker.mutluer has joined the channel@abdullah.velioglu: @abdullah.velioglu has joined the channel@ahmet.lekesiz: @ahmet.lekesiz has joined the channel@tugce.dinc12: @tugce.dinc12 has joined the channel@hatice.ozdemir: @hatice.ozdemir has joined the channel@g.kishore: Hello Everyone,

Thank you for being a part of Pinot community and congratulations on the graduation! Last year, we started with 100 members and today we are a 1600+ vibrant community. 

There are awesome things happening beyond the slack channel and we didn't have a way to communicate important things to everyone in the community. We've created an Apache Pinot newsletter with Pinot releases and events ONLY! We recently added a check box to receive news when you join our slack and many of you have opted in already!

However, we only added the opt-in recently, so members who joined earlier did not have the opportunity to sign up. We will be sending an email to everyone in the slack channel with the opportunity to opt in, or you can register . If you don't, you won't receive any Apache Pinot newsletters in the future. 

Congratulations again on the graduation, we can't wait to continue to grow our community!  @aashanand: Congrats to the pinot team!@anshuman.bhowmik: Getting this while starting pinot/third eye for the first time
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Database may be already in use: null. Possible solutions: close all other connection(s); use the server mode
Anyone knows how to close the connections?  @mayanks: @pyne.suvodeep ^^ Also @anshuman.bhowmik there's a separate TE slack community  @pyne.suvodeep: Hi @anshuman.bhowmik . Can you try with MySql 5.7? It’s probably more stable than the h2 setup@bowenwan: Hi. I have question regarding using DISTINCTCOUNTHLL
1. What's the deviation rate for this aggregation since it says "approximate distinct count" ? It seems on smaller data size, I don't see any difference from DISTINCTCOUNT
2. What should be the use case of it ?
3. If I want to use star-tree index, it seems DISTINCTCOUNTHLL is the closest thing to DISTINCTCOUNT. What could be issue from using DISTINCTCOUNTHLL with star-tree index ? Because I do care if the result is accurate or not  @mayanks: 1. You can find error rates for HLL .
2. Use case is when you want faster latency for count distinct queries and are ok with aproximations.
3. StarTree or standalone, HLL is approximation algorithm. You want to study if the error margin is within your tolerance. Also, the error margin depends on the storage used, so you can play with that.@zsolt: What is the recommended way to migrate a pinot cluster to a different s3 bucket?  @mayanks: Is this for an offline or realtime table? Also, do you have to do this without downtime?@roberto: hi!! I have a question about querying the database, We are working with time series and we want to define different kind of time windows in our queries. Are windowing options implemented out of the box or do we need to implement them by ourselves?  @mayanks: Hi @roberto are you referring to `window` functions in general? If so, Pinot doesn't have that yet today. But if are talking about rollups on different time granularities that can be done. Could you give an example query of what you are looking for?#random@ananth.durai: @ananth.durai has joined the channel@tahirozdemir34: @tahirozdemir34 has joined the channel@tugce.dinc: @tugce.dinc has joined the channel@ilker.mutluer: @ilker.mutluer has joined the channel@abdullah.velioglu: @abdullah.velioglu has joined the channel@ahmet.lekesiz: @ahmet.lekesiz has joined the channel@tugce.dinc12: @tugce.dinc12 has joined the channel@hatice.ozdemir: @hatice.ozdemir has joined the channel#troubleshooting@surajkmth29: Hi Team,
I got to know that Pinot provides support for encryption of data stored in deepstore. A crypter needs to be provided for this.
But I am not able to figure out where to provide the crypter details , can anyone help ?@bajpai.arpita746462: Hi team, I have been able to deploy apache pinot with latest master from git , I am able to run the default cluster with command
but when I am trying to run my own cluster, I am able to start the zookeeper , but am getting error while running below service manager command:
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartServiceManager  -zkAddress localhost:2181 -clusterName pinot-quickstart  -port -1  -bootstrapConfigPaths  ${PINOT_DIR}/config/pinot-controller.conf  ${PINOT_DIR}/config/pinot-broker.conf ${PINOT_DIR}/config/pinot-server.conf
The error is:
Error: option "-clusterName" cannot be used with the option(s) [-bootstrapConfigPaths, -bootstrapServices]
Although I have been able to run my own cluster previously, but it is showing error with latest master. any idea regarding the same?  @xiangfu0: since you provide a broker conf, you don’t need 

[VOTE] Apache Pinot 0.8.0 RC0

2021-08-11 Thread Seunghyun Lee
Hi Pinot Community,

This is a call for a vote to release Apache Pinot 0.8.0.

The release candidate:

Git tag for this release:

Git hash for this release:

The artifacts have been signed with key: 7199AF89, which can be found in
the following KEYS file.

Release notes:

Staging repository:

Documentation on verifying a release candidate:

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until a necessary number of
votes is reached.

Please vote accordingly,

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

Apache Pinot team